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A Twisted Bond w/ Tessie


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Tachibana chuckled at seeing his brother go unconscious from the pleasurable feeling. The older blond never knew that he could ever get a reaction like that from the younger blond. That was something that others would even pay to see. With a sight...the oldest twin kissed his brother one last and slowly lifted himself off Shinobu. He needed a shower.

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Shinobu continued to lay on the bed completely unconscious. He didn't make any sounds or movements from how he was left by Tachibana. His sell started to ring and he couldn't hear it at all. It was his job calling to see why he hadn't come into work. Then their mother called but when she couldn't get in touch with Shinobu she called Tachibana.

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Tachibana had backed away from the other teen. Reaching for the binds he untied the restraints that was around his brother. Slowly kissing the other forehead he heard a ringing of cellphone to know that it was Shinobu's. Then suddenly his rung and he reached for the phone seeing his mother's name appear on the caller ID. Placing the phone to his ear.


"Hello? What is it mom?" he asked the women. It was good she had called after they had sex. He would have been upset if she had interrupted their time together.

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"I am just checking in on you two. I know your reaction to Shinobu's attitude change must be surprising. That stuff is a like a mind number. It helps regress Shinobu's mind so he's not over thinking or over analyzing anything. He can be fully honest with himself. I use it on your father all the time." she said with a light giggle. "As long as its a dash nothing serious should happen to him." she said.

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Takashi laughed his mom was always the devious one. "Yeah mom...me and Shinobu bonded a lot closer than you may think. That suppliment really works. We were basically combined as one." he smirked hinting at having fucked his brother. He wondered what the women thought. Did she know what he was hinting at? If she did find out will she be mad at Tachibana? Didn't matter anyways....Shinobu had read that they would live together no matter how sinful or gross the outside world saw it. He was in love with his younger twin and that was all that mattered.

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"Oh my! Sounds like you two had some fun. Don't overdo it Tachibana. Shinobu is very fragile and I don't want you breaking him. That defeats the purpose of protecting and loving him. A broken doll has no love in it." she said sternly. It was clear she knew exactly what Tachibana had done. "I leave Shinobu in your hands. We shall be home in another week." she said and hung up.


Shinobu continued to lay upon the bed unmoving. The only thing slightly moving was his chest as he was breathing.

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Tachibana smiled at his mom's words....it seems that she knew exactly what he had done. Well that's a plus. His mom didn't care so why the fuck would he care of anyone else's approval. He smirked and laughed. "Well mom...your right about that, but....what if he lik-" he stopped himself. He wouldn't tell their mom Shinobu's fetish.


"Well I'll talk to you later mom." he voiced hanging up the phone. A broken doll had no love. well....he wondered what the women would think if she knew that her fragile son liked to be broken....if he exceeded pleasure by pain. Golden eyes looking to his still unconscious twin he walked to sit beside him....oh well.

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Shinobu continued to lay there as he was far lost in his own mind. He was walking about with his younger self trying to piece together everything that was going on. He wonders why his brother seemed to act like a completely different person. 'Did he take my words too seriously? I know I enjoy pain but this felt different.. Tachibana really is confusing me... I can't tell if he loves me or not..' he thinks curling up in his mind too scared to wake up and find out.

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Takashi gently rubbed his fingers through the golden locks of his twin's. How long will the other be out? Leaning to kiss identical lips he whispered. "Come on Shinobu wake up....I'm beginning to feel worried." Had he overdone it? Though.....he couldn't be blamed right? Tachibana never knew that he would enjoy the situation that much. The eldest was a bit surprised now thinking about it. He had really became a man of his word....as if someone else had taken over his body.

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Shinobu hears his brother's voice and opens his eyes. He looked around dazed and confused. His gaze soon connecting with Tachibana's. He stares at him not saying a thing. He then closes his eyes and sighs. He wasn't sure what to say to the other. He was feeling far too confused at the moment.

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"What's the matter Shinobu?" leaning to kiss the other's lips. "Don't tell me you've already forgot about my request twin brother." he told the younger blond smirking teasingly. Tachibana had been in heaven minutes ago....and what was even more shocking was that their mother didn't even care. She would let him willingly fuck his twin...how kinky~ The eldest reached for the diary an placed it beside the other.


"Do I really have to make you write it? I want you to always remember our first time beautiful~"

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Shinobu tilts his head as he looked at the book and then Tachibana. He wasn't sure what the other wanted him to write. He took hold of the pen but everything was a complete blur to him. He glanced back to Tachibana. He was silent and didn't really move much beside's his head and hand. His stare just seemed to be looking through things and not at them.

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The eldest blond notice the dazed look etched on his brother's face, but not the good dazed. It's as if he was in deep thought and not paying attention to his surroundings. Tachibana grabbed a hold of the other face and made him look to him. "What's wrong with you?" the slightly bigger teen asked. What the fuck is wrong with Shinobu? Is be mad at me or something. Not that I'd care...he's still so stubborn. No he's not but....still.... the older teen thought.


Frowning he continued to stare at his twin. What the hell was going on?

