azuneko Posted November 4, 2013 Author Share Posted November 4, 2013 Aso looked at Ranmaru. "Are you sure about this? I don't like the sound of all of this." he mutters. "Well its only a possibility Aso. There are no facts to it because you were raised by your human mother. If it was like me who was raised by his demon father then you could have sex with the world and still remain half human and half demon. Plus there was that kidnapping that happened to you so that also plays a factor in all of this." the pop star mutters. Aso looked at him. "I was kidnapped!! By who and when!!?" he asked shocked. Ranmaru sighs. "I wasn't suppose to say that but since its out there you should know. A winged being took you as a child. They wanted to purify you. Though in that process you actually absorbed the essences instead of it purifying you. So there's that to also account in all this. You might just be perfectly fine if you do so again." he said. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teesie Posted November 4, 2013 Share Posted November 4, 2013 Aki had taken his bacon out of the skillet. He was more than confused now. He didn't understand a single thing anymore. So as a half breed matters who your raised suck the essence from your surrounding...Or from skin conatcat maybe.. Soo....was that what happened when he ....put his seeds inside of Aso. He absorbed it? Shaking his head Aki forced himself not to scream....demonology was so much to handle. He had to look into his father's research to see if this was written somewhere. Wandering in the living room he sat on the couch and began to eat....this was serious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azuneko Posted November 4, 2013 Author Share Posted November 4, 2013 Ranmaru looked at Aki. "So you must be a very intelligent human to be around Aso so comfortably. It must be nice to accept the unknown around you and even dread to take Aso's virginity." he said with a smile. Aso jumped up. "How the hell!!!?" he said. "Wow Micky really doesn't tell you anything. I wonder if he's doing so on purpose. Your scent is on the guy." Ranmaru said looking at Aki. "I will stay here so I can find out what the hell Micky is up to. You should have known tons already. You aren't a child anymore. It could be dangerous for both of you if no one knows anything." Ranmaru said. Aso looked to Aki. "So what should we do now? I don't want anything to happen to Aki or myself." he said. "Just relax. I will get all the information you both will need. As well as get details on any anomalies that might have occurred before, during and after your night together. Once I know facts I can give you information." he said Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teesie Posted November 4, 2013 Share Posted November 4, 2013 "What do you mean? What information would I need?" Aki asked. What the hell was going on? Could something happen to him just because he took the singer's virginity? Sneering, he decided to blame this all on Mickey. If he wasn't holding secret from the petit demon he wouldn't have to worry about this. It was all so strange. How long will it take Ranmaru to get this information? "The only strange thing I noticed was that the little half breed there, appearance changed after we were finished. He looked totally different than he does now, but as you morphed back to normal over time." There was no use in hiding it anymore....the pop singer, Ranmaru, had already knew he was the one to take the demon's virginity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azuneko Posted November 4, 2013 Author Share Posted November 4, 2013 Ranmaru nods as he looked at Aki. He stood up and walked over to him. "So what do you do Mr. Manager? I can assure you there's no need for details but Aso isn't the first 'being' you have encountered. Have you ever found or come into contact with 'odd' objects or relics?" he said. "If so its possible that energy or even essence from them seeped into you. It would mean you will have nothing to worry about Mr. Manager. Aso will also be just fine." he said Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teesie Posted November 4, 2013 Share Posted November 4, 2013 He narrowed his eyes at the demon. Aki wasn't sure what all being he had encountered. He knew that when younger his dad was so obsessed with science that he was used as a guinea pig...a test subject. That was also a reason he hated his father. He was breeded with a lot of blood from different species. His father was a mad scientist. Aki had nearly died many times, but enough of that....this Ranmaru guy was strange. Who the hell was he exactly?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azuneko Posted November 4, 2013 Author Share Posted November 4, 2013 Aso sighs as he looked at Aki. "You will be okay. I am so happy to hear that." he said with a smile. Ranmaru walked to the door. "I will return later. I will look more into this. Don't worry for now." he said leaving. Aso waves by before looked at Aki. "Are you okay? You look as if you have many unanswered questions." