StainedCrimson Posted January 1, 2014 Share Posted January 1, 2014 "I'm not mad but if you know or figure out something about how your powers or the 'change' occurs then I need to know. If you keep it from me then I might get mad since that information might cause me to get hurt later if I don't know it." Lucian explains while feeling a tad unsettled at having a voice suddenly in his head. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted January 1, 2014 Author Share Posted January 1, 2014 "... I...understand. " He looked down at himself..feeling bad that he couldn't tell him anything... "... I'm sorry.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StainedCrimson Posted January 1, 2014 Share Posted January 1, 2014 Lucian sighs realizing Equality isn't quite getting what he's telling him. "What I'm saying is, if you happen to notice any pattern or aspects of your abilities make sure you tell me. Such as, when certain powers seem able to be used and when they aren't, if they seem to get stronger with use or lead to others being developed. That kind of thing can be very useful. If you haven't seen anything like that then that's fine, but if you do I need you to tell me. Okay?" He lightly runs a hand through Equality's hair. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted January 1, 2014 Author Share Posted January 1, 2014 Equality nodded.. but he hadn't noticed anything Like that...he didn't even know he had telepathy now! Equality snuggled into Lucian's. " ... I never told you...thank you..for saving me from mother. " Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StainedCrimson Posted January 1, 2014 Share Posted January 1, 2014 Lucian internally sighs but drops it. He gives Equality a small smile and a light kiss on the forehead. "You're welcome. Now, get some sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow." Pulling the blankets over them he settles down and wraps an arm loosely around Equality. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted January 1, 2014 Author Share Posted January 1, 2014 Equality nodded, slowly closing his eyes. So much has happened. He quickly fell asleep. He was so happy. Being here with Lucian was amazing..even if all the technology was old... be still liked being here...he didn't need to go threw tests were he's touched by that mean doctor...or have his blood taken, or his body shocked senseless... this must be...paradise. Back in the lab of #407. The lab equality escaped form... "Professor Kame. compassion is ready to retrieve Equality. " " excellent. We will wait until he makes his first move. We'll watch him closely and be the second faze... we will not only get him back.But We will destroy the rebellion" Kame laughed. This were about to become...complicated.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StainedCrimson Posted January 1, 2014 Share Posted January 1, 2014 Lucian sleeps deeply and well next to Equality not knowing of that which was to come. Come morning he stretches and yawns before looking to see if Equality is awake yet. He also thinks about the other's new ability and wonders how it came about. Did it come just from them having sex? If so, was this likely to happen every time they did so? More importantly, how would this new ability influence the government's ability to control him? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted January 1, 2014 Author Share Posted January 1, 2014 Equality was still fast asleep...snuggling into the sheets. He looked adorable and at peace. He truly loved it here... being with Lucian...being in his bed. The scent of him... He thought Lucian was completely perfect.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StainedCrimson Posted January 1, 2014 Share Posted January 1, 2014 With a soft sigh Lucian eases out of the bed and goes about throwing on some lounge pants before making them some food. Making and eating food was a secret pleasure of his despite what he told Equality. Even if not as high in nutrients and what have you as the stuff most people eat, this satisfied something much more primal and basic as well as offered a sense of comfort that the other didn't. Not too mention it tasted a lot better most of the time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted January 2, 2014 Author Share Posted January 2, 2014 Equality slowly woke longer feeling the warm body heat of the other. He woke up rather quickly. He somehow knew when Lucian left him. He sat up looking around. He rubbed his eyes frowning a little as he grabbed one of Lucian's shirt and threw it one. It came to his knees and hanged off his shoulder.... Equality hurried into the kitchen and hugged Lucian from behind as he was cooking. "Morning Lucian..." it didn't feel his sore...and the light bite marks and hickies were gone as he healed fast... returning to its tight statuses. His hair a wild mess... hiding his strange but beautiful light blue eyes... barring himself into the nap of Lucian's back... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StainedCrimson Posted January 2, 2014 Share Posted January 2, 2014 Lucian jolts slightly at being grabbed from behind but quickly calms back down when he hears Equality and feels him nuzzling. "Morning Equality. Did you sleep well?" He asks while finishing up the breakfast. It's nothing fancy, but it's a good one. Fluffy pancakes, bacon, and fried eggs with toast. "Set the table will you?" He asks while finishing up cooking the food. