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Prisoner of War {Private} {b.lueeyes and jahero}


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The tunic was a little large on him, but nonetheless...it fit. He reached out to grab a pair of dark pants pulling them up his hips, before he realised that yes, his waist was much smaller than this man's, and they were rather big. He glared up to Kota, his eyes flashing. By some standards, he WAS still a child. "They don't even FIT me."

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Kota looked at him then at the clothing. He was right. " Sorry those are my fathers, I thought I got ride of all of these. " Kota said. His eyes narrowed softly, the color seemed to drain out of his eyes. Kota stiffened up and left the room, Jupiter and Mars followed him quickly. Moving from room to room until he found some older clothing. He spent a moment looking around for a knife of some sorts, he found one and headed back to the bath house were he walked over to Alecxander. Clothing in one had and the knife in the other. He took the knife and cut his fathers clothing off of Alecxander revealing Alecxanders naked body, and with out missing a beat Kota redressed Alec in a neutral outfit, more commonly warn by new combers

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When the king returned with a knife, Alec froze, instantly sinking into a defensive position. Those eyes...if he was coming at him with a knife, he would probably be able to subdue him. Alecxander wasn't very good with knives...he preferred bows. "What are yo-" He started, but he was pretty much stripped of his clothing before he could do anything. There wasn't much time for modesty, but what little time there was he used, covering himself with a light blush on his pale cheeks.


Those eyes were intense, and the fact that he couldn't have just asked him to change again sort of irritated him. The clothes fit much better, and were of a more pleasing colour than red. He hated the colour red, it reminded him too much of battle. "...thank you." He said quietly, through grit teeth.

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Kota motioned for the prince to follow him outside, making there way to the kingdom. " Welcome to my kingdom Alecxander" Kota said as they gazed upon the kingdom below kota's home. " We will be taking the horses down, they enjoy the ride. Come this way" Kota took Alec towards the stables. It was a large house filled with all different types of horses, sizing from small to large. Newborns at one end while the older horse towards the other. A large plot of land was given to the horse to run and graze. " Please pick a horse from the house or yard" Kota said as he climbed the fence leading to the yard. There were already a few horses grazing with in the yard. A brown horse, one with spots and some clots.


Kota put on a smile and took a deep breath before yelling " DAREDEVIL!" a few moments a silence seemed to pass by before the sound of what seemed like thunder hitting the ground got louder and louder, crashing towards Kota. In the distance a black dot could be seen getting closer to them. With in a few moments a black horse was in front of Kota. He was a large black stallion, with a scar across his chest. He had a blend of golden rod and chestnut eyes. His mane a rich black.


Daredevil whined as he seen his master, dancing around and around him. Mars and Jupiter barked at the large animal, running in between his feet. " Hey there big guy" Kota said as he got a hold of the horse and hugged his neck

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Alec had to cover his eyes when he was led outside, the sun far brighter than it was indoors, even with the skylights in the majority of the rooms. There was no way that they would have those in Arka, it was just far too cold. He followed the king, unable to help the curiousness in his eyes as they reached the stables. But a stab of longing went through him when he remembered something. He didn't have a horse of his own anymore.


He watched the man, a little startled at the size and energy in the massive beast. He was a proud and strong figure, beautiful even. And Alec looked away, a spark of anger in his eyes. "The only horse that I would have loved to ride is dead, murdered by your men," he said quietly, looking at the man's back from a few feet away.

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Kota turned to face Alec, his face somewhat stunned. " I - I had no idea" Kota spoke softly. Daredevil nugged him and he placed his hand on the beast once again. " I'm sorry you had to loss your horse Alecxander. I couldnt imagine losing Daredevil, what a pain you must feel" Kota was hit with a chill of sadness for Alecxanders loss.

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Alecxander looked away, not wanting to show his sorrow. "His name was Wicked, he was...he was a six year old Arabian, white." He said, feeling that to be the only thing he needed to tell him. He wasn't going to tell him about his horse, not how proud he was, or how playful. How nobody else could seem to control him when he was first reigned in, and how he'd stepped up to the challenge. "He was a good horse." He said, a little huskily.

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"And a proud one I'm sure" Kota added under his breath. " This is my horse Daredevil, and he is my partner in battle" kota paused for a momennt We can walk if you prefer" Kota said quickly as he looked upon Alec.

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Alecxander looked towards the King and his horse, and shook his head, taking a few steps towards them. "No," he murmured in reply. "No, I'm not that weak that I would not ride another horse. I'll ride."

