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Ignite Flames of Love w/Teesie


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He chuckled. "No its fine. Unless you intend to go into corridor one." pointing to the left. "Then yes, perhaps you should." walking up a set or stairs.


"I'm going to take a shower. Baths are on floor two to your right. The kitchen it to your right. If you need me I will be in corridor three."

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Umi decided to just wait by the door. All the talk of corridors made his head spin. He could tell Shion wasn't stuck in a rut like he was. 'It must be nice...' he thinks before shaking his head. He had to focus that this was nothing more than paid time.

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Chuckling at the confusion on the Umi's face he walked into the third corridor to get new clothes. He grabbed informal clothes, just a pair of white skinny jeans and a black tanktop.


Sighing he walked to second corridor to the baths. He stripped off his clothes to take a bath. He shouldn't make Umi wait too long.

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Umi sits on the floor and closes his eyes. He sorts of drifts off into a light sleep. He rarely slept at home. He was always worried the loan sharks would break in and do something to him. He began to dream of the past. Back when he was in school with Shion.

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Half an hour later Shion was out of the showers and dressed. He brushed his teeth, washed his face and applied cologne. He hated to make Umi wait seeing as his stomach growled. Hm the poor boy was hungry.


Walking down stairs Shion saw that Umi had stayed where he was; except now that he was leaning against the wall sleep. Smiling he approached the boy. Tugging him over his shoulders he opened the door.


Smirking he knew the reaction he would get. He chuckled.

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Umi woke up to realize he was being carried. He had forgotten he was spending time with Shion so he freaked out. "Let me go!!" he said instantly trying to get away.

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"Ok." he said letting go of Umi. Not being secured the escort fell from Shion's shoulder landing on the grass. Shion laughed. Well he did say let go after all.


He turned and began to walk to the limo. "Come on before I change my mind." he explained stepping into the limo...

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Umi frowns as he realized Shion was the one holding him. He got up to his feet only to stagger to the side. He did his best to brush it off but it failed. Umi collapsed to the ground. His lack of sleep and skipping meals finally caught up to him. He blacked out.

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Watching the beauty fall Shion jumped out if the limo. He picked him up and rushed him back inside. Running up the stairs to corridor three he layed the brunette down. Feeling his forehead he felt a little hot.


Walking to the private restroom he wet a towel and grabbed a dry one as well. At approaching Umi again he placed the towel on his forehead. That damn idiot never took care if himself. Groaning he stood and walked downstairs.


"Zess prepare a meal for Umi. Perhaps soup. I think he's ill...or maybe just hungry; either way I want food in the next thirty minutes."


Zess bowed to Shion. He had been a servant for thirty years now. This was the servant his mother had even when he was a kid. No as a kid he wasn't wealthy, but the guy volunteered to work for not much money.


Walking back to Umi he sat beside him keeping an eye on him the whole while.

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Umi wakes up after a while. "It seems I made you worry about me. It was not my intention to do so." he said softly. Umi began sitting up causing the cloth to fall. "I should get home. I have to work tonight. Thanks for taking care of me Shion. I owe you one." he sat trying to get to his feet.

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Pushing the other back into a laying position he replied, "No. You staying here tonight. You should at least eat first." he said handing him a tray with a bowl of soup two yeast rolls and orange juice.


"Please at least eat." he said sitting the tray into his lap. "Oh and if I made a promise to give you 1.5 million yen now to skip work would you?" He wanted Umi to rest if anything happened to him now after not seeing him for a while Shion would break.

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Umi blinks a bit as he looked at the food. "Did you make all of this just for me? Well I can't let a good meal go to waste so I will eat it." he said as he slowly began eating the soup. "That's a lot of money Shion. I would be in debt to you instead of those loan sharks. Then again, I paid them off and there's still no end to the interest." he frowns.


"I would prefer being in your debt for an eternity. Wouldn't you agree?" he said as he focused on eating. Umi was being serious but he said it ever so jokingly.

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Chuckling Shion nodded. "Yeah...it would be nice to have you in my debt." staring at Umi.


