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Prisoner of War {Private} {b.lueeyes and jahero}


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Alec listened to Kota's words, his back straightening in wariness, his eyes trained on the red haired man all the while. The man seemed built enough to be a soldier, yet he did not have the demeanour. Yes, he was proud but...it did not seem like he had seen battle, only death. "You are right," Alec said, ignoring Kota for a moment as he moved to stand, taking himself to his full height as he did so. Despite the heat, his icy glare still held all the intensity of a wolf glaring down a hunter from afar.


Taking a few steps closer, he stood in front of Kota, just a little, staring the man down. "I have killed fathers, brothers, sons, grandsons, I have shot arrows into the hearts of many a Corteza and watched them fall and bleed across our land." He told him blankly, an almost nonchelant tone to his voice. Taking another stride forward, he stood right before the man, just a slight inch taller. "And I have been there through six years of sieging on my land, witnessing hundreds upon thousands of my men, my people, being slaughtered like pigs by your people. I have watched my brothers heads sail back over the walls, shot back at us in mocking. I have had blood on my hands, but only little compared to the gallons of it on the hands of your people." He leant closer, fully aware of the eyes on him now, his tone holding all the pride and all of the strength that an Arkan ruler should.


"So the fact that I am here, it is a testament to how desperate my proud people are now that they would send their Prince to the very people who have forced the deaths of their monarchs. I am here for peace, and you may slander me for it, but remember that we have suffered the same losses. The fact that I am here...should prove that enough."

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Kota was amazed at Alecxanders words, They were the truth, it was a shame they even had to be said. He had hope to show Alec that his people were understanding, caring, and that they would embrace the peace and the prince more freely but to his dis-honer they did not. " I think its about time to close down for the day, everyone go home" Kota said coldly. The men inside the bar were stud a bit by Alec's words. Mars and Jupiter help the with that. Biting at one of the men legs. He cried out, and the men stood and headed out of the bar. The air had thicken, and there was blood on the floor, beer was spilled on the floor.


" I'm sorry Alecxander"

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Alec stood tall, watching as the men and even a few odd women bustled and even hurried from the bar. He ran a hand through his hair, the heat assaulting him once again as he stood straight. "What do you have to be sorry for?" He asked lowly, turning to look back over his shoulder. "The war was not a fault of your own, it was passed to you by blood," He replied, turning with an almost dark smile, shrugging his shoulders. "You had to behead my brothers, I understand."

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Koda looked torn apart, but he keep himself together. He knew it was true; it was his father whom started all of this shit in the first place, and for what? Kota finally stood, he was ready to move on. " Lets keep going. There is more of the city to see. " kota spoke with a smile, trying to hide behind his mask. He did that a lot. By the time the scene with the bar ended the sun was around 4pm. The air outside was cooler, there were cooler places to rest around the city now, and more people on the street.

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Alecxander looked down and gave a small nod and the very slightest of smiles, knowing the man was avoiding that conversation now. Of course, who would not be? He had just told him about cutting his brothers heads off. The prince followed the man out the door, looking up towards the sky that was just beginning to spark with reds and pinks. It was cooling definitely, the sun was not as harsh. "Then...show me your city," he said quietly, standing tall.

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Kota took Alec all around the city. He first took his to the food district, were the smell of the native foods filled the air. There were sweet smells, spicy, warm smell that filled your body with that home feeling. Kota had Alecxander try everything, Kota acted like a little kid, not a care in the world. The next place were the marker. Anything could be bought there, from animals, like puppies and kittens, pigs etc; horses could be bought at the stables. There were shops for weapons, flags, armor. Almost anything that you wanted could be bought here. Kota got Alec a few things while he wasnt looking, some things for his room. As the night went on Kota tried his best to show Alec the good in his Kingdom, but there was still one place the he wanted to show him

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Alecxander was curious to say the least, his mind spinning as he took in the sights, scents, the sounds and even the odd few tastes he had been given. He himself had always been one for spice, but since the war had started with Cortez all those years ago, Arka had been cut off from a number of trade routes, reducing spice income as well as a lot of their medicinal supplies, products from Oversea and grain. Then again, however, Cortez had been cut off from the majority of the mines, a number of the more precious gem deposits, and their troops killed for hunting in Arkan land. They had the most prized of game; not that it was not already illegal in Arka to hunt deer and stags, they were the symbols of the Royal Family.


Even the wolf pelts they used most formally were only taken from those wolves who had been found dead in the wild, or had been specially selected for the Kingdom rituals, only then one per three years. The war had affected them both i ways of trade and supplies, and they had been forced to adapt.


