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Prisoner of War {Private} {b.lueeyes and jahero}


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Kota was getting the soupy water ready when he heard the prince say 'dammit' which mad him look up. Kota's wet blonde hair was dripping water down his build body, he was getting cold and wanted to get back in the bath. "Here let me" Kota said as he gentle pulled off Alecxanders clothing. Throwing them aside, he started to slowly wash the prince in the warm soupy water. Making sure to be gentle with his stiff body; Kota noticed a large scar going down Alecxanders back, it looked deep. As he made his way down Alec's body he froze for a bit, taken a deep breath before he start to wash his private parts. They needed to be cleaned too he thought to him self.

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The prince tensed up as he felt warm, gentle hands move partially over his. His shirt was thrown away, and he was quickly rid of his trousers, and then he was bare before him. He fought the flush that threatened to overcome him as the king, seemingly completely unaware of his wish for modesty, began to wash him down. He was gentle, delicate even with his movements. And the water was warm, soapy and inviting. He closed his eyes and let the man do this, despite his wish to just run like a startled deer.


When the man's hands drifted closer to his privates, he tensed, just as he was beginning to relax. His shoulders lifted a little, and he turned his face into his left one, closing his eyes. He didn't want to look at him. His white hair hung wet and limp over his face.

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Kota took his time in this area, making sure everything was clean. By the time he was does, he noticed the little prince was a bit stiff in the lower area. The king blushed and poured warm water onto Alecxander, rinsing the soup of his body " Now into the bath we go" kota said picking up the prince and heading towards the bath; but he slipped on some soap and both boys fell into the deep end of the bath. Kota popped up for a breath of air, he looked around for Alecxander.

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Alecxander had given a bit of a cry as he was picked up (he wasn't necessarily weightless after all), but didn't have the time to complain because the next moment he was falling, and crashing into the soapy water of the baths. The water sloshes up and over the sides as Alec floudered under the water, clenching his eyes closed against it. "Ah!" He gasped as he broke surface, shaking his hair out of his eyes as he gasped for air. "What was that?" He yelled, turning to find the king, but bumping into his back instead.

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Kota jumped and turn rather fast for being in the water, He quickly grabbed hold on Alecxander and was in a killing pose before he realized whom he was holding. He stood down and backed off a bit " I'm sorry, I must have slipped on the soup" Kota explained backing off some more. Among other things he had a secret, which is what caused him to be single in the first place, one of the things that turned him on was battle and in that moment, as he thought he was going to get in another kill, he became erect. He tried to hide it under his hands but his hand couldnt cover all of it so he just did his best to stay away from Alecxander at the moment. Kota wasnt a fan of this 'trait ' of his, he in fact hated it. It made him feel like a monster. " J-just try and relax, let the water breath life back into you body" Kota said trying to relax himself

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The white haired teen went still as the man grabbed him, one hand instinctively coming up part way to strike, but he wasn't fast enough before the man had him in a position that could snap his neck in a moment. His deep blue eyes went wide at the flash of ecstacy that went through the king's eyes and his mouth dropped open. When he was let go, he couldn't help but stare at him, eyeing him up and down with a cautious expression. What was that? He didn't move, instead keeping slightly defensive. "That's some reflex you've got there."

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Kota dipped his whole body into the water, his blond hair and Green eyes the only thing showing. His body twitched " Sorry my training acting up again. You must be careful when touching me. The battle maybe over, but not long enough for my guard to be down im afraid. Im sorry if I have hurt you" Kota finished with a glace around the room then back at Alecxander. There was a problem. If Kota didnt finish, his battle angry would be hard to control. He could do it, but it would mess up anything planed today. He fought on the best he could.

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"War-monger," He said quietly, keeping his eyes fixed on him. A few drops of water glistened as they made their way down his pale torso, his blue eyes glinting from beneath his white locks. "That's what we would call you in Arka. One who has spent so much time in battle they have a hard time getting away from it." Alec had been called one himself more than once in the past few years but more so with the fact that he liked to hunt soldiers. He'd done quite a few shots in the dark in his lifetime.

