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To all members: Please respect the order of posting. Just one team member has to answer the question, in the order pre-set (which you can check again in the first post of this thread).


If another member answers the question, not the member who was supposed to, I will consider it invalid and won't give the points.

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Black Team Representative here.

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The answer is Huang-He river.


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[h=1]Ku Smile



Question: Which is the tallest building in Japan?

Answer : Tokyo Skytree[/h]

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Question no. 2


Electric Jade- no answer in 24 hours, loses 1000 points



Door 2 - Peach Darling


Then the old woman said to herself: "If my husband must take such a hard journey I, too, will be at work. I will take all these clothes to the river and wash them."

Soon she was on the river bank, washing, just then something came down the river and caught among her clean clothes. The old woman pulled it out. It was a huge peach. "I will take this home for my husband's supper" she said.



When the old man came home his wife said: "Just see, here is a peach for your supper, which came floating down the river to me."



The old man said: "Bring me a knife, that I may cut it in two, for you shall have half of it."

When they opened the peach, there within it lay a tiny baby boy, as round and fat and smiling as could be. Because of his first cradle they called him "Peach Darling," and loved him as a child sent from the gods.

As he grew tall and strong they found that he was indeed wonderful.



Question: Which is the highest mountain in the world?




The navy team: 1 correct answer, wins 1000 points



Door 3 - Lord Bag of Rice


"Now, at last I have found someone who is not a coward!'' said the dwarf. "No one dared cross the bridge, everyone turned and ran at the sight of me. But you are strong-hearted. Will you do me a great kindness and save many lives?"



The soldier answered:

"I am a soldier of the Emperor, and I am here to save lives. Tell me your trouble and I will see what can be done to help."




Question: Who was the first Roman emperor?





Ku Smile team: 1 correct answer, wins 1000 points



Door 04 - The Old Man with a Wart


- He found a hollow tree and climbed in. Here he was dry and warm while the rain poured down as though the very sky were falling.



He had never been in such a storm before, and as he listened to the wind, and breathed the fresh damp odor of the rain, he was glad he was there. The great pines, hundreds of years old, were bent and twisted about like grass.



Question: What island did Russia take from Japan?





Cotton Bunnies team: 1 correct answer, wins 1000 points



Door 06 - The Bamboo Princess


He carried her home and told his wife how he had found her. They were very glad for they had no child, so they loved her as their own. In a few years she had grown to be a young woman. She was as sweet and kind as she was beautiful.


A soft light always seemed to follow her.



When the time came to name her they called her The Bamboo Princess, because she was found among the bamboo, and because she was more beautiful than any princess.




Question: Which is the smallest gulf in the world?






Black Satin team: 1 correct answer, wins 1000 points



Door 07 - The Smoke of Fuji Yama


Whenever the full moon whitened the earth with its soft light she would go away by herself and weep.

One evening late in summer she was sitting on a balcony looking up at the moon, and sobbing as though her heart would break.



Her old father came to her and said, "My daughter, tell me your trouble. I know that you have tried to keep it from me lest I should grieve, too, but it will kill me to see you so sad if I cannot help you."




Question: King Midas was believed to turn everything he touched into …?





Purple Pony Tail Team team: 1 correct answer, wins 1000 points



Door 09 - The Branch of the Jewel Tree


It was three years before anybody saw or heard of him again. Then he suddenly appeared before the princess, bearing a wonderful branch of gold with blossoms and leaves of all colored jewels.



She asked the prince to tell of his journey. He made a bow and began his story.


"I sailed away from here," he said, "not knowing where to go. I let the wind and the waves carry me where they wished.



"We passed many beautiful cities and strange countries. We saw the great sea dragons lying on the water, sleeping as the waves rocked them up and down. We saw the sea serpents playing in the bottom of the ocean. We saw strange birds, with bodies like animals.



Question: How else is called the Seta River in Osaka?





Fiery Goddesses of Atlantis team - 1 correct answer, wins 1000 points



Door 10 - The Fire Robe


He sent messengers all over China seeking for the wonderful robe, but they all came back sadly, saying that they could not find it.



He sent to every temple, inquiring of the priests if they knew anything of this robe, and where it could be found, but the reply was always the same. No one had ever heard where it was, although everyone had heard that there was such a mantle.



He sent for all the merchants who went from place to place buying and selling. None of them knew of it.




Question: The Three Kingdoms was a tripartite between what states?

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the three kingdoms were a tripartite between the states of Wei, Shu and Wu.

Fiery Goddesses of Atlantis team

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Question no. 3, which will bring the chance to get 500 additional points for the teams who have 2 corrent answers so far.


Electric Jade- correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 2 - Peach Darling


When he became a young man he heard of the terrible monster, Akandoji. Years before, this monster had stolen a great deal of gold and silver from the villagers. It was said that he was so terrible that no one dared go against him, to try to recover the riches.



Peach Darling said: "I will go and fight this monster. Who will go with me?" But no one dared go, so he decided to go alone.

His parents were proud of their brave son, but their hearts ached to think of his going alone. His mother asked his father to grind her some millet seed and she made their son some dumplings.