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted January 2, 2014 Author Share Posted January 2, 2014 "Ok..." Equality slowly pulled away doing what he was told.As he set the table. He heard a lot of noise coming from outside...the streets were suddenly packed with people as he glanced outside... (What's going on...? He wondered. Touching the cold window glass... there were government soldiers lining the streets... as a large government cars passed there... and a stage was assembled I'm the middle of the street... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StainedCrimson Posted January 2, 2014 Share Posted January 2, 2014 "Shit... That's not good." Lucian growls having followed Equality to the window. "Equality, this is really bad. They might end up playing that sound and we have no way of keeping you from reacting to it or trying to kill me." His eyes are narrowed in frustration while his teeth are grinding together. He looks at Equality genuinely worried and upset. "We have to get away from here. Come on." Just for situations like this he had built a hidden escape route which is what they go to now. Ignoring the warm food out on the table he hurries to a small room that acts like a laundry room. Shifting one of the machines to the side reveals a rope ladder going down into a dark tunnel. "You go first." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted January 2, 2014 Author Share Posted January 2, 2014 Equality nodded slowly going down first. He was a little scared now... A man stepped up on the stage Kame and spoke threw a microphone that could be heard from Miles. TV Bots were also showing this on Live TV. "Citizens of the slums. I am Kame. A government professor in facility 407. " Equality froze hearing Kame's voice...fear shaking threw him...He couldn't move... "" He gripped his hair shaking. As Luican came down.. "As you know a boy escaped our facility and we've been having a difficult time finding him. So from now on there will be new laws established until he is caught- because I know there are people here who know something. Starting at 6:00pm if anyone is not in there homes and are wondering the streets you will be taken into custody , questioned...and if I see fit...killed." The crowd gasped. This was his plan he'd make the citizen hate there own rebellion. Slowly squeeze them out... until he got what he wanted. "Food will be cut and prices raised until someone comes forward. And... this place is completely on total lock down! No one leaves or enters the Slums with out me knowing about it! If anyone leaves- they will be shot on sight! This is reality boys and girls..and you all are standing on the wrong side...the rebellion has met its maker...and I'm here to destroy it. " Equality found tears building up in his eyes... people were going to die... people wouldn't be able to buy food anymore...they would starve.. He had to turn himself in...he didn't want to hurt anybody... "I have go! I have to stop him! " He quickly ran to the direction were he heard his doctor... Outside government soldiers stared attacking the citizens. Teling them to go back to there homes. Kids beat to the floor. Guns pointed at there heads for just blinking...people started screaming and running.. Kame smiled watching... "Come on out Equality... I know how much you hate it when people suffer" He said to himself...and standing behind him was a pretty young girl... with long brown hair tied in braids and piercing purple eyes... she was clearly a government tool like Equailty. The experiments they did on her turning her eyes purple. And... her name was Compassion. Equality's sister. Or...that's what his mother always told him and what he believed. But they weren't related what so ever... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StainedCrimson Posted January 2, 2014 Share Posted January 2, 2014 Lucian grabs Equality and shakes his head. "No! If you do they'll kill them all anyway. That's what they do. They'll lure you out and take you away, make you think they'll leave those people alone to get your cooperation. Only to kill them once you're out of sight. That and what do you think they'll do when they find out I'm the one who's housed you and kept you from them? I can tell you this, a quick death will be merciful." He grabs Equality's shoulders. "Do you want me to be caught Equality? If so, we'll both go to the lab together but I can promise you this. You'll never see me again, or at least, never in a way you'll recognize or like." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted January 2, 2014 Author Share Posted January 2, 2014 Equality could hear all the people screaming...the heart beats that suddenly stopped above his head... he stared at Luican started to panic. "I... but... " He started hyperventilating... He hated making decisions! The pressure crushing him... He was quickly becoming unstable. "But I hear them!!! I hear them dying! Make it stop! Its my fault! Its all my fault! " Tears rushing down his face...he just....didn't know what to do... