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[GAME] What are you thinking about"RIGHT"now? III


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LOL yeah the chocolate penis XD so it's burnt into your head ?! How nice I could give you something you won't forget :p

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Yeah I once shared my homemade sweet chocolate penis on here with my lovely friends and it seems
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can't forget the picture of me kissing and sucking on it. This girl is incredibly lewd :p


One day I will invite you guys and host a Wiener/ chocolate-dick party :Icecream: of course I will have carrots and cucumbers for the vegans among us!

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That you two must be related somehow '_' ..

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I Think i'm gonna mix u two up alot XD

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I do confuse them all the time

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ohhh! so
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is incredibly lewd? ohhhh! the things you find out in this forum muehehe

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and it seems @RedNoki can't forget the picture of me kissing and sucking on it. This person is incredibly lewd


One day I will invite you guys and host a Wiener/ chocolate-dick party :icecream: of course I will have carrots and cucumbers for the vegans among us!


I am? All because I thought the gif reminded me of that? :p


I laughed when you said carrots and cucumbers. xD

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There are times where I think

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Are even the same person... especially now after reading this post yoyo


Wattsooon!!! (

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I sommun you! I need you for brainstorming together with me!


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@batista Haha we aren't! But it wouldn't be my fault if we were! @KatieMH25! Was telling me the other day that she forgot her login details for almost a year and she couldn't figure out how to do a password reset coz she never got any emails ^^ it was by pure luck she remembered! Lol

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are you............ proposing to me??????????????????????

i don't know what to say... yes! put a diamond on that & the deal is seal :)


hahahah, have a great weekend, babes ;)

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man you made me look for that thing just everywhere even on Wish.. jesus now whenever I open that app I see sex toys. :OTL: and yes it's the perfect gift hope you'll get it. ;P

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are you blaming me? If yes I am truly sorry for being a bad influence :p you may punish me *looking forward to it*

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Warning: This is just me venting about my last two days. Don't read it (if you get stressed out about this stuff).



I don't know how to tell her this. But she's going crazy. For no reason. While using the past against him.

Seriously. If you feel like an puppy or scared of him.. finding someone else. Then..please break up with him. That's all.

If you don't. Then calm down. Because you're scaring him.


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