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Prisoner of War {Private} {b.lueeyes and jahero}


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Prisoner of War

{b.lueeyes and jahero}





For over two hundred years, two families engaged in a vicious blood feud have waged war with one another, for reasons long since forgotten. The families of Arka and Cortez fight now for ownership and dominion of the land. The Cortez backed the Arka to their capital city, past the mountains, and siege the city. After the First and Second Princes are felled in battle by the young King of Cortez, the King of Arka suffers a heart attack, leaving his Third Prince as ruler, and his Fourth as crowned prince and heir to the throne as per his will.


The Fourth Prince, Alecxander, leads his troops to defend their city; unknowingly against an army far larger than they had anticipated, with the King of Cortez himself, [Your Character’s name], leading the troops on the front lines. When the outer walls fall, Alecxander is captured and taken prisoner by [Your Character’s name] and thus a deal is struck by both Kings. In exchange for peace, and the retreat of their soldiers from Arka, the Fourth Prince shall become a servant of the house of Cortez, and namely, [Your Character’s name].


The deal is made. And Alecxander is forced into life under rule.











Action, angst, drama, historical, war, shounen ai, yaoi.











Name: Kota . J . Cortez III (the third)


Title:King of Cortez


Age: 27


Likes: The fall, music, enjoy's the peace despite the war going on. He take peace in working on things - love working with his hands. Spends a great deal outside, riding the country side.

Dislikes: He disliked his fathers rule. He be leaved his father was the one that started the war. He doesnt like to be controlled. Dislikes the mis treated ment of animal, and dis pride in the kingdom.


Orientation: King of Cortez, recently ascended to the throne after the assassination of his father by an unknown assassin, suspected to be an Arka spy. A leader born and bred; he is proud, dominant and strong. In battle; he is deadly and efficient, a keen strategist and rather ruthless. Behind close doors he seems peaceful, and a bit soft. Hard to break his shell he doesnt open easy.


Personality: He is a straight forward man. After years under his fathers rule, he seems hard on the outside - but he is really a loveable guy in the heart. He tends to keep to him self, enjoying the alone time to think about things


Bio: Being the third Kota in his family King Cortez was giving the best training and schooling his kingdom hand, he was once a loving and peaceful boy until his mother was murdered by his father King Cortez the 2nd. Having taken the thrown after his fathers death at the age of 23, Kota has been trying to clean up his fathers mess for years


Weapon and armour:






Extra: Kota is always followed around by two doberman pinchers. Mars and Jupiter. They are never away from his at anytime, going with him even on the battle field.






Name: Alecxander of Arka


Nickname: Alec


Title: Crowned Prince of Arka, Fourth Son of the Royal Family


Age: 18


Likes: Peace and quiet, cool weather, snow, control, hunting, riding horses, dogs and combat.


Dislikes: The Cortez, his brothers (to a degree), losing control of situations, death, hot weather and cats.


Orientation: Expected to be straight, however appreciates both sexes; bi.


Position: Uke, but think's he's Seme XP


Personality: Alec is known to be extremely strong willed and free spirited; independent and unwilling to follow direction more often than not. He is extremely proud, sometimes cocky even, and as a sarcastic, harsh sense of humour that can be insulting. He is a fierce fighter; and does not like those who try and have control over him, he prefers to be free. These aspects have led to him being described to be a 'wolf' by his people. He is virtuous and confident in himself, willing to sacrifice himself for his kingdom if need be, even if it may go against his self-belief...or so he thinks. His pride may just be his downfall.


Bio: Alecxander is the Fourth Son of the King of Arka, borne to his lover after the death of the Queen, resulting in the resentment from his brothers from birth that he was only their half-sibling. He was granted royal status and grew up as such; however he preferred to follow the path of a warrior than a diplomat, and like his two eldest brothers he learnt the ways of a soldier. After the First and Second Princes are killed in battle and the death of his father of a heart attack from the grief, he is proclaimed Crowned Prince of Arka, a title he never expected to receive due to his half-blood. Despite this he takes up the mantle and leads the royal troops to defend Arkadia (the Capital of Arka).


