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The HUman and His Angel (Me and Teesie) 18+

Raven's Abyss

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"I think your the most beautiful human I've ever seen. Your even prettier than the angels in heaven. I'm glad that you mine, mine to watch over and protect. If there's anything you need I'm here for you."


The tiny human's whole face went completely red and those pretty green eyes watered slightly, wide as all possibly. A little choking sound happened in his throat and his swampy eyes clouded with soft tears.


"R-....really? You mean it Lefoung?" He ignored the fact that his angel was laughing at him, but let Cade's heart swell with Lefoung's words. The little lad giggled when his Guardian Angel rubbed his tummy, squirming gently.


"I've seen an angel in heaven this way. She and her husband had given birth to another smaller angel. He cries all the time, but was really cute."


Cade paused, confused a moment, "What do you mean?"


"Your not female though, why are you so....out?"


"Stop laughing~" He whined gently.

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The angel stopped his laughing and looked to the smaller male as he asked what did he mean about his statements. "What do you mean, what do I mean? She was big...like you, but, she grew over time. Huge...like a balloon..." Staring into the murky green eyes of the human's. "She was pregnant, with a child. The same way your mother was to have had you kid." Slightly rolling his eyes.


As he continued to rub the other's bumped stomach his hands stopped before looking to the teen once more instead of his stomach. "This doesn't mean your pregnant, right? All my life as a human I've never heard of men getting pregnant,. Although.....I never knew much about homosexuality. My lifestyle barely had me in the ways of living a normal life." Once again continuing the action from before.


"Your defiantly weird I do admit, but....in a cute way."

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"What do you mean, what do I mean? She was big...like you, but, she grew over time. Huge...like a balloon..." .... "She was pregnant, with a child. The same way your mother was to have had you kid."


"I want to slap you... Sooo badly right now, Lefoung." Cade glared at his eye-rolling angel, anger boiling in the back of the sweet pleasure his eye-rolling angel also gave him. "I didn't mean WHAT, I meant what b what the hell do you mean? Like do you think I'm pregnant?" The fragile human pointed at himself with a small finger.


"This doesn't mean your pregnant, right? All my life as a human I've never heard of men getting pregnant,. Although.....I never knew much about homosexuality. My lifestyle barely had me in the ways of living a normal life."


The lad looked up at Lefoung, and sighed. "I don't know, you're the angel, can you get me.... p....pregnant..." He said in a tiny voice, like he wasn't quite sure how to say it. However, Cade bit his bottom lip gently with soft, cuddling-like pleasure when his Guardian Angel started the small, slow circles once more over the lad's bloated belly.


"Your defiantly weird I do admit, but....in a cute way."


Cade blushed and giggled, cheeks so flushed and pink.

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Lefoung stared to the smaller boy to lean in and kiss his pink lips once again. The soft flesh still had small bruises, but it had at least looked to be healing from all the nibbles and pressured kisses. Smirking slight the angel continued to rub the other's stomach. "I've never thought of that." Looking to the small bump resting inside the other's belly. "Maybe there is a little Lefoung squirming in there."


Eyes trained to the small bulge the silver eyes trailed back to the small human's face. Reaching to push the brown lock behind Cade's ear, Shu sighed lightly. "I want to ask you....if you were to be pregnant what would you do?" Once again glancing into the muddy green eyes. The kid was so beautiful to the angel, it was ridiculous.

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The little lad giggled and eagerly kissed his angel right back, smiling while he softly smooched. Cade smiled wider against Lefoung's lips and laughed, stomach convulsing against his Guardian's groping hand. He shifted softly on Shu's lap to get much more comfy from his position, leg falling asleep on himself.




"I've never thought of that."
Cade looked back up at Lefoung and blinked a few times, "What?"
"Maybe there is a little Lefoung squirming in there."


The human's face went red in a gentle flush, his swampy eyes following where Lefoung's was looking, at his bumped belly. The only seen flaw on Cade's body was an odd mark on his hand, well, more like on his middle knuckle. But in this sight, there was a very very light pink scar on his belly button.


"I want to ask you...."
The little boy looked back up at his angel and smiled innocently, "Sure."
"if you were to be pregnant what would you do?"


Cade's smile faltered and he stared into his angel's eyes, surprise and shock lit them up. He gazed into glittering silver eyes, lost deep within the glorious world inside. The lad's mind jumbled up and he lost all consintration, throat tightening up and he couldn't speak. He was unsure of the answer, could it be possible for a human to become pregnant, well, human male.