Peach Darling put them into his pouch and started off on his journey. As he was going along a dog came up and sniffed hungrily at the dumplings. Peach Darling thought, "This poor dog is hungry, and I can do with one less dumpling. I am strong and shall not mind hunger." So he gave a dumpling to the dog.



Question: In the Battle of Wanjialing, what country did China win over?




The navy team: correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 3 - Lord Bag of Rice


"There is a terrible centipede," said the dwarf, "that lives in the woods on the mountain. Every day he comes down to the shore to drink and dips his thousand poisonous feet into the water, killing all the fish in the lake. I am the king of the lake, and I am trying to find some way to save the fish."



"I do not know that I can help you," said the soldier, ''but I will gladly go and try. "



The dwarf took him to his home in the bottom of the lake. It was a beautiful house, all made of coral and his servants brought them rice, fruit, and tea.



Question for 1000 points + 500 points bonus: How high is the smallest mountain in the world?





Ku Smile team: correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 04 - The Old Man with a Wart


The old man had thought he was the only one in the woods, but he soon heard voices of people coming nearer and nearer. "They must enjoy the storm," he thought, for they were singing and shouting most happily.



They did not sound quite like men, but more like the rushing of the wind and the hurried swaying of the trees.



They kindled a fire which leaped up in little sharp tongues of flame, for all the world like lightning. Each flash lighted up the forest, and then he saw that his jolly companions were the Storm Spirits. They sat in a circle around the fire and began their song. If you could but hear it!



Question for 1000 points + 500 points bonus: Which is the world’s smallest island?





Cotton Bunnies team: correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 06 - The Bamboo Princess


People heard of how beautiful she was, and many peeped through the hedge at the edge of the garden in hopes of seeing her. All who saw her thought she was so lovely that they came back for another glimpse.


Among those who came often to the hedge were five princes. Each one thought The Bamboo Princess the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and each wished her for his wife.




Question for 1000 points + 500 points bonus:: Who was the first Emperor of Japan?






Black Satin team: no answer given in 24 hours, loses 1000 points



Door 07 - The Smoke of Fuji Yama


Then the princess said, "I weep, dear father, because I know that I must soon leave you. My home is really in the moon. I was sent here to take care of you, but now the time comes when I must go. I do not wish to leave you, but I must. When the next full moon comes they will send for me."



Her father was sad indeed to hear this, but answered: "Do you think that I will let anyone come and take you away? I shall go to the Emperor himself and ask his aid."

"It will be of no use. No one can keep me when the time comes," she answered sadly.




Question: In what city is the ‘monster mountain hell’ located?





Purple Pony Tail Team team: correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 09 - The Branch of the Jewel Tree


"Sometimes we sailed on with a gentle wind, and sometimes we floated with no breeze to move us for days and weeks.

"At times fierce storms arose. The waves rose mountain high. Wild winds whipped away our sails. We were driven and hurled to unknown lands.



"Again we saw great rocks on which the waves lashed themselves in showers of white foam.



"For days and weeks we had no food to eat and no water to drink. The great green waves lapping around us made us long for water all the more, but we could not drink the salt sea water.



Question for 1000 points + 500 points bonus: What is Human Age in Japanese mythology?





Fiery Goddesses of Atlantis team - correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 10 - The Fire Robe


At last he said to himself, "This robe that Prince Abe asks for is not to be found. There cannot be such a thing. To-morrow I will return his bag of gold to him, and tell him that I have searched my best but cannot find what he wishes."

The next morning, just as he was about to send the messenger back to Japan he heard a great noise in the street and looked out.



A great troupe of beggars was passing by.

"I will ask them if they have heard of this fire robe," he thought. So all the beggars were brought in.

They were surprised at being taken into the house of this great lord, and shown into the very room where he was.



Question for 1000 points + 500 points bonus:: In what country is located the longest river in Asia?

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Hello and greetings from the Purple Pony Tail Team

What is Human Age in Japanese mythology?
Following Nihon Shoki or otherwise known as the The Chronicles of Japan, Human Age is called hitoyo which is said to have began when Emperor Jimmu has risen into power.
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Black Satin

Answer: The City of Beppu.


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Question no. 4, which will bring the chance to get 1000 points + 1 gift to the teams who have 3 correct answers so far.


I've displayed the gift that should have been allocated to each team, but only those with 3 correct answers given so far will be given the chance to gain the card related to their story.


Electric Jade- correct, team wins 1000 points


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Question: Which country is considered Emerald of the Equator?




The navy team: correct, team wins 1500 points

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Question for 1000 points + gift: What Joseon king was the creator and promulgator of Hangul?





Ku Smile team: correct, team wins 1500 points


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Question for 1000 points + gift: What nationality was Christopher Columbus?





Cotton Bunnies team: no answer given in 24 hours, team loses 1000 points


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Question for 1000 points + 500 points bonus:: Which is the world’s largest glacier?






Black Satin team: correct, team wins 1000 points


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Question: In the World War II, what were the two opposing military alliances called?





Purple Pony Tail Team team: correct, team wins 1500 points


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Question for 1000 points + gift: Which is longer: the White Nile or the Blue Nile?





Fiery Goddesses of Atlantis team - correct, team wins 1500 points


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Question for 1000 points + gift:: Whose son was Aeacus?

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