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Kota moved his body out of the water, The scars of battle covered his body, as water jumped from his body back into the bath. He moved closer and closer towards Alecxander until he was almost breathing down his neck. Kota looked into the princes eye with rays of hope - but with a dept going into his soul. " Young prince, my name is Kota. J. Cortez the third. I grew up with no siblings, besides my dear dogs, and my mother whom was wrongfully taken from me. My father a war loving hore did nothing but train his only son in the art of war. Filling his heart with the blood of others. Looking into my soul young prince - tell me what you see"

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Alecxander stood rigid, looking up at the taller man with a still, steely gaze of blue. The breath on his neck was hot, his body cold from the air hitting his wet body, and he fought off his shudder (thankfully) successfully. He looked up into those eyes; dark green, they were so deep...


"I see someone with a sword for a heart and a heart for a sword. I see someone who has too much strength to know what to do with it," He spoke under his breath, swallowing thickly. His eyes narrowing, he leant a little closer, their noses nearly touching, his breath mingling with his. "And I see someone who should know not to get to close to a wolf, lest they snap." He said pointedly.

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Kota twitched once more, one eye narrowed and a grin cover his face. Alec had triggered a reaction. " They wolf may snap all he pleases, to the dragon the bites are nothing but love bites" Kota said slowly allowing his tunge out of his mouth neatly touching the young princes fair skin. Kota fought with him self. Every moment he spent with Alec now he would want to do one of two things, kill him, or roughly fuck him; and since Kota had never been with a man, and for that matter only with one woman. He believed his mind would go to what was more formidable to him and that was to kill the prince. If Kota slipped up and killed the prince, everything would fall apart. How much longer could he hold out really? He couldnt just start relieving himself in front of the prince, what would he say ' sorry if i dont do this I'll kill you' Kota shook his head, on the inside he was a mess; but on the outside all you could see was a small twitch

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"Yes, well wolves don't just bite; when they attack they maul and rip their prey to pieces. No matter how hard the flesh," Alec replied, his tone low, his eyes flickering down towards the king- Kota's, he reminded himself- lips. There was a kind of strength behind this man's words; he was wound taught like one of his own bows, ready to fire at any moment. He was tense; he'd seen that in a stag just before they bolted. And it intrigued him, if...it was a little dangerous to think so.


This man likened himself to a dragon, did he? Well, alright then. He could work with that.

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"On there own the wolf is only so strong, the dragon a lone is strong no matter what, and can burn the wolf if he is not careful" there kota went again. if he didnt warn the prince they may not make it out of the room. " Listen Alecxander, please just tread with ease. I have an unstablness about me that could get you kill. Now please just take your bath" Kota spoke slowly and softly, trying not to feed into his temptation, his hands pushing his member back into the water.

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Unstableness? As in trouble with control? Alec's eyes narrowed and he tipped his chin up, their lips ever so close. "Alright, Kota." he whispered, taking a step back, his sharp eyes missing nothing of his movements. The prince turned, some of the water flying off him as he moved towards the shallower areas.

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Kota took a deep breath as the prince back away, his heart beat slower. The battle with in, settling down. everything was going back to normal at lest he thought, he felt his member still fighting for the pleasure. Kota took a deep breath, over and over again. " Once we are done here, you will be fitted for some clothing, until made you may were something of mine. Left me know when you feel you have finished your bath. " Kota said, now trying to get the thought of anything violent or pleasure out of his mind. " Jupiter, go and get the High servant, I have need of him" Kota commanded Jupiter whom jumped to complete the order, giving a bark in response. Kota knew it would take a moment for him to be found. Mars had followed Alec to the other side of the bath now dipping his tan paws into the water. He stood there tail waging, watching the young man for a moment before trotting around in the water playfully.

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"Thank you," he murmured almost reluctantly. He had to say...this man was rather generous, despite his threats against him and the fact that he had kept him confined for two days. It was different however, as the two of them were utter enemies. He sunk down into the water, wetting his hair and making sure that he was completely cleaned over. Kota had done a good job. He broke free of the surface, throwing his head back to throw the water from his hair, breathing out deeply. "I think I'm about done," he said, looking back over his shoulder towards the king.

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Kota had already gotten out of the bath and dried him self off, he was now drying Mars off, whom thought it was a great Idea to jump into the bath. Kota calmed down finally to be able to go about his day safely. " Come over here, there is a towel and some of my clothing over there. get dressed, Jupiter should be back any moment with my High servant. From here we shall walk the kingdom. I shall show the people" Kota said with a smile on his face. Mars was now dry and clean, his brother would stand out but Jupiter would get a bath later. Kota walked over to the small place in the bath house with lining in it. All the shirts had his kingdoms emblem upon them. It was that of a dragon surrounded in silver, its wings seeming to be protecting a small kingdom. At the bottom, two swords crossed and the words. " In Draco we trust, In god we love" If looked at closely, you could see what looked to be a wolf or dog standing on the small kingdom, calling to the dragon. Kota grabbed a blue button up shit, alone with an undershirt, and play pants.