Alec is greatly loved among the peopl for his kindness that the majority of the other royals to not show; he is strong willed and is known among the people due to his rebellious streak in sneaking into the city quite often. He has the respect and love of his people, who sometimes describe him as a ‘wolf’ for his free-spirited and independent nature.


Weapon and armour:








Extra: He can be identified as Royal by his snow white hair; a colour passed through the royal bloodline. His eyes however, come from his mother. Alec is an accomplished horseman and hunter.

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Kota walked through the kingdom manor with hast. After making the deal with the king of Arka, whom gave up his son for some peace between the kingdoms, but then again that was his plan. He removed his armor, and stormed his room, slamming the door ; almost hitting his dogs in the face. " Im sorry boys" he quickly spoke as his companions looked up at him. He was pissed that King Arka just gave his son like that. A knock at the door broke his anger, he shook his head showing peace on it once more before opening it. "Yes?" he questioned. " Sir. The prince of Arka is waiting for you in the prison ward. My lord, he is waiting for your orders" His high commander said. Kota simply nodded and headed down stairs, followed by Mars and Jupiter, towards the prison ward were he seen the prince of Arka up close for the first time. " Hello Prince " he spoke

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The young prince sat propped up against the wall, shivering slightly in the cold of the Arkan weather without his armour, or at least some heavier clothing. They had taken his armour, and his weapons, when they had captured him. Killed his horse and imprisoned him. He gave a shiver, pulling on the tight manacles around his wrists. How had this happened? Since their father had died, his brother had been distant and scathing; since taking the throne he had no qualms with sending him into battle, but he hadn't expected him to not come for him; he was the crowned prince. Shouldn't he be here by now?


Alecxander looked up from where he'd been staring at the floor, his dark blue eyes shimmering with hatred as he tugged on his chains. His glare was heated and sharp, the pure embodiment of just how he was feeling. "You," he breathed, lunging forward as if he would attack him, but being held back by the chains. He knew immediately who this man was. The King of Cortez. His enemy.

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Kota stood still as the prince jumped towards him. He could see the hate in his dark blue eyes, the cold grabbing onto his almost bare skin. Kota's emerald green eyes look onto the fallen prince. " Your bother has given you up, you now belong to the kingdom of Cortez, as the house salve. Mine mostly." Kota said coldly. " I find it odd that your brother would throw you to us like that, there should have been more of an attempt to get you back; but thanks to you there is now peace again. One mans life for the life of the kingdom, I guess that is a fair trade." Kota ran his hand through Alec's snow white hair, it was soft.


"I'll leave you down here to your thoughts. I'm sure this is not were you planned to be tonight, so the reasons of war. " he spoke again petting Mars on the head

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"Don't touch me!" Alec spat, glaring up at him with a burning passion in his eyes, and some conflict. What? Peace? Sold? What the hell? As going on here? Alec knew there was no love between himself and his brother, but to sell him to the enemy?


"Like hell I'll bow to you! I'd rather die!" He hissed, like a wolf snarling at a hunter in a trap. Quite an accurate analogy. "My brother isn't so dshonourable that he would SELL me!" He eyed the dogs for a moment, his eyes flickering between them and their master.

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Mar looked at the boy with a tilted head, Jupiter came around at a surprise and snapped at Alec. Jupiter was a bit more aggressive then Mars. " Jupiter, no boy he lives here now" Kota spoke calling the dog. Jupiter looked again at the boy before sitting next to his brother whom licked him on the muzzle. " I have the papers right here if you dont believe me. He signed you over so fast I wasnt even there an hour, most of the time was taken walking in and out of the kingdom. What does that say about your king?" Kota throw the papers at Alec, there content opening up to him

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Alec gave a low growl, turning his eyes away from the man to stare at the stone floor, conflicted. What was this? His brother...was he that eager to get rid of him? They had never been particularly close, but for him to go to that extent to get rid of him? "He protects Arka, protects our people. If he sold me, it was for YOUR reasoning." He replied stiffly, sliding his eyes up to gaze at the dogs.