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Kota pointed back to the horses with out any comment. He then went and got Daredevil ready for to ride, laying a blanket then saddle onto of him. He rather enjoyed working with the animals, even if it was servant work, the work helped him calm his mind. Made him feel like a normal person in a way

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The prince looked around for a moment, realizing then that he looked rather different to anyone he could see. Pale skin, the white hair of his family...he stood out here, even with the neutral clothing. He kept his head high as he moved towards the stables, noticing easily the order. He moved through the stalls, looking at each of the horses, taking a pat at one or two, all of them seeming to follow him with his eyes. His family were natural horsemen; Arka was prized for it's horses and it's huntsmen, and those trained by the Royal Family were the best of breeds. Wicked had been one of the few in the herd that had been wild; they royal trainers had not been able to tackle it. So, Alec had tried himself...and succeeded.

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Kota and his small band of animals waited outside for Alec to return, there were many horses in the stables so it could take a while. Mars and Jupiter started playing around with each other, biting a snipping there teeth at each others feet, while Kota sat on Daredevils back. The sun was almost at high noon, the heat was mild for this time of year.

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After a little while of searching, Alecxander came across a medium grey Arabian, it's proud head turned half away from the front of the stall. It's stall was closed tight and it seemed to be a little testy. It's mane was a darker grey, and it had a few white speckles over it's back. Alec opened the door to the stall, and held his hand out.


(He's taking some time, perhaps he comes after him?)

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By now the sun was past noon and the prince was still had not returned. " What is taken him so long?" Kota wondered as he stepped down from his horse and headed inside the stable. There was no one inside put the but the Azka prince, strange kota had thought, they must have all left when they seen Alec. Kota made his way half way down the stable to were Alec was standing half way inside a stable. " Did you find one?" Kota said tapping on the princes shoulder

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The prince nearly jumped, other than the fact that his palm was being nibbled by an obviously otherwise dangerous horse. On the front of his stall was a red cross, a sign that meant in Arka an uncontrollable horse. Alecxander smiled and turned his hand to pat the horse's flank. "I think so."

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Kota looked around the corner to see what horse he had pick. " This one hasnt been broken in yet Alec, he is still wild" Kota said looking at the grey horse. " We found this guy in a pack of thorns, just got out of the infirmary the other day." Kota added. He lend up on the side of the stable " well if you think you can handle him, sadly up and lets ride. Show me what you got Prince alecxander" Kota challanged

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The prince looked up at the king of Cortez, his dark blue eyes wide at the sound of the nickname he pulled his hand from the horse and smirked slowly, but it was less mischievous than angry. "Who ever said you could call me by that name?"

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Kota played along " That is whom your are right? The prince Alecxander" Kota grinned. " Tell you what, lets have a race. Your new friend here" kota said patting the large house on the chest " Vs. my friend outside. If you win, I will apologize greatly and allow you to give me a small punishment, with in reason " Kota add. The excitement fired up his eye

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The white haired prince's eyes narrowed at both the impudence of the fact that he had called him 'Alec', and the challenge. He nodded, and opened the door to the stall. "Alright then; give me ten minutes to get him tacked, and I'll be out."

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Kota nodded and gave a short wave as he headed back towards his animal pack, he wanted to run and jump onto D.devil but he kept his cool. He was thinking of were to have the race,there was a strip on the country side that would work well. A smile reached both his ears. Time to have some fun he thought, as he re-calmed his spot on top of his horse and made his flare, Kota was ready for the race.

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Alec took his time tacking his horse, using that which he found would be the most comfortable for the horse, choosing not to go for his own comfort. As such, when the prince exited the stables, the horse was only tacked in a simple, soft leather bridle, and nothing more. No saddle, no blanket, no stirrups. He led the horse carefully from the stables, the stallion tossing his head slightly, almost estranged from being free of a saddle outside of his stall, if they could get one on him. The stallion had attempted to bite him when he appealed to him with the singular bit of tack, but he had simply pulled back and stared into those dark eyes, and the horse had relented to the bridle. "Alright, shall we then?" He said, looking up at Kota from where he stood on the ground.

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Kota looked down at the white haired prince, from this height he looked like a small child. He then looked at the grey horse, he looked good. There was no saddle, no blanket no nothing on him tho kota thought maybe Alecxander was going more for the bare approach with just made him smile more. " Are you going to get on your horse? the place were we are going to race is a bit ways from here." was Kota's replied to Alec;s shall's well

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Alecxander scoffed and placed one hand on the horses flank, drawing out an irritated flick of his tail. The prince's smile widened and he led the horse a little way away from Daredevil, turning his eyes to Kota. "What, get on a horse that doesn't trust me just like that? He doesn't even know me, I probably smell different. No, I'll lead him if that's alright."

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Kota smiled a little at his answer, It was nice to see he knew his stuff. Kota wasnt sure but maybe he was going to be able to like Alecxander after all. " I can put you up here, and we can lead him together" Kota said holding out his hand to lift The prince up onto daredevil. " It will help you smell more like the grey is use to anyhow"

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Alecxander held up a hand, shaking his head with a small, sly smile. "Ah ah, no; I think I'll be quite fine, thank you." He replied, before he gestured around him. "Shall we go then? I'm sure I will be alright as I am. Just make sure not to go too fast before we get there."

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