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Lefoung just stared to the brown haired human boy as he just stared into his silver eyes. Shu decided to say nothing and stare back to the small petit mortal. What was wrong with him, did he say something that maybe had offended the other? The green murky eyes was showing confusion and it was really cute on the small teen.


The long, raven haired angel just softly smiled to the other before staring into his eyes. Teeth biting into his lips Lefoung continued to stare at the small sinful creature. "What? What are you staring at me like that for?" Eyebrow raising, the holy male sighed frowning at the the other. It was getting irritating for his lover?....to just stare to him.

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"What? What are you staring at me like that for?"


"I... can I... I mean..." The child stuttered, confused and unable to get the words to spill from his pink lips. He looked down slowly, collecting his jumbled mind together slowly. "Can I really.... h-have.... a baby?" Cade said quietly, like a fading whisper of an abandoned forest. He looked back up, eyes wide and so confused.


"Is it possible... for me, a male.... become... p-pregnant?" The lad's face was priceless, cute with confusion and fright, exhaustion too. But on the inside, the feeling inside his head, his heart. It seemed alright for a little Lefoung inside him, the feeling of his angel inside him. And... a little baby. Lefoung's little baby.

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The angel frowned slightly listening to the other stutter his words out.


"Can I really.... h-have.... a baby?"[/Quote]


The dark haired angel said nothing as he just let the breathing of both of them be heard. The older teen didn't know how to answer it, because he didn't know he felt. Was the smaller teen sad, or upset? What was so wrong with the situation...the angel thought that if two people loved one another they would be willing to do anything for the next. So why was Cade complaining?


Is it possible... for me, a male.... become... p-pregnant?" [/Quote]


Lefoung only looked to the brunette for a little longer before deciding to speak, he didn't really see what the big deal was. Was being pregnant by him that bad, although maybe it was seeing as the boy was young and also a male.


"I actually don't know, but I'm pretty sure you could. Seeing as I'm an angel and all there could be a big possibility." Smiling softly at Cade before it was quickly removed. "Why? Is there a reason why you ask this? Do you not want to be pregnant?"


{Rghh it signed me out so I have to retype it, mm~ I hope this is good enough}

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"I actually don't know, but I'm pretty sure you could. Seeing as I'm an angel and all there could be a big possibility."


Cade looked at lefoung, finally getting an answer, he saw him smile and he did in return. But the little lad didn't like it when his angel's smile slowly vanished.


"Why? Is there a reason why you ask this? Do you not want to be pregnant?"


"N-no no, its not anything like that. I just...." Cade looked down, trying to think of something to reassure his Guardian Angel. "I... I don't really know." He blushed, doing the fiddling-with-the-fingers-nervously thing. "I never thought about it since I was, you know, male. Nor did I think angels were real." Cade slwoly glanced up at Lefoung.


(Its k :))

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The dark haired male just smiled before nodding and once again placing his hands onto the other's stomach before rubbing small circles into the stomach. "Well...I'm glad it wasn't that way. I would have been disappointed, but...maybe it would make you have a hard time. With your mother as well as withing humanity's eyes. Would you care...enough to ever harm the child if you are pregnant." Slowly drawing patterns into the now swollen belly.


"I think I love you Cade. I hope you don't mind." Smiling slightly at his responsibility. Now that angel was actually enjoying his time, having the savior give him this mission was a great idea. Was love so strong that it could sever one's soul from heaven? Yes, it was. Love was a powerful thing.

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"Well...I'm glad it wasn't that way. I would have been disappointed, but...maybe it would make you have a hard time. With your mother as well as withing humanity's eyes."


Cade smiled and giggled, looking back up to his angel's gorgeous eyes. "My mom grew sterile before she could have any more children, and she wants grand-babies... So momma wont be much of a problem. I really never cared what other people thought of me as."


"Would you care...enough to ever harm the child if you are pregnant."


"I don't hurt anyone let alone a baby.... let alone MY baby." He snorted and laughed, feeling the tickley feeling of Leofung's chilly fingers tracing patterns. "Oh stop that tickles!" He snorted, giggling.


"I think I love you Cade. I hope you don't mind."


The tiny human gasped softly, eyes widening some. His voice choked up and he couldn't even breath let alone talk.

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Smiling softly the male leaned to kiss the once again silent human. The dark, long haired teen didn't know did that mean the other actually cares or not, but he guess he didn't really care. There was no going back on his feelings and since he had to be here, Cade would just have to deal with it. Plus, if the other was actually pregnant by him there was no way he would leave the brunette.


