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Prisoner of War {Private} {b.lueeyes and jahero}


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Kota in shock looked up at Alecxander, his eyes already filled with water. Kota just wasnt allowing then to flow. He had thought it to late to cry for her, and her soul. He had failed to save her, so he was not worthy of missing her even. Thought to tell the truth what could he have done. He was only 9 when his mother was killed, he wasnt strong enough to save her; but he didnt try ether. In a moment Kota wanted to just let it all okay there in the grave yard, but he couldnt bring him self to give himself the honor, so he simple shook his head of the tears and stood up to face Alecxander.

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He bit his lower lip as he caught sight of those tears and looked away, nodding. "I do understand you know," He murmured quietly, gesturing back towards the path. "It is difficult...losing someone like that." Alec turned back towards the way they had come, and kept his back straight and proud, taking the position to lead the king from his very own royal graveyard. "If you...do not want her to see your pain, then we had better leave quick." His tone was soft, quiet, and filled with a gentle understanding, yet a hardness there from years of building up his own resistance before his heartless brothers.

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Kota didnt say anything, instead he simply grabbed Alec's hand with his twitching hand and squeezed his hand once. He was slowly turning his mind away from the grave and what it held to him; and just like that, as if his mother was watching from above it began to rain on the two boys. It was light, and slightly warm. Kota moved a bit closer to Alec, any closer and they could have kissed. His green eye glazed, it was time to go home.

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At the first drop of rain, Alec had flinched as it dropped onto his face, but he looked up to the clouds, and as it poured his hair flattened out over his face. At the touch of his hand, Alec turned back to find himself face to face with the King, and he unconsciously licked his lips at their closeness. The rain felt cold on his skin, soaking him through to the skin, yet Kota's hand felt warm within his. He searched those eyes almost curiously, his own narrowing ever-so-slightly.

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"Take me home please A;ecxander" Kota whispered softly into the rain. His blue clothing soaked, now blending into the night. His muscles being carved into his shirt. He shivered slightly, but enjoy the rain.

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At the words, the prince felt himself nodding, and he clutched the man's hand, his eyes casting down to the weeds and pavement. Slowly, he turned and pulled him with him, keeping close to the man's side, their shoulders brushing in the rain as they walked. "I...don't know where to go," he admitted quietly, obviously, as they reached the gates to the graveyard, raindrops running down his neck, dripping from his hair.

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Kota smiled slightly " This way, there is a path the leads from here to my room, or somewhere around there. Ether way it enters the castle. If we take that we can get out of the ran and back safely" Kota pointed towards a wall just inside the gate. Kota lead Alec to the wall and started to feel around with his free hand until the a cut out door push back and slide to the side. " This way" Kota said walk them both through the door, and hearing it close behind them

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The prince looked around, his brow furrowing, shivering slightly as they exited out of the rain. Did Kota even realize that he had just shown him a way out of the palace? Or...into it? What obviously seemed to be a secret way considering the fact that it was such a mysterious kind of thing. Hidden walls, pressure activated, almost like a trap. He let Kota lead him, but stayed up next to him, almost as if he was simply walking beside him, and knew the way.

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The passage much like the the graveyard was not taken care of. Kota hadden used it Since his mother passed. It was her way of getting in and out to the garden. Kato found it only a month before her death. She was scared, she didnt want his father finding out about it. As they moved along some of the stairs had broken apart, vines growing in the crack and some of the rain leaking through. You could hear the echos of it *drip...drip...*

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A shiver ran down Alecxander's spine and he stepped a little closer to the king, his stomach dropping as they moved over the steps. He could feel the chill of the rain beginning to creep in on him; Alec was used to the cold, of course he was, it was water that did him in. One of the most horrible things was getting wet, falling into water or being rained on during the winters in Arka. Pneumonia was common and easy to catch. And Alec dreaded it.


"Can we hurry?" he murmured, quiet and barely audible. "We need to get dry..."