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Shinobu stares at Tachibana. The seventy-two hours weren't over yet so he wasn't himself at the moment. "Onii-chi..." he mumbles softly as he looked at the other. His voice barely audible and it was still shaken. He wasn't upset with Tachibana but more like too nervous and scared to really say anything to him. "Onii-chi...." he mumbles softly again looking at him.

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Tachibana stared at the other as be softly called him over and over...what was wrong with him? Had the older blond hurt his feelings or something...what was happening? "Shinobu what's the matter? Answer me...are you ok?" he asked the seemingly frightened twin. Had he scared the other?


Dammit have I broken him. Like mom said he's too fragile maybe I really went to far. If mom found out she would definitely kill me. The eldest blond thought. Ok....I have to do something...if-if Shinobu is scared of me...what the hell do I do? he thought thinking hard. "Shinobu snap out of it what's wrong with you. I love you." he stated randomly.

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Hearing Tachibana say he loves him made him blush. "Onii-chi. I'm sorry." he said softly as he lays there. His eyes slowly watering. "Onii-chi.. it hurts.. it hurts a lot.." he cries clinging to him tightly. His mind finally registered the pain from his lower half. It was far too much to handle. Shinobu trembles as he clings to Tachibana. "Onii-chi will take care of me?" he asked looking at him. "Onii-chi says he loves me. I love onii-chi too." he whispers still clinging to him

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The eldest blond looked at the other with widen eyes. He was hurting.....that was why he was acting that way. Maybe Tachibana had gone too far...his twin's entrance did stretch pretty far. He should have waited until later to do that...way later until the the smaller twin was use to sex.


Once the other clung to him and looked at him with those golden eyes he frowned. It was actually hurting him now.....his heart was breaking listening to that innocent voice call him and plea for him to take care of him made the eldest avert his gaze. He couldn't take it. "I apologize....yes I will take care of you." looking to his brother's bloodied cavern.

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"Tachi-chan will take care of me! I am so lucky. Mommy says Tachi-chan will always be with me. I am so happy." he said looking at the other. Though in pain he as trying his best to smile. Shinobu's mind had slightly regressed to a child-like state bbut it was only for now. Once the medicine was out of his system he'd be able to talk and think normally as he use to. Though this side of him was super cute to some extent.

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The elder blond just stared at the other with a sad expression. He could tell that the other was actually in pain...he was trying to smile but was failing horrible. This was sad on Tachibana's part. He was the one to have caused this harm to the smaller blond. That sucked actually. True mom had said that the eldest blond was to protect him but he had failed that failed to not break his brother.


"I'm sorry...."

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"Tachi-chan....? Why are you sorry? Is taking care me a bad thing?" he asked looking at him. Shinobu kisses Tachibana's cheek gently. "I will always be with you no matter what so don't make that face." he said hugging hos older twin. He had known why Tachibana was sorry but there was nothing he could do to change what had happened.

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Tachibana looked at the boy closely. Hm...he did not mind taking care of the other but it didn't change the fact that he was the one to inflict all the pain on the other. Hand trailing up his body to comb through his hair he frowned. He wondered why the other wasn't so mad....he was so cute when in this supplemented mode. Acting as a kid would...but yet so different. Groaning the older blond looked to the other and landed a small peck on his pink lips. Oh how he loved his brother.


"Of course not...I don't mind taking care of you. It's all ok..." he said.

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Shinobu smiles as he held onto his brother. He was sticky and his lower half was covered in a cum blood mix. He was in need of a shower, some clean clothes and sheets. "Tachi-chan...? I am feeling hungry. Can we watch television and eat?" he asked with a giggle. He knew their mother wouldn't allow that but being with Tachibana he had to ask. Shinobu always felt safe and warm with his brother.

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Looking to the smaller teen he laughed at him. Shinobu was being so cute. Slowly trailing his finger down the other's side he nodded at the question. Mother would never allow it but she wasn't here now was she. "Though you have to promise not to get anything in the couch." he informed the younger, though looking lower he grimaced.


"We should clean you first." Tachibana announced slowly picking the other up before taking him into the restroom. Setting him down gently in the tub he began to run the water over the other before joining him.

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Shinobu nods his head. "I promise not to make a mess." he said as he was picked up by Tachibana. He was taken into the bathroom. Once in the tub he smiled. "Yay! A bath with Tachi-chan." he cheers happily. He was really ever so happy to be with Tachibana. It was far from how he would normally respond to having the other bathe with him. Shinobu glanced over at Tachibana.

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Tachibana stared at the other boy eyes dimmed from emotions. It was true he loved Shinibu's, but....this wasn't his brother. Yeah this version of his brother was cute, innocent and nice; but the eldest blond missed his real twin. This version was the younger blond's honesty persona....to tell the feeling that he felt, but it hurted. This one was so clingy that it reminded the eldest of when they were so close...as kid. Averting his eyes tears gathering he turned his back to the other. This wasn't manly at all but who the fuck cared. Tachibana was hurt. Shinibu's now acted as if he remembered nothing....as if his mind reduced to what they were years ago. A tear managed to escape as the eldest thought more on it. Quickly wiping it away he sneered. Looking over his shoulder he glared at the other. "Just take your damn bath and get out...." before exiting the restroom and sitting beside the door. This was all fucked up.

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