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Prisoner of War {Private} {b.lueeyes and jahero}


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Kota took his hand back. " As you wish" he said, with that D.devil started to trot slowly. "There is a piece of land to the north of here, its clear and would be a great place to race the horses." Kota pointed as he spoke. " No one should bug us up there." he added. Jupiter followed on Kota's left side while Mars was on Alec's right. " He has taken a liking to you, Mars has I mean. He is a good friend, he must trust you" kota said not looking at the prince or Mars but straight ahead. The sky was a lush blue, with a few clouds filling its space. The sun shining brightly.

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The prince looked down to the chipper dog, giving a gentle smile to him, to which Mars gave a loud bark in reply, causing the horse to jerk it's head back. Alec simply made a few tutting sounds under his breath and gripped the reins once, and the horse ceased it's bickering, moving to follow him, if with a little reluctance.


It did not take them to long to trot to the place Kota had mentioned, Alec simply followed along behind the man, occasionally looking down to Mars to see if the dog was alright. He was a happy thing, wasn't he?

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"OKay were here. " Kota said looking around for a moment. " So you see that large tree over there, we will race to the tree and back to this spot. If you win you may punish me slightly. as long as it isnt to bad, and I will say Im sorry for calling you out of name. So take to your horse so we may ride. Jupiter , Mars stand out of the way boys" Kota said with a grin. D.devil was moving in place, he could feel his masters need for speed

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Taking a moment to turn his sharp eyes up towards the King, and they narrowed very slightly. He stayed on the ground; he wanted to be absolutely sure of something first... "Just what do you gain if you win?" Alec inquired, his tone quiet.

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Kota didnt think of it that way. " Nothing.. I didnt plan on getting anything but the fun of the race, so really ether way I win in my own little way." Kota said with honesty, He hadnt really wanted anything, nothing that the prince could give him anyhow.

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The prince did not respond, but he felt a twinge in his gut. Just what did that mean? He turned towards the arabian, his pale hands meeting either side of his flank as he looked into the creature's eyes. He whispered a few words under his breath, Arkan, which he had no doubt the horse would not understand, but he did it anyway, a habit for himself. He held the reigns loosely in one hand as he turned around to the side of the horse, before he placed both hands on the horses slender back, and in one swift movement, launched himself up onto the beast, swinging one leg over with a grace that few could mustre.


The horse shifted and stirred, taking a few steps forward, its head tossing back from the movement. He was obviously irritated. Alec held the reigns a tightly, leaning down towards his ear and hushing him as the horse began to move. He moved with the horse, rocking his hips back and forth with his steps, pulling the horse through a few quick circles to pull him into line, but the horse still held it's spirited tossing. He righted the horse, his hooves pushing against the ground. He hadn't been bucked off; that was all he was happy with. "Alright! Let's do this!"

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Kota ready D.devil and the dogs stood back, both horse lined up ready to run. D.devil trotted in place. " Ready,set, race" Kota yell as both horse darted off forward towards the tree. The loudness of the horse as the ran on the ground made an earthquake seem like it was nothing but a tiny rain fall. D.devil was giving it a good go but Kota was holding him back a little. In the end he wanted Alec to win the race, Kota had a plan.


As they both rapped around the tree, kota let Alec and the grey pass him. He made sure to stay on his heals though, so that Alec wouldnt notice the race was staged.

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The horse beneath him bolted as he gave a quick dig of his heels, sharp and just enough into his gut to have him go. He sat forward, naturally aligned with the horse, the stance between them effortless as he simply let the stallion go, guiding him only when needed. As they rounded the tree, Alec caught sight of the very slightest shift in Kota's hands and his eyes narrowed. Oh, so that was how it was, was it?


He was a horseman by blood; he knew how to handle horses, and he could see that Daredevil was not going his very best. Yet, Alec kept his head low and let the horse have his way, his white hair fluttering around him, as he and his horse rocketed back past their starting line, having broken halfway down the straight again.

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Kota and Daredevil crossed the Finish line, a little bit after Alec. Daredevil mad a few upsetting noises. He wasnt big on losing and knew that he could have won. He started trotting in place and wanted to run again but kota stopped him. "Looks like you won far and square. I guess that means I owe you an apology. " Kota spoke loudly at Alec whom was down the track again.

