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Ignorance Isn't Bliss


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Isaan had tears running down his eyes and couldn't even believe what had just happened. His father had to take a hold of him and make him sit down. What he wouldn't do to strike the silver haired male over and over. The eldest twin just knew something wasn't right, that something about today just didn't feel too welcoming. The love of his life was murdered by none other than his brother. The sight of Ruu slashing continuously into his lover was the worst sight he had ever seen, it was frightening.


"He is your brother! You can't wish such things on him. I will not lose him like I lost your mother."


This point in time, I had argued with my father to have Ruune wings clipped. Although it didn't go vrry well with him begging not to lose my brother. I was furious and didn't want to hear anything of it. The love of my life had just been killed and the other was the one who had caused it. I didn't see any reason in even letting him live. My father should have been happy I was being this lenient.


"I will not still have him to be in dis' family. Ashely is dead an' it is all his fault." The eldest yelled, walking to the cellar in which his brother was locked in. Opening the door Isaan glared to his smaller twin as tears fell fom his chocolate orbs. This was all bullshit.

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Guest cheshireArtist

When the door openned Ruu had to close his eyes at the sudden light. Once the small teen's eyes adjusted he was greeted with the sight of his older brother. The younger twin was almost relieved but by the tears running down his twin's face and the anger that just leaked off of him in wave Ruu knew something very, very bad happened. The silver haired boy wanted to talk to his brother, to ask him what happened, but for some reason he couldn't speak. None of what he was thinking could reach the small boy's lips.


Ruu couldn't even look Isaan in the eyes...something really horrible must of happened durring his blackout. Did he hurt Isaan? Ruu was so confused.

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The older man stared to his brother, tears crawling down his cheeks. Ruune didn't even look like a murderer. From all the memories of their lives, the silver haired twin seemed so nice, innocent and forgiving. That was one personality trait that Isaan didn't have at the moment. He just couldn't forgive his brother for such a crime..


"Why...why did you kill her brother. If you didn't like her then that was fine. IT GAVE YOU NO RIGHTS JUST KILL HER!" The eldest cried, finger bawling into fist. If he knew Aheal wouldn't beat him half to death the white haired male would strike the other mutiple times. Over and over until he begged for forgiveness.


"WHY DID YOU DO IT?" Isaan asked once again, walking closer to the other.

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Guest cheshireArtist
"Why...why did you kill her brother. If you didn't like her then that was fine. IT GAVE YOU NO RIGHTS JUST KILL HER!"..."WHY DID YOU DO IT?"


Ruune stared at his brother, pale green eyes wide with confusion. He...he killed someone? Then the realization dawned on, durring his blackout he murdered Ashley. He felt a few tears fall down his blood stained cheeks, and his body began to tremble, HE KILLED SOMEONE! And..and he didn't even remember it!


Ruu tried to awnser his brother, but he still couldn't find his voice. He couldn't even defend himself in anyway, he couldn't move his hands, nor could he speak. He was utterly at Isaan's mercy. To make things worse he felt the beginings of a panic attack coming as his breathing and heart rate picked up.

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The white haired male just stared to his brother without another word. Ruune looked surprised and as if he would cry. Isaan didn't give two fucks about it....no, that was a lie. Even though the eldest was severly pissed at the other, and his mind was chanting that he hated the silver haired twin; the older teen knew that he still loved his brother. Though, the bad nature took over and Isaan just didn't want to see the other at the moment.


"Do tell me. I wan' some answers. Did ya' really have ta' kill her just 'cause you don't like her?" He asked, fist tightening as he gritted his teeth. Isaan and Ashley had been together for two fucking years...going on three. He loved the girl with all his heart, even though he was still so young. Gripping into his white hair, the older teen sneered to Ruune. "Stop wit' tha' fake tears. I hate you." Isaan whispered, biting into his lip.

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Guest cheshireArtist
"Stop wit' tha' fake tears. I hate you."


