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Prisoner of War {Private} {b.lueeyes and jahero}


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"But you are not just a normal prisoner, if you were I dont know if you would be here. " Kota paused. " Not just anyone was given to me, but a prince; and even as your 'master' if you will there is nothing that say i have to have a cold heart to you; miss treat you. " Kota started to wash up. " Why is it that you try and push me towards miss treating you? " kota asked.

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"Because honestly, the only thing I have ever known of Corteza's is that they are vile, inhuman beings who were only worth for killing." He replied bluntly, stopping his own relaxation and instead squaring his shoulders, staring at him. This man had no idea.


"I have known you a day, but known of you for more than that. I have heard of cruelty by you, I have seen you strike down my soldiers not meters from our walls. I have seen you fight, and kill, I have heard and seen the destruction you've caused, and I'm sorry if I am having a little bit of a tough time deciding whether or not to truly trust you even if you have called peace. The war may be behind out people, and I may wish for it all to be over, but when I am so used to you and your people being tormentors, why should I change my mind so quickly even with all you've done to make me comfortable?"

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"For you to over come the pass and see me as I am and not what the war made me. Everything you have seen so far is the real me, none train, no couching from anyone. The war changes you, the war changed everyone. We all put on mask so that we can do what we have to. Now that its over, we can try and go back to the way we normally are. Tell me do you always believe everything you hear? I understand the statement goes against what i just said but still.. " Kota looked into the water, it moved back and forth; the steam raising up from the pool.

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"I believe in what I see," he replied, turning away from him, his bare back flexing with almost anger as he stepped away, further into the deeper water. "For the love of Arka, just let this go. I need time, alright. I just need time; I'm sorry if I am a little bit reclusive and insulting, but that just happens to be how I am right now."

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Kota watched as Alecxander walked away. He looked on, wanted to grab the boy and turn him around , but he decided that maybe he should leave him be. Kota slowly drifted out of the bath and dried him self off, getting dressed and leaving the room with Jupiter at his path. Mars crying as they left, but he simply waded into the water towards Alecxander, licking some of the water off his face.


Kota went about his day, checking on the town; over seeing some trades between the kingdoms. As the day grow darker and the night colder Kota slipped away to his hiding place in the garden

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To say that Alecxander was surprised to have been left alone was an understatement. As soon as the footsteps had faded, he had turned, his hand on Mars' head, stroking gently, towards the door. Kota had left him; just like that. The prince had expected a fight back, some kind of verbal response, some kind of intensity but the man had just...left?


Alec dried and dressed, before going back to his room, making sure that Mars was with him every step. The dog was still under orders for him not to go anywhere other than from the baths to his room unless ordered, and when he had tried to step down one of the corridors, the dog had looked confused, but had growled and butted him back anyway, directing him to his room. The prince stayed within, examining the gifts he had been given. From oils to some medicinal products, to more elaborate things like softer, thinner clothing made of cloth so soft he didn't even know what it was. It was obviously for hotter weather, and the sheer thought of hotter weather made him want to faint. There were looser pants, a style he had seen in the square, and a number of other gifts. All of them were well made and well picked.


Alecxander moved out onto the small balcony he had as the day wore on, and looked out over the royal gardens over towards the walls, wondering just how far this city went. Were the people poor in some areas? Were there outskirting villages? Were there districts depending on race and class? Were there slaves in every household? What was Cortezina like? The city he had seen yesterday...held so much mystery. He did not know the people, he did not know the culture. He did not know their structure, nor their true military system, only what he had seen on the battle field. He did not know how the people were treated by the guards, he did not know how the people viewed...their king, or how they were ruled.


He did not know Cortezans like he knew Arkans. He did not know Cortezina like he knew Arkana. He didn't know the House of Cortez like he did the House of Arka. It was plain and simple.

