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Neko Private Roleplay {Ciel and Koe-chan} (18+)


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  • {。^◕‿◕^。}Ciel


Five days after the incident that left Tai haft blind, Katsumi's father in jail, and his mother sorting out legal papers, it was the day that Taidanamaru got to learn what will happen of his eye.

Though he didn't seem too thrilled. He had that lazy, apathetic half-frown that was always plastered to his face, and his eye didn't really seem to flicker that much compared to when he was happy. With a delayed huff, he quietly made his way into the room, where the doctor had brought him. A dark chestnut eye met the icy blue eyes of the doctor, as if they were having a stare-off. Through a minute's worth of silence, before a loud cough bellowed in the room and the blonde-haired doctor spoke firmly, "There's bad news, though there's also a bit of good news."

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Katsumi was pacing around the lobby of the hospital with his mother watching worriedly in the background. He hadn't bothered to conceal his ears or tail, and said appendages were twitching and lashing about anxiously. His head had healed well and would leave only a scar; there had been no brain damage. The doctors had also suggested to cut holes in his jeans so his tail could move freely, and that is what his mother spent all night doing: cutting perfect, neat holes into his jeans and the hoods of his sweatshirts. He was currently wearing a pair of the altered jeans as well as his favorite red converse and his sweatshirt, though the hood was down. "I don't see why I can't go with him," he complained to his mother, tugging on his hair nervously. She sighed but smiled, knowing how much her son cared for the older teen.

"He'll be fine, Katsumi. Just try and relax; he wouldn't want you to tear your hair out." Both he had his mother had decided not to hide anything about themselves anymore. What had happened with Daisuke was enough to open Ayame's eyes to that. And although Katsumi didn't know this yet, she had agreed to allowing the doctors to meet with Katsumi each month in order to learn more about neko.

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"Well, the good news is, we, as a team, do not think that you will be blind in that eye forever. However, the bad news being that we're not one hundred percent sure. Your eye's infection is dying down, and is basically nothing, therefor we can take off the bandages on your face. You will be on medication for the next three months, it's an eye cream. The side affects are itchy skin, lousiness, headaches, and the smell can induce nausia. Well...that's about it." said the doctor with a final sigh, before reached across the tight air, the little air that had been between the two of them, and unraveled the bandages from the teen's head, revealing a jagged, lightning bolt like scar running down from where his eyebrow started, and it slithered down to be parallel with his nose. With a small sigh, the beige colored teen looked at the doctor with his good eye, and took the cream out of the doctor's offering hand. With that, the younger teen left and headed for the lobby, when he get there, he walked over, a bit wobbly, to Katsumi.

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As soon as Tai came into his line of vision Katsumi's blue eyes widened. He ran over and threw his arms around him, his tail bushed up in excitement. "Are you okay? What did he say?" He looked sharply at his face and barely even reacted to the scar aside from a brief look of surprise. "Can you see?"

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"No, I can't, not yet, sadly." murmured Tai, and then he continued quietly, "They aren't sure yet if I'll be able to see yet, though they said that I have to use this cream on my eye for three months." Lightly, he hugged the younger whitette back, given that he had swung his arms around him a few seconds ago.

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His ears drooped and he looked down at his sneakers. "Oh..." He had been hoping everything would be alright, since he still felt that it was his fault Tai got hurt. Ayame walked over to the two boys and gave Tai a bright smile.

"Thank you for all that you've done for us," she said, bowing slightly to him. "I'm so glad that Katsumi has a friend as kind as you. You're welcome to visit our new apartment any time." They had moved to a smaller apartment on the north-east part of town, where things were a bit cheaper.

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"Oh, thank you ma'am, you really do flatter me!" He smiled gently at the older woman. He knew that the woman had been through tough times, and he knew that she deserved a little bit of alone time with her son, and that she needed to get better from what had happened. With a small sigh, he lightly ruffled the whitette's bangs, avoiding his wound so that it wouldn't hurt him, and said softly, more so towards Ayame, "Your son is a very loving and caring person, you really have raised a good child."

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The whitette blushed and refused to look at him, letting out a soft huff. Ayame laughed and nodded in agreement. "Thank you, I'm glad you think so." She looked at Katsumi and gently felt one of his ears, trying not to tear up at the sight of it. "I hope you heal well, Tai. We'll both be very worried until you do!"

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"Thank you for your concern, Ayame-sama, though it's not needed." He stilled smiled softly, "I presume that you and your son are going to go spend some time together? If so, I'll see you both...well, most likely sometime soon."

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"Ah, Katsumi and I were going out to eat. You can come with us if you'd like." Her expression was gentle. "We'll have plenty of time together later on," she reassured him, knowing what he was thinking. Katsumi was standing slightly behind his mother, his shy nature coming out again.