The words rang in Ruu's head...his twin hated him. Isaan hated him! The smaller's trembling increased and he tried his hardest to speak but just couldn't, mouth moving in silent words, but not voice coming out to say them. He fought against the bonds slightly, rope digging into tiny wrists, painting them red. More tears fell as he continued to fail. He was so terrified, pale green eyes wide with fear. He didn't do it! How could he do something he didn't remember? He didn't hate Ashley, but he had no way of telling Isaan that. Oh God, he wished he had a way to talk.


Ruune could no long hold himself up, and fell to knee, scraping them bloody, his blood mixing with his...victim's? Oh Gods, Ruu had never felt more confused, and scared in his life!

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Aheal suddenly appeared in the room, standing beside his oldest son. The eldest was severly pissed and wanted for Ruune to have his wings clipped. From the older male liking his oldest child most, along with the deed that the petit twin had caused, the grown man decided to go through with Isaan's wishes. Although Aheal would do as his white haired son said; he wouldn't feel too happy about it. Ruu was his kid too and he loved them both, so this would be hard to accept; albeit what hurted he most was that he had promised Anya to protect the two with all his life, that promise was now thrown out the window. This whole situation was Ruune's fault.


He man walked closer with a shake of his head. Well, this was it....be would sever Ruu from his wings. Raising the sword into the air , the taller of the three pulled out the kid's wing to its full length and brought the sword down with great force, snapping the wings from it's body. Isaan looked taken back and stared on the scene; he had requested it but it didn't make it anymore gruesome than it was.

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Guest cheshireArtist

When his father approached Ruune was both fearful and hopeful. Maybe Ahael could shed more light on the situation, but as the man approached, sword in hand, those hopes were dashed. His heart beat was erratic in his chest, and he tried to scoot away, but his father grabbed his wings before he could even think about getting away. With his hands bound he couldn't even try to stop him. Wing his wings, dove-like and soft just like his mother's, were stretched out the youngest tried to snap them closed again, but Ahael's grip was too strong to break with his meager strength.


When the sword was brought down upon his delicate wings the sickening snap of bones and tearing of flesh echoed around the small room. That was soon joined by the first sound Ruu had been able to make since waking up, a scream, a loud, agonized scream. The pain was so intense that the silver haired boy was barely able to keep conscious as he fell forward to the floor, twitching and crying. His whole entire being felt as if he was on fire, it was so painful. Oh God, he wanted to die! It hurt so much! He just wanted to die. He could feel, though the burning, the blood just pored down his back, bathing his shirt in crimson.


How could...how could Isaan just watch. He could never hate his brother, but he felt his own bit of anger and betrayal flare up. Isaan knew him! Isaan knew he could never kill anyone! It just wasn't in his nature! How could his own father cut off his wings? He knew him too, maybe not as well as Ahael knew Isaan, but he knew Ruu couldn't fight. What did he ever do to deserve this?


You were weak... A wicked voice whispered in his ear, unheard by anyone else, and the Realm Officials don't want the weak... Ruu's pale green eyes widened in realization, and he wanted to scream what he just heard to his father, and brother, but he lost his voice again. If...If he lived he was going to tell them...no matter what...no matter whether they didn't believe him. Ruune loved his family, and despite how they felt about him, he would always love and care about them...no matter what. The world blurred around him, and slowly everything faded to black.


My memory fails me after that, obviously. I can only say that they branded me and threw me into the Human Realm to die. I...I was lucky to even survive, but for a while I wished I didn't. Being how I was back then I could hardly function without Isaan. I was told that I was in a stupor for months, barely moving, never talking, and having to have food and water forced down my throat. I barely even remember that, and to be frank I'm still not very sure what even shocked me out of it, but I'm grateful it did. Now, while I love my brother, I can do things on my own. I am Ruu, I am a nineteen year old living in the Neutral Zone, and I act like it. I grew up, and am no longer childish, clingy, Ruune Nimparon...and I know I am never going to be again. That was decided the day my wings were taken from me, and Shade made his presence known. I will do what ever it takes to protect the ones I love...no matter what they think of me.