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Cortezina, A medium to large sized kingdom, ruled by the King Cortez; son of a murdered mother and a blood thirsty father. The kingdom is self safely place between the mountains, and protected by the dragon Draco. As Kota lay in the soft grass of his garden the worries of what Alecxander said were fresh with in his mind. The boy was right to say the lest, the place was was a darkness to him, only known as the breeder of warriors that killed off his own; But that wasnt the case at all, Kota knew this but how was he going to get Alecxander to see this. The first time Kota tried the people dishonored the kingdom and made a fool of themselves. Then again was is really there fault - they knew whom Alecander was, and for Kota to defend him much have place worrying thoughts into there minds.


The next day kota thought to him self, he would speak to his people about the prince. He ruled this way, allowing the people to know what was going on around them - unlike his father who just pushed things forward. Then after that he would show Alecxander everything about the kingdom..everything.


It was a good plan; and then again it was a bad one. What if Alecxander took the information to his older brother and tried to take over the kingdom? Would he even try? Maybe, kota thought. He would start off small. He'll show Alec the people and the city first. Show some family history and work his way from there, learn everything he could from Alec as well. Kota was going to make this work.


The wind blew in a chill, and ruffled his hair as he reached for the stars above him, jupiter tried to catch the fireflys that played in the garden. " Jupiter, go get them. .." Kota said breaking up the young dogs fun. Jupiters ears moved a little as he looked at his master then trotted off down the rock wall and made his way to the graveyard to use the secret passage.


Meanwhile, Sara made her way to Alecxander's room, knocking on his door and opening it so she could peek in. " Prince Alecxander? Are you in here?" She called as she looked around the room for the prince. She noticed the gifts had been look through.

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At the sound of his name being called, the prince broke from his thoughtful reverie, blinking almost groggily as he turned his eyes back over his shoulders, seeking the figure but seeing none. He started, before he came to the door of the balcony and spotted the woman peeking through the doors, spying the light coloured hair. "Ah, it's you!"


He stepped back through the doorway, dressed simply in medium grey pants that were fairly loose, thankfully, because it had been somewhat humid during the day. A long sleeved tunic in green settled over his shoulders, a soft kind of colour that still held a bright intensity. He had been admiring it all day, truthfully; thinking on Kota. It was the same colour... "Please, come in," he said, trying to thoughtfully push the flush from his cheeks. There was no use in getting flustered over a colour.

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"good morning" Sara said with a bow. " I dont believe i told you my name the first time we had met. My name is Sara and it is a pleasure. I was wondering where you had gone off too. Then I was informed that you were seen with Mars heading to your room. Tell me why are you stuck inside? The night air should be cold enough for you?" Sara said with a curious tone. She moved closer into the room. Her white robe swaying as she walked gracefully.

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This woman...was kind. He had been able to tell this from the moment he had met her, but now he thought it for an entirely different reason. This woman, Sara; she reminded him of his mother. He stopped and gaped for a moment, before he swallowed and looked away, a little sheepish. "Ah, I attempted to go down the corridors, but Mars seemed adamant that I not. I think he is still under orders not to let me go anywhere but the baths or my room without Kota."


Alec ran a hand through his snowy locks, taking a few more steps into the room, Mars looking up from his place curled up on the end of the bed, his tail wagging lazily at the sound of his name. He gave a small, contented yip, obviously understanding, and proud he had been doing his job. Alecxander chuckled and moved to sit on the side of the bed, patting his head gently, scratching behind his ears, causing a low, contented whine to emanate from within him.

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"I see, they take the kings word to heart, but still. You shouldnt be in your room all day. It isnt good for you." Sara smiled lightly at Alecxander as they spoke. She felt at home with him, finally having someone to talk to that looked like her, that came from the same place. "We should get that lifted then, do you know where Kota is at?" Sara asked as she moved to sight lightly next to Alecxander, a smile on her face that could light up the room

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Alecxander's smile faded and his shoulders drooped, a sigh falling from his lips as he continued to rub Mars' ears, occasionally scratching the good spots. "Ah, no I do not. He left earlier this morning and I...haven't seen him since." He turned his eyes up to look at the woman, giving the very slightest of smiles, before he noticed the beaming, stunning expression on her face, the turn of her lips-


She looked just like his mother. He sat there, his mouth falling open very slightly, his lips parted in surprise, the colour draining from his face.

