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A Twisted Bond w/ Tessie


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Shinobu continued to rest close to his brother. It was getting late as day turned to night. Shinobu woke up to look at Tachibana. "Onii-chi... are you okay?" he asked knowing in the morning their mother would be home.

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"I'm fine just go back to sleep." he told the younger blond turning his back to the other to get his own sleep. This was all a pain...he would have to see exactly what his mother was 'forcing' Shinobu into doing. The eldest wanted to feel like it was worth it not because it was told to do by his mother.

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Night soon turned to morning. Their mother came home bright and early. Shinobu awoke at the sound of a car door. He kisses Tachibana's cheek before going down to see their mother. "Oh there you are. How was spending time with your brother?" she asked seeing Shinobu. "Onii-chi is super sweet. He loves me a lot." he says smiling happily. "Where's papa?" he asked. "I dropped him at the hospital so he could get his stomach pumped. That man will worry me to death. So where is Tachibana?" she asked. "Onii-chi is asleep"

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Feeling for the warmth the eldest blond opened his eyes...where had his twin went to? Standing he walked outside the door to hear a mummer of voices. So it seems mom was here.....Hmph... The older twin sneered before walking into the room and sitting at the couch.

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Shinobu glanced over to Tachibana. "Look Tachi-chan. Mommy got me a pretty outfit. Do you wanna see me in it?" he asked looking at him with a smile. "Well of course he does. Run along and go put it on." she says as she looked at Tachibana. Once Shinobu was out the room she sighs. "So it won't be long before his normal personality resurfaces. What will you do then?" she asked him

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The eldest looked at his mother before shrugging. He didn't know the answer to that. All he could do was see how his twin would react to him...he would make sure that Shinobu read the diary for sure, then the other would know they had connected...at the body. Tachibana now only needed the younger's soul....he had his mind and body and heart. Marriage could help with that last request, but....- "I don't want you to force Shinobu to do anything mom. I know you think he's fragile and need taking care of, but if he decides other wise just leave him be ok?" be asked looking to his mother.

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The woman pouts looking at him. "Is that so..? Well I am looking out for him. Plus I always have my way so that's final. What I have planned for Shinobu will go according to my wishes whether he wants it or not. You just better not mess it up." she said going into the kitchen.


Shinobu returned in a white outfit and holding another in hand. "Look onii-chi. Mommy got us matching outfits. Come put yours on!" he said cheerfully.

(the outfit)Shinomiya-Natsuki.jpg

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Tachibana sighed at his mother's words as he glanced at the white suit that his brother was holding up. Groaning he just nodded before grabbing the outfit. Stripping of his clothes were he stood he changed into the clothing the women had bought. Who was she to make Shinobu do something he didn't want to? Buttoning the coat he looked up at his brother. This was pretty stylish....at least the mother of the twin's had something she was good at.

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Shinobu stares with sparkling eyes at his brother. "Wow...! Tachi-chan is so handsome." he said excitedly. He hugs his brother once the outfit was fully on. "We look super cute. Right mommy?" he asked as she walked over taking a picture. "Try to smile Tachibana. Your brother is being all adorable just for you." she said going to prepared breakfast.

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Tachibana just stands there a mean look gracing his face before it turned emotionless. He wasn't going to smile, true the other was being all adorable but what did it matter? Shinobu wasn't even able to choose his own path in life and his motherr would force him into marrying the eldest. Did she not care that the older blond wanted his brother to choose him on his own...not for her to do it for him.

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Shinobu yawns a bit as he looked at Tachibana. "Onii-chi.. I still feel a bit sleepy." he mumbles softly as he clings to Tachibana. "Oh my.. Is my little Shinobu getting sleepy? You should put him in his room Tachibana.If he wakes up clinging to you he might get upset." she warns him with a smile.

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Sighing heavily he nodded before pulling the other into the room. The male didn't care that the other would get upset he just wanted to get away from his mother for the time being. Tachibana was upset with her now...why wouldn't she just let his twin choose for himself. It would be ok if he was rejected. The eldest wanted honesty and not to have to live with the youngest being forced to stay with him...it was terribly wrong.

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Shinobu wasn't asleep for long. It was a half hour later that he began to awaken. He opened his eyes to find himself not too far from his brother. "Should I bother asking what are you doing?" he mutters back to his normal self. Surprisingly he didn't overreact as he normally would have.

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Tachibana just looked at his brother before looking toward the ceiling. "Is it really that big a deal if you lay beside me? Do you not remember anything we did together?" he asked the other not looking his way. This would be strange...and funny once the other read his diary. The eldest wondered how the youngest would react.

