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A Twisted Bond w/ Tessie


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Shinobu walked with Tachibana to the small shop. "I'll run in and grab it. No flirting with passing men." he said teasingly running into the store. Shinobu was right at the register since the candy he wanted was always right there. He hadn't noticed a strange male approaching Tachibana from behind. The man grabs Tachibana and drags him into an alleyway. He mistaken the boy from Shinobu.


Shinobu exits the store to notice his brother gone. "Did he go into one of these other shops?" he begins to wonder.

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Tachibana struggled against the man...or women who had grabbed him. Finally getting a loose he stumbled to fall on the floor before quickly turning to see who the fuck grabbed him. "Asshole. What the fuck do you want?" he said harshly standing to dust off his now dirty clothes.


"aww...these clothes my mom just bought." looking to the man. It was the guy from before...sneering he glared at the man. "So I see what you said was true. You do plan to hurt my brother...well....I see that I have to do something about that."


The eldest was extremely pissed off. He had told this guy not to even think of hurting his brother, but obviously the man didn't care.

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"Crap I sneered the wrong one. Though this could be interesting. I could use you as bait." he said cracking his knuckles. "Come at me kid. I will this quick so I can claim my real prize quicker." he said with a smirk. The man put up his fists and took his stance. He had a bounce to it clearly a kick boxer. "Its funny but I might not be the only one after your precious twin Shinobu." he said chuckling.


Shinobu looked around to see where Tachibana had went. He started to think his brother just left him.

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Tachibana wasn't a scary person but neither was he stupid. This guy clearly knew some form of fighting. Damn....he should've took more of those martial art classes his father had enrolled him in. Taking a step back he turned quickly to run from the alley. "Shinobu! If you hear me...run! Run back home!" he yelled rushing toward his twin that he saw in full view but the younger was yet so far away.

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Shinobu hears Tachibana's voice and he hushed over towards him. He was surprised since him running towards his brother while the other was running caused them to crash into one another. "Where did you go Tachi-chan?" he grunts before noticing the male behind them. "Its him. Why didn't you run away Tachibana?" he asked getting up

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"I was you idiot...I told you to go home." glaring at the younger. Tachibana quickly stood and turned to the man, standing in front of his brother protecting him from the man. "I dare you to start trouble in front if all these witnesses. You'll be in jail for sure." looking back at Shinobu.


"Plus... You have a restraining order why not use it and call the cops." he said angrily backing away from the man turning to once again look at him.

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"The shop has the restraining order. If I am not around the shop then it has no affect. This guy isn't so tough so lets just ignore him." he said looking at Tachibana. "Getting into a confrontation will only become troublesome for us not him. He won't do anything." he said taking hold of Tachibana's hand. "Lets go home." he said walking away from the man. Shinobu got really far before looking at his brother. "See he didn't follow us. We have nothing to worry about."

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The eldest snatched away from his brother before looking at him. "How dense are you...mom is right, You can't make it on your own. That guy," he started pointing back to the direction in which they came. "has men all over looking for you. We have a lot to worry about dammit. Fuck the shop having a restraining order when he's after you and not that...cursed cafè!" Tachibana was yet furious once more. How in the hell would they be safe when they had such a long way to get back home. This was all bullshit.

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"Don't get all upset with me. If you would have stayed home then you wouldn't be caught up in this crap. I'm tired of everyone treating me like I'm an idiot or incapable of doing simple tasks. Your just like mother Tachibana and that's the last person I would ever want near me." Shinobu said starting to cry. "When you start acting like my brother again then we can talk." he says running off. He didn't care which road he ran down. He just wanted to get away from Tachibana for the moment.

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"Shinobu I'm sorry!" he yelled watching his brother run off. "Dammit." he said before running after the other. The eldest knea he had made a mistake with the word he were saying, but it was because he was as worried. If the eldest of the two had stayed home then his brother would have been captured...captured like that man had snatched him around into an alley. There was no way he wanted anyone to touch his twin...in any kind of way. Tachibana would not allow it.

