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The Secret Dairy of Mr. B. [Halloween Special] .. 2013 ..


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[L'ombre d'un homme]

~The shadow of one man~


34e4vnd.gif.. HELLO

.. You can call me

Mr. B.

You have the pleasure..

to meet me once a year.

Of course, 34e4vnd.gif

.. you should consider

yourself as lucky..

or maybe not.


34e4vnd.gif.. Either way,

your curiosity brought you

to me...

This is my dairy,

which has the power to

bring any story to life ..


Life .. 34e4vnd.gif

is an essential part

of universe ..

But 'Death' is ..

an essential part of

your shadow...



34e4vnd.gif .. can you bring

your shadow to life?

--Let's play ..

A game in which

I shall bring your shadow

to life...


Scared yet..? 34e4vnd.gif

Please, don't be...

Take a seat ..

.. whisper out your day and month

of birth...


34e4vnd.gif .. And I shall

show you what happened

on the day you were born ..


Mind you ...34e4vnd.gif

.. my dairy never lies.


[color=#d3246f][font=book antiqua][i]STATE THE DAY AND MONTH OF BIRTH,

[/i][/font][/color][color=#ffffff][font=book antiqua][i]- - Anyone can be Mr. B. as long as there is a day/month
left for the story to keep going.[/i][/font][/color]

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34e4vnd.gif.. HELLO, GIN ..

.. He is beside you ..



Mystery lights appear over river valley

- Aug 31

The place which they call 'Field of Dreams'. Many has disappeared after they
wandered around that field and whispers would tell --
"If you build it, he will come..."




34e4vnd.gif.. HELLO, PUFU ..

.. Scared to fly?



Mysterious Crash

- Jun 22

On this day in 1962, Boeing 707 crashes 
on the island of  Guadeloupe, killing all passengers and crew members aboard.
However, the black box flight 
recorder and no reason for the crash was ever found.




34e4vnd.gif.. HELLO, UUUGLY ..

.. be aware tonight ..


1970 disappearances

- Sep 18

Three teenagers went missing the night of 18th of September,1970.
William, Doe and Johnson.
The three teens never returned home.
The car was never found, and its vehicle identification
number never surfaced on any databases.
Williams' Social Security number was never used.
But what is odd that at same night, same city....
A grandfather disappears and leaves no trace.




34e4vnd.gif.. HELLO, FAY ..

.. they are coming..


Terrifying Strange Sound In the Sky of Terrace

- Aug 29

Terrifying strange sounds that were heard in different parts of Terrace
left many people in wonder.
Was it a prank? Was it the sound of aliens?
Those were some of the suggestions heard that day, as many Terrace residents awoke to a rather unearthly sound, which was heard in many parts of the city at around 7:30 at the morning. The sound lasted for roughly 10 minutes — and was recorded by many people. Similar sounds have been reported all over the world at same day — including Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States.




34e4vnd.gif.. HELLO, BLACKROSE ..

.. I like your name ..


Night noises

- Jan 13

Officers at a station say there have been paranormal occurrences in the building for many years, but there are no clues on who the phantom may be. Each night of each 13th of January.
Senior Sergeant Pete Laloli, who has run the station for 20 years, said the night-time spooks had been present as long as he could remember. "If you're in the station by yourself at that day, strange things happen."

Staff who worked there were well aware of a "presence", he said. At night, footsteps could be heard upstairs and, when they investigated, officers would find doors open that had been closed.
Lights and electronics would come on for no apparent reason.



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34e4vnd.gif.. HELLO, SHIERU ..

.. Do you like parties?




Mystery of the 13th Guest

- Nov 5

A young woman's grandfather hosts 
a dinner party for 13 guests in 5th of November 1950, and he mysteriously dies.
Rumors speak that each November of 5th, at the thirteenth hour (1AM), 12 people would 
disappear mysteriously into the fog that would embrace the city. 
Each of them unrelated,
the only common thing between is ...
they were born on 5th of November at the thirteenth hour.
So far, none of the bodies were found.



34e4vnd.gif.. HELLO, LESLIE ..

.. Never look into his eyes ..




May the Devil take this One

- Jan 3

In 3rd of January 1735, a woman named Leeds, 
who had already had 12 children, gave birth to a 13th. 
During labor she proclaimed, “May the Devil take this one!”.
The baby, upon being born, turned into a monster 
with the head of a collie, the wings of a bat 
and cloven feet. It promptly flew out the window 
and has been haunting the Pine Barrens 
ever since, mutilating animals, 
scaring the locals and bringing bad luck
to whoever looks into his eyes.




