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Why do you live?


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Have you ever questioned your life and changed who you are because of the day? For example do you


A. Live for money and fame


B. To help others and be there for people (Selfless)


C. Just live to be alive


D. Live for the unexpected


E. You really don't know


F. To be alive and find love with someon


G. Other

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Well, i've never really thought about it seriously. why do i live? i think it's a bit of everything. i live for myself and as well for the others. And no matter what i love life!


But the one i would choose would be D. Live for the unexpected

We never really know what will happen next. it does give that sense of excitement! every day is a new day! Everyday we can re-invent ourselves and change our path! isn't that intereting? ;D

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Probably E. I really don't know.


I guess it's hard to find the reason of your existence but whatever that might be, I'm still on the process of learning my purpose (*if there's any, of course). But if there's none, well let's just go with the flow and let some things happen.


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I really don't know why I live. I think I just live to experience things I've never experienced before. *laughs* i also live to achieve my goals in life.

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G. We all have a purpose on Earth. And there are six basic areas that we all work in.

One is your strength, one is your weakness. One is what you're working on right now. Others are irrelevant [already provided or has no meaning to you].


1- work

2- family

3- relationship

4- wealth

5- spirituality

6- social status


But each one of us will work on one of them. We may be strong in one area but the other, we may be weak and that is mainly the purpose or the desire. Others become irrelevant.


For me, My weakness is Social status- With anti-social tendency, I have hard time making friends because I am so introverted and don't go out that much. I'm a hermit. I believe I am supposed to have confidence, go out and show my stuff! I am supposed to 'fuel' people who are extroverted/energetic/people person rather than reserve it for myself.


And some people need attention or a lot of friends to keep them occupied. They need people because they give them the 'fuel'.


My strength is Family. Even though my parents were divorced but I was always the one that held the family together. You'll know you're a family person if you spend more with family than friends.


Relationship- well, we all know some people have a hard time finding love or maintain a relationship, let alone make a commitment. Some doesn't understand love, or never has fallen in love before. So maybe love isn't as important to this person as it is to others. Thus, it is not their purpose. It is not my purpose. I've been single for many years and I have no problem with that.


Wealth- was never an issue for me. Money was always there for me but I hate money. And I hate people assuming that I'm rich. I want nothing to do with wealth. For some people, money is important and they want to climb up the social class ladder. And some people are very charitable. But for some, they needed that sense of security.


Work- some people are workaholic right? They cannot stand the thought of doing nothing at home. They want to keep busy. Usually, they like to volunteer so they can help others. Some are gypsies, who cannot grasp the concept of work and always have been unemployed. It's not because they're lazy. It's simply not one of their purposes.


Spirituality- people search for knowledge or truth- not always religious. They feel like they are more students, not workers, and always have been learning or fascinated with history/culture/religions. They may be teachers without realizing it. They want to spread and share information so they are accessible for everyone. Some are very religious and is devoted for life to it.


I believe we are all here to improve and evolve. I don't believe we only live once. But nevertheless, in one lifetime, if we focus on our weaknesses, then maybe we can understand why we're all here.


Earth: school or prison? Up to you.

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