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StainedCrimson Posted January 2, 2014 Share Posted January 2, 2014 "It is not your fault! It's theirs. They had choices besides this but chose this one to try and force you out. You can't let them get you otherwise more will die because they'll use you to kill them." Lucian says firmly before giving Equality a quick kiss then pull back. "You can't go to them Equality. It's hard, I know but you can't." His voice is gentle but firm. He goes over and resets the machine to hide the hole and removes the ladder tossing it to the side. Grabbing Equality's hand he pulls him deeper into the tunnels and moves quickly. Eventually they come out on the outskirts of the district and Lucian rushes off to a small hidden base for meet ups and emergencies to call the leader and let him know what's going on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted January 2, 2014 Author Share Posted January 2, 2014 Equality felt like his problems disappeared with Lucian's quick kiss. He wiped his tears away but to no avail they continued to he squeezed Lucian's hand and quickly followed...trying to cover his ears with his other hand as they ran away... Of Course Akira knew all about this.since it was all over the news... and everyone in the rebellion was panicked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StainedCrimson Posted January 2, 2014 Share Posted January 2, 2014 Once in the emergency base Lucian quickly gets to the communicator and holds Equality against him so he can rub a hand soothingly over the other. "Akira. I'm sure you saw it on the news but it's bad. They were right outside my home and I'm sure they had another one like Equality with them. I got us away and we're in one of the emergency safety bases but we can't stay here. What do you want us to do?" He asks while keeping an eye on Equality. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted January 2, 2014 Author Share Posted January 2, 2014 Akira sighed. "Yeah I saw. This is really bad... I'm making a quick change of plans. Can you get here? To our main base? I'm launching an attack on the lock down walls. The city is completely separated from everyone else... I'm sure if you look out you'll see the huge metal wall. Were trapped and this Kame guy has down right challenged me. While I have a team attack the wall. I'll have different team attacking were he is staying.. I need equality to fight..." He ran a hand threw his hair frustrated. " things are happening fast and I'm struggling to keep our heads above water..." Equality has barred himself in the other...shaking slightly as he whimpered into the others shirt...he looked completely terrified and was in no condition to fight In a lift or death battle... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StainedCrimson Posted January 2, 2014 Share Posted January 2, 2014 "I can try. But I don't think Equality will be able to fight. We made a small change in how he responds to the sound but not enough and what happened infront of the house hit him hard. He's in shock right now. I'll do what I can to try and help him, but it may not be enough. I'll check in with you once we make it to the main base." Lucian sounds strained hearing what's going on with Akira. Hanging up he shoves a free hand through his hair. "F***! Come on Equality. We're not safe here. We have to get to the base if we can." Giving the other a quick squeeze he laces their hands together before leading them out, and looking around carefully, starts to move quickly through the shadows causing them both to all but fade from sight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted January 2, 2014 Author Share Posted January 2, 2014 Equality stayed close... the town's quiet as no one was outside..knowing they might die... Equality clung to Lucian. Recalling everything that had happened this far... and if they only knew it was just the very being. Change was happening fast...and it was rather clear Lucian might not be able to keep up. With things being thrown at the two left and right...people dying... the new unfair laws... it was clear the government wanted there star weapon back...and they would go threw any amount of lengths to get him... "Professor Kame...there's no sign of Equality yet." " it doesn't matter, he will come out...the people will rebellion againest there own rebellion in the hopes of restoring the peace...and Compassion. You will help Equality see the error of his ways. Yes?" "Yes Mother commands. " Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StainedCrimson Posted January 2, 2014 Share Posted January 2, 2014 "Don't worry Equality, I'll do everything I can to keep you from going back to them. Okay?" He looks at the other while speaking softly so that no one can hear them. Making sure they're not seen by anyone Lucian carefully but quickly gets them to the base and inside. Once in they head right for Akira's office. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sosuke0549 Posted January 2, 2014 Author Share Posted January 2, 2014 Equality nodded. Staying quiet. Akira was pacing in his office going over is plan's again... a few other people with him. And they glared seeing Equality. Akira sighed seeing the two and excused everyone else. Alone Akira looked at Lucian and Equality. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StainedCrimson Posted January 2, 2014 Share Posted January 2, 2014 Lucian steps infront of Equality and meets their glares with a calm steady stare back. When they leave he puts an arm around Equality and keeps him close as they go up to Akira. "I take it things aren't going any better?" He mutters before sighing and looking at Akira. "I'm not sure what to tell you. We had a small bit of success with Equality at least recognizing and trying to fight the sound last night, but the incident today prevented us from getting any further. It would also seem that the government knows Equality can't handle people being killed and so will go rushing in to try and stop it. This is at complete odds with his 'other' side that wouldn't have cared less." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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