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៙BL A confession of the Assassin ~Writer Contest~៙


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After being rich on contests for

graphic, artists, video making,

we decided that it's time to make a contest

for people who loves to write.


This month we will have a new theme set

and it's - ''A confession of the Assasin".


You have to present your masterpiece,

which describes love between two males.

It's up to you how you will interpret "A confession of the Assasin",

so show us your imagination!







Minimum 400 words, maximum 600 words.


Only stories are accepted, no poems.


The story must be rated as for 16+.


No racism, no religious topics, no animal/child abuse.


Love must be between two males.


Title of the story is up to you.


Post the finished work on this thread.


Read the rules once again.






1,500 points for all that applied


5,000 points for the winner + a Manga cover card from the iShop







Starts: 03.11.2013

Ends: 30.11.2013

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I wasn't sure if there should be a link or not but yeah... I hope a spoiler won't hurt. :/









Silence. Did they actually expect the other to speak? Did they not get that it was a useless attempt? The door opened to reveal the same man that had been coming to 'aide' the blond's condition. An audible groan escaped as to show annoyance toward the other occupying the room.


"Yosuke, good morning how do you feel today?"


Azure eyes glanced to the source of noise. Why did he even bother? The answer would be the same no matter which day it was. Silence.


The other never answered no matter what Shio said. That was why he had come up with a diffrent proposition. He would make a deal with the other and hope for a dissimilar outcome. "Here's a deal Yosuke. How about if you began to answer my questions I will come less and less until your free from me." That statement engrossed the blond's attention. Yosuke looked to him. Will he really stop showing or is he joking? The teen showed his question through his eyes. The man understood, Shio had been the other's personal therapist for a while. The communication he recieved from the teen had only been through eye contact.


"No it's not a joke." he explained, his green hair seemingly dark in the barely lit room. Yosuke sighed averting his eyes. "Fine." his voice escaped cracking from not talking much. The only sounds that the blonde made was small humming at night. He wasn't willing for anyone to hear him.


Shio smiled, he was surprised to hear the other's voice. Finally they would get something done than the usual. "Though," Yosuke started. "I need my daily dosage." smirking at Shio. Guess not. Nodding the man approached him capturing his lips.


The pleasure was over and Yosuke lay on the bed breath heaving. At least the therapy is good for something if not anything else. Shio stood to reguard the other. "That's over. I seriously need you to answer these questions." The pale orbs glanced at the other man. In all honesty he really loved Shio, but he knew he wouldn't be able to have him if he stayed here. Yosuke wasn't crazy in the least. He knew exactly what happened that night, others just didn't suspect him. Though if he loved the man in front of him shouldn't he tell the other the truth?


"Fine," the blond began staring at the other. "I'll tell you everything I know. You listen. It may answer your questions." shifting his weight to sit on his legs. "January twentieth my mother had punished me and sent me to my room. She never loved me. She always let father beat me. There was nothing I could do to defend myself. I had told others, but they never help me. So....I-I"


"You....killed them? Shio voiced eyes widening.


Laughing Yosuke rolled his eyes. "Of course not. My brother did, but....I took the blame. He helped me so I returned the favor. Though to not go to prison I feigned insane and now I'm stuck here. I'm not crazy....just naive." Nodding the man stood. Well....that was what he wanted to discover. The other had answered his question and confessed to being perfectly sane. There was no need to return.


"Though Shio. That wasn't my confession." turning the therapist narrowed his eyes at Yosuke. "My confession is ... ...I love you."


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Um. It says 599 words so. This is my first try to writing contests too. Lmao I hope it isn't so bad. :hamtaro-005 (5):









They met in the playground.


A place of old memories; behind the large slide that had been there for as long as he can remember, across the swing set that he would use to fly beneath the sky, beside the sand box where he scrawled his first dreams.


A place of his beginnings and end.


"I -"


"You -"








There was another boy sitting still in the swing. He doesn't look familiar, unusual, because Shige knew everyone in his age considering the size of their town.


"That's my spot. Who are you?" It's probably petty for a seventeen-year old like him but whatever, that swing was his comfort zone.


The boy looked up to him, gaze straight and and unwavering, "Is it?" The boy tilts his head to the side, observing Shige, before those lips curled up to a smile. "There's another one though."


"I don't like it there." Shige glares. He grips an arm and tugs for the other to stand. He was minutely surprised, the guy was surprisingly fit under his baggy sweatshirt.