----Flashback End----


Ruu steadily regained consciousness, and did a quick self check. He was healing on the outside, but obviously had some internal injuries. He only opened his pale green eyes a sliver, and remained limp on the ground. Ruu may be a healer's apprentice, but prior training from before he met Abel had taught him to be cautious, and lay low at times...assess the situation. Plus, if he moved now then he would irritate his internal injuries big time, and make them even worse.


The shadow was branishing it's claws, while his friends and twin were branishing their own weapons. He wished he could do something...but maybe he could! The shadow plays dirty...but Ruu can sense him, and see him. Maybe he could use the connection to direct his brother once Shade goes back into hiding...or maybe, just maybe he could try and immobilize him like he did last time. It would be risky, but if he could do it without being noticed then maybe it might work.

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That was a day I remembered well. The day that Aheal and I had deemed my brother as a fallen angel. Father having the honors of taking my brother's wings and I, feeling left out, had to be as stubborn and mark the other with with a knife of my own. One that I still had to this day, stained with my brother's blood. For years I had thought of it as a accomplishment. I never washed it after that day, or ever used it again...remembering that day was something that I wanted. Something that I felt was needed. Now, as of now, I feel like a complete asshole. My brother Ruu was an important aspect in my life, even as of now; although not the kind of aspect he wished to be. It was all bad intentions. One that the smaller wouldn't want anyways. To be on his kill list.


Isaan glanced to the smaller of the two to know that his brother had awoken. The emotions swaying through the link was what he had been just feeling. That was what attracted him to looking to the smaller male and made him glance his way. The shadow seemed to have disappeared once again. It was pretty scary not to know where the demonic being was, but Isaan didn't give a damn. He wouldn't be defeated by such a shadow.


"We have ta' take him on no matta' how old or experienced he is. We can not let 'em continue to rule over my brother.. I won't allow it."


Arish glanced to Jackal B. and stared for a while before glancing to the white haired man and nodding. Taking the necessary steps to getting closer to the eldest twin. The dark haired, half angel now stood beside the Realm Official. The lover of the brunette couldn't say that he was too happy to be helping Isaan, but there was no use in not to.


"Fine, I'm willing to help you; but only because of Ruu."


Isaan just glanced to the other and narrowed his eyes. He didn't care of the reason for the other helping, but he would be thankful. "Hmph, whatever."

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Guest cheshireArtist

Erin nodded in agreement with Arish and moved to stand next to his lover. He looked to Ruu, trying to process how to get the kid out of danger, but since he was no healer he had no idea of the true extent of Ruu's injuries. He held up his claws, growling slightly, trying to maybe catch the shadow's sent, but it was useless. What exactly was this thing?


Ruu could sense Shade...just a head of where the other's stood. 'In front of you!' Ruu practically shouted through the link. During and incident involving the infamous Demoni two years ago Ruu had discovered another aspect of their link that only he could use. The smaller wished he knew this back when he lost his wings, maybe he could have prevented all of this. During his time using it before the smaller had to also carefully mask his presence, so he wondered if Isaan realized it was him or thought he was going crazy. Either way the silver haired twin knew he would have to explain later, but whatever, all that mattered was helping everyone get through this. If his twin or and of his friend were critically injured Ruu would feel horrible.


While everyone was distracted with the shadow, and the shadow was preoccupied with them Ruu decided to go through with his other idea. The smaller, very carefully and with small, measured movements using his own blood as paint, drew an angelic rune on the floor with a circle around it. All he needed to do was activate it while the shadow was stepping on it. That would be easier said than done, and that he knew from experience. He hoped his twin would recognize the thing and know what Ruu was doing, and at least try to lure Shade over the correct spot. If not Isaan then he hoped Arish would at least recognize the symbol as a binding spell. Ruu was tired of feeling useless, and even injured he still wanted to help.


The shadow, while still remaining invisible to the other began to launch his attack, thinking that his new toys would never see him coming.