So Alecxander found himself intrigued and almost awed by the variety of culture here. Of course, he thought to himself, they had the sea. Something Arka most definitely did not have, since they had been cut off from its routes around two hundred years ago, except the ones to the north which were, of course, military ports.


He followed Kota as close as he dared, sticking close to the king even in the lesser crowds. He could feel the scathing, cold eyes of the citizens on him, the hair on the back of his neck on end. He was wary...

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"I want to show you something. Its kind of my secret, I came here all the time with my mother, now really its the only thing I have left of her Besides mars and Jupiter." Kota said as he guided Alecxander through a maze in the city, leading to a stone wall. Kota felt the wall and whispered something to it, the wall shook in response and slide open. Both Mars and Jupiter ran inside, there barking echoed down the opening soon lost in the darkness.


"its just up this way. come on" Kota gentle grabbed hold on Alecxanders hand and lead him into the front. " You first. Thats always the best part" Kota smiled. As they moved through the dark hall, the light was soon gone and the darkness took in around them.

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The prince's shoulders rose as he entered the darkness, his hand still clutched in Kota's. The man gave off an incredible warmth that was not unnoticeable, and he gave the slightest shiver in the cold air. It was dark, and the corridors were fairly narrow. "Kota...where are we going?" He asked quietly, warily. He could hear Mars and Jupiter barking up ahead.


Somewhere that was important to him? Just what was the king thinking? He was an enemy, he was not meant to be pampered with such things. But then again, what had the king been doing all afternoon then? Helping him bathe, allowing him food, riding with him, showing him his city...just what was this man up to?

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"Were almost there just up ahead" Kota said in the dark. As they walk, a blanket of twilight hit them both, As Kota pushed Alex in a group of doves came and kissed Alec. Kota had lead Alecxander to a hidden garden. It look rather large on the inside, compared to the looks on the outside. The room was lush, filled with greens. The roof, covered in a short of glass the stars viable to them. The was a small pond down to the south, were the dogs were playing with the fish, to the west was a desk, the rest of the garden was filled with flowers and wonders. All kinds of things from around the world, kota had gotten over the years and planted them here. Kota handnt noticed he was still holding Alec's hand.


" My mom found this place, she told me about it and we fixed it up. She loves to grow things, were she came from it was always cold she told me once. So when she married my father, she worked in a garden when ever she could." kota said quietly. Kota walked toward the middle of the room, the stars lighting the room. " If you look up, you can see the stars best from here" Kota said looking back and smiling at Alec. " So what do you think?"

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Looking around in amazement, his mouth dropped open in amazement. The place reminded him...of the darker gardens of the Arkan palace he simply adored. Turning his chin up, he caught sight of the stars through the open dome, and his eyes widened, a small gasp escaping him.


They were the same stars; he had never truly thought of it before, but Arka and Cortez were under the same sky. And...the same stars. "I..." He murmured, his hand still clutched in Kota's. "It is beautiful."

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Kota was looking up when Alec spoke. He almost didnt hear him, " You like it here?" Kota asked slipping out of Alec's hand and laying in the grass.

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Alecxander did not so much as notice as the King moved away from him, instead taking a step forward and keeping his eyes fixed on the sky. He could not count the times he had gone on hunting trips and simply stayed so he could see night from the forest instead of his window, despite how beautiful the view was surrounded by the city lights.


"Y-Yes," he murmured quietly, his eyes soft and almost innocently blue, his white hair fluttering gently across his face.

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Kota smiled and pulled Alec to the grass. " Its better from down here, you can see all the stars if you lay down" Kota said now looking at Alec eye level. the grass was so soft, felt better then most beds here in the kingdom.

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His eyes turned away from the sky as he was pulled down, and he ended up half on his knees, leaning partially over the King, his mouth dropped open just a little. The movement had been sudden, but the fact that Kota was smiling surprised him. He gave the very slightest of flushes and pulled back some, turning to lay down on his back, his hair fanning out around him. One hand reached into the soft grass, so familiar to home, and once more he looked up at the sky. "...you are right."