They were beautiful creatures, he had to say. He himself had dogs back in the palace. He rather loved the animals. "I'll never serve you, no matter what my brothers deeds."

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Kota picked up the documents and walked towards the door. " See it as you please, your stuck here. " kota said as he held the door opened for the dogs, followed by his commander whom slammed the door behind him. " Sir, what is it that you wish us to do with the boy?" his commander asked following Kota as he headed back to his room. " leave him be, dont feed him, bathe him nothing. " Kota turned towards his commander " make sure no one is in his room ether. No contact nothing until i can figure out what to do with him" Kota stopped the commander from following and went to his room for the knight.

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The young prince glared at the door long after he was gone, his white hair falling over his eyes and partially obscuring his view. After quite some time, his shoulders dropped and he moved to sit back against the wall, shifting his hands behind his back. Alec tipped his head back against the cold stone wall and closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down. There was no use in working himself up like this; if he was really here because his brother...sold him for peace, well then...he wasn't sure what the man would do to him.


The King of Cortez seemed to be a smooth talker. Obviously, he was respected that his people adored him; from what he had heard of him, every soldier followed him as willingly into battle as Alec's own. He thought then of his people. What would they do without him? They loved him more than they did his brother, their own king; because honestly, he wasn't necessarily the greatest monarch. The prince tucked in his knees and lowered his head; all this thinking...

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Kota left the prince in the prison ward for 2 days. In the morning on the 3rd day he made his way down to the prison ward and into Alec's cell. " Good morning Prince Alec" Kota said simply. Jupiter sat next to Kota, standing guard; still waking up. While Mars walked over to Alec and started to wash the dirt of his face with a few licks. Kota looked on at the fallen prince. He had spent the better of the last few days thinking of what to do with the young prince. He still was un sure. He had the idea to allow the prince to show the best of his skills, maybe that would help him out. Kota had brought down his morning meal for Alec to eat. Like Alex he him self had not eten in two days. The meal was of fresh eggs and corn bread, A glass of just milked cows milk and an apple covered in a slight sweet sauce .

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Alec had since resorted to lying down, despite the soreness it gave his arms. He'd partially curled up; it was cold and damp here, despite the fact that he was used to the cooler weather, it didn't undermine the fact that he had lacked warmth for two days. He woke up, startled, to a dog licking his face, and sat up suddenly, his eyes wide and startled, like a wild animal. He looked up, trying to think of where he was; he didn't recognize this place.


His thoughts came back to him as he felt the shackles around his wrists and took in the sight of the Cortez King, his blue eyes widening in shock. He scowled then, and sat back against the cold stone of the wall, his hair mussed and his body sore. He eyed the food, and swallowed. He didn't speak; he wouldn't give this man the satisfaction. Alec had not heard the man say his name; the one reserved only for his closest companions.

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Kota's eye twitched as Alec said nothing to him, but he remained calm. He knew better then to get mad over the child like behavior. He put the food down and walked out the door only to return with the keys to Alec's chains. He released him of his chains and pushed the food towards him. " You should eat. It will warm you up, please" Kota calmly said. Kota was tired, his green eyes seemed glaced over, his red-brown hair in a bed head style. Mars went on licking Alec's face for a moment longer before stopping. Kota niled down waiting for Alec to eat.

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Alecxander stared at the king for some time, before he looked down at the food one more, utterly surprised at the man's actions. Not only bringing him food, but unlocking his arms and letting him eat it. The prince swallowed. Was this man truly kind, or was he just playing the game? He was practically a prisoner of war; indeed, he was. He had been taken captive by this man's troops after they breached the outer walls with cannons of all the things. The mere thought of transporting those...


He reached up to show his palm to the dog who seemed intent on sticking close to him, who sniffed it tentatively, before letting out a small yip, licking his palm. The prince blinked in surprise; the dog accepted him it seems. He sat up a little straighter, his brow furrowing at the tightness in his muscles, before he looked to breakfast. His stomach growled very slightly and he kept his eyes downcast at the plate, bringing it a little closer and beginning to eat, starting with the corn bread. The meal was rather extravagant for a prisoner, he had to say, but Alec was not complaining by any regard. The dog beside him sat down, his tail wagging.