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At the sound in his head, Isaan glanced over to his twin brother. The small, petit teen was now lifting up and now the white haired twin knew that his brother was who guided him through the demoni. When the incident had first happened, the eldest had thought of himself going nuts. That he was having too much stress placed upon him and maybe needed a break. Well, if it was for sure the same voice as before, he would trust it. It had saved him once, and placing his trust in Ruune again wouldn't be so bad.


Isaan glanced away from his twin before he was able to see the smaller form a binding spell. Clutching his fist tighter around the handle of the swords, he closed his eyes. He hoped that 'in front of you' meant literally in front of him. He would just swing his blades and hope to cut the demonic shadow. Slashing across the area, the eldest was surprised when he felt it connect with something. Due to Shade launching toward Isaan, the hit was successful. Isaan smiled as he twirled the second blade around in his hand and stabbed forward. The white haired male wasn't sure where he pierced, but he was just happy it was a hit.


Arish stared in shock as the other actually seemed to hit something. From the way that the blade stay stiffly in one place, he knew that Isaan had actually stabbed into the unknown being. "Well, it seems like he struck him Eri- um...Jackal B. Let's help."

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Guest cheshireArtist

The shadow demon hissed as the hit connected, and became visible, revealing that the Angel hit his side. Shade growled and looked at Ruu, the brat was awake. Before he could pulled the sword out of his side, the half-demon's claws were in his face, and the shadow was barely able to dodge, but then a second set nicked his face. Shade snarled and grabbed the man, Jackal B., he thought it was, by the scruff of the neck and flung him back. He liked his toys feisty and all, but he didn't appreciate his tricks being found out. The shadow growled loudly and slashed out at Isaan with sharp claws.


Erin let out a short yelp when he was flung back, and landed on the tunnel grounds with a loud thud. The brunette got back up shakily, unaware of the blood now staining the back of his head from his fall. In the heat of battle most demons, and those with demonic blood had the ability to ignore pain.


Ruu smiled weakly, looked like his twin trusted him enough to listen. Good, that makes things so much easier. He winced when he saw Jackal B. get thrown, but was relieved when he got back up, at least he was able to stand after that. From the look of his injuries, it seems the brunette might have a concussion. 'Push him back towards me,' Ruu thought, sending the message through the link to Issan, hoping his twin would listen to that direction. If they wanted to win against they were going to need to trap him, and not rely on the smaller twin for instructions.

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Isaan glanced to his brother at that instruction. He was unsure as to why the other wanted him to push the other back toward him. It couldn't be because Ruune wanted to fight Shade, because the other would get hurt. Though once he saw the binding spell that his silver haired teen had formed, the eldest smiled before nodding. The Realm Official glanced back to the other two and mouth. 'Guide him to Ruune.'


At that the teen turned sound and gripped the sword more before jumping and dashing to the demonic being. His weapons formed in a x to slash the shadow in the chest. Arish looked to Ruune before dashing forward also. Reaching behind him to also pull out his two sword behind his coat. Running behind the other, the dark haired male stabbed toward Shade's legs. If he immobilized the other it could be much easier.


Both Arish and Isaan was ready to fight the other and would most likely compete.

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Guest cheshireArtist

Erin nodded at the instruction, looking a little unsure. He didn't trust Isaan, not one bit, but Ruu seemed in on this somehow...must be some weird twin things. The brunette fallowed his lover's lead an began pushing the shadow being back by aiming the sweeps of his talons at the thing's feet and legs. He hoped what ever Ruu was planning would work.


The shadow just and stumbled back and he was barely able to block Isaan's strike. Maybe taking on three dolls at once was not his best idea, really. The slashing at his legs was making it hard to focus on fading back into the shadows again to recover. Growling, Shade ended up in front of his former host, then the realization dawned on him...shit.


Ruune gave a smirk, similar to one of Isaan's, to the shadow being, and activated the trap, pouring his angelic magic into it. It was rather uncommon for a Fallen to retain any Angelic magic, but Ruu guessed he was just lucky. A golden chain, shinning with an unnatural light, formed from the floor and dug itself into Shade's leg. The shadow demon screamed and hissed as the light was burning his leg, and tried to break free, but the chain held him in place. The silver haired twin scooted back quickly, making sure he was just out of the demon's grasp. He whimpered and gripped his stomach, he shouldn't move around so much.

