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A Twisted Bond w/ Tessie


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The eldest groaned at his mother's words....ugh...yeah, yeah mother... he mocked before she walked away. The older blonde walked to his twin's door and twisted the knob...as always, when the other is crying or upset, the door was locked. Banging on the door Tachibana rolled his eyes. So selfish...


"Shinobu open up. Breakfast is ready...you should come eat....wife~" he smirked placing his hand on the door.

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Shinobu walked over to the door and opens it. He looked at Tachibana. "I don't want to eat what that woman cooks for us. I just want to watch television. I will eat later or when I get dizzy from lack of food." he said walking back to his bed. "Close the door when your done." he mutters not even focused to the fact that the other called him wife.

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Frowning Tachibana quickly walked to the bed and gripped into the younger twin's small petit wrists before pulling him up. "Yes... You are going to eat...stop being so selfish. After all....you are mother's favorite." be teased pulling his brother to the entrance of his door. "Besides.....I wouldn't want my wife to be hungry~"



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Shinobu blinks as he was pulled up. "I am sure you have that wrong. You are mother's favorite. She's always talking about you whenever I am with her." he said before his face turns red. "Please don't say things like that Tachi-chan. I don't qualify to be your wife anymore. You'll have to find someone more worthy okay." he said looking down.

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Tachiaban laughed continuing to pull the other to the kitchen. Was Shinobu stupid....their mother was always there to protect him. The younger of the two had no reason to be mad at the lady. She, although showed in a strange way, loved the fragile teen. She wouldn't do anything to hurt him...only what she thought was good for him.


"Don't be silly...just eat ok?"

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Shinobu got silent as he was being pulled along by him. He was curious as to what the other really wanted from him. Once in the kitchen, Shinobu sat at the table. He clearly didn't have any interest to wanting to eat. She placed two plates on the table. "Eat up boys. Mother will be back with father soon." she said grabbing her coat and leaving.


Shinobu glanced over at Tachibana. "Any thing else that happened during our time alone?"

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"Other than you weren't so stubborn...no. You did say that you planned to live with me. Though I'm pretty sure you said that as yourself." be voiced taking a bite of the eggs. He glanced back to the you get blonde before smiling. "Gods your beautiful....I can't wait until you are my wife~" be voiced staring into the glassed eyes.

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Shinobu glanced down at the food. He poked at it with a fork since he had no interest in eating it. "You don't have to force yourself to say such things. I know I have done my best to stay away from...." he stopped looking at his brother. "What the hell? Did I just spill everything to you in the past couple of days? God I really should wear a muzzle or something." he mutters softly


"I don't care to eat. I am going back to my room Tachi-chan. If you want to be a good husband then cook for your depressed wife and then come cheer your wife up." he said shuffling up to his room

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Tachibana looked to the younger teen and frowned...well...that went well. So now he had to cook for his smaller twin. Sighing he stood....well that would be a pain. Grabbing a bowl he looked up to grab some cereal. Would the other teen eat this. Well it didn't hurt to see. Opening the refrigerator he grabbed the milk and walked his way up to his twin's room. "I brought you cereal...I hope you way them...their Froot Loops."

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Shinobu was curled up on his bed as he was before. He was watching anime. "Fruit loops? You tend to know just what to say to calm me and make me smile." he said inching over so Tachibana could join him on the bed. He reached his hands out to take the bowl from his older twin.

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The older twin smiled as he sat beside his brother pouring cereals into the bowl before adding the milk. "Be right back." The eldest said standing and walking out the bedroom. Trailing down the hallway he was soon at the kitchen. Opening the fridge he placed the milk back setting the cereal into the cabinet. Opening the silverware drawer he grabbed a spoon and dashed back to his twin's room. Handing the spoon to the other he sat down once again.