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Kota turned and look back at the prince, whom was socking wet. The hand that kota was holding was also cold. Kota nodded and moved a bit faster, walking through fallen rock and a tree that had grown into the wall until they came to another wall. Kota searched to open the wall door, once opened they entered the room behind the door and again heard the stone door close behind them. A quick glace around and Kota noticed that they were in Alec's room. the new cloths kota had made for Alec were laid on his bed, his kingdoms emblem marking them. There were also gifts from the market as well, rapped and on the table. " This is your room Alecxander" Kota said looking back at the prince

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By the time they reached his room, he was shivering almost violently, one arm wrapped around himself, while the other clutching Kota's. He took a minute to look up, and was shocked to say the least. His room? Alecxander had known the king was being generous, but he had not known anyone to treat a prisoner in this manner...ever. He looked around, his teeth chattering, his sopping wet hair streaked over his face in white locks. "T-This is too...y-you're t-too kind to m-me. I-I-I don't n-need this much..."

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Kota was freezing. He took a moment to look around before he gentle pulled Alec over to the bed. " I need to get you out of these cloths. You can dress your self, but it will be easier for you if I take your clothing off. " Kota said somewhat forward like. He simply started to remove Alec's wet clothing, leaving the wet Alec standing next to the bed. " Here, use this to dry off. Then there is clothing on your bed. I'm going to start a fire in the fire place and hang up these cloths" Kota spoke so lightly, as if this was normal for them. He moved over to the fire place, that was already stocked with cherry wood. It was a slow burning wood, good in the winters. He began to light the fire and hang Alec's clothing.

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Alecxander was shocked by his actions to say the least. He stood there, shivering, his hands partially convering his body as the taller man undressed him, his hands shaking and his teeth chattering. He wrapped the large towel cloth around him and rubbed himself dry, relishing in the feeling of the soft, warm cloth. "I-I, r-really, t-this is too m-much." he replied, holding the cloth closed to him tightly, not wanting to drop it in order to get dressed, just beginning to get warm.

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"None since, I'm sorry I cant do more for you Prince Alecxander; the clothing I promised you in on the bed. " Kota turned around to see the prince shaking in his coldness. Kota him self was still dripping wet. He walked over to Alec calmly. "The fire is started, the room sound get warm soon Alecxander. " Kota looked Alec up and down, and blushed a slightness. " Is there anything else you would like me to do for you before I leave?" He asked still dripping from the rain

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"W-Why are you giving me s-such luxury?" He asked, tucking up his legs beneath the long cloth, not trusting himself to drop the towel even in the slowly warming glow of the fire, and dress. "T-There is no need to give me t-this...I-I do n-not need anything m-more..." Alecxander turned his eyes over the blonde, and his eyes widened, and he realised that he had been entirely too selfish here. The man was the King and he was here, being taken care of before even him. "Y-You..."

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Kota turned around quickly, not looking at Alec dress him self. "I'm not spoiling you our anything. These are things that you need." Kota grinned a little evil like. " The spoiling come later on Prince Alecxander." Kota simple stated; folding one arm over his chest and the other slightly off his cheek as he talked. " You? you what?" Kota asked questioning Alec's last statment

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Alecxander's shivering was beginning to die down, and he slowly dropped the towel from around his shoulders, pooling around his waist, where he quickly tied it. He grabbed one of the shirts and pulled it against his chest, just taking in the sight of the Arkan crest on the back, just below the neckline, and he bit his lower lip in contemplation. "D-Don't...do not neglect your own needs for m-my sake...go and get yourself warm..." he murmured, his eyes still trained on the silver embroidery.