"I'm Hatsuharu," he grins, not moving from his place. It grits on Shige's nerves.


"You," Shige hisses but the other - Hatsuharu - doesn't budge. "I don't care who you are. Just move."


Hatsuharu laughs, a light carefree sound that doesn't irritate him as much as he wants to.


"It's nice to meet you too, Shige-kun."








The rain falls heavy, soaking the dark clothes he wears. He leans back, unmindful of the water that pools under him. He closes his eyes to block the drops and tears.


"My parents are gone." Because despite a week of seeing them in coffins, of seeing them buried under muddy dirt just hours ago, Shige could still barely accept the fact. "They left me."


"It's not their fault."


"What would you know?" Shige scoffs, bitter, as a sharp pain runs through his chest. "He was holding the gun, Hatsuharu. He- He -" he trips on the words, "he killed mom, th-then killed himself."


Silence reigned, just the pitter patter of the rain loud between the two of them. At least, until Hatsuharu speaks.


"Let me help you forget, Shige." Hatsuharu's wet, cold hand cups his face. It moves down to his neck, down past the collar of his mourning suit. He leans in to the touch, craving more of that cold comfort.


"You don't know how I feel, Haru." He whispers, tilting his head up and looking straight on those dark eyes.


"I know more than you do." Hatsuharu murmurs to his lips, closing the distance and capturing it.


And Shige lets him be taken to somewhere he can forget.








"I love you." Shige smiles up at his best friend, his lover, his family. Tears drip down his cheeks but he wasn't crying.


Hatsuharu looms over him, frame lightly shaking from his silent sobs. "I killed them Shige," his hands curl to a fist on either side of Shige's head, taking a handful of sand under his palms.


"I know."


"I don't want to- I- I can't, Shige." Hatsuharu's voice was full of anguish.


"You have to." Shige takes the discarded knife half-buried in the sand. He presses it to the chest above him, blade down, and feeling each beat of Hatsuharu's heart through it. "You took my parents so please," his other hand wipes the tears away on Hatsuharu's cheeks, "take me to them too."


"I don't want to kill you." Hatsuharu holds his hand, sealing a promise and clutching tight over Shige's grip on the knife.


"You will."


Red bleeds through the sand.


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Title: This Melancholy of ours

Words: 548



What if I fall? Would you catch me?

What if I ask for help? Would you lend me a hand?

What if I cry? Would you wipe my tears?

What if I’ll be caught by darkness? Will you save me?



Will you save me?



Will you—


I died once… or maybe twice. No..

Every time I killed, I died. And that still continues to happen.

I always polish my sword.

I hide into the shadows and look at a certain photograph.

A photograph of a person.. Who will either go to heaven or hell soon.

After looking at it, Guilt will then begin to swell up in my heart.

Then I kill.. and then I die.


It is a never-ending cycle of my life.


Blood spurts out every time I pierce my sword.

Tiny droplets of red paint my pale cheeks.

Then I pull out, and retreat as fast as I could.

And then I cry.. For what I just did.

I was once an average person who doesn’t know everything around me and this world.

I was a person who feels happy over small things.

I was a person who dreams to have a successful life someday.

I was a person who works hard to cope with my life.


I was a person whose heart was taken away.


That ‘person’ is someone who has an unusual air around him.

He is a person who has handsome features, and is someone who is respected by people whom we do not know and see often.


It’s funny how we met in a normal way.

It was when I was practicing my sword skills for my Kendo on a certain Cosmos field where the sunset dyed the area into orange.

I wonder why.. he suddenly ran towards me.

He raised my chin and I was startled.

And then he stole my lips.


I’m a man on top of that.


My cheeks were flushed red, and then I asked him why he did that.

His eyes were full of warm emotions, and then he said to me,


“You’re so beautiful.”


Hearing that from another guy was hilarious, but for some reason, it felt different when he said it to me.

He started following me from that point, and then,


I fell in-love.


But I never knew that he was someone who works beneath the dark side.

I did not know that loving him would take a high risk.


“If you won’t obey me, then I have no use of you anymore.”


I was afraid of being thrown away, especially from the person that I love.

I did not want to do what he orders me to do, but from me to stay by his side, I need to do exactly as he says.

He is my ‘master’, and my ‘lover’.


I cannot run away.


Every time he praises me from a mission well done, I suffer.

I do not want to do those missions to begin with anyway.

Hearing his cold praises makes my heart shatter.

Where was that warm feeling he got before?


Now, I wonder.