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The horse beneath him gave a small jump, obviously ready to buck him off, and he held tight to the reigns, tugging them back behind his left leg, pulling the strong beast down. He stumbled a bit and Alec stood strong, his hips rising and falling against the movements. "Hey! Hey, cool it!" He said, using one hand to pat his flank as he stopped the circles, holding him there. The horse gave a long snort and tossed his mane, but stayed there. Alec couldn't help the smile at him, but at Kota's words he looked up.


"If you wish to believe that I won, that's fine by you," he said, jerking his chin up towards him from where he say stop the arabian. "But I know how to ride a horse, Kota, it's interesting to see someone with such control over an animal as you had." He said pointedly, his blue eyes flashing. He knew what he'd done; he had seen it with his own two eyes.

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Kota simply rubbed his head in an 'Oops' fashion. He had been found out. " Well, its not like I cheated or anything, me and Daredevil were off are game is all" Kota said looking at Alec with a smile. Daredevil made a loud *naaay* and stumped his feet. Kota whispered in the horses ear as he petting his neck. The horse quickly calmed down and trotted over to Alec and his horse.


"So what is it that I should do?"

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Alec rolled his eyes, and held his horse with a loose reign grip as he spoke. This man was up to something...he didn't know what though. "I think I may save that for later, keep my options open, what do you think?" He asked, reaching up to push his hair out of his eyes as the wind blew it harshly across his forehead. "Keep it more interesting."

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kota looked on to the man. His white hair blowing in the rain. He got away with that, but not the way he wanted. Turning Daredevil towards the kingdom he started that way calling back towards Alec. " As you wish Prince of Arka, lets head back to the day" Kota simply put as they rode back to the kingdom and down to the city. The landscape this time of year was wonderful, Tree's were in bloom with blue, and pink flowers. Beds of purple, scattered everywhere.


The kingdom its self was made of smooth sandstone, which was minded from the ground around the mountains. The castle, was made of a mix of marble, sandstone, and gems. And if you looked just right, as the sun hit the city, it seemed to sparkly. As they reached the beginning of the city the sounds of towns people could be heard

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Despite the pride he felt, the will he had to not appreciate this man's offerings, he could not stop himself from looking in awe at the landscape of this place. It was much less harsh than his kingdom, being on majority hilly and mountainous terrain, with precious gem mines to the north, silver and metal ones to the west, the sea to the south, and endless forests to the east. He had to say that as they approached the city, that their city differed so much from Arkana. It was...beautiful. And much warmer than he had experienced in Arka. Which...was not all that pleasant, as he was used to the harsher, colder climate.


Yet, Alecxander took the time to gaze over teh buildings as they passed, moving through the gates with wide, almost curious eyes, before he realised that he was being watched. The eyes of the townspeople were upon him; he could feel the scruitiny in their eyes. He pulled his shoulders back, holding the reigns of the Arabian a little tighter, the horse tossing his head somewhat. Now, he supposed, was not the time to be without tack, riding through a city.

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Kota loved riding around the city, he could talk with the people in there comfort zone. The people of the city were an important to him, they were part of what made the kingdom and he was proud of that. As they trotted down the roads of the city people began to look and stare at Akira. He stood out from the rest of the people, he was hard to miss.

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Alec sat up as tall and proud on his arabian as he could, wondering for a moment just how these people would react to him being here. He was the crowned prince of the enemy nation, or at least he was at last he checked, and on top of that, he rode next to their beloved king, looking not all that worse for wear.


He shifted his hips and let his boots dig very slightly into the horses side as he realised he had started to fall just a little behind, and the horse gave a quicker prance almost to catch up with Daredevil, Alec turning to look at Kota, who seemed almost serene. The prince felt wary, of all the things he felt almost like a wolf being eyed off by hunters.

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" It may take some time, for the people to welcome you here, but they will come to see you as a person and not the enemy." Kota started pointing around town as the rode about. " Over there are the bars, and to the east is the market. To the north have our temples and the south is the housing distract, with a few scattered homes around the city" Kota was explaining. The city im sure had its secret, filled with mystery and wonder.


(( sorry for the late reply))

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(That's alright)


"Not as an enemy," Alec said almost incrediously under his breath, shaking his head. Oh, because that would ever happen. He was a murderer, he had killed these people's families, ripped apart communities with arrows and occasionally a sword. So...how easily would they accept him knowing that he was a prince?