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Kota looked down at himself, his clothing creating a small puddle under his feet. "Right." He said slightly, as he looked at him self. He left Alec to his things and walked over the the fire place. It was already going, and he would have to walk a way before he found his room; so he mid as well get warm here. He stripped and ranged his clothes out the window, placing them next to the fire place, he stood in from of it, watching the flames dance in a magical cycle as then chanted. After a few moments he looked back at Alec. " Put it on, I swear it doesnt bite. The best cloth maker in the kingdom made that. I hope its to your liking"

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Glittering eyes followed Kota across the room as he undressed, taking in the curve of his back and yes, the toned torso. He was a warrior, that much was all-too apparent. In the firelight, Alec took in the sight through the slightest glow, and his eyes trailed across his back, noticing tiny, pale lines across the skin. Scars; not too deep, but noticeable. He practically roved over the back of the man's body, seeking out the imperfections and the equal perfections there.


His eyes widened as he realised he had been staring, and he turned back to the cloth, stroking his fingers over the crest. Moving to pull it over his head, he spoke, trying to hide his blush. "T-The cloth maker mustn't have been too ha-happy, having to make this." He pulled the white fabric down over his head, rolling his shoulders slightly as he realized that the fit was near perfect, if a little loose. The fabric was soft; very much so. Another thing they had been cut off from, the better cloth, wool and cotton supplies.

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"Honestly she was over joyed. " Kota turned to poke at the fire, kneeling down in front of it as he did so. He turned his head slightly and looked at Alec out of the corner of his eye. " She's from your land, how do you think she was able to get your emblem so well done?" Kota turned back and poked at the wood some more. Causing a log to fall into the back. Crackling sounds could be heard as the fire screamed. Standing Kota stood and turned towards Alec fully, showing the scar across his heart.


It was a deep one, making little waves in his skin - but it had become slightly smooth over time, with a roughness here and there. There was another, just on the outer cafe of his right leg. " But please dont say anything, my mother and her were great friends before the war; my mother brought her over here as so they wouldnt be separated just before my father stated war. She raised me mostly after mother passed, she is a lovely woman. " Kota gave Alec a big grin from one ear to the other. Eyes closed and everthing

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If he had been gawking previously at the scars, he was blatantly staring now, his mouth partially open. Alecxander himself had his own scars, but none so deep, so precicely cut into the skin. He stared, clutching the bottom of his shirt with a tene hand as he stood, the towel dropping to the floor, forgotten. He stepped forward and placed a hand on the man's chest, resting over his sternum, his little finger just touching the edge of the cross scar. The prince did not speak, instead he simply stayed there, staring not into his eyes but to the marks. For a long while, the only sound between them was the slight inhalation of breathing, and the crackling of the fire.


"I...am happy that you have had someone to look after you so," he spoke finally, turning his eyes up to Kota, blue meeting green.

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Alec startled Kota as he simply walked up to him and touched his scar. His heart felt like it was beating even harder as the pal prince touched him. With out warning Kota placed a hand onto Alec's as there eye met finally, after such a lot of silence. Kota's eyes looked deep into Alec's blue eye.


"She...." was the only thing Kota could say, he couldnt break away from Alec's eyes. They locker him in, called his name and chained his soul to the ground underneath his feet.

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Those eyes...they were so very green. They reminded him of the deepest greens of the winter oaks, that remained so dark even in the winter, in the harshest of snow. It reminded him of the few days in summer when the grass was visible beneath the whiteness of the melting snow, the brightness and intensity. Alecxander could not look away, and his hand slid across the hardened skin of his scar, his thumb stroking the edge almost soothingly. "Yes...what?" He murmured quietly under his breath, his shirt riding up just the tiniest bit to show off his protruding hipbones from the extension of his arm.

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kota's free hand drifted down onto Alec's hipbones, in his head all he wanted to do was just .. but the thought was pushed away as Alec's door was pushed open and Jupiter's black head poked through. He looked around, even smelling the air before he let out a bark, his brother crawled under him after only a few seconds.


Kota blinked, breaking the lock Alec's had on him. " Jupiter, Mars? there you two are. " Kota said with a blank look on his face. Jupitar and Mars pushed there way into the room; Jupiter of course making his way over to Kota, he seemed almost mad that Kota had slipped away from so long. Reaching down Kota pet his head, water dripping onto his head. Mars Walked around both boys in protest.

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