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teesie Posted November 4, 2013 Share Posted November 4, 2013 Aki only shook his head at the blue headed other. "I'm fine....just worried about you." he said honestly. If something happened to the singer Mickey would kill him for sure. That was the scary part. Sighing the manager glanced to the brat. "So...who is that? he a demon also? Is he also a succubus?" Aki was curious...something was off about this whole situation.... Including Mickey leaving the two of them alone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azuneko Posted November 4, 2013 Author Share Posted November 4, 2013 "Ranmaru is an ex-boyfriend of Micky. He isn't a succubus like us. Though he is a demon. He never tells anyone what type of demon he is. I doubt Micky knows and they dated before. Ranmaru is always very helpful unlike Micky. He's the one why explained to me why I had a tail when no one else did. He is kind and he won't let Micky harm you. I won't let it happen either. What we did was mutual and so no one is at fault." he said smiling. Aso lays on the couch. I am sure Ranmaru will figure it all out and we will both realize we are worried for nothing." he said softly falling asleep. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teesie Posted November 4, 2013 Share Posted November 4, 2013 Staring at the beautiful demon as he fell asleep Aki just was mutual now? Hm....that was good to hear. At least he liked it. Walking over to the other he kissed his lips softly before sitting in a chair and finishing his breakfast. He guess he could watch television or something while the other was sleep. Without the brat woke he would get bored for sure. Hm..he wondered what Mickey was actually planning. Was their father really sick, or was there something he wanted to occur between the two of Aki and Aso. Hmm... Mickey always seemed so sneaky. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azuneko Posted November 4, 2013 Author Share Posted November 4, 2013 Ranmaru returned a little while later and knocked on the door. Once it was opened to him the male looked at Aki. "I hate to bring bad news but I found out something that isn't all too good for Aso." he mutters glancing down. Aso was still asleep on the couch. He often spent his days off sleeping or writing new songs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teesie Posted November 4, 2013 Share Posted November 4, 2013 Aki's eyes widen...."Should we wake him....or..." he couldn't believe what he heard. Would something happen to the boy!? He wouldn't die would he? Taking in a deep breath Aki glanced at Aso...this was serious. This Ranmaru guy, as the blue headed singer described, was a smart guy and knew what he was talking about. Groaning he looked at the third demon he has know thus far. "It isn't fatal is it? Can it harm him in any way?" he was worried....worried and curious. This went against all regulation of his rules...rules that his father had set. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azuneko Posted November 4, 2013 Author Share Posted November 4, 2013 "I doubt it will hurt him or become fatal. It has to do with Micky. With his father ill he's trying to take the throne already. Not a bad thing but the reason why is what is bad. He wants to rage war with the heavens. Aso hasn't been told this yet but that winged being was an angel. So he is actually a blend of demon, human and angel. Though that doesn't mean he's all powerful. He is just extra special in different ways. Because his power flows differently its more vocal based than anything else. If his power ever awoken I am sure with one word he could control the world. I believe this is why Micky hasn't told him a thing. He wants that power for his plan to destroy the heavens." Ranmaru said to Aki. Aso rolls on the couch only to slide onto the floor. He was still sound asleep. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teesie Posted November 4, 2013 Share Posted November 4, 2013 Aki looked surprised...."We have to tell him right...I can help in a way...right? D-Does he turn human if he has sex with one? If Aso no longer had the ability to do that power then he would be useless. Mickey has always been sneaky....we can't let him just use Aso." this was insane. Why was Mickey trying to do something like that? It was.... Wrong. Angels and demon's were rivals yes....but their suppose to live in harmony til the end. Until judgement day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azuneko Posted November 4, 2013 Author Share Posted November 4, 2013 "Calm down! We can tell Aso but we can't mention its Micky. He has lived with him for a long time. He won't instantly doubt him without real action evidence. Plus Aso would most likely ask Micky about it. Then he'll know we know and we'd be in danger." Ranmaru said. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teesie Posted November 4, 2013 Share Posted November 4, 2013 Aki nodded...Ranmaru was right. At least he thought better than Aki did...because being straight forward the man would have just told the little brat that it was Mickey. Sighing he looked at the blue headed singer now splayed on the floor. 'What an idiot.' he thought....though a smile cross his lips. Aso was cute...and acted like a kid sometimes that made him all the more attractive to him. He chuckled to himself before walking to pick the demon up. He kissed his lips before shaking him....trying to wake him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azuneko Posted November 4, 2013 Author Share Posted November 4, 2013 Aso felt warmness and quickly clung to Aki. "I don't wanna wake up yet." he mutters softly as he slowly opens his eyes. He looked at Aki before blushing crazily. "Uh, I am so sorry" he said letting his grip go. Ranmaru chuckled a bit finding it cute Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teesie Posted November 4, 2013 Share Posted November 4, 2013 Aki just dropped the kid onto the sofa. He liked Aso ... He just didn't want to get attached to him. What if they had to soon go against each other? What if they had to fight? No...of course the man would die, but at least he wouldn't be betrayed by someone he loved. He refused to. "You need to be awake. Ranmaru is back with some bad news." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azuneko Posted November 4, 2013 Author Share Posted November 4, 2013 Aso sat up after looked at Aki. "Bad news... What kind of bad news?" he asked. "It seems someone wants to use you as a weapon in their plans to destroy heaven." Ranmaru said. Aso's eyes widen. "Why me? I don't want to hurt anyone." he said tearing up. "You have the ability to manipulate others with just your voice and the words you say. Though surprisingly Aki and I aren't effected by it. Though we can't be too sure if someone was to use you for evil" he says Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teesie Posted November 4, 2013 Share Posted November 4, 2013 Aki watched the blue headed boy. He seemed devastated, as if he really didn't want to kill anyone. "Enough with there anyway that we can take that ability from the brat? Or are we just useless?" Aki was being skeptical. What if Aso found out that it was Mickey, but instead of going against him he joined him....or the older demon could always manipulate the younger demon. He was quite naive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azuneko Posted November 5, 2013 Author Share Posted November 5, 2013 Ranmaru looked at Aki. "Well its clear Aso likes you and because he was able to break one of the rules set before him. It means he listens to you a lot better than others." he said not wanting to say Micky's name. "So we will use that against the enemy." he said. Aso goes over and sits close to Aki. "Will you be protecting me?" he asked all innocnetly Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teesie Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 Staring at the other he looked down at the pink lips before him. Taking a deep breath he averted his eyes. He wanted to kiss the boy...but he had to stop it. He couldn't fall in love with a demon....he couldn't. Looking at the singer he nodded. "Yes...I will look after you and let no harm come your way." he admitted. It was true...he would risk his life for the other....but that wasn't was because he was the brat's manager....yep that was it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azuneko Posted November 5, 2013 Author Share Posted November 5, 2013 Aso frowns as he noticed Aki's avoidance towards him. He decided to say nothing for now and focus on what kind of they would have. Ranmaru glanced at the two. "For now we will let things die down and pretend we know nothing." he said softly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teesie Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 Aki nodded. "That sounds you hear him brat? Don't say a no one else about this. No one." he said sternly. He didn't want the naive singer to tell Mickey and then he would be in danger. He just wanted it to be kept between the three of them, that way Mickey could continue at his paste and not try and speed things up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
azuneko Posted November 5, 2013 Author Share Posted November 5, 2013 Aso nods as he looked at Aki. "A secret! I won't tell anyone." he said with a smile. Ranmaru had a tough time believing that. He figured Aki could keep an eye on Aso for now. "Well I shall be on my way. I will be in town so if you need me don't hesitate to call." Ranmaru said before leaving Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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