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Say whatever you want XVIII


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, no worries :D take your time

p.s. good idea, you're so organized



On another note...

What am I learning? XDDD


Prof talks about social phobia but goes into excessive detail about a guy who has anxiety going to the washroom...

Not trying to make fun of anyone here D:

but LOL prof, there are so many other things you can talk about in social phobia >_________________

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thats fine dont worry i dont mind when you reply as long a you do!! hope you are ok..sounds busy!!

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==" I left YO to go meet someone

I don't exercise and I hate walking

but I walked half an hour to the place

got lost on the way

and when I got there, no one answered the door



it was cold.

I thought they were late.

waited 15 minutes.

my hands were freezing and still are.

all I got was the mewing of the cat through the door =_____________________________________=


had to walk another half hour back =A=

nearly got lost again...



I wasted time I could have spent on YO, do you know how pissed I was?


that's an entire hour out in the cold for no reason TT^TT

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You've been trolled. I hate when that happens. Once I had to wait 30 minutes on a rainy weather for a friend who never arrived. Then she threw me an excuse 'I didn't go because it was raining'. :8yoyo13:

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O.O your friend is ... not to offend you by mocking your choice of friends or anything but... is a douche >

being stood up in the rain, wow~ that's pretty bad

If they didn't plan on going they should've told you by calling or texting or something

I hope you didn't get sick D:



the thing is though that it wasn't a friend :/ I was meeting the landlord of a place I was considering living at next year

and it wasn't like I showed up out of the blue so I thought O.O WTF where are you?

if it had been a friend, I'd bitch at them to their face XDDD


p.s. your avatar and signature are adorable

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I know, I was so angry at her. We talked to meet at 4 o'clock in front of the shopping mall. Meanwhile it started raining. I waited 30 minutes for nothing. When I called her to asks her why is she late she answered me that she's at home because it was raining so she thought we won't meet if the weather is bad.

I was so annoyed at her, she should at least called.

Since then she didn't do it anymore. I guess we would have stopped being friends if she would have continued that way.


When it's a friends ditching you is always more annoying. :hamtaro-005 (6):


PS: Thank you! You're avatar is also very cute!

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so true so true

you're very forgiving though... 30 minutes without even calling and you still stayed friends O.O

amazing person rabbit14


thank you for sharing~

I'm feeling a lot better about my situation now ~__________~;

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I'm glad I made you feel better! :hamtaro-005 (6): I'm also amazed at myself sometimes. rabbit6

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- Wish I could remember the title, but there was this one boring ass motivational book someone gave me to read once. Only took a few pages and I was tko'd. Took me over a year to finish it, rofl.

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NOPE, NOT AT ALL. DON'T WANNA CHECK MY EMAILS. oh yeah, replied today RP Schedule. now.. i'm feeling pretty bored. FML ._. my husband is working today, i hate my life. FML!! oh and i was about to say something.. i forget... hm... oh yeah...

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aww thank you, that was the thing i've been planned when i started to rp ( first rp i wanted to do that. ) but turns out i'm shy to those experiented people. ( how to write. )

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aww thank you so much >3

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no, it's alright. and thank you. and yeah i'm also busy to stop killing myself :'3


HAH. WHO SAY I WOULD GO BATHING?! HAH. NOPE. AIN'T DOING IT... okay, i'll do it in.. 4 more hours. is that okay?

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no, it's alright. it's my everyday life ;w; Rezzy.


so lazy.. no... staph...i don't wanna go working. so lazy... ;-; i also need to check my other game. KILL ME.

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... what did i want to say about? .... ....


oh, yeah. wait... i was writing this and then i forget. guess, i should watch my fav show again..


no.. wait.. OH WHY?!


oh! i wanted to say.. my internet connection is f*cking slow! :D

... .... ... yeah that's all i wanted to say. FML.

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