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"I didn't throw you off yet so don't go causing an issue." he said still just laying there. "I don't remember much of anything. We at dinner together and the rest is a bit of a blur. Oh i think mother came home a little while ago but nothing much. Is there something I need to know? This bonding thing clearly failed since I don't remember anything. Though I do remember we argued about an amusement park. Did we go to it?" Shinobu asked him

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Tachibana just rolled his eyes... There that stubborn attitude was. "Why do you always say shit like that? The bonding was a failure because you didn't try...plus you should read your diary." the oldest twin said standing to leave the room. If he didn't the eldest blonde knew he would be upset in no time.

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"Read my...? Tachibana!!" he shouts as he stood up and grabbed his brother's wrist. "You didn't go through my stuff did you? You didn't read it did you?" he asked sounding a bit frantic. It was clear Shinobu never wanted Tachibana to know about it.

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Tachibana looked to his brother. Was it strange that he thought the other was being cute with his frantic emotions? The youngest defiantly didn't want him to read his diary that's for sure. "I didn't read anything." he said stressing the letter 'I' though wouldn't give any farther hints. "I just know you said that you would write it in your diary...thats all."

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Shinobu let the other go. He had never spoken about it before so he thinks the other probably heard his sleep talking. Shinobu turns around to go to his room. Once in there he noticed some things different. 'Fresh sheets on the bed.. my hidden box slightly off from the normal position I keep it and mt diary...' he thinks grabbing the book to read it.


His eyes widen and his body trembles at the thought of what he was reading. He could tell it was his hand writing and not Tachibana's. "What the hell is going on? This can't be true but..." he mutters though all the evidence was plainly before him. Shinobu rushed out his room and finds his brother. "That's really low of you Tachi-chan. I get you wanted to bond but I find it odd I can't remember a thing. You bought something in the red light district didn't you. After the restaurant incident you gave me something when I wasn't awake. That's beyond low of you." he said furious

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Tachibana faced the other and frowned. "Don't blame that shit on me....you should thank mother. But...I can tell you." he teased walking to his brother wrapping his arms around the waist of the smaller twin. "I enjoyed fucking you....you weren't such a stubborn slut when you were pleading me." he knew it was making Shinobu mad...especially the 'slut' word. The younger said to only use it in the bedroom.

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Shinobu drops to the floor tears running down his cheeks. "Why Tachibana..? Your such an idiot. I planned to save myself for marriage. Now what the hell am I going to do?" he said crying his eyes out. Not clearly the reaction that was expected. He leans against the wall crying still. He was upset but not for the reasons one would think he'd be upset about.

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Tachibana stared at his brother in disbelief....he was crying. Crying because the eldest had touched him....because they had fucked. So the younger twin wanted to wait until marriage? Then who the fuck would his partner had been? He already complained about everything regardless of the diary Shinobu was too stubborn to go about loving him openly.


"Get the fuck out!" he yelled at the other. Tachibana didn't care about him crying. If he wanted to fuck some other guy before him he should leave. Go find that person. "I don't know what your going to do...but I hope the person you marry can't forget that I had you first." he said cockily a smirk on his face. Staring at the younger twin he watched to see what the younger would do.

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Shinobu got to his feet. "You are a real idiot. I am not suppose to tell you but the one I am going to marry is you. You can be completely stupid Tachibana." he said running back to his room and locking himself inside. "Here I thought Shinobu was the hard-headed one." their mother said as she had come to tell them breakfast was ready. "Now I see it. You are both pushing one another away."

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Tachibana looked after his brother as he ran from his room and sighed. Well...there was a plus to this...was it weird that he thought Shinobu was attractive when he was about to cry? Maybe that was his fetish. Looking up to his mother as she voiced her opinion the eldest sneered. Who was she to blame this on them. She was the reason Shinobu was like he was today.


"Don't put this all on us. Mother you knew that I would fuck Shinobu yet you didn't tell me what his expectations were. You told me of that supplement that makes him weirdly change! What the fuck am I suppose to do? Your also a reason he's pushing me away, forcing him to marry me...real nice." shaking his head at the women.

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"Its only natural for me to take care of my little baby. Shinobu is young and very naive. He use to get led off by many strangers when your father and I separated those few times. I used you as his protective bubble so his entire being would only want you. Besides you want him so I don't see the issue." she said rolling her eyes. "Breakfast is ready so don't let it get cold. I am going to pick up your father so I will return around lunch time." she said going to her room.


Shinobu curled up on his bed sniffling. He grabs his remote close by to watch some television. He just needed to zone everything out at the moment

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