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Shinobu sat there waiting for Tachibana. Once he arrived he smiled. "I am so glad you came back. I was wondering how I was going to eat this." he said starting to eat. He watches the anime while his brother sat beside him

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"What the hell is this?" The eldest asked, he knew nothing of anime. He may have seen it once but never enough to know exactly what is was called. Sighing he looked toward the younger blond waiting to see if he would get an answer. The pink lips of his twin wrapping so seductively around the spoon...even if the other wasn't doing it on purpose. "Beautiful." he whispered though not know it was audible.

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"It's anime Tachi-chan. If you don't like it I can change the channel. I just enjoy these kind of shows. Though I'm sure we can find something else." Shinobu said giving the remote to Tachibana. He didn't care what they watched as he continued to eat his cereal.

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Tachibana just shook his head and set the remote down. He would be fine to let his brother watch whatever he wanted, besides....was it weird that he found the anime boys attractive? Sighing softly he ran his hand up the younger's side slowly snaking it up his shirt. The eldest was just teasing the smaller twin, but if Shinobu was to take it any other way he'd be excited....well, that's if the other encouraged it.

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Shinobu finished his cereal and drank the milk. He sighs as he watches the show. He noticed Tachibana touching him but said nothing. "Hey Tachi-chan. I think I should go for a walk. I am craving something sweet and the near by shop has it." he said getting up. "I won't take me long to jog right over there. I'll be back before you can blink"

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Grabbing onto Shinobu's arm he shook his head pulling him back. "Your not going anywhere by yourself. Do you know...some psycho tried to kill you? I won't allow it." he said standing his grip tightening. He wasn't going to let that guy be able to get to his brother and he wasn't around....no fucking way.

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"What are you talking about? According to you nothing else besides you taking my virginity happened during this time. So what are you talking about? What guy is trying to kill me?" Shinobu asked as he looked at his brother.

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At his brother saying that he looked surprised. He did take the other's virginity didn't he? He sighed looking at his twin. "Like I said..your not going alone. I'm coming also. The guy said he knew you from work..you led him on...got a retraining order on him." he voiced raising an eyebrow.

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"So it's that bastard that's causing an issue. There's nothing to worry about. He's all talk. I led no one on. I treat all costumers the same. He took it upon himself to think differently. My heart solely belongs to one person only. He didn't understand that and started stalking me." he says. Shinobu frowns looking at Tachibana. "I can handle one punk. No need for you to get hurt because of it." he says

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The eldest blond sighed harshly. "No...I'm not letting you go on your own. As mom always say...you are too fragile to do things on your own. If you was to get hurt mom would blame me. I don't feel like hearing her fussing or the sound of sirens when police go looking for you. Plus if you were to die I'd blame myself." he said all on one breath, taking another deep intake staring into identical golden eyes.

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"Do what makes you happy but I assure you nothing will happen." he said going to get ready. He glanced over at Tachibana. "Are you ready to go?" Shinobu asked as he was heading for the front door.

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Stepping to his brother he nodded wrapping his arm around the other's waist. "You must really like to be without me huh?" he asked the younger twin. Shinobu was still yet so stubborn, one day that attitude will get him in a lot of trouble. "You can't be my wife if you act like that brother." he teased leaning to kiss the other on the lips.

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"I like to be independent. If I rely on you forever I can't live up to being a good wife." he said glancing to the side. "Besides, mother wants me to act all weak and pathetic around you. I won't do it because its not me. If you want a weakling for a bride then look somewhere else. I am going to be a strong bride and nothing more." he said determined.


Shinobu walks out the front door and looked back at Tachibana. "Look on the bright side, you get to look at this cute face for a lifetime." he said teasingly.

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Tachibana only laugh before walking after his twin brother. "I actually don't give a damn how weak or strong you are. I just want you to be in my life." he announced following after his younger twin as he exited the front door. The wind actually felt good against the eldest slightly hot skin.


Glancing around he stayed silent looking to Shinobu. The smaller more petit teen sure had a cocky demeanor, though he could easily break that if he wanted. Such an attitude could be dangerous for someone like his twin. True the other was stronger than their mother made him out to be, but he also wasn't as strong as he, himself, made it seem.

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