"Well, tell me something. Talk...plus I have to get you back to your mother and Diana. You do miss them right?" Silver orbs clashing with murky green one's waiting for an answer.

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(I has a question.... are you really ok with m-preg? If so, Ima do it. Meh LOVES )


Cade smiled and kissed his sweet, beautiful angel back, wrapping his small arms around Lefoung's neck to come closer, stomach against stomach chest to chest. He gave off a soft noise, affection... pleasure... The lad did care, he truly did. A rush of emotion exploded inside Cade's heart when his Guardian Angel confessed that he loved the small, possibly pregnant, human. He too loved his angel and wanted him to stick around, he had no disgust or rejection on his face. Only love, affection, and desire.


"Well, tell me something. Talk...plus I have to get you back to your mother and Diana. You do miss them right?"


He looked at him and nodded fiercely. "Yes!"

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{I actually really live MPREG lol...it's a favorite of mine^~^}


The angel nodded softly as the other held onto him. Pulling away slightly the angel planted a soft kiss on the other's lips before backing away. "Well, let's go awake Arcticono so that we can go see your family." Picking the other up slightly and taking him into the other room the dark haired male placed the boy down onto the mattress where the large feline was lying onto the water.

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The little child giggled, smooching Lefoung's lips right back. Shifting his body, removing his arms and wrapped the sheet around himself.


"Well, let's go awake Arcticono so that we can go see your family."


"Alright," He smiled, feeling his angel's arm wrap around his body. Arcticono was purring, tail flicking, on his side, paws and whiskers twitching from the huge cat's dreams. Get back here... you damn.... demon.... He mumbled in his sleep and the human on the bed started to giggle behind his hand.

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The older teen only stared at the larger mystic tiger with no amusement nor emotions, although looking at the small brunette as he gave a giggle made Lefoung crack a smile. Damn! He had fell and had fell hard. Quickly pushing the teen onto the bed the angel smiled widely at him. "I love you sooo much?" Kissing the other's lips softly and straddling the other waist before whispering in his ear. "Hiw about we wake the last cat with a little sex, yeah?" licking the shell of Cade's ear after asking it in a funny tone.

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"I love you sooo much?"


"What's with the question ma-ahh!" He gasped when he was pushed down on the bed, bouncing slightly on the soft mattress. Cade huffed, smiling slightly and kissed Lefoung right back. "Warn me next time before pushing."


"Hiw about we wake the last cat with a little sex, yeah?"



"Wait... what!?" Cade blushed bright and groaned, feeling Lefoung's hips above his. The cat didn't twitch, move, nothing. Still asleep.



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Lefoung only stared to the smaller io the three and smiled lightly to the younger teen. "What to you say? Do you want to or just wake the giant....feline up." Looking to the mystic tiger before once again looking into the green murky eyes of the one he loved. The boy acted always as if he was innocent, it was pretty funny actually.


"I know you want me. Your mother and family pet could wait." Thrusting his cock against the small length of the one he was to protect. The guardian angel leaned down to kiss the lips softly and smiling slightly. "Soo?" Raising an eyebrow. "We could do it the easy way...or the sexual way."

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"What to you say? Do you want to or just wake the giant....feline up."


The little tiny human giggled, "That's not a good idea! Didn't you say we shouldn't do... THAT... anymore? That it was a sin?" Cade quizzed, raising a thin, straight eyebrow. He snuck a glace over at the huge arctic feline, seeing him, just like before, passed out. Then right back at those shining, angelic silver eyes. Those damn eyes, they alone made the human's heart melt and body tingle.


"I know you want me. Your mother and family pet could wait."


"You sure its ME that wants you? Or its YOU that wants me?" He grinned so cutely, sexy, deadly. The little darling wiggled his body under Lefoung's, slowly rubbing his smooth girly legs against his angel's. A gasp was pulled from Cade's throat when he felt something hard and long thrust against his own smaller cock. Lips molding into Lefoung's roughly, feeling arousment rise up deep inside his gut.


"Soo?" ... "We could do it the easy way...or the sexual way."


Cade started to laugh and giggle, resisting on purpose to tease his horny angel, softly nudging Lefoung's chest without must enforcement. "Stooop~ Leo stoppit!"

