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The Dragon Assassin's Escaping Adventure (with DarkFate)


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Ren looked at Aurora and raised his hand in hello. When she went to sit on his shoulder he rolled his eyes at the faerie. "Thanks Aurora for doing this you and Dezzie both." He said a last then looked at Raven as she cawed once more and flew down to Fyrra. His expression grew worried when he heard her cough and moved over to her picking her up and letting her head rest on his shoulder trying to keep her warm. "Dezzie a fire would be nice." He murmured to his friend smiling kindly.


Dezerey nodded and smiled warmly as Aurora flew off Ren's shoulder bringing small twigs for kindling. Once there was enough Dezerey put a finger surrounded in her blue flaming aura and an ember began. She would then nuture the ember til it was a flame burning hot enough to keep them warm.

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Fyrra lay in Ren's arms, feeling warmer. She was dreaming of the future. She spoke out what she saw, “Storm...Cave...stars...meteor shower...meteor crashing...near cave. Magic rock…” She drifted into a whisper then stopped talking all together.


When Ren picked up Fyrra, Raven flew up to a tree. She cawed and flew around a bit. She went off into the woods, but not far enough to be out of sight of Fyrra. Raven was hiding something, something she didn’t want the others to know, not yet at least.

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Ren watched her sleep and looked at the flame. His gaze wandered down to Fyrra as she began to speak in her sleep. When she stopped he chuckled lightly. "We will keep a lookout for that Fyrra." He murmured and stayed by her before watching Raven fly off. His expression became puzzled before he tried to find Aurora. She was sitting on Fyrra's leg looking at the flame before up at the sky she was still faerie size and watching the sky entranced. His gaze would then look for Dezerey who was watching the flame intently he realized she was tuning out their thoughts letting them all have their privacy.


Dezerey continued to stare at the flame tuning out the thoughts of her friends and then looked up at the sky as well. Tentatively she put her hand in the flame and watched it avoid her hand and she stared at it. Her thoughts went to the fourteen year old boy she had met to the one standing before her. A smile graced her features at how much her friend had matured and was glad he was willing to protect someone so gentle like Fyrra. Her gaze went to Raven and wondered what the bird had planned but would respect her privacy as well.

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It got darker, now night. The sky grew cloudy. It started to rain. Raven flew back to Fyrra. She cawed at the coming storm. The rain picked up and was now down pouring. Thunder was heard and lightning could be seen.


Fyrra shivered at the rain hitting her skin. Her violet hair getting dirty and soaked, from the rain. She continued to shiver.

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Ren picked Fyrra up and looked at Dezerey first then Aurora. "Lets find her some place dryer to sleep." He said keeping his tone neutral as well as his expression. Ren didn't want anything to happen to Fyrra or for her to get sick. His vibrant blood red orbs wandered the area and began to follow Aurora who had returned to human size and began to lead them to a cave. He looked behind him to see if Dezerey was following them or if Raven was on her shoulder.


Aurora would have lead them to a far off cave hidden behind a few rather sturdy thick trunks. It had a makeshift bed and some other makeshift furniture. It was obvious someone had been staying here. Her bubble gum pink eyes wandered over Ren as he held Fyrra close and she allowed her gaze to go skyward watching the stars.


Dezerey would follow after her friends and looked around the cave she had made her temporary home. She had wanted to be somewhere she could have peace where less thoughts were flowing around her. "It should be dryer here Ren. When she wakes we will have to decide if we are going to the fortress or do you want to go hide out at the old ruins." She murmured leaving the decision to him and Fyrra.

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Raven flew down and landed on Dezerey's shoulder. She didn't like the ran, it made her wings heavy. She cawed as they reached the cave. Once they were inside, she decided it was time for them to know the truth of what she was. She flew to the floor, and cawed to get their attention. Then a black smoke appeared around her. She transformed into a part human, she have black silky wings, her eyes a fluorescent black. She was in a long black dress that went down to her knees. "Hello friends." She smiled.


She looked up at Ren. "Hello Ren, Dezerey, and Aurora. I know you will be upset with me, for my deception." She got up and walked to Fyrra. She softly stroked her face. She looked to them and smiled. She hoped they wouldn't attack, but would understand if they did. 'I did this for her...' she thought to herself. Now in her human form, she put a strong mental block in her mind.

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Ren looked at the woman who was Raven and pursed his lips together and smiled softly at her. He studied her form and then looked down at Fyrra on the bed. "Hello Raven." He said tentatively and looked at Aurora and Dezerey who were looking at Raven just as curiously. Ren wasn't mad at her for keeping this a secret he would have loved to keep his half dragon nature secret but it really couldn't be. His thoughts were on how long Raven had been like this.