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Kota smile a little. A good start, he was eating. " I know that you are my prisoner now, and to be honest I dont know what to do with you. I can keep you in here, but I am not that type of king. I could let you leave but then that would mean war for our people again and to tell you the truth I am tired of fight. so I ask you what should I do with you Prince of Arka?" Kota asked Alecxander. He sat of the floor no up on the door, petting jupiter's head. Jupiter sat and watching Mars be friendly and cried a little. Bark every now and then at his brother friendliness

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Alec looked up at his words, surprised even at the idea of a king asking him for his prisoners opinion on his captivity. The pale prince sat up a little straighter, staring at the king, whose name he still wasn't aware of, with a serious, almost cautious look in his eyes. "You would ask your prisoner on his own sentence? You are either a fool, or a mastermind, and I cannot tell which." He said, leaning back against the wall. Alec thought for a moment, breathing out deeply. "You say I was sold to you?" He asked seriously, his tone less angry and more incredious. Now that he thought about it, it was not that much of a surprise.

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"Not for money but for peace, which is worth a Prince these days." Kota said now looking at Alecxander. Kota understood that the manner in which he was even thinking of asking these question was nothing like normal. " Regardless of the fact that your a prisoner, you still are a Prince, and I respect that fact about you. I am not a ruthless leader. " Kota added. In fact he wasnt, the hardness people seen from his was a front built buy his father.

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Alecxander blinked twice, his back straight an his expression hard. This man was...different than he had anticipated. He was thoughtful, and seemingly open for equality between people. Their war was indeed a bloody one, it had been long and trying on both their families. Sitting here before him was something he had never thought would happen, yet here he was, his prisoner. "Then if you respect me, make a choice you believe will be befitting of someone who is despised by your people, hated by your courts and probably the killer of many a father." He said, his tone tinged with remorse. "Make a decision that is your own, if you cannot do that even for your enemies...then you are not a king. Or at least, that is what my father once told me."

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" My father would have said the same, you would have been kill the moment he got you, but I am not my father. Despite or kingdoms being at war most of my country men do not hate your kingdom but feel pity on your souls in the hopes that one day your kingdom with stand down. We are not as hungry for the blood shed over here as you may think; But I guess your right. I should show my people how to treat the enemy even when we are really no longer enemy's. The war is over now remember. " Kota paused for a moment then went on. " I want you bathed and cleaned up, I'm going to take you around the kingdom. "

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Alecxander's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. He sat up a bit more, swallowing thickly. Was this man serious? Taking a prisoner around the kingdom? That was his decision? He closed his mouth and bit his bottom lip, thinking for a moment. "My people do not so much enjoy the war, nor take pleasure in killing your people. We are...far and few now, because of it, trapped behind the walls of a city, mostly. My people live in fear of yours because of the devastation of the last few years. The pity your people feel on account of that for mine is unappreciated; we fight...we fought because we feared our lives, the lives of our children, mothers and fathers."


He swallowed once, his eyes finally meeting the sharp green eyes of his captor. "If you want me to forget...then you'll have to show me that your people are not like that. And I will be hard to convince."

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Kota simply nodded and stood to his feet. " Mars watch him, he is to go to the bath after this no were else. If he tries then kill him" Kota commander his pet and walked out of the room. He called for his high servant to get his horse and another ready for a ride later on in the day, to set up the bath house as well. Now to think about Kota could use a bath as well, there was still dry blood on his from the battle. While waiting for the prince to arrive Kota decided to take a bath him self, a quick one he thought to him self. He rinsed off before getting into the hot body of water, the heat taking him into a deep state of relaxation, He grabbed onto the edge of the wall and laid his head down, allowing the water to heal his body.

