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What Did You Dream of Last Night?

Black Rose

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I can't remember the entire dream... but my hair was different (dark brown) and I remember being walking with someone (can't remember who), it was near a park or a green area... and the feeling was nice ^_^

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i dreamt about cards, and a man in a beard..kinda 'ruff'-looking fella'. umm yeah that all i can remember.

(It was not a sex Dream -_______- )


^ Unfortunately was not a sex dream you mean? =P

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My Dream was not what i wanted -_-

I dreamt about child poo at a day care center... no joke.


Tonight however, i hope for a more ,sensual Dream, more yaoi-themed i hope.

I'll let you know. X]


Good night onion13

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I dreamt about seeing some of my old friends and walking in a park with them, they start asking me random questions and I only remember some of them like, do I have a crush on someone and what is my sexuality

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U slept 2 h =___= I am mega dead

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*is at work*

I had horrible nightmares about old 1400-1600 art. Evertone was stiff, lots of devils ans and white cow (it did not come to my rescue) weird people looking at me and dark landscapes, a swan, very small people drawn in wrong perspective and lots of "symbols"...

=__= I'm so dead.

This is the punishment cuz I was watching art documentaries yesterday.


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Ohh no my poor dear

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so you really ended up having bad dreams :(


I will help you have a more sensual dream and less nightmares for today :3


So brainwash number 1:





Brainwash number 2:


so you can always draw the perfect juicy, peachy booty whenever these scary paintings pop up in your mind ;)

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And brainwash number 3:



isn't it cute?!*kyaaa*

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I hope my therapy shows some effects ;) sweet dreams my friend foxy2

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. The LAST ONE !!!! HAHAHAHA i opens them at work and laughed so hard.


I hope too my next dream will about butts XD. Oh lord *wipes off tears from laughing*

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Well, I dreamed about namjoon stripping while singing until he stood there naked.

he took my hand and brought me on the stage forcing me to strip too until I was naked.

then I sang with him a lullaby and the last thing I can remember is

my bf sticking me a microphone in the ass and

out of it came jimjims voice singing Seredipity.


I am off killing myself then xD wtf was that lol

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Last night I had one where I was visiting my old school...only to find out that Raúl Esparza was now the owner and principal. And then I hugged him for a long time cause I was just so proud of him.

...but then it sort of changed to where he and I were having an affair (I guess I worked for him or something, idk) and doing a horrible job of hiding it from the students.

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I dreamed about.........

Riding this strange creature with a sword. And I'm fighting this dragon. lol. And the dragon went down. And I won the battle. As well said "My mind is now rested."

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Okay. For real: I was in a store. Talking to this guy who was in front of me (It was about something about a bus..). Then I walked off and bend down and saw a kid. And I guess I kissed him on the cheek. Then he points out something on the floor. Which happened to be wrapping paper after we got closer. In before, we thought it was something else. Because it was purple and shiny. At the same time, I get a random text from a stranger, who happen to be a girl all the time. Yup, I guess she cat fish me. Both of us walked out of the store. The girl continues to walk. Walks past a couple (an older guy looks at the girl). I walk to the older couple and apologize. Then I see a guy with long curly hair. And he happens to hold my straighter. Because he thought it was hers. But it was mine. So I toke it. [skips this part] We walk back to the plaza but this time it was a different store. Walk past the the register. And into this room, where one of his friends was there. His friend was also with his girlfriend. o.o They were looking at stuff (keychains, stickers, etc) His friend decides to hug me while saying nice things to me (I think there is something wrong with him, lol). Then they were talking about bugs. After that, the dream end there.

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damn, my dream was hella creepy


In my dream I watched myself out of the window how I sleep and suddenly a person came into my room who

saw ''me'', the person in the window- The person turned into a strange/scary monster, screamed at me and strangled me.

The real me who slept all the time woke up, hugged it from behind and kissed it.


at that moment I woke up and for a moment I really had the feeling someone stands behind my window.

my apartment is on the 5 floor .-.


So basically I stalked myself while I slept and got from a monster killed for it. xD

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I was in a cafeteria, walking up to a table and there was a girl who holding her phone. Started to talk to me abit, like she was leaving. Then a guy comes to me (the one I know rl) and sits next to me. So the girl stays at the table with us (I guess she thought I was taking her table).


So we both (Me and this guy, who sat next to me) got up from the table and walk to our next class room(We both had the same class I guess?). And we end up walking upstairs (which was weird since I guess it had 3 floors or more). Which to me, didn't look like it was painted or anything. It was like a "secret floor or something?" And I was walking in the class room (and I see a teacher). The classroom is normal. The chairs and tables were like a circle. So..I sat down and the same guy who was walking with me, sat down next to me. Which was the end of the dream.

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