Is there a chance for me to get away from this hell but at the same time, I could still keep him all by myself?




I kill.. I die..

All for the sake..



Of love.

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Though Midora lied face down in blood on the ground, dead, Atsuo was also harmed during the fight. With a rather large gash across his ribs, Atsuo was barely able to move only glaring at the bloodied sword that just moments ago had slashed through his body by Midora.

"Atsuo! " Seok cried out. He didn't realize Atsuo was hurt until now. Blood poured out of Atsuo's mouth as he opened his mouth to respond to Seok's cries.

" I'm all right," Atsuo replied with a soft smile as Seok approached him. "You finally killed Midora... You did it!!"

Seok reached over Atsuo's body and realized his gash was deeply imbedded into his body. Balls of sweat fell from his forehead as a sense of anger and loss of control grew through his veins. His eyes fell weak with sadness as he watched Atsuo struggle to breathe.

"This is all my fault... Why, why?! " Seok muttered forcefully. Atsuo pulled up his hand and touched Seok's petrified-ridden face and solely with that touch Seok fell captivated. Atsuo smiled at him gracefully." I never meant for you to get hurt in all this!"

"You're a good man... Rough around the edges, stubborn, " Atsuo replied gently giggling. Seok could no longer stand to see blood dripping from Atsuo's mouth, he used his shirt to wipe the blood away so he could see Atsuo's beautiful face."I know I shouldn't have put my nose in your affairs.. It was wrong of me, but I was worried about you. I just wanted you to be safe. I shouldn't have followed you here.. But you know I was only looking out for you."

"Enough with the small talk, we need to get you to the hospital, so get your lazy ass up from the ground, " Seok pulled his arms over Atsuo's body, but instead Atsuo quivered in pain.

" I feel more comfortable lying down, " Atsuo laughed, "that kind of hurt."

" No! " Seok angrily yelled." I said get up." Seok's hands began to shake.

"Always stubborn, never did know how to approach any situation. "

" Shut up Atsuo, you're bleeding and we need to get you to the emergency room." suddenly Atsuo began to shake uncontrollably... His eyes fell back into his head and his eyelids shut over them. And in an instant he was gone. "Atsuo!!!" Seok grabbed him gently trying to wake him up, but it did no good. "Atsuo!" His body went limp in Seok's grasp.

A shot of goosebumps ran down Seok's spine.. And a cold sweat encompassed the exterior of his skin.. A pain consumed his heart which was breaking as each second passed by.

"I must tell you something Atsuo," Seok delicately said lying beside Atsuo's body. He ran his fingers along Atsuo's ear and began to position himself into a fetus pose, taking care not to disturb Atsuo. "Something I should have said a long time ago," tears filled the sides of his eyes... For the first time in his life he felt lost. "I'm in love with you....I always knew since the first day I laid eyes upon you... And now that you know, could you please wake up?" Seok glanced over at Atsuo, "please wake up.." his voice grew stronger as he placed his arm around Atsuo. "Please wake up."

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ok so here's my story..its a bit different from the others but hope you guys like it!

Its called cupids arrow and it has.... exactly 600 words!!!!



t rained again that day. Rained even heavier than the day before when it had rained heavier than the day before that. It was as if the eyes of god where weeping the tears I could not. As the pain built day after day so did the tears that fell onto our god forsaken planet.

I shake my head trying to rid myself of such unsightly thoughts but it was for naught. They jumbled up, mixing together, re arranging themselves into a new collage of my broken heart.

The day broke in a watercolour of oranges and reds but my blind eyes saw none of it. I saw the world in monotone. Greys and blacks surrounded me interspersed with the red of blood as I watched the further onslaught of my regiment.

Time finally slowed as I saw cupid’s arrow rain down upon me, my speed- immeasurable, my senses -incomparable and yet I stayed perfectly still allowing the arrow of fletched gold to continue its perfect trajectory to my heart.

Cupid’s arrow hit my breast with a soft thump. The world emerged before me once again a technicolor rainbow of life and life to be lost.

Most would say are enemies are evil beings that seek to control us. He said it and before I met him I thought it. After I met him, I thought nothing.

But now I understand. I can see clearly. And I remembered:


The day I met him… The day my life truly began and truly ended.

His hair was a mousey brown and as soft too, it hung in a lose ponytail that fell just below his shoulder blades, his face was gorgeous but set in a scowl, a scowl that I so wanted to remove the second I saw him on that cold winters day.