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Shinobu eventually stopped running as he needed to catch his breath. "Oh my are you okay?" a tall rather good looking male asked him. Shinobu glanced up never seeing this person before. "Uh, yeah just a bit out of breath." he said. "Well then you are in luck. This is a clinic. Care to come inside to catch your breath?" the man offered. Shinobu nods walking inside. He was no longer clearly in view from his brother to find him

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Tachibana was now turning the curve he had seen the other turn about a minute ago, though not seeing the other anymore he panicked. Where did he go- no...what if- what if one of those guys got a hold of him. Frantically looking around he took a step back before turning around to run home. He had to tell their mother, quickly.


Running as fast as he could, even though out of breath, he headed to the direction of saftey. The eldest would not stop...his brother was in danger and he didn't want anything to haoped to Shinobu. Nothing at all.

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Shinobu sits in the clinic looking at the male. "Are you thirsty? I have water id you want some." he said walking over with a bottle of water. Shinobu take it and opens the top. He begins to drink the water without a second thought. The male sites beside him. "You look upset. Want to talk about it?" he asked. "Not really.... I had a fight with my big brother.. and~" Shinobu collapses into the male's arms. "Oh my.. You really shouldn't trust everyone so easily Shinobu

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At home the eldest burst through the door out io breath looking around for their mother. "MOM!" he yelled, stumbling into the house before shutting the door roughly behind him. Sighing he fell onto the floor waiting for his mother to answer him. The oldest twin knew that Shinibu was in trouble and who was better to help search for the youngest than their mother.


"Mom! mom, Shinobu has been kidnapped!" he yelled again before laying onto the floor catching his breath.

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Their mother walked out of the room. "Stop shouting. Your father is resting." she said before hearing what he said. "What happened to Shinobu?? Tell me everything you know." she insisted as she helped Tachibana up. Once being filled on the details she frowns. "Lets get the car and drive down to the red light district. I am sure we will find him there but lets hurry." she said


Shinobu wakes up finding himself in a silky yukata. His hands were tied up above his head. He noticed the male doctor from before. "What are you doing?" he asked. "My name is Usami and I have been watching you for some time now. I have went through great lengths to get you Shinobu. I don't plan to let you go anytime soon." he said going over to the bed he had Shinobu on. "I don't like any random person touching me and neither would my lover." he said. "That brother of yours can't stop a trained yakuza so let him try." he smirked kissing Shinobu forcefully.

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Tachibana nodded before running to get into the car. He was shaking with fear and nervousness for his brother. There was no fucking idea what those goons were doing to his youngest twin. If they layed on hand on his soon to be wife he would do everything in his power to kill them. Why would they want Shinobu anyways. If it was just for someone getting their heart broken that was crazy....really crazy indeed.


"Mom hurry! I don't know where he could be. Though you said the red light district...where would he be if there?" he yelled. The eldest knew his mother wouldn't like his loud tone, but he couldn't help it. Not at all.

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"Calm down before I hit you. He's there because your brother is not very bright. The last time your father and I split up for a moment, Shinobu made friends with a yakuza. It was simply harmless but that guy took a liking to him. So you can guess how far he'd go to get his hands on Shinobu." she said looking at Tachibana. She sped down the streets heading to the red light district.


Shinobu struggles to get Usami off of him. "You know using your money and power won't make me yours. Its sickening how you operate." he said gritting his teeth. "Say what you will but I do remember a very cute boy saying he'll do anything for work that'll help him achieve his goals. So just think of this as a business venture." Usami smirked.

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The eldest was completely furious. Even though his mother was driving speedily down the road it was taking too long. Too damn long for Tachibana's liking. The blond did not like it one bit. By the time they got here his twin brother would have been raped, beat and killed. This was making the older twin pull his hair out.