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"Stooop~ Leo stoppit!"[/Quote]


The tone of his voice made his cock slightly twitch when he said it in that teasing way. Eyes clouding with lust the dark haired angel slowly grind against the small body beneath him. Everything about the smaller boy was such a turn on to him. From the beautifully, now matted, brown hair to the small thing girlish legs. Everything, but the favorite thing in the other's body was those sexy, bruised plump lips.


Lips crashing against Cade's the older, taller teen sucked onto the bottom the smaller male's lips and moaned at the sweet taste that the other had. "Gods you set fire in me. I love you so much and I hardly even know you. Maybe it was love at first sight and I was too stubborn to let it show." Silver eyes staring with admiration to the murky green eyes.

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Cade smiled and smooched Lefoung's top lip while the angel suckled on the bottom. He watched, gazing down at Lefoung while he fiddled with the lad's lightly bruised lip. "You're so..... sweet, in your own way..." He smiled slightly.


"Gods you set fire in me. I love you so much and I hardly even know you. Maybe it was love at first sight and I was too stubborn to let it show."


"Really?" His pale, freckled cheeks flushed red, body heating up just slightly. Cade giggled and looked down, "I was worried.... that after... THAT... you hated me,or wanted nothing to do with me." The emotionless. The little thing looked up, smiling, eyes glittering with happiness. "BUt I'm really, really happy I've met you, and so happy that you're my angel and no one else. And.... I.... I love... l-love you too.." He whispered shyly.

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"I don't hate you. Your my love and now if I wasn't an angel, I'll actually have a reason for living." Smiling to the smaller teen kissing his bruised lips again before pulling away. "So what do you want to do? Sex or just wake the feline. I sure wouldn't mind fucking you again. You were so tight and I really wanna know if I can get you pregnant. That is.... if you don't mind of course. Maybe it would be strange though...we...I don't know if I'm suppose to be telling you this, but we don't know if your human or not. There's something special about you."


Silver eyes glancing to Arcticono before smiling slightly. Touching his finger against the lips of the human's he trailed them down to hard pink nipples before circling them. Head lowering to lick the hard buds the tongue flicked at them harshly, his eyes once again glancing to the other.

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"I don't hate you. Your my love and now if I wasn't an angel, I'll actually have a reason for living."


Lips curling into a giggle, the tiny human smiled wider than ever before. The love that soared inside his heart, the affection glittering in those big green eyes, or maybe it was the sheer admiration on that pretty face.


"So what do you want to do? Sex or just wake the feline. I sure wouldn't mind fucking you again. You were so tight and I really wanna know if I can get you pregnant. That is.... if you don't mind of course. Maybe it would be strange though...we...I don't know if I'm suppose to be telling you this, but we don't know if your human or not. There's something special about you."


Cade listened, waiting until Lefoung was done before speaking his turn. "Well, I'm not sure, I really don't want to have sex in the same room as someone else..." The lad blushed brighter and bright as his angel rambled about how good Cade's ass was. "I-I don't mind having y-your baby *Blushes*. And how am I not human Leo?"

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"Well, I'm not sure, I really don't want to have sex in the same room as someone else..." The lad blushed brighter and bright as his angel rambled about how good Cade's ass was. "I-I don't mind having y-your baby ... And how am I not human Leo?"[/Quote]


Lefoung shrugged slightly steadily staring to the other in disappointment because his love had disagreed to have intercourse once more. He actually considered the larger feline to be a person? Well, that was pretty different but he guesses that it wasn't surprising since he had a cat himself, Diana.


"Well, I'm not really sure why your not human. If I find that out, then I'll tell you." Smiling slightly before lowering to kiss the other. Averting his attention toward the cat the half angel frowned before crawling over to him. Now hovering over the mystic beast he placed his hands onto the feline, the fur feeling soft beneath his pale smooth skin. Shaking the male creature slightly Shu yelled. "HEY WAKE UP! YOU LAZY DEAD CAT! GET UP!"

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"Well, I'm not really sure why your not human. If I find that out, then I'll tell you."


He smiled and smooched back softly, whispering a very quiet, "Thank you" to Lefoung. Cade giggled and watched, "Be nice..."




The cat twitched, jolted almost, and a huge paw smacked Lefoung's head, gently, but sent him off the bed and on the floor. Arcticono's eyes didn't even open, he just rolled over, purring in his sleep. Cade would wait until Lfoung would say he gives up, then show a little trick on how to wake up sleepy kitties. The look on Cde's face was cutely smug, knowing Leo wouldn't wake the feline, but he stayed quiet for now.

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