Aurora smiled at Raven still the same kind faerie as before she was always one to be kind and tried not to hurt anything unless it was absolutely required. Her bubble gum pink eyes glowed in the dark of the cave she was at especially the pale icy pink wings that would then vanish the moment she thought about them.


Dezerey's expression was enigmatic. She was familiar with the block she felt on Raven's mind and did nothing o mess with it. Her thoughts trailed to her brother and hoped he was alright. Her deep midnight blue orbs wandered over Raven once more and she smiled a her. "Hello Raven."

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"I know you must be curious. Since I have nothing left to hide I will tell you. I am Fyrra's guardian. When she was young her mother assigned me to protect her. But when the queen was killed, things only got worse. When her father sold her away, I tried to protect her. But I failed, I had lost her and couldn't feel her presence. And I was locked away." She paused to let the new info sink in. Then she continued, " Then I felt her presence after years. So I broke out of my prison. In the process breaking my wing. That's when you and Fyrra found me. I was so happy to fins out she was alive." She looked at Fyrra.


Fyrra stirred in her sleep. She was still shivering cause her cloths were wet. She sneezed and her nose was cold.

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Ren looked at Raven as she spoke and he nodded knowing her gaze was probably on Fyrra and he felt his gaze slide to her. Noting her shivering he bit his lower lip lightly unsure of what to do. He looked at all three women helplessly. "Do I need to step out so you can get her some fresh clothes..." He began unsure his vibrant blood red orbs looked down at the cave floor and did not look up till one of them spoke.


Dezerey looked at Raven then at Fyrra when Ren mentioned fresh clean and drier clothes for Fyrra. Her deep midnight blue orbs remained on Raven for a moment longer taking in her expression. "I know the feeling...I had my memory altered when I was a child...I couldn't remember my onii-chan for a long while till I met him again." She would murmur absentmindedly as she tried to guess Fyrra's size and summoned an outfit for her. She looked at Aurora who was staring a the sky from the mouth of the cave.


The faerie would look back at her friends as they all conversed it warmed her heart to see them all caring for Fyrra. Her bubble gum pink gaze returned to the sky and she pursed her lips thinking of what to say. "You probably should step out for a while just till she can change then we will get you when she's changed." Aurora murmured helpfully trying to help Ren hide his starting blush.

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Raven smiled as she noticed his slight blushed, she already knew that Ren and Fyrra both had feelings for each other. She seen how they acted when around one another. Raven spoke up and looked at Dezerey. "If you would like I will change her." She offered.


Fyrra still shivered. She was quiet and sound. She looked so peaceful as she slept. She unconsciously put her hand on Ren's arm. Only tight enough to cling to him.

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Dezerey looked at Raven when she spoke up and smiled. "Be my guest." She told her and handed her the dress. Her gaze wandered the cave before resting on her friend Aurora. The faerie's moods always seemed so enigmatic to her. Dezerey began to reminisce of when first met the faerie before her. Those were happier times...Oka-san, Otou-san I miss you guys. I hope your expectations of Onii-chan weren't to high A faint smile graced her features before she looked at Fyrra and Ren.


Ren was ready to move when he felt her hand on his arm and he frowned slightly but looked at Raven and the other two before back down at Fyrra. A small sigh escaped his lips and he looked down on at Fyrra's hand clinging to his arm. His thoughts went to how he used to be. Before he had met everyone he used to kill without question now that all seemed like a terrible way to live to him. He wouldn't let anyone hurt Fyrra. His blood burned hotter at the thought of the man who beat her and then he calmed himself.


Aurora listened to all of them speaking as she watched what little of the stars were available before turning to look at her friends. Ren seemed torn and she wanted to giggle at Fyrra unconsciously clinging to him. Her gaze went to Dezerey who seemed lost in past memories. It would then turn to Raven who was holding the dress Dezerey and summoned for Fyrra to where.

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Raven smiled as Fyrra lightly grabbed Ren's arm. Raven closed her eyes, then concentrated. She snapped her fingers and the dress she was given by Dezerey was now on Fyrra. And Fyrra's old outfit now in the dresses place, in Raven's hand. Raven snapped her fingers again, then a plate full of rare fruits appeared in her other hand. "Is anyone hungry?" She offered.


Fyrra didn't let go of Ren's arm. "Ren....." She whispered. Just as Fyrra spoke a meteor shower started. The sky filled with a beautiful display of shooting rocks. Raven ran to the entrance of the cave. "Hey guy's you should come here!" she said watching the shower. Then a meteor changed it's course and headed right for Raven. It hit the land with a great crash, just missing Raven.