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Alec watched with both suspicion and surprise as the king left the room. Only then did he realize that he still didn't know the man's name. He looked down at his food, and then to the loyal dog sitting beside him, quietly wagging his tail. He pointed to the apple. "Can I eat this first?" He asked. The dog gave a yip, his tail batting against the floor and he took that as a yes. He finished the (sweet, supple, very very nice) apple before he stood, using the wall as balance. His bones ached and his muscles were just as sore. Honestly, he'd been kept down here for two days chained about two feet from the wall. It was a wonder his legs hadn't cramped up completely.


How was he meant to take a bath? He wondered. Alec looked around the cell as he stood, stepping over his plate and moving towards the open door. Was he seriously meant to just wander? The prince looked down at the dog, who was trotting along beside him. The man had ordered him to kill him if he went anywhere else...but how did he know his way around? "Can you...show me which way to go?" He asked tentatively, almost reluctantly. He tried to remember the name the man had used, and it came to him easily. "Mars?" The dog seemed to be almost gleeful at the use of his name and barked, trotting out the door at a pace that wasn't too fast that he couldn't follow. Alecxander shifted a little uncomfortably at the dog's comprehension, but followed him nonetheless. Were all animals here like this?

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Mars went forth to lead the young prince to the bath house. Meanwhile Jupiter watched over his now sleeping master, whom seemed to be having another nightmare. Kota was dreaming about his mother, the normal for him. Her sweet smile and fair skin. He dreamed of the day she had given him Jupiter and Mars. They were so small, but they were his first friends. Then his dream fast forwarded to his death and he jumped a bit. Jupiter only looked at him, a tilt to his head. Kota took a deep breath. ' it was only a dream' he thought to him self, his eyes still heavy. The water was so warm, his body feeling at peace he didnt want to move, maybe if he let go of the wall he would fall into the deepness of the bath and not pop up. He laughed a little and called Jupiter to him, the dog replied with a happy trot, lying down next to his master. Smelling the water Kota splashed Jupiter. The dog replied with a sneeze and made Kota laugh out load. This was fun. Jupiter licked his face and he put on a smile.


Mars lead Alecxander down a large hall way taken two rights then a left before they reached the bath. Stopping even now and again to help Alecxander move along the trail. When Mars heard the laughter of Kota he yelped a little wanted to join in the fun.

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Alec followed the bouncy, happy dog through the corridors, unable to help his chuckle at his antics. Just what kind of dog was he? He took his time, trying not to move too fast and strain his muscles more, and not too slow that he would never get there. As they came closer, the sound of clear, resonating laughter filled the air and the prince stopped to look around, curious. It was a beautiful sound, and Alec turned through one of the doors after the excited Mars, a curious expression on his face.


The prince's mouth opened in surprise at the scene before him, the King of Cortez splashing and playing with his dog. Mars scrambled across the marble of the baths and went to join his brother and master, barking happily. Alec let his eyes trail over the scene for a moment, somewhat shocked, before he realized then that the King was less than decent. He turned his eyes away and gave a very slight flush, still standing in the doorway.

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"Mars! there's my good boy" Kota called as Mars jumped into the fun. He went on splashing the dogs before turning to see the prince in the door way. " Hey, dont just stand there. Come over here" Kota commanded. He swam out of the bath and walked over to the rinsing area " I need you to take off your clothing so I can help rinse you down, im sure your sore from the prison cell and I would prefer you not argue with me. At the moment I am stronger then you are, ether way this is going to happen." Kota said waiting for Alecxander to wabble his way over here

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The prince's eyes widened at his words and he looked at him again, his mouth dropping open. How forward was that? Just asking him to strip down? He looked down at the rather inviting baths, in ground, marble tile and steaming. And he decided that perhaps it would be for the best. He started over with as much speed as he dared, not wanting to tear any more muscles, particularly in his legs.


He didn't look at the king as he stepped towards him, his bare feet on the warm tiles. He reached down to take hold of his (once) white shirt, a little threadbare, and tried to pull it over his head but hissed as his muscles screamed in protest. His shoulders were killing him from all the time with his arms behind his back. "Dammit..." He hadn't realised his eyes had clenched closed until he opened them.

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