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The white haired male looked to the other twin as he fell against the wall. Isaan rushed to his brother and kneeled beside the other. Ruune was hurt and the eldest was worried about the small, petit teen. The plan was successful and Isaan was glad that the shadow would soon be killed by the other two. Rubbing his thrumb across his brother's cheeks, the older male smiled sadly.


"Why ya' didn't tell me that tha' shadow took over ya'?" The older twin asked, as he stared into the beautiful, but strange pale green orbs of his twin's. The smaller teen could have saved himself from becoming a fallen if he would have just explained. Well, maybe not. He knew that if the other had told him at that time, he wouldn't have believed a single thing that the smaller said.


Arish glanced at the two twin as they were becoming more friendly with one another before averting his attention back to the demonic enemy. What was the procedure that Ruune wanted them to go through with now. "What do we do from now on? Should we kill him Ruune?" His finger tightening around his swords.

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Guest cheshireArtist
"Why ya' didn't tell me that tha' shadow took over ya'?"


Ruu looked up at his twin, and shook his head sadly, "I was...I was trying, but I couldn't talk...I'm sorry, brother," The smaller explained, pale green eyes locking with his twin's. He leaned into his brother's hand and smiled, he was glad to have Isaan back. The smaller then wrapped his arms around the elder twin's shoulders and pulled him into a hug, something he hadn't been able to do in four long years. He wanted to be close to his twin again, but he was going to try and not become as dependent on the white haired twin as he used to be. The silver haired fallen buried his face in the other's neck, and felt a few tears roll down his cheeks, he missed Isaan just so much.


"What do we do from now on? Should we kill him Ruune?"


"Yeah, should we kill him, kiddo?" Jackal be asked, looking at the two. Despite his distrust for the Realm Official...or the ex-Realm Official now he guessed, he felt happy for them.


Ruu peaked up from his twin's neck and said in a soft voice, "Yes...my only regret is that I'm not in a good enough condition to kill him myself." Ruu was a very forgiving person, and he didn't like taking another life, it was both against his personal morals and the healer oath...but Shade was someone he could never forgive. He ruined the smaller's life, tortured him, used him, and manipulated him...and, by ripple effect, ruined Isaan's life as well, and Ruune could never forgive that. Never.


"Well, ya heard him, love, let's make this count and go home," Erin said, smirking slightly at the struggling shadow demon, who just growled at the pair. The brunette growled back, but winced as his battle high was wearing off now that the fight was almost over, his head was beginning to kill him.


Shade struggle harder, he couldn't believe it! 800 years of living and killing and he was about to be done in by a bunch of kids. Where's the justice in that? He regretted ever joining up with those cursed officials!

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The dark haired male smiled at his lover before nodding and rushing toward the shadowy demon. Arish knew how Ruune felt, or at least be imagined he did. To not be able to kill the one that ruined your whole life was fucked up. If the half angel was in that situation, he just couldn't give up the chance. Whether he was injured or not, the coal eyed man would have still committed the crime of killing for vengeance.


Reaching for the brunette's hand, Arish grabbed te other's talon covered fingers and dashed toward Shade. He would do the honors of killing the other with his lover. That way, the demonic being would remember the friends of Ruune that had killed him. Together.


Isaan stared to his brother as he explained that he had tried to tell him of the demon. Then an apology came afterward, making the white haired teen smile lightly. The silver haired twin was looking vulnerable at this moment and the eldest was highly upset. Shade had broken up their home and it was all a set up. The demon had explained to working for the Realm Officials. Something that the older twin didn't yet fully believe. Aheal wouldn't have let such a problem occur would he, unless of course, the man didn't know himself.


"Well, we shou'd get ya' somewhere safe. Let us go ta' tha' hospital." The eldest brother said, depending on leading the other to the Human Zone. He still knew nothing of the hidden city...