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Ren looked down at Fyrra when she spoke his name. He tried to mask his expression from his friends. He took one of the fruits on the platter Raven offered and bit into it. Ren would then look up at Raven's explanation of they should come here. He heard the crash but didn't want to leave Fyrra alone. He saw Dezerey and Aurora both breath sighs of relief that Raven was ok. "Don't scare us like that Raven." He murmured softly and looked down at Fyrra again running a hand through her violet hair.


Dezerey took one of the fruits as well and followed after Raven. Her deep midnight blue gaze was on the shower before she noticed one of the meteors went straight for Raven. She breath a sigh of relief and heard it echoed and looked at Aurora who was by her side watching Raven with her bubble gum pink orbs. Dezerey knew that expression the faerie was scared and wouldn't admit it. "Aurora its all right." She told her friend soothingly before looking at the rock that barely missed Raven.


Aurora would nod to Dezerey's reassurance and she to looked at the rock that fell and her expression was now one of curiosity. "How curious....why did it change course like that." She began but cut off her bubble gum pink gaze on the rock became more intense as if she was wondering what it all meant. A sigh and she murmured to herself. "The stars will tell me nothing about it..." Her gaze wandered to Ren and Fyrra and she offered a smile at them.

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Raven fell back at the impact, but got up right away. She walked over to the meteor. She looked at it and got closer. She went up to it and touched it. It felt warm, but not to warm. It didn't look like a rock, it was a black crystal like rock, with violet light sparkling in it.


Fyrra started to wake up. Her eyes opened, and she smiled seeing Ren. "Ren your OK." She said a little groggy. She hugged him, but not to hard she was still very sore. "Where are we? Is my uncle here?" She asked.She looked at him curiously.


Raven held the meteor in her hand. She walked over to Dezerey and Aurora. She looked at them then to the rock. "Maybe we should bring this inside and show Ren? Maybe Fyrra said something in her sleep about it." Raven said gesturing to the inside.

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Aurora watched Raven investigate the meteor and her bubble gum pink eyes closed in thought and what Raven said about asking if Fyrra talked about it in her sleep. Her gaze was on the strange rock like crystal and pondered what it was. She pursed her lips as Raven brought it closer to Dezerey and herself. Her thoughts went to the legend of old but deemed the strange meteor not part of the gem of myth that shattered. Her bubble gum pink eyes went to Dezerey before resting on Raven and smiled when she gestured to inside the cave. She would wait for Dezerey and Raven to head in first before she did.


Dezerey kept her smile soothing for Aurora and looked at Raven then the meteor and her thoughts went to another shard but knew that it wasn't the one she thought. When Raven gestured to inside the cave to ask if Fyrra spoke about this she proceeded to head to where Ren and Fyrra were at but at a slow pace.


Ren looked down at Fyrra and smiled warmly at her. He hugged her gently and spoke softly. "I'm fine. Your uncle is safe back at the castle we are in my friend Aurora's home. Her forest is far from ShadowDalee but we can keep in touch with your uncle no problems and we can go see him when we deem the possibility of being caught is low. He wanted me to give you something." Ren said before producing the box out of his back pocket and handing it to her when she was steady.

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Raven entered the cave, she seen Fyrra awake. She rushed over and carefully hugged her. "Oh my girl your awake. I can't tell you how happy I am." Raven said. Fyrra looked confused. "Who are you?" She asked. "I am Raven, the Raven you helped. I was assigned to protect you by your mother long ago. I am sorry I failed you." She said putting her head down. "I forgive you." She smiled.


Raven backed up a little. She remembered the meteor. "Oh Fyrra I wanted to ask you about this." She said holding the meteor in her hand. Fyrra looked at it and her eyes lit up. "That's mine!" She said looking at it with great tension. "What?" Raven asked, shocked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

(Sorry for such the delay in my reply been super busy. Gomen)


Ren looked up as Raven and the others entered the cave. His gaze was on all of them before the meteor in Raven's hand caught his eye. He would then look at Fyrra who was staring at it and said it was her's. His lips pursed as he waited for more information about this he would then look at his friends who shrugged. When Aurora cleared throat to speak he waited patiently for what she was going to say.


Aurora looked at Fyrra and smiled at her kindly before looking at Raven who was shocked at what Fyrra said. She was surprised as well but felt that it was best to keep things calm. "She dreamed about it while you all were in ShadowDalee. As to what it is Fyrra would have to enlighten us more about this magic rock.

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Raven was still surprised, she did not understand what Fyrra had meant. She looked at Fyrra with loving eyes, and stroked her head. She said, "Fyrra would you please tell us." She asked Fyrra. Fyrra looked up and smiled.