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"What was it like..for you at home Alecxander? Did you have anything like this? Gardens, pets?" Kota wondered what Alecxanders life was like before this whole thing went off

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With a pang of pain, Alec's thoughts flew to Wicked, how he had been slaughtered upon his capture for trying to protect him. He let the sadness invade his eyes for a moment, and he closed them. He had indeed had pets, a whole litter of four ice-bred malamutes crossed with a captured wolf, had been a gift to him for his eighth birthday from the royal breeder. They were fierce and courageous hunting dogs, completely lethal when it came to taking down prey; they were dangerous and rare. Wolves were one difficult breed to tame, after all. One had died not three years ago in an accident while hunting over the glaciers, he had slipped and fallen from the mountain, crashing to his death. Of all the four, he had been the youngest, Poseidon, a beautiful white-grey...


"Yeah," he murmured, opening his eyes to stare up at the constellations. "I had four dogs, they were wolf crosses...gifts actually." He breathed out deeply, "Well, three now; one died...Zeus, Hades, Hestia and Poseidon. Malamutes, with a wild father. Poseidon went of a glacier a few years ago...and I don't know what's happened to the rest of them now that I'm..." The prince paused, shaking his head. He didn't want to think about that.


"Gardens, well yeah; there were quite a few palace gardens, a lot of them open air. And they were beautiful; yeah, but I myself...I always preferred the outside, the forests. As dangerous as they are...I would always go back."

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"Im sorry about your life that was left behind, and truthfully I have no idea if you are ever going to be able to go back there. I cant promise anything in regards to that; but I can try my best to make your life here as best as I can. I understand your only here as a prisoner of war, but wow say that you cant be happy. You dont have to be happy about being here pure say but." Kota was trying to get the right words out, but was having a hard time. He didnt want to upset Alec

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"Don't...I understand, alright," he replied quietly, turning his sharp eyes to Kota. "I get what you are trying to say just...remember that you've gotta run a country, right? A kingdom. I'm just a foreign prince. I'm not even here for peace, I was given to you in exchange for peace. You've...you've still gotta sort out specifics. Where people can go, what trade routes open...you've gotta rebuild." He said, shaking his head. "I'll live the way I'll live and that'll be that. Really, I shouldn't be your concern.

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" Its funny that you say that, and in all your right; but there is something telling me that I need to make you my concern, that your more then just the prince of my enemy. " Kota paused as sat up. " Dont worry about the rebuilding. While you were still in your sell i started to work on that project. There are three routes we are going to open up, one to the sea and two on land. One in and one out. Our first trade goes on in a few day. " Kota stair into the garden, the sound out the dogs playing in the water, the cold air of the night. He loved this place.

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The prince looked up at the man from where he lay, his dark blue eyes widening very slightly. He had already started that much? "My brother...the King, how has he been about opening the routes to the mines?" He asked seriously, relishing in the cooler air. It is so much like home even...if this was how it was, he knew he would rather like night here. "We have been their sole benefactors and holders for so long, how is he faring with that?"


His brother was a greedy soul, he was one who took what was needed and then some, and he was not sure how negotiations with him would ever go. However, he was a coward...that much had been shown.

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"The trading with you brother hasnt been going as smoothly as I want it to go. Were okay because we have some small mines, they dont give us anything like your kingdoms mines. Your brother keeps toying with me, telling me one thing and then the other. Im simply watching to see what he tries to do. Something about him doesnt sit right with me. " Kota looked down at Alec. " Your brother, he is a misty fellow is he not?" Kota asked

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"He is...shifty," he responded, sitting up before he moved to lie down on his stomach, propping himself up on his elbows, grateful for the cool air on his back even through the cloth. "Ah, he has never been one for direct answers, he is whyly and cowardly, and he will string you along for as long as he can if it means he will get the most out of the situation." Tilting his head to the side, Alecxander looked up at him. "The best way to deal...with him at least, is through subtle hints that the peace between us could be over oh-so-easily. He is easily fearful and truth be told, he was not...my father's first pick for the throne. However, with my other brothers incapacitated and myself not yet of age to take the throne...he was the only option."

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" I'll remember that, thank you. " Kota said long at the prince as he laid there on the grass. Mars, noticing that Alex was on the ground. Mars started to crawl towards Alec getting closer and closer until his nose touched Alec's nose. " I swear that dog. So friendly" Kota said smiling, then looking back up at the sky. " Use the peace.." he mumbled

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Alecxander gave the very smallest smile, and after pulling back for a moment in surprise, he leant forward again and nuzzled his nose against the dog's, only to have him lick enthusiastically at his nose and mouth. Alec gave a laugh and pulled back, reaching up to scratch the dogs ears, before turning on his back again and looking up at him, scratching his furry neck with gentle hands. "He is friendly, really friendly," he chuckled as the dog shook himself, barking before he leant down to lick his cheek. To tell the truth, Alec was reminded of Hades.

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