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The Boredom Thread II


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I feel so unloved!!!! T~T MY WHORE DOESN'T LOVE ME ANYMORE!!!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs away*

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Duh! I do, I do!


Anyways, how are ya ?!

I've been pretty busy... playing games, visiting some friends etc.


Heh... I'm tired. I think I'm gonna take a nap!


Hope to see you later, honey! :hamtaro-005 (10):


Enjoy your frozen dinner..............

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Sure. Saying you only missed me a little shows that you love me. T~T At least I know

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will always love me. *hugs Shadow* Oh, you also never called me on my bday! xDDDDDDDD


I've been working and mostly talking to

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and Shadow xDDDDD Also, haven't been feeling well, but getting better.


d: I took 2 earlier xDDDDDD


Bye babe. I'll talk to you later.


I finished it awhile ago...I'm eating applesauce xDDDD

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Hiiii~ *glomps*

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I so agree with you! :hamtaro-005 (8):

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!!! I'm jealous..... you know what happens to people who are jealous! If he she loves you I can't guarantee her/his safety. :Red_fox5:



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What's Frozen? Never heard of that movie... Gimme a link!XD



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hi!!! *pets Izumi*



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Not sure what to do at the moment...


I modified my homemade lip balm earlier! I added an extra Bees Wax pellet and some Cola "flavouring" (gave it a scent but no taste). Trying to figure out what would be best to add to lip balms for that sweet taste and have come up with 2 option thus far.


Interesting craft!



I wonder if anyone else here is into DIY or creative things in general? Hobbies? :o

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Oh my, you're jealous? Well,

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is my precious slutty ribika. *Hugs and kisses Shadow* If you hurt him, I'll kill you. *Innocent smile with a murderous aura*
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! *Hugs* I missed you!!

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, you liar! You said you'd be on daily, but you haven't been on for the past 2 days! Dx

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I've been ok, I guess. Work's a bitch -______- *Still hugging*

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  • 2 weeks later...


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I know, I know!

I promised to be on and didn't keep my word! Don't hang me, yet. Just listen! T__T

Da thing is, I forgot my master password- you know, the thingy, which is supposed to remember all your passwords. I had no "Life"-access. A few minutes ago, !literally!, I remembered it. >.


It's been a (?)month(?) of death, depression, loneliness and sorrow!( more superlative nouns coming soon - xD )

I am ALIVE! ALIVE! Finally, I can type my WWW's again!

A big day for me and an even bigger one for the ningenkind!

Fresh magnetic air...mmmmmhmmm!


I just signed up for a LastPass account!XD I will never again cry over my master password!XD




Wazzup Ladies? ^^


I LOVE YOU ALL! Gush, if I were hetero, I'd be delighted to know that there are Ladies waiting for me.*laughs*

I mished ya!

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I know! You already explained this to me xDDDD Glad you're back, babe *hugs*


Nothing much is going on. There's suppose to be another snow storm tomorrow >.>

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  • 1 month later...

Are you bored?




No particular reason.


What can we do?

Refer to the post below.

Let's post cool things and pretend we're hyper!












Porsche Cayman S








Chevrolet Camaro




Missing Missy




Golden Fountain




And that Hand




Whites and Violets












Cookies & Cream Bingsu








Palabok (Filipino Food)







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  • 1 month later...

Official resurrection of the boredom thread for bored peoples!

Let us talk and feel bored.



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I summon thee!


:hamtaro-005 (23):

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