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Guest cheshireArtist
"Well, we shou'd get ya' somewhere safe. Let us go ta' tha' hospital."


"We can't just go to a hospital, Isaan," Ruu muttered, shaking his head, "We have to go to the city...where everyone's hiding...". They defiantly couldn't just go to the Human Zone, they would never take a Fallen, or a Half-Demon, since Jackal B. looked like he might need medical attention too. The smaller winced again, and coughed into his hand. The internal damage must be worse than he thought, since his hand was now covered in blood. His stomach was obviously damaged.


He carefully removed his undirtied hand from his twin and reach into his pocket, pulling out the map he had gotten earlier in the day. He handed the map to his twin and pointed to the marked entrance where he had come in, there was no way they could get into the main entrance with someone in a Realm Official's uniform. "If...If you can get me there I can open the door, and you can bring me to my mentor...he's a really skilled healer," The silver haired twin explained, leaning more heavily against his brother. The only problem Ruu for with his idea is that he didn't think he could get up, let alone walk properly.


Erin struck the shadow demon with much vigor, digging his claws into the creature's stomach, and tarring across. "That's what you get for messin' with my friends," The smaller of the pair snarled, eyes flashing solid green. He considered Ruu like his little brother, and if there was one thing about Demons even an Angel could probably respect is their dedication to family. Screw with a Demon's family, or who ever they considered family and you are fucked.

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Isaan glanced down to the map that his twin had handed him and frowned. So it seems that the Neutral Zone had build themselves a city to escape the Realm Officials. So, the citizens must have had an idea as to what the higher ups were planning to do. It made the white haired male smirk lightly. Surely this had taken them a while to do.


"Wow, you people aren't as absurd and clueless as everyone thought. It seems dat' you all have been on to us for a long time. So how long did it take fa' you people ta' build such a place? Surely more than one year right?" Raising a brow to his brother before helping the younger stand. "Question...so...wat' do we do fa' father? Y'know he's still wasting' fa' ya' right?" smiling to Ruune in a wicked way.


Arish didn't like much how the older twin was talking to the silver haired teen. It made it seem as if he was still denying the fact that the Realm Officials was the cause of his despair. Though deep down the dark haired man knew that Isaan knew it was planned. The guy was just indenial and didn't want to believe that the ones who looked after him was sick fucks who played everyone like a puppet.


"So we should take you to your master. What was his name again Jackal B.?" He asked his lover as he pulled the sword back from the cut he had just given Shade. The demonic being's head was now on the ground. Sheathing the bloodied weapon, the half angel glanced to his loving brunette with curiosity.

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Guest cheshireArtist
"Question...so...wat' do we do fa' father? Y'know he's still wasting' fa' ya' right?"


Ruu rolled his eyes slightly, Isaan would except the facts sooner or later. The smaller coughed again as the taller twin helped him stand, blood leaking from his mouth. His legs began to buckle and he was depending on his twin to stay up right. "I...I don't know...let's just do one thing at a time, brother," The silver haired twin choked out, trying to ignore the pain in his stomach.


"So we should take you to your master. What was his name again Jackal B.?"


Erin chuckled, "His name's Abel, remember, he took my wing and put it on your back," The half-femon teased lightly, before glancing at Ruu, concerned, he wasn't looking too good. He rubbed the back of his head, wincing. He might have to see Abel as well, he was actully starting to feel light headed.

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Arish nodded at the brunette. He remembered that the man was the one to help him on countless occasions, but the dark haired male had forgotten the other's name. The half angel kind of expected it seeing as he didn't really know anyone here, excluding his lover that was. The young man was sure that he would now remember it....Abel wasn't such a hard name to remember.


"Abel, right. I won't forget it anymore....it's pretty easy to remember. Oh and about this wing, it's a bit strange to have it. Especially since it looks and feel way different than mine. It carries more mass for sure...way heavier than my own. I think I'll have to train myself how to fly once again." Arish joked, wrapping his arm around the brunette's waist and kissed the other's lips lightly.