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Alec ran a hand through his hair as he stepped out of the baths, moving with much less difficulty toward the king, letting his eyes go over his body for a moment. He was tall, lean, and not without battle scars. He was taller, and nowhere near as pale. He took hold of one of the towels, tousling his white locks as he looked over the clothes. They were all emblem-ed, and his eyes narrowed at the thought. Kota was going to be dressing him, an Arkan prince, in the garb of his household?


"...you aren't serious?"


Alec thought of his own family crest, the beautiful silver embroidery of a great silver stag, rearing up on it's back legs. A fleur de lies, with two sleek silver wolves curling left and right, howling towards the stag, made up their royal family crest underneath the fleur. 'The stag at bay becomes a wolf.' It was their proof of their custom for their people, that when faced with adversity, the proud and nimble stag becomes a powerful and formidable wolf. The idea of wearing any other crest sickened him.

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Kota looked at Alecxander and shook his head. " This is the only thing you have to wear. I can take you around town naked, but im sure the kingdom would think nothing more of you then my sex slave and I punishing you for not doing as you were told. You wear the cloth and I will have some made for you with in the day or next. " Kota protested, as he grabbed a red outfit and started to dress the prince, a small child would be easier to dress thought kota

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The prince's eyes narrowed and he stepped back, pulling away from the king's hands and absolutely refusing to be dressed. "No, I will not diminish my pride so. Do you not have something else? Anything else?" He growled, his blue eyes darkening with anger. "I won't wear your crest, Kota; I am not your dog."


He turned his body half away and ripped his arm out of Kota's grip, glaring up at the king with a heated gaze.

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Kota twitch again, and with out thought he slapped Alec in the face. " Damn it Alecxander, stop being a child and put the damn clothing on, now!" Kota commanded, now allowing Alecxander to put on his own clothing. Just as the sound of the slap echoed down the hall Kota's High Servant walked into the room. " My king, how is it that I may server you today?" he asked his head bowed down and hand over his heart. " The prince and I are going to go on a walk around the kingdom. I need you to tell Sarah that I need her to make so clothing for the prince. Make sure they dont have our crest but his. " Kota said with out missing a beat. He then turned to Alecxander. " Sarah will be making you clothing, now hurry and dress so we may leave."

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Alec hadn't seen the strike coming, which was strange for him. Yet Kota was fast; faster than the majority of the soldiers in Arka, as fast as he was, even, but he didn't know. He wasn't used to that. His head fell to the side, a sharp sting erupting on the pale skin over his cheekbones, and his hand came up to cover the area, his blue eyes wide with shock. Kota has just hit him. He stared at the man's back as he went to leave, the prince threw a deadly glare, scathing and with such anger that it must have startled him at least, a growl escaping Alec's throat. The High Servant looked apprehensive, even wary of him.

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Seeing the look on his High Servants face, Kota stayed with his backed turned towards the prince. Both Jupiter and Mars stood at the ready now for anything. The air seemed to sit still, and the prince's growl danced in Kota's ears. His green eyes narrowed a bit. " Get dressed Alecxander. " he spoke softly " Max go do as you were asked " with those words the High Servant was gone

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He had STRUCK him. It had been expected eventually, but not then. He kept his eyes narrowed towards the King, reaching down to take hold if the dark red tunic. He hated the colour. Loathed it. Nonetheless, he started to dress, pulling the disgusting thing over his chest. "My pride is my own, will you insist on taking that just as you took so many lives?" He asked him in a low, dark tone.

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" My pride is enough for me I have no need for yours, I know you heard me tell Maxs to have Sarah make you so clothing that are more to your taste and you still whine like a child. " Kota said coldly. He finally turned towards the price, his green eyes looking upon the white haired prince. He had less trouble with a woman, with less a statues. Kota could understand that wearing someone's crest was nothing to brag about, but there was nothing he could do. The only clothing that may not have the emblem on them were that of the poor.

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