Fyrra smiled and spoke, "Well this stone is apart of me. When I was young, my mother told me that when a phoenix is born a part of them drifts into the universe. That it will only return to them in a time of need or, it feels needed." Se stopped for a moment to let the new information sink in. Then she continued, "So this is part of me, it is the part of me that drifted away. So now I am complete." She smiled, as Raven handed Fyrra the meteor. When Fyrra touched it, it turned into a ring, in looked the same colors, but now more shiny and elegant. She slipped the ring onto her right ring finger. She looked up at everyone. "So what did I miss?" She asked a smile on her face.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ren listened to Fyrra speaking and chuckled lightly when she asked what she missed. His lips pursed and he looked at Aurora, Dezerey, and Raven in stride. "Not much...We are just planning the best possible way to keep you safe till we an get around that collar." Ren said keeping his tone cool and himself calm. "Do you want that gift from your uncle?" He asked her his vibrant blood red orbs peered down and her and he smiled kindly. He heard Dezerey chuckle lightly and then looked at her with an eyebrow partially raised.


At Ren's look she shrugged and looked away from them waiting to see if Fyrra would want her gift and she began to plan their best course of action in keeping Fyrra alive to take over and some way to remove that enchanted collar. She began to hum softly to herself and blue flame blossomed around her figure dancing along it as she hummed before it vanished.

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Fyrra looked at Ren and smiled. "Alright. " She said the Ren. She missed her uncle, she had hoped that she could spend more time with him. She looked up curious, " What happened to my father?" She asked.


Raven looked away. "I'm going outside for a bit I need some air." She said walking outside and to a tree. She climbed the tree and sat on a branch. She lost herself in thought, she revised all the events of her life and what has recently happened.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ren pulled out a small box tied with a lace and held it out to Fyrra. "Go ahead and open it." He said smiling softly and tried not to show any emotion that might betray what had happen but as he looked at her curious expression and he bit his lip. He didn't want to lie to her but he didn't want her to think bad of Dezerey for dirtying her hands with blood for him so he would for Fyrra. He sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Fyrra." He began before he paused choosing his words carefully. He noted Dezerey and Aurora had also left to give them some privacy.


Both women got up after Raven stepped outside and Dezerey flamed them to a nearby lake and looked up at the stars sighing softly and looked at Aurora. "Lets see what will happen its for the best." She spoke sighing softly and wished Ren the best of luck in what he told Fyrra.

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Fyrra took the small box from Ren. She slowly opened it. Her face lite up as she gazed at the necklace. "This is beautiful. " she said smiling. She smiled at Ren ran his hand threw her hair. She enjoyed his warm touch. She looked at him, "You can tell me anything. I don't judge, it is an unfair action. I'm sure what was done, there was a good reason. " she said Her smile less bright. She turned her back to him and moved her hair. She held up the necklace," Can you help me?"


Raven sat in the tree staring at the sky. She could feel the breeze on her skin. She knew Fyrra's feelings for Ren. She hoped Fyrra would be happy. That and her being safe was all Raven wanted. She leaned her head against the bark, she closed her eyes slowly. "Fyrra I want you to be happy." She whispered.

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Ren continued smiling softly and looked at her curiously at her choice of words. "You are right what was done was for very good reason." He said and looked at the necklace and took the necklace gently and placed it around her neck and fastened it. He looked at her once it was fastened he chose his next words. "Your father did something awful to you..." He began pursing his lips together waiting to see if he should continue or not. He realized he loved her and didn't want to hurt her by constantly staining his hands in blood for her or have her change who she was. He loved her for who she was the sweet and gentle person he met.

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Fyrra turned around and smiled. "My father is dead, isn't he?" She asked saddened. Then she looked him in his eyes, "I have already forgiven him for what he did. I have made my peace with it. I know what he did was wrong, but I did love him." She smiled with brightness. "I don't want anyone else to die because of me. If it's the only way I will go back to him, to keep you safe. I...I have feelings for you, feelings I have never felt before. And I want to protect you." She said starting to cry. She hugged him tightly, gripping his shirt as she cried.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He listened to her speak and stared into her violet orbs that he loved. Ren tried not to show how remorse for having her father killed. At her next words and low growl slid out of his human throat with ease at her words before her tears stopped him in his tracks as well as the last part of her sentence. "Fyrra..." He began speaking softly before he tilted her head up gently to look into her eyes. He sighed softly choosing his actions carefully as well as his words. "You going back to him would make it worse...I don't give back what I claim is mine.." Once he was finish speaking he would press their lips together to stop any protests she might want to make about his words.

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