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Question no. 5


Electric Jade- correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 2 - Peach Darling


As soon as the dog had eaten it he spoke and said: "Since you gave me of your food, I will go with you, for I cannot leave you alone." So on they went together.



Very soon they saw a monkey lying by the road, gasping as if in pain. Peach Darling stopped to see what was the matter and heard him saying: "Oh, if I only had a bite of something, l should not die." So Peach Darling took another dumpling from his pouch and gave it to the monkey.



After eating it the monkey was so much better that he said: ''Since you have saved my life I will go with you, for I may be able to help you sometime."

As they were going, a peasant hovered near them. Fearing that something might be wrong with her or her young ones, Peach Darling stopped and asked her what troubled her. In bird language she said: ''Oh sir, my young ones are starving. I do not know what to do! "



Question: How else is ‘The Battle of Red Cliffs’ called?



The navy team: correct, team wins 1000 points + gift card



Door 3 - Lord Bag of Rice


Just as they were in the middle of their feast they heard a mighty roaring and rumbling.



''There he is!" he cried. "That is the noise of his thousand feet as they crunch on the stones of the mountain side. We must hurry or he will get to the water and poison it again. "



They hurried to the edge of the lake and saw the centipede already very near.



Question: Which gulf is also called Golfo de la Ballena?





Ku Smile team: correct, team wins 1000 points + gift card



Door 04 - The Old Man with a Wart


It sounded like the wind whipping the tree-tops back and forth, or the breezes bowing the long grasses in lines before it. It was like great waves, trampling and tumbling upon the shore, or the pounding of tiny raindrops, hammering upon the dry leaves.



The old man could not sit still. He sprang into the midst of the group and began to dance. The air was sweet. The grass gave a faint fresh odor. He seemed to be dancing like the trees and flowers. Like a willow by the river he bent and swayed and bowed. The song grew softer and sweeter until the trees were still and the sun peeped through the clouds.

At last the old man sat down to rest.




Question: Which is the largest ocean in the world?





Cotton Bunnies team: correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 06 - The Bamboo Princess


So each of the five wrote to the father of the princess asking to marry her. It so happened that all five letters were brought to the old man at the same time.



The old man did not know which one to choose, nor what to do. He was afraid, too, that if he chose one of the princes, the other four would be angry. But the princess had a plan. "Have them all come here," she said, "then we can choose better."




Question:: At what age did Zhao of Han become Emperor?






Black Satin team: correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 07 - The Smoke of Fuji Yama


However, her father went to the Emperor and told him the whole story. The great Emperor was touched by the love of the maiden who had chosen to stay with her parents and care for them. He promised to send a whole army to guard the house when the time came.



The old bamboo-cutter went home very cheerful, but the princess was sadder than ever.

The old moon faded away. A few nights showed only the blue of the heavens and the gold of the stars. Then a tiny silver thread showed just after sunset. Each night it widened and brightened. Each day the princess grew sadder and sadder.



Question: In what country is the smallest mountain in the world located?





Purple Pony Tail Team team: correct, team wins 1000 points + gift card



Door 09 - The Branch of the Jewel Tree


"At last, just when I thought we would surely die, I saw a great mountain lifting its dark head out of the morning sea. We hastened to it. It was the floating mountain of Horai.



"We sailed around it several times before I could find a place to land. At last I saw a small cove and anchored there. When I went on shore there stood a most beautiful girl with a basket of food. She set down the basket and immediately disappeared.



"I was nearly starving, but I did not touch the food until I had broken off a branch from one of the jeweled golden trees, to bring home to you. Then I returned to my ship.




Question: What was Tokyo called before it became Japan's capital?





Fiery Goddesses of Atlantis team - correct, team wins 1000 points + gift card



Door 10 - The Fire Robe


He told them what he wanted, and asked if in their wanderings they had ever heard of this fire robe, and knew where it might be found.



They all stared at him in wonder. Some nearly laughed in his face. The idea of it! That he, one of the greatest lords in the country, should ask them, common beggars, for a fire robe.



One after another told him that they had heard of it, but it was only a story, for there was really no such thing.

Finally all had gone but one old man. He limped slowly up to the lord and knelt before him.




Question:: Which is the largest gulf in the world?

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Question no. 6


Electric Jade- correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 2 - Peach Darling


"Do?" said Peach Darling. "Take them this dumpling, and if ever again you are hungry, come to me. I will not let you starve."


When they were down to the seashore, they climbed into a boat and started off for the island of Akandoji. Just as they were starting there was a flutter of wings and the pheasant alighted in the boat with them.

"Dear Peach Darling," she said, "If you are going to face dangers, I will go, too, for perhaps I may be able to help you."

