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Neko Private Roleplay {Ciel and Koe-chan} (18+)


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The neko let out a loud hiss through gritted teeth when the hot water touched his tail. He shuddered, biting his lip to try and dull the pain. Ignore it. He made sure not to spend too long inside and was dressed and back with Tai in less than seven minutes. "I'm sorry if I took a long time, I had to bandage my tail again." He had combed his hair and the wet locks were straight instead of partially wavy and dropped directly down into his face.

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When he looked at him, he resisted the blush that oh so wanted to slither up onto his cheeks. Why do I continue to think that he looks adorable? Shaking his head softly, he grinned at the younger male and said, "That's okay, as long as your tail doesn't hurt you too much."

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Katsumi's blue eyes lit up at the comment. "It feels much better now." He sat down next to him, water dripping from his ears whenever they moved. "Um...if you wanted..." He tried to think of a good way to say this, feelings his pale cheeks heat up again. "I, um, y-you could come over to my house s-sometime..."

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"Okay, I'll consider it." His voice was rather pipper, despite the seemingly blank expression that he had plastered to his face, "Like I said, you can also come over whenever you please...I really do love your company, to be honest." Leaning against the couch more, he stared at the ceiling.

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He looked surprised. "You do?" That's a first, besides my mom, but she doesn't really count. "I like spending time with you too." His ears drooped in embarrassment and he looked away, his tail tip flicking back and forth.

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"I'm happy." stated Tai plainly, though a smile was slowly growing on his face, "Well...we should probably get going." He looked at the whitette and poked him, and offer him a hand to hold when they walked, as if it were a normal thing.

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Katsumi tilted his head when he saw the outstretched hand, but he took it nonetheless. "Alright." His hand was cold and small in comparison to Tai's. This reminds me of...Takeru... His mood seemed to change suddenly, obvious in the way he tensed and his smile faded.

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Tilting his head lightly, and said quietly, "Hey, what's wrong?" He was rather concerned, sensing the fact that his mood had soured, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

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"It...it's nothing, I just...you..." He bit his lip and averted eye contact, gripping his hand tightly. "This just...reminds me of...someone else..." Someone I loved, and someone who left me. He closed his eyes briefly, taking in an unsteady breath. "N-never mind...it's not important..."

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"Well, if you say so..." sighed Tai softly. He's lying. I can sense it. He's horrible at lying. Smiling softly, "Let's go."

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{I have to go}


Katsumi said nothing else as they walked, his head starting to hurt. Why am I remembering Takeru now? He's gone...so why do I feel like he's near me all the time? He shook his head, wincing at the dull pain his emotions were causing.

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Lightly, he gave the smaller, colder hand a little squeeze and said quietly, "You really do seem stressed...it's making me kind of upset...it makes me feel like I've hurt you." His voice had a tinge of sadness, and his eyes stared at his feet as if they were the only thing that existed.

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Katsumi's eyes grew wide and he looked at Tai with surprise written across his features. "N-no! You didn't do anything! I-it's my fault, really," he said quickly, trying to reassure him. His tail fur had bristled in agitation.

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"But you're lying to me. I can tell by the way that your body is reacting that you're lying..." His voice was a hushed whisper, and his eyes held a solemn look. "There's definitely something wrong here...I know I said before that I don't need to hear it, but now, based on your reactions, I somewhat want to hear what's wrong...I don't want you to feel like you need to lie to me...I just to make you feel...better, whatever's hurting you, I want it to stop..."

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The whitette hesitated, gripping his forearm with his hand tightly. He had never told anyone about Takeru before, not even his mother; it had been something like a forbidden romance, since both of his parents were unsure of how to react around gay couples. He really, really wanted to tell someone but had always been afraid that knowing he was gay would make them hate him even more. Will he understand? he thought worriedly, his teeth worrying his lip gently. "I...um...I was...in a r-relationship with s-someone...b-but...they died..."

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"I'm sorry about your loss. I know it's hard to lose somebody that you love...to miss the feeling of someone caring, or someone to love." his voice seemed concealing, though he continued to stare at his feet quietly. "Though I'm just wondering...why do you act hesitant around me, like I'm going to hurt you or kick you aside...? Do I remind you of this loved one that has passed on?"

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The neko's body stiffened and his breath hitched, getting caught in his throat. How did he figure that out so quickly? He tugged on his bangs slightly, which he always did when he was nervous, and bit down even harder on his lower lip. "I..." He closed his eyes. Just tell him! If he leaves, then he leaves. "Y-yes," he whispered softly. "You remind me of him." Most people thought that we had an abusive relationship...was it really that? Did Takeru hurt me that badly? I don't know...

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"Is this a bad thing or a good thing? Thoughts of said person doesn't really seem to please you...was this person mean to you, abusive perhaps? Was he..." I'm pretty sure at least that's his orientation based on the way he behaves and what he is. Females would merely tug at his ears and giggle and smile at him all the time, nothing all that compassionate about that...he also seems too submissive to be wanted by a female...he's very shy. "Was he not a good person? Sorry for boring you with my stupid questions, I'm just very curious."

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Katsumi's expression was pained when he looked at him again. "Takeru was a very nice person," he said quietly, though he sounded like he only partially believed in what he said. Just because that's what everyone else thoght doesn't mean it's true... Because of Takeru, Katsumi was uneasy when being touched and very often on edge when around other people. However, he blamed himself for Takeru's death and the guilt had managed to convince him that he had been a good person.

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And you say that as if you can't even believe a word you say. "Eh, if you say so...I just wanted to make sure you were okay...I also didn't want to be compared for someone who's a bad person, because I'd never treat you that way..." His voice held strength in it, and he truly did mean what he said...though his chestnut colored eyes still lingered solely on his feet.

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He wouldn't treat me badly? I didn't think he would, but hearing him say that is nice... "Thanks," he murmured, leaning a bit closer to Tai so that their shoulders were touching. His tail had gone limp again and his expression was rather despondent.

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"So...if I remember correctly, we were walking back to your house, care to guide the way?" His voice seemed plain now, somewhat low, and his voice seemed a bit sluggish. He had a sleepy look plastered on his face, and his eyelashes made his eyes look sinfully dark whenever he looked sleepy. With a yawn, he waited for the younger male's response.

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"Oh, um, yeah. This way..." Once they were back in the park he crossed the playground in the middle and went onto the sidewalk, walking towards the southern part of the city. He was lost in thought, memories about Takeru mixing with worries about his father and his feelings for Tai. He's my first real friend...so why do I compare him to Takeru so much?

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For the first time in months, Tai's mind was blank as slate. There was close to absolutely nothing on his mind at the moment, and he was just numbly following the whitette. Though, a question finally came to mind, "Do you think that I'm nice to you?" His voice seemed weak this time. His voice transitioned easily based on his mood.

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