"That would be a honor." Shion said. He was entranced by this boy's beauty. Mm so beautiful.

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Umi eats the food silently after that. Once finished he looked at Shion. "Well its just in our dreams right. It'll never happen so we should both not think too much on it." he said blushing from Shion saying it would be an honor. "I guess since I am here I should sleep. Will you be sharing this bed with me?" he asked shyly

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"If that's not a problem." he informed. "Though if you mind I could always go into the guess room."


He wanted to be close to Umi. This is what was absent from his life. This beautiful creature that brightened his darkened world. He would like to own Umi's heart, but if that was out of question as long as they could be friends that was fine with him.


Taking the tray from Umi he set it on the end table waiting for the boy's reply.

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"I don't mind. I honestly haven't had a decent sleep since my parents passed. I'm always on edge and always alone. So I don't want to be alone when I know someone is near." Umi mutters softly as he closes his eyes.


He fell asleep with the blanket slightly covering his face. So only his eyes could be seen like a little ninja. He was truly adorable.

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Sighing Shion laughed. Well so long for the conversation he wanted to have with the brunette, and another kiss wouldn't have been bad either. He smiled at Umi he really was a beauty. Making sure the comforter was tucked in Shion walked to the other side if the bed. He got underneath the blankets as well and looked at Umi. Slowly he slid his arm around the other's waist and pulled him closer.

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Umi snuggled in close to Shion as the other held his waist. He rolls a bit so his face was directly in front of the other's. His breath brushing against Shion's cheeks.


Umi surprisingly had a sweet scent to him. It was always like that even when he was younger.

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Shion stared at Umi....it was a habit he had every since he was younger. He would always get lost in Umi's beauty. His strange colored eyes and his round plump lips. Puller the boy closer he chuckled. He was like he was when younger. Smelled of honey and flowers.


Slowly leaning close Shion kissed him once more, though this time lingering a bit to inhale his scent. Pulling away he watched his sleeping expression. Before closing his eyes too.

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Umi slept well into the night. He awoke the next morning to see Shion so close to him. He blushes a bit as he sits up. 'I am really not use to kindness... What do I do...' he thinks with a sigh.


Umi sits there thinking about some things in his life. He decided he'd have to stay away from Shion. 'I'll get too reliant on his kindness...' he thinks. Umi didn't realize it but he started to cry a little.

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Losing the warmth from the other body stirred Shion awake. He watched as Umi sat up seeming in thought. Silent tears beginning to taint his face.


Alerted Shion sits up. "What wrong?" he asked wrapping his arm around the smaller's waist and pulling him into him. He hugged Umi and combed through his hair with his fingers.


"Why do you cry? What's bothering you?"

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"Stop it Shion! I don't want your kindness anymore. It's too much for someone like me. I don't deserve it. Please just let me go back to living how I was. If you keep this up, I won't want to leave." Umi said.


He let his tears continue to fall. He was too depressed to stop them.

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Shion frowned. "Do you see how you are sounding? Don't be ridiculous. Though if you want to just leave me your free to go. I won't hold you back." letting Umi go. "I just hope you make the right choice. If you leave I will stay out of your life and never talk to you again." he said looking into Umi's eyes.


Breaking eye contact he stood to walk over to his closet. Meddling with a safe he opened it up. Grabbing yen he stood and reguarded Umi.


"This is one hundred thousand yen. Take it." he had his hand held to the escort.

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Umi looked at him. He stayed silent for a while as he watched Shion get up. He was surprised the other kept such amounts of money in his house. "I can't take that. It wouldn't be right. Besides, even if I used that it wouldn't help one bit. I've known for a long time my parent's debt had fully been paid off. It won't end."


He slips out the bed and glanced over at Shion. "I hope we get to run into each other again. I really enjoyed spending time with you." he said walking out the room. Umi did his best not to look back. He knew if he did he would say something he's been holding in since university.

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Throwing the yens across the room Shion screamed. Frustration catching up with him. That damn idiot had picked the wrong choice.


What the hell was he thinking giving Umi a dilemma like that.

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