"From now on I'm keeping that little idiot on a leash. He really is something else...just running off like that after I told him those goons was after him." he said, anger racing through his voice. Hitting the door to the car he groaned loudly hating this anticipation.

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She pulled up to the cafe Shinobu worked at. "We have to go from foot here. I know the place but we have to be casual. You'll get killed before entering if you don't play it cool." she said looking at him


Shinobu closes his eyes as he tries to think. Usami plays with his hair. "So tell me. Still saving yourself to be the perfect bride?" he asked. Shinobu got an idea from the question. "Not even. I have taken a walk on the wild side. I am more used than a public bathhouse. I suppose you are a shy too late to catch this train." he said hoping that would turn the other off from wanting him. "Very cute but I doubt that's true. You would snap a person in half before allowing that. If that were true in the slightest then you'd be known around these parts. Don't piss me off Shinobu." he said pulling off the yukata. "Such a lovely body you have. It makes me want to defile you so much more."

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Tachibana was following his mother, but the annoying part of this is that they couldn't even run. Apparently it wasn't 'keeping it cool' and would attract attention. Frowning be groaned loudly before looking away from the women. This whole situation was pissing him off. That stupid cafè only getting protection from themselves instead of Shinobu. Though who was he kidding...restraining orders were all complete shit in general. If you were to have a stalker that threatened your life and reported it, with evidence of proof, to the cops they'd give you a restraining order. As if that stupid ass piece of paper document had magical powers to place a barrier around one. In the end you'd have your head blown off.


"Ahh! Mom...what will we do if Shinobu is hurt?"

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"Oh my.. please don't let me get those thoughts in my head. I am not a violent woman Tachibana." she said highly holding back her sarcasm. She stopped once they arrived to a gold colored building. "Now you just play along to my story. This will get us in and to the head leader in no time." she said walking inside. Two men stopped them. "State your business." one said. "I am here to sell my top class pet to the head of this establishment." she said. They two men nod opening the doors they were guarding. "The top floor miss." the other said.


Shinobu looked at Usami now getting nervous. He didn't want anyone beside Tachibana to see him naked. "Please don't touch me. I don't like it." he said softly. "Oh please don't lie to me. I can tell you like it very much." Usami said kissing Shinobu again

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The eldest looked a little surprise at his mother's answer but went along with it, this was all for his brother not him. Slowly walking into the doors he looked to the women beside him. "So...what? Plus mom...how do you know your way around this place...when Shinobu was captured last time did you save him by yourself?" it wouldn't be a surprise if she did, the women was very protective of Shinobu.


Sighing he followed behind his long haired mother waiting until they got to the top floor. The eldest wanted his smaller brother now!

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"Yes I did. There was no way I planned to wait around for you and your father. Besides its important to know your way around places in this town." she said as they were on the elevator. Once to the top floor she looked at Tachibana. "Let's go get Shinobu back." she said walking down the hall in front of them.


Shinobu kicks Usami since his feet weren't tied up. "That really hurt Shinobu. That means I'll have to hurt you back." he said grabbing Shinobu's legs and spreading them open. "No!!! Stop it!!"

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The older twin followed his mother quickly. "Can't we at least speed up now?" the eldest was nearly dying, he wanted to hurry to his twin brother before anyone hurt him, more importantly before anyone claimed him. Shinobu was all his dammit and he didn't want anyone touching his love. True the younger blond was upset, but that didn't phase Tachibana one bit. If anyone was to touch what was his...he'd be seriously pissed off.

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One in front of two large doors, their mother stopped and looked at Tachibana. She pulled out two brass knuckles and a butterfly knife. "Which would you prefer to use? Pick quickly so we can head inside." she said. After Tachibana picked which he would use she kicked the door open. The sight before their eyes wasn't one either of them wanted to see.


Shinobu glanced over at the door to see Tachibana and their mother. He was glad they came for him but also worried. Usami sighs as he stood to look at them. "I don't like to be disturbed."

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