I knew he was out of town, after all no one in our remote village had skin the perfect bronze he had, very few in our area had even close to the balanced complexion he did, after all evolution had left us behind by a millennium.

I ran to him, foolishly blinded by my love I followed him to his house. If only I had left there if only I had accepted he couldn’t love me, why would anyone of his beauty love one of us outsiders, of course we were only good for the wars!! But as soon as I kissed him, felt his warm moist tough invade my mouth I was lost to my desire for more.

For weeks I allowed him to violate me in the most pleasurable of ways. Allowed his actions to speak the words he would never say while I shouted them for the world to hear. How naïve I had been, of course he had gotten bored with me.

I replayed the conversation a last time.

“Ian.” his soft voice resonated as I sat on his lap fondling myself at his command. “Ian, I need your help.” Finally something I could do for him! “Go to the front line.” How could he want me to go there? To die? “Kill a few for me.” Did he have that little desire to see me again; he believed I could only kill a few. Die?

“Of course Santinal, for you, anything!”

And as I left that evil smirk and those words that escaped his lips in a harsh whisper. “Go without my love.”


How could these angles that killed in this beautiful way be evil? And with my final breath I whispered “thank you” although to whom I do not know.


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I wanted to write sex but I needed to lead into it, and things just happened. I'm cool with it--always did like being the unorthodox writer.


I love my title. Also I wish it wasn't just 600 words. Rated for 16+.



Assassin on the Streets, Inanass in the Sheets




Kyle tosses the phone across the room and almost breaks it, angrily seething as he gets up. He makes to trash the room, and probably would’ve succeeded in throwing a ten thousand yen swivel chair out the window when a voice says, “I figured you were going to be dumped within a month, but this is kind of ridiculous.”


“Fuck!” He slides the window open and sticks his head out, trying to look up but seeing nothing. It’s dark as fuck now, sun set and the shit. “Why are you still here?!”


“I’m supposed to kill you,” muses back the low bass voice that sometimes Kyle hate-faps to when his boyfriend—shit, now ex—“Did the lack of sex finally go to your brain?”


“Fuck you,” Kyle says sharply, before pulling his head back in. And then an idea strikes him.


“Hey, you,” he says loudly, sticking his head back out and squinting. “You do realize this means I’m really, really not dating Alan anymore. Your assignment’s kind of over.”


The hired assassin is silent as the wind as ever. Sometimes Kyle has to wonder.


“Ever fucked a guy?” Kyle has done some really stupid shit in his lifetime, but this kind of takes the cake. Actually no, the time he got busted for shoplifting and tried to offer his virgin ass to the cop was stupider. “Hey, asshole, are you listening?”


“I’m trying to figure out if you’re stupid, or just pitiful.”


Kyle scowls, and then draws his head back. “Okay, fine, just fuck you—”


Just as he says that, someone slips off the roof and in through his window.


“I’m not saying no, dumbass,” his assassin says, actually pretty fondly. “I’m Sen.” He takes off the head cloth to reveal black hair and a face that is actually Kyle’s type.


“Hi Sen, your name rhymes with semen,” Kyle says.


“That was the best you could do?” Sen asks, exasperatedly, pulling off his scarf and shirt.


The asshole has muscles. He’s fucking built—not like a tank, but well enough that he could probably pick Kyle up and manhandle him. Kyle’s dick may or may not approve, especially when the pants come off.


What follows is kind of the best foreplay that Kyle has ever had—granted, he’s only ever been in one mutual relationship and Alan was so fucking deprived of it that he really doesn’t have a great sense of reference—but Sen’s pretty thorough throughout the whole thing. Asshole’s face is smoother than Kyle’s own, the smug face and thick lips press into the inside of Kyle’s thigh as he bites, and then nuzzles Kyle’s cock and kisses the tip, spreading cold wet lube on. And.


And he jerks Kyle off better than Kyle can jerk himself off.


“Fuck you,” Kyle says angrily, trying to kick him in the face. His asshole is burning from Sen’s lubed fingers stretching it out, even if it feels really good and Sen probably hit some sort of ninja assassin g-spot.


“This isn’t a contest,” Sen sighs, grabbing onto his ankle with a firm, yet loose grip. “Relax. I’m entering.”


“Always did wonder what fucking you would be like,” Kyle pants, whine digging into the back of his throat. Sen’s not as wide as Alan was, but Alan's wasn't as long. He feels so full and filled out.


“Do you ever shut up?” Sen asks.