Isaan smile dropped as he once again looked toward the map. The city was through a lot of twists and turns, this would for sure be tiring. Guiding the other through the tunnel, and following the trail that was marked on the map. Isaan was a lot more accepting of his twin with finding out he wasn't the complete reason for killing his beloved; but there were a side of him that still blamed his brother. If the silver haired twin hadn't been so weak, then he would have for sure been able to fight off shade from possessing his body.

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Guest cheshireArtist

Erin kissed the other back and laughed, "You callin' me fat, Arish?" The conman gave the other a mock glare and pout, and hit the back of the dark haired male's head lightly.


Ruu noticed his brother's frown, and felt the slight accusing emotions from his brother, and bit back a sigh. It was no secret that the silver haired twin had a low self esteem, and this just made him plummet again. It was something that was probably started by his father's...comments. Ruu had caught some of them when Isaan and Ahael thought he was out of the room. You don't want to be like Ruune...weak, little Ruune Nimparon, always relying on big brother and father...the embarrassment of the family. The smaller bit his lip and slowly tried to stand on his own, ignoring the pain that made his want to double over, and swallowing the blood that made it's way up his throat. He've been through worst after all, he could make it without help...he didn't want to burden Isaan. All of this was his fault after all...always his fault, and he had accepted that.


"Sorry...," The younger muttered, pale green eyes averting their gaze from his twin to the floor, now using the wall as support.

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Isaan stared to his brother as he noticed the other was struggling trying his hardest to hold himself from falling. Rolling his chocolate colored orbs, the eldest quickly scooped his younger twin into his arms, bridal style, and carried him through the tunnels. So it seemed that his brother could be stubborn if he wanted to.


"Ya' kno' ya' still didn't answer me. I'm curious as to how long it's actually taken you people to make dis' place." Isaan was still use to regarding others beside the Realm Officials as weaklings or another species, hence the saying 'you prople.' The white haired teen began to pad faster to his destination. Curiosity was getting the better of him, even if it was what killed the cat.


Arish smirked to his lover before shaking his head. There was no way he would nod to having call Jackal B. fat. There was no telling what his love would do to him. After the thought the dark haired man gasped as he saw a drip of blood fall from the brown locks that it was clinging on to. Erin had actually gotten hurt. "Babe, what the hell happened?" Reaching up to touch the other's injured flesh.

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Guest cheshireArtist
"Ya' kno' ya' still didn't answer me. I'm curious as to how long it's actually taken you people to make dis' place."


Ruu was shocked when his twin pick him up, and atomaticly wrapped his arms around his twin's neck. He kind of didn't expect this, strangely enough. He relaxed in his older twin's strong arms, trusting Isaan not to drop him. "I don't really know...I think construction began...um...50 years ago, perhaps...," He explained, he only got to the Neutral Zone two years ago after the whole Demoni incident.


"Babe, what the hell happened?"


Erin winced when the taller touched the back of his head, the wound was very tender. "I...think it happened when tha' Shade guy th'ew me back," The brunette explained his voice a little slurred and he felt his head really start to hurt. He turn look into his lover's coal eyes, but Erin's vision began to blurr in and out occasionally. He blinked a couple times, trying to correct his vision, but it was getting harder to keep his eyes open.

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From Arish continuiouy studying his love; the dark haired male knew that the younger man looks about ready to go unconscious. If he fell it would be much worse on the brunette, so the eldest of the two would try and hold the the other quickly. No, better yet...


Quickly scooping his love into his arm, the half angel smiled to the demonic being and kissing the other's forehead. Seeing Jackal B. hurt was something that the tall, older man didn't like much. The ex hunter thought that his love had already been through enough to be in this predicament.


"I wish I could kill him all over again." Arish growled, taking the other's hand as he walked beside Isaan, both carrying their lover's bridal style.


Isaan was curious as to something as the four of them was guiding toward the safety area. His twin also had a weird ability as he had, which was forcing emotions through skin contact. So, his twin could talk through his mind and the white haired teen thought it was weird but useful.

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