The city was so different to Arkada, more sprawling and a little less organised, but beautifully so; life just seemed to flow here, in order and ease. Arkada was divided into simple, easy to access districts; and in itself, with the kingdom being built upon and around a mountain, each area was build up, with spiralling levels of market districts, taverns, smiths and other areas, dependant on the district itself. Alec wiped his brow, feeling sweat forming on his back. That was another thing about this place; it was warm, incredibly so. And he despised warm weather.

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Kota lead the prince to another stable were the horses were taken in. " We are going to walk, there is a bar just around the corner we may drink there. I forgot that your home is cold. " Kota said with a smurk on his face. He wanted to laugh, he didnt know why but, to him the Prince reminded him of Ice melting in the sun. To him this was funny

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"Well, I'm glad you're amused," Alec snapped as he swung himself off his horse, pushing his hair back out of his eyes, a few drops sliding down his neck from the sheer heat. "This place is like a furnace, I do not know how you deal with it." He said as he moved to direct the horse into the carals, the horse obviously not wishing to go into the stables.

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" Honestly being born here saves us from the heat, But this isnt as bad as it could be. " Kota said as they started down the street towards the bar. As they reached the bar Kota pushed the swinging doors and walked in. The room was full of laughing and the clicking of glasses. Then it all stopped as the men walked into the bar and sat down. The room became quite, the sounds of a mouse walking in the walls would have been heard if one had done so.


Kota looked around, staring back at everyone whom was giving him somewhat of a cold look over there shoulders. The silence was broken by the sound of Mars and Jupiter walking onto the stone floor. The dogs walked in tough, looking around for there master. The silence broken, people began to laugh and carry on.

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Alec rolled his eyes in reply to the man, rolled his shoulders and followed him, standing up next to him, refusing to walk behind like someone he wasn't. As they stepped into the bar, Alec had stood up as straight as he could, holding his head high, despite how overheated he looked, his hair sticking up a little, some of his fringe sticking to his face, as well as some of the fabric of his shirt. The dogs, of all the things, seemed to break the silence and while Alec was relieved, he did not relax. No...that was not something he could do here, surrounded by Corteza.

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The bar went about it normal day. " Can we get some drinks please? I'll take some water please. Its hot today. " Kota went to turn towards Alec, and to ask him what he wanted to drink. He was unsure rather he should call him and prince or not. " Would you like a drink" he simply asked. He didnt want to start any problems, but that wasnt going to happen, not today. Just as the bartender poured out some water a young boy ran into the bar.


" Did you guys hear? that the Prince of Arka is here in the kingdom somewhere?!" the boy yelled before running out to tell the other places along the way. Kota held his glass still, he could feel the people around him looking at Alec. Kota slowly turned around. The eyes of his people looking back at him.

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Usually Alec did not drink much at all; he had seen the effects of it in his mother, and yes in his brothers. So, he did not. If he did it was only ever a sip or two at official functions, when necessary for royalty. Otherwise he usually drank water or an unalcoholic blend of apple cider. "Water is fine," he said as he moved to sit, bringing one booted foot up against the chair leg.


His shoulders tightened, his muscles readying as he heard those words, and the silence fell once more. He turned his sharp eyes back over his shoulder towards the door, dark blue in their seriousness, a glint of something else there. The eyes on his back they were obvious; he could feel them practically burning against the sweaty cloth over his back. What were they going to do?

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Some of the men stood, knifes in there hands. Mars and Jupiter stood, growling at the crowd. Kota stood and faced his people. " Put away your weapons and sit back down, as your king I command you" Kota spoke bravely; but his people didnt stand down.


" My king I wont stand down, it was his people, and him self that killed are sons and father. How could you just stand by and let him come into our home, our kingdom. " a man spoke. He was somewhat tall, built man. He wore a red shirt, and blue jeans. He had rusty red hair.


" His being here is the reason for peace, there is no more war. Yes we have lost lots of great men, but so have they. We must not dwell on the pass but look forward to what we can do now that war is not apart of our lives at the time. We need to rebuilt and grow back into the city we were before. ANY mistreatment of this man will be dealt with by me. You treat him as you would me or else" Kota commanded.


The men all looked around, then slowly sat back down. There was silence. Kota was disappointed in his people, he knew they could be better. " Lets go Prince. leave the people to dwell in there foolishness. I am very disappointed "

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