Kyle squeezes, watches in adamant satisfaction as Sen’s eyes snap shut and he breathes in sharply. “Any words?”


“I still want to kill you in your sleep,” Sen confesses. Wryly. With a kiss.


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Joining ....









You are mine




“If you can blow him away from my life, I can pay you as much as you want.”




I couldn't believe that’s the word from my respectful boss who intends to get rid of someone.

While he’s passing few pictures to me, my hands started shaking when I saw my coming prey…




Goshhh, it’s HIS younger brother Jack, a 18 year-old-boy with a wonderful smile. I’ve just known that he isn’t related to him. Just an adopted boy who stayed with him after his parents had passed away. And for sure if Jack died, all belongings would be occupied by my leader in an instant!! That’s why I had to be here for this mission…




“Why do you choose me, boss? “ I asked him seriously.

“You are the only one that he likes to talk to, you know”? He burst out his laughing aloud.

“ Haha, how much he can put his trust on you, it’s so easy to take him out and kill him, can’t you see? “ My boss said and grinned before he left the room. He let me stood alone in this cold situation.




Crazy and greedy brother always had a plan like this?

No way, that little Jack, he’s too innocent to deserve this from the only one brother in this wild world. What would I do?!?!




I called Jack and he said his brother wanted me to go hiking with him for few days and he loved too. He started excited. It’s so amazing; the weak point of Jack that he enjoyed natural places, my boss knew it all as well. I swallowed my bitter voice and told him to prepare his backpack; I’d take him for a ride.

Yes, now he’s in my sedan he looked good in white T-shirt and black jeans. We talked and ate together.

How happy we were but I wondered why his brother was too fierce and cruel like this. Jack’s never known what I worked for his brother, he’s just thought that I was a driver of that company. And poor him, he never saw how wild of his brother for real.



It’s too dark now, Jack was sleeping. While I put my gun on the lap, reload the bullets in it. Life is beautiful and always cruel, you know Jack, believe me no one cares about you like yourself can do, I slightly whispered myself. Suddenly, he leaned on my shoulder and replied me back that he knew what I was doing. And if he had to be killed by me, he wouldn't even ask for his life, for sure!

I was numb, Jack wasn't innocent as I thought, then I pulled him upright and looked into his eyes. He stared me back and said. “My life is in your hand now, do as your wish” He smiled sadly and closed his eyes again.



“Poor you, Jack..” He was in my arms now, and let see what would happen between us from now on……







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I hope that I still make it in time...




“I’ll call you later,” Ace said as he donned his clothes to leave.


“Okay, I’ll look forward to it,” Yuki purred as he stretched out in their bed.


“If anything important comes up, call me,” Ace reached out and pulled Yuki to him. “I’m worried about your current state.”


“Mmhmm…” Yuki moaned as he felt Ace’s hand move to his ass. “I’m actually afraid to recall my past. What if I was a Yakuza or something?” Yuki placed his arms around Ace’s neck.


“You? I highly doubt it,” Ace chuckled and kissed Yuki with fervor. His hand continued to rub Yuki’s bottom while his other arm wrapped around Yuki’s waist.


Ace suddenly broke the kiss much to Yuki’s dismay. “I really should get going now. I have a work to do,” Ace hesitated.


“You should tell me what you’re doing so that I wouldn’t worry,” Yuki quietly said as he tucked his head in Ace’ neck.


“Don’t worry Yuki,” Ace kissed Yuki’s forehead, “besides I can’t tell you. I must kill you if I did,” he said grimly.


“I understand…” Yuki whispered and gave Ace a kiss in the cheek.




“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN BY THIS?!” Ace screamed out, unbelievingly looking at Yuki’s photo wearing dark clothes with a beautiful but stoic expression.


“It‘s as you see. You have to kill him. You know how this works, they want him gone, if you’ll not kill him, someone else will.” Cross said.


“But he doesn’t remember anything!”


“That’s exactly the point. Will you wait for his memories to come back? What if it’s already back and he’s only waiting for the perfect opportunity to kill you instead?” Cross calmly said, “It’s been a month already since you found him but will you wait for that person in the picture to come back and wreak havoc to the entire country?”


Ace didn’t say anything and just left.




The door was suddenly opened and immediately closed. Ace walked in and looked for Yuki. He heard the sound of running water and Yuki’s humming from the bathroom. There’s no way that the crazy guy in the picture is Yuki, Ace thought. Without thinking twice, he grabbed clothes and placed it in a bag. He heard the door open and saw Yuki with only a towel to cover his lower half.