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"Oh...um...sure." smiled Taidanamaru softly, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, a little tint of amber showing in his eye. "Thank you for the invitation, it would be a pleasure to go with you two." A vivid blush spread across his beige skin, a lighter tint of pink bloomed on the bridge of his nose. If he never told someone his age, he looked like he could be at the older, 21, given that he had a more, well, clearer looking face, and he was a bit darker looking than the average color, and the way that his dark eyes made the area around his eyes look darker. Though, he was only a few months shy from nineteen. With a small, innocent smile, he walked over to Katsumi, he was thinking that he might offer the youngling his hand, though his mother would probably see that as strange.

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Ayame, being the smart woman she was, had easily managed to connect the two boys' blushes and already had an idea of what was going on. She had never been very good at handling different relationships, but for her son she was willing to try to accept anything. She simply smiled as she watched her son hesitantly take Tai's hand. They do look cute together, she admitted, making her way to the door. Katsumi followed with Tai, another small smile appearing on his face.

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Tai smiled down softly at the neko boy, and he lightly squeezed the other's hand, just to make sure that his hand was actually there and he wasn't just thinking that it was there. Slowly, her intertwined their fingers as they walked, not really even noticing what he was doing, his mind caught up with what was happening around him and what had happened over the past few days. These were the types of days when he tried to forget that he didn't have parents to go home to and talk about his day, and tell them about how much he's been trying to live up to their expectations. With a small, pleasured, sigh, he forced the negative thoughts out of his head, and then decided to just marvel the night that he was sharing thus far with Katsumi.

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Katsumi had never been one to initiate conversation, so Ayame did most of the talking, asking simple but not too personal questions. The young neko stayed close to Tai, feeling protected whenever he was around him. I'm happy that he stayed with me, but I didn't want to hurt him... That was going to bother him for a very long time; Katsumi was never one to forget things easily.

"Where would you like to eat?" she finally asked as they neared the center of the city.

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"Umm...Well, I'm not a picky eater to be honest." Heck, I'm not a picky eater because I don't eat at all. He was a very, very skinny person, he even had to wear his belt really tight when he wore jeans. With a small sigh, he then answer, "Where you two want to go is fine with me." Lightly, with one of his fingers, his made little circles in the palm of Katsumi's hand while they walked.

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Katsumi's blush deepened at the new touch but he didn't pull away. He liked the way it felt, and he leaned against Tai lightly, careful not to put too much of his weight on him.

"Alright. I'll take you to the place Katsumi and I used to go to when he was younger." The restaurant they went to was a small cafe-like place that only held a limited amount of people. They sat in a booth near the back, and Ayame insisted that the two boys sit next to each other, a small smirk on her face. She thought it was adorable; perhaps it had been the fear of her husband that kept her from accepting same-gender relationships.

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The older teen blinked a few times when Ayame insisted that the two of them sit next to each other, though it took him a moment to recollect his thoughts, he smiled softly and nodded, asking the younger whitette if he wanted to be on the inside or outside of the seat, not yet taking his hand away from the younger's.

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"I, um, I'll be on t-the inside," he said softly, sliding into the booth while keeping his eyes averted. Ayame laughed softly and sat down as well, looking across the table at the both of them with her hands in her lap.

"What would you like Tai?" she questioned, tilting her head slightly, and for a moment she resembled Katsumi; he had gotten more traits from his mother than from his father. "I already know what Katsumi wants, since he likes to have the same thing whenever he feels upset." The neko muttered something to himself in the corner of the seat.

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"Eh, I don't really know. I've never been here before. I'll just have what Kat-kun has." said Tai simply, his hand still lightly holding three of Katsumi's fingers, lightly rubbing his thumb over them.

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Ayame nodded, her smile widening. "Alright. I hope you like fish and milk." She winked and Katsumi's tail bristled.

"M-mom...!" It was very embarrassing due to the fact that he was part cat, and it seemed rather stupid.

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"Eh, okay." smiled Taidanamaru softly, though his fingers quietly transitioned into that circular petting that it was doing earlier to Katsumi's palm, starting that process with the younger male's hand again.

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The younger male let out a quiet sigh and laid his tail across his lap, holding tightly onto Tai's hand. Ayame managed to order for all three of them and silently watched the two interact. Finally Katsumi has someone he can be comfortable with. It's all I've ever wanted for him.

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Tai preferred to correspond with others through physical motions, or more so with action. He was comfortable with Katsumi, and obviously enjoyed his company. Whenever Tai would turn his head to lightly look at the whitette, his eye seemed doe soft, and it seemed to be a mixture between compassionate, caring, affectionate, and concerned. Though he still bore a soft smile on his lips.

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