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The look on Sara's face slowly faded as she noticed the color run from Alecxanders face. Carefully she ran her hand through his snowy hair, moving it away from his face so she could look into his eye. She gave him a calming smile " Please forgive him, he tries so hard to fix things - sometimes to hard. " She spoke softly to the prince.


As Sara sat next to Alecxander the secret way from the graveyard to Alecxanders room opened up, the sound of stone sliding on stone. The wall opened up and Jupiter slowly stepped out, shaking the water off his fur as he looked around the room as if to see its order. Jupiter always reminded Kota of a commander, always on the looks out, aware and alert.

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Alecxander couldn't help his shock and his almost awe of this woman, his shoulders dropping as she sat next to him, a deep sorrow going through him. She thought his reaction was to do with Kota. Of course; he couldn't get caught up by things like that. She wasn't his mother, so was...someone completely different.


Mars looked up, his tail stopping it's wagging for a split second before he barked, launching himself off the bed and scrambling to the floor. Alec watched on in shock as the two dogs greeted each other, his eyes trained on the passageway.

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Jupiter and Mars seemed to have a silent conversation for a few moments before they both turned there attention to Sara and Alecxander, sitting there waiting. Sara gave off a light glow as she smiled once more. "Prince Alecxander, remember when I told you your are more then welcome to come to me if you have a problem or if you need anything please let me know. No worries, Mars nor Jupiter will stop you, I know things here are not easy for you. This world is strange and different from our home land. All I ask is that you please give it the chance, once you do its really not so bad" she tilted her head and smiled at Alecxander.

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"I..." Alec murmured, still gazing up at her with wide, deep blue eyes. She was so kind to him. Her voice was soothing and light, just like his mothers. The simularities were incredible, yet he knew...this wasn't here. "I-I ah," he turned his eyes down to his lap, nodding slowly. "Y-Yeah, I...I understand. Thank you for...the offer, thank you." He stuttered, standing up a little too quickly, standing just a little taller than her.

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She looked up at him, her green eyes matching his almost a copy. He seemed somewhat lost; wanting to reach out and be found by someone;anyone she thought. She stood and embraced the young prince with a warming hug. She was just trying to comfort him.

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Alecxander froze, his body simply shutting down within the soft, warm and even strong confines of her slender arms. All of a sudden, his barriers broke down once more and he found he could not hold the tears that came to his cobalt eyes. He wrapped his arms around her firmly, burying his cheek into her chest and simply letting the tears flow, his shoulders shuddering slightly. He did not register what he was doing, now, he was running on what he felt.

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Sarah felt as the young prince began to break down; tears flowing from his eyes as his head buried in her chest. She place a gentle hand upon his back and began to slowly rub his back as the prince cried. She let the tears flow with out word for the moment. Feeling his soul venting out any pain it may be in at the moment. Softly she began to hum a small tune from the homeland. Sarah wanted to wait to say anything, not wanting to break Alecxander of his moment. maybe he just need to finally cry after trying to be tough all this time; finally being able to let out all he has kept in. She held him closely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He held her back tightly, his strong arms held around her waist as he cried. Whatever came over him, whether it be the sheer hatred for his brothers having put him here, the idea that he was here, or the sheer loneliness he felt at being away from his homeland, Alecxander could not stop his tears. They intensified at the sound of the familiar tune, a lullaby that he heard often echoing through the icy streets. His mother had once sang it to him, he remembered it. This woman, however, she- was not his mother. Just what was he doing? Crying like this-


Very slowly, he pulled back to look up at the woman, his eyes wide, teary and ever-blue. "I-I..." he murmured, more tears falling, his hands settled on her waist. "I-I a-apologize, I just..."

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Sara slowly just shook her head and petted the prince on the head, and wiped what tears she could away. " No need to be sorry Prince Alecxander, im honored. " She gave a heart warming smile and placed a hand on his.

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