34e4vnd.gif.. HELLO, MIRO ..

.. You seem to obtain

a beautiful soul ..




The Shadow Dog

- Aug 5

An old legend speaks for a lost boy and his dog,
they happened to disappear Musc'a forest in 5th of August -
just the beginning of the hot summer.
Even though none of their bodies were found,
whoever shall enter the forest is lured by
the beautiful husky dog and never returns.



34e4vnd.gif.. HELLO, ASAKURA ..

.. Should you pray ..?




All Souls' Day

- Nov 1

The day when what you believe in shall
come true. The day when all souls' prayers can be heard,
or so ancient myths speak for 1st of November.
On that day, be careful what you pray/wish for...



34e4vnd.gif.. HELLO, IZANEKO ..

.. Turn off your phone





The Police Box

- Jun 23

People say that there is one single street phone box
that "existed" for decades,
the first ever created police box, in 1877. Ever since a young male
made a call on 23rd of June, 1890 and disappeared with no trace,
odd things started to occur once a person
uses that phone box. For unknown reason
one who makes a call from there, shall get a call back
at midnight the same night from the police box and hear
the voice of that young man saying out loud 
an address, to visit. The curious one never returned...



34e4vnd.gif.. HELLO, KA ..

.. Do you like to hum ..?




The Hum

- Aug 15

The Hum is a phenomenon, or collection of phenomena, 
involving a  persistent and invasive low-frequency humming, 
rumbling, or droning  noise not audible to all people.
However, the phenomenon happened to appear in 15th of August, 2009.
Many people believe that is the anthem of Hell,
demons making their way from under the ground.



34e4vnd.gif.. HELLO, KYLE ..

.. be aware of them ..




The Crop Circle

- Jun 7

Another crop circle has appeared on that date 
in Wilshire. For unknown reasons strange symbols appear
there, some believe it's a prank of mad mind...
others though believe they are a message from
some kind of higher race. 
[url="http://i39.tinypic.com/rr2j9s.jpg"]THE CROP FORMATION IMAGE[/url]



34e4vnd.gif.. HELLO, MITSUKUNI ..

.. Do you like to travel?




The Train

- Mar 24

They call it 'the last train of Spring',
a train that departed on 24th of March, 1985 and was found
empty in the middle of a field as its route passed between 
two big mountains. The train didn't have any scratch, nor a splash of blood. 
Just empty.
All its passengers and staff has disappeared with no trace, 
as such train gained its title 'The Last Train of Spring'.



34e4vnd.gif.. HELLO, 1978 ..

.. Don't play with fire ..




The fire of Gehenna

- Nov 9

A mystery that bugs many minds since 9th of November, 1881.
On a fine Saturday morning two pilots had to take the route of their
usual training, flying over deserted lands to North. 
Without even noticing, they report for a sudden explosion that
seemly couldn't have been caused by neither them or enemy.
However, these flames won't calm down since then,
an undying fire with gate-like crater. They call it,
the fire of Gehenna (Hell).



34e4vnd.gif.. HELLO, ROBERTITA ..

.. it's alive, don't close eyes ..




The Clown Statue

- Aug 19

A young lady was babysitting the kids of a rich family
in the night of 19th of August, when they were out for a party. 
The kids were sleeping in their bedroom and she went in the living room, 
but was disturbed by a creepy clown statue in one corner of the room. 
She called the owners and asked if she could go
in another room because the clown statue was creeping her out. 
The owner told her to get the kids and go the house next door,
call 911 and call him back. After she did so, she called him back 
and asked what was going on. 
He replied they have no clown statue, 
but the kids said several times a creepy clown 
looks at them while they are sleeping.



34e4vnd.gif.. HELLO, LOVIATAR ..

.. drive safely.




The car

- Oct 26

In 26th of October 1990, a woman went out for drinks with her girlfriends. 
She left the bar fairly late at night, 
got in her car and onto the deserted highway. 
After a few minutes she noticed a lone 
pair of headlights in her rear-view mirror - 
a car was right behind hers. She started getting nervous, 
as the car was following her through every stoplight and turn, 
flashing the lights periodically. She figured her only hope
was to make a mad dash into the house and call the police.
As she flew from the car, so did the driver of the car behind her
— and he screamed, 'Lock the door and call the police! Call 911!'. 
When the police arrived the horrible truth was finally
revealed to the woman. The man in the car had been trying to save her. 
As he pulled up behind her and his headlights illuminated her car, 
he saw the silhouette of a man with a butcher knife
rising up from the back seat to stab her, 
so he flashed his brights and the figure crouched back down.


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