After a long row they reached the monster's island, and climbed the steep hill to the gate of the castle. Here they found the monkey of great use, since he always has four hands and four feet as well as a long, strong rope fastened to his body.



When they reached the great gate of the castle, they all four began to make the greatest noise possible. The man shouted, the dog barked, the pheasant screamed, and the monkey chattered, while they all beat on the door with stones.




Question: What is the lowest temperature recorded on Earth?



The navy team: correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 3 - Lord Bag of Rice


The soldier drew his great bow and let an arrow fly at the monster's head. He never missed his aim, and the arrow struck the ugly head of the centipede, but bounced away. A second arrow flew, but that, too, bounced away.



He had but one arrow left and the monster was almost at the water's edge.



Question: Who was Hattori Hanzō?





Ku Smile team: correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 04 - The Old Man with a Wart


Then the Storm Spirits said: "Oh, good man, come to us again and dance for us. As a pledge that you will come we will take this peach that grows on the side of your face. Is it not the most precious thing you possess?" So they took his wart and let him go.



When he reached home his wife cried, ''Oh, husband, what have you done with your wart?'' Then he told her all about it, and they were very glad.



Question: Arthur Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister of?





Cotton Bunnies team: correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 06 - The Bamboo Princess


On a certain day the five princes came to the house of the bamboo-cutter. They were very glad to have another chance to see her, and each one thought he would be the one she would marry.The princess did not wish to marry any of them.


She wanted stay with her dear father and mother. She wished to take care of them as long as they lived. So she gave each one something to do which was impossible.



Question:: How long is The Great Wall of China?






Black Satin team: correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 07 - The Smoke of Fuji Yama


The Emperor remembered his promise, and sent a great army who camped about the house. Hundreds of men were placed on the roof of the house. Surely no one could enter through such a guard.

The first night of the full moon came. The princess waited on her balcony for the moon to rise.



Slowly over the tops of the trees on the mountain rose the great silver ball. Every sound was hushed.



The princess went to her father. He lay as if asleep. When she came near he opened his eyes. "I see now why you must go," he said. "It is because I am going, too. Thank you, my daughter, for all the happiness you have brought to us." Then he closed his eyes and she saw that he was dead.




Question: Who was the founder of the Joseon Dynasty of Korea?





Purple Pony Tail Team team: correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 09 - The Branch of the Jewel Tree


"The men were thankful for the food, so we feasted all day. In the morning, when the sun rose, the mountain had gone.

"A brisk wind was blowing, and in a few days we were home again. I came straight from the ship to bring you this."



Tears stood in the eyes of the princess to think of how he had suffered to bring her that jewel branch.



Just then three men came asking for the prince. "Could you pay us know?" they asked. The prince started to drive them away, but the princess told them to stay.




Question: Where is Istanbul located? (country and continent)





Fiery Goddesses of Atlantis team - correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 10 - The Fire Robe


"My lord," he said, "When I was a child I remember hearing my grandfather tell about this fire robe. It was kept in a temple upon the top of a certain mountain, hundreds of miles from here."



The lord was delighted at this, but wondered why his messengers had not found this temple. He sent for the one who had visited the temples in that part of the country.



This man declared that there was no temple on that mountain. "There was in my grandfather's time," said the beggar, "for he had been there and had seen the beautiful fire robe with his own eyes."

The lord sent messengers to search out this mountain and find the temple at its top. The old beggar went with them.



Question:: How many years did the Spanish Civil War last?

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Umm.. Is Joseon and Choson the same?


General Yi Seong-gye


Black Satin

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He's a famous samurai master of the Sengoku era.

The Navy Team


- - - Updated - - -


He's a famous samurai master of the Sengoku era.

The Navy Team

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Question no. 7, which brings the chance to win besides the 1000 points, a bonus of 500 points to all teams who have answered correctly to the previous 2 questions.


Electric Jade- correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 2 - Peach Darling


The people within thought that a great army was upon them, so they threw open their gates and fled.


Peach Darling searched until he found Akandoji himself, who was just about to throw a great stone at him. He dodged the stone and picked the monster up in his arms, while the monkey tied him fast with ropes. When he found himself beaten, Akandoji agreed to return all his stolen riches. So his men carried down great bags of gold and loaded the boat of Peach Darling.


Then up went the sail, and as the wind swept them over the sea, the island of Akandoji grew small and disappeared.



Question for 1000 points + 500 points bonus: How long did the Second Sino-Japanese War last?



The navy team: correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 3 - Lord Bag of Rice


Suddenly he remembered that when he was a boy his grandfather had told him that if you wet the head of an arrow in your mouth it will kill any monster.