“You’re back,” beamed Yuki, happy to have Ace return early.


Ace grabbed Yuki and hugged him tight. “Yuki…” Ace whispered.


“Ace, what happened? Are you alright?” Yuki said, trying to wiggle out from his embrace.


“We have to go now! It’s not safe here. We need to get you out of this country immediately,” Ace said as he released Yuki.


“I don’t understand. What are you talking about?” Yuki murmured, giving Ace a skeptical look.


“We must go! NOW!” Ace took some clothes and tossed it to Yuki.


Yuki took another look at Ace and realized that he was dead serious. He immediately wore the clothes and helped Ace in finishing packing.


Ace finished up and gave Yuki a gun and a knife, he saw something flashed in Yuki’s eyes, and simply smiled, “Use this,” Yuki merely nodded and they grabbed the bags.


As they stepped toward the door, it slammed open and Cross came in with a gun in his hand.


“I told you already,” Cross said as he pointed the gun at Yuki.


“No!” Ace pushed Yuki to his back but before he was even able to cover him, Yuki suddenly pulled the dagger to Ace’s neck.


Without hesitation, Cross shot Yuki.


“I love you Ace”



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Hope I still make it.



Words: 600



Everyone has something to confess, may it be a dreadful sin or a dark past, everyone always has some sort of secret that they keep to themselves. Assassins are no exception.


I, Michael, aka Shadow, am no exception either.


As Shadow, I am a professional assassin, trained well by a guild to be heartless and quick in killing. I was a talented person and by the time I was 18, I easily became independent. I was well-known to have no failures.


However, truth is, I had made a fatal mistake when I didn’t manage to eliminate an eyewitness who instead, managed to knock me out. I thought I was a goner so I was surprised to find myself in an inn instead of a jail cell. This piqued my interest on my savior and I started my research on the guy whom I could not defeat.


Soon, I learned that he was an heir of a trading business with the name of Florean, known well to be kind and beautiful. He had light blonde hair, pale skin and green eyes all of which fitted him perfectly and attracted ladies to him.


Curious about him, I open a bookshop not too far from his estate to observe him. I never expected that with time, I would fall for him. Upon realizing these feelings, I knew I should have left the city then but the feelings I had made me stay.


Of course, things never went well, a request soon came for his life and I could only oblige.


That night I found myself in his room, struggling to plunge the dagger in my hand into him, yet… I could not do so.


“What are you waiting for?”


Instinctively, I pounced on him, pressing the dagger into his neck. I was shocked to realize that he had awoken.


“Are you going to kill me Shadow? The man I spared who had become a bookshop keeper? Did you think I did not know? I never forget a face I have seen. Now why don’t you hurry up and kill me.”


At his meek words, I felt angry. “Why do you give up your life so easily? Why did you spare me then?”


He became silent at my question, turning his head aside to cover his face. Irritated, I pressed my dagger a little harder, drawing blood. At this, he began to speak.


“I-I like you.”


I froze at his words, staring down at him hard in surprise.


“I-I liked you since I saw you that night, it was very beautiful the way you assassinated the man in the moonlight. When I found out you became a bookshop keeper I was happy and surprised because I could see you more but I was afraid to approach you because you would never return my feelings…”


Hearing those words, my heart squeezed and I knew I couldn’t kill him anymore, yet I could not fail this mission. Seeing his hopeless expression, something clicked in my mind. I withdrew the knife before swinging it down on him once more.


That was the end of Florean, though many people never suspected it was me that ‘killed’ him, thinking that the mysterious fire had been the one to kill him instead. Now I live in a secluded village in the mountains, a guy with blonde hair and green eyes by the name of Will at my side.


So you see, assassins also have things other than killing to confess about. Now you better keep quiet about this, if not you will end up on the other side soon.





Sorry if it wasn't that good, it was hard to come up with something with this theme(at least to me).

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|| END OF ៙BL A confession of the Assassin ~Writer Contest~៙ ||

[YaoiOtaku Writer Contest]


Thank you all for taking part in our seventh Writer Contest!

The choice has been really hard since all of you are skilled and talented.

The winner of ៙BL A confession of the Assassin ~Writer Contest~៙ is 1978 with

the BL Love Story "You are Mine" .



As promised everyone who participated will get 1,500 points.



The winner wins as follow,

- 5,000 points

- 1 Manga Cover card



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