It took just a second to wet the head of his last precious arrow and send it whizzing at the centipede. It struck him on the forehead and he fell over dead.



Suddenly the soldier found himself back in his own house, which was now changed into a castle. Before him were five gifts, on each of which he read, ''With the loving thanks of the Dwarf."



Question for 1000 points + 500 points bonus: Which is the second largest city in Japan (by population)?





Ku Smile team: correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 04 - The Old Man with a Wart


These old people had a neighbor who had a wart on the left side of his face. This wart was red and shiny like an apple. He heard how the Storm Spirits had taken the other man's wart, so he, too, went to the mountain and crept into the hollow tree. There he waited until the storm came.



How it raged! The rain lashed the leaves like whips, and the lightning tore yellow gashes in the black clouds. This old man shivered and shook with fear.



Question for 1000 points + 500 points bonus: Which is the largest country in the world?





Cotton Bunnies team: no answer given in 24 hours, team loses 1000 points. As the server was down for a few hours, if the team answers in the few next hours, I'll still consider it as a valid answer



Door 06 - The Bamboo Princess


The first she asked to go to India and find the great stone bowl of Buddha. The second one was to bring her a branch from the jeweled trees that grew on the floating mountain of Horai.



The third prince asked what he might do to show his love. The princess said that he might bring her a robe made from the skins of the fire rats.




Question:: When did Tokyo became the capital city of Japan?






Black Satin team: correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 07 - The Smoke of Fuji Yama


The moon rose higher and higher. A line of light like a fairy bridge reached from heaven to earth.

Drifting down it, like smoke before the wind, came countless troops of soldiers in shining armor.



The soldiers of the Emperor stood as though turned to stone. The princess went forward to the.



"I am ready," she said. Silently he handed her a tiny cup. As silently she drank from it. It was the water of forgetfulness. All her life on earth faded from her. Once more she was a moon maiden and would live forever.




Question for 1000 points + 500 points bonus: In what country is the tallest building in the world?




Purple Pony Tail Team team: correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 09 - The Branch of the Jewel Tree


"What is it you wish?" she asked them.

"For three years we have been working to make this beautiful golden branch. Now that it is finished we want our pay."

"Where have you been these three years?"

"In a little house down by the seashore. "

''Has the prince been with you?"




Question for 1000 points + 500 points bonus: How many kings did Sukhothai Dynasty (Thailand) have?





Fiery Goddesses of Atlantis team - correct, team wins 1000 points



Door 10 - The Fire Robe


When they reached there they found no temple, only a heap of stones. They searched around a long time, and finally found a large iron box buried under the stones.


They opened this box and found within it, wrapped in many folds of rich silk, a strange, beautiful fur robe. They carried it home joyfully to the lord, who was very glad to receive it, you may be sure.



He sent it as quickly as possible to the Prince Abe, who was no less joyful to receive it than his friend had been.

He took it out of the iron box, unfolded the rich silk wrappings, and looked with delight on the beautiful silvery fur. "Ah, how beautiful the Bamboo Princess will look in this!" he thought.



Then he remembered that every time this wonderful robe was put into the fire, it came out more silvery bright than before.



Question for 1000 points + 500 points bonus:: Which are the four main islands of Japan?

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Hello and thank you for such an interesting question.


The Sukhothai Dynasty of Thailand which lasted for a span of 60 years had technically seven rulers if we include the child king.


The Purple Pony Tail Team

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Question no. 8, which will bring the chance to get 1000 points + 1 gift to the teams who have answered correctly to the previous 3 questions.


I've displayed the gift that should have been allocated to each team, but only those with 3 correct answers given so far will be given the chance to gain the card related to their story.


Electric Jade- correct, team wins 1500 points




Question for 1000 points + gift: How many countries are crossed by Nile?




The navy team: correct, team wins 1500 points



Question for 1000 points + gift: In what year was People's Republic of China established?





Ku Smile team: correct, team wins 1500 points




Question for 1000 points + gift: How many voyages around the world did Christopher Columbus complete?





Cotton Bunnies team: correct, team wins 1000 points




Question: What are the official languages in Switzerland?






Black Satin team: no answer given in 24 hours, team loses 1000 points





Question: What was the Greek name of Ulysses, king of Ithaca?





Purple Pony Tail Team team: correct, team wins 1500 points



Question for 1000 points + gift: What is the current country name of the previous Dutch East Indies?





Fiery Goddesses of Atlantis team - no answer given in 24 hours, team loses 1000 points




Question: What country did Christoper Columbus want to reach in 1492?

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Dutch East Indies (Netherlands East Indies) was the Dutch colony that became modern Indonesia following World War II.


Purple Pony Tail Team

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