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Reaper of Souls: Beginning of the End (Sosuke0549 and ~*~FaLlEn*SnOw~*~)


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When Kenji took his hand, Shi smiles weakly. "It's nothing. I'm fine now, see?" He shows Kenji his hand, which was perfectly fine, there was no cut in sight any longer. "It seems I have a healing ability...I get hurt and then heal right away." He sighs softly, and looks into Kenji's eyes. "Sorry about worrying you...I was just distracted and wasn't paying attention to what I was doing." He unplugs the sink, watching the crimson stained water swirl down the drain. It sure was weird...but Shi half expected something like that to take place. He had heard from stories how reapers were immortal, and how if they got hurt they would get better right away. Guess those rumors weren't rumors, but were actual truths.


"Anyways, the actual festival is tomorrow...so...if maybe...you want to go, I'd like to come along..." He looks into Kenji's eyes, hope shining in his own. 'Please say yes...' he begs within his mind, not wanting to say these words out loud, it would make him seem as if he was forcing Kenji to go...


(Sorry about the late reply)

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  • Sosuke0549


  • ~*~FaLlEn*SnOw~*~


"It's nothing. I'm fine now, see?" ...."It seems I have a healing ability...I get hurt and then heal right away." ....."Sorry about worrying you...I was just distracted and wasn't paying attention to what I was doing."[/Quote]

"Oh...I..I see"

Kenji was surprised by how he reacted. He was forgetting that the other was dead. And that he himself was now extremely attached to him..

"D-don't scare me like that again..."

He muttered letting the other go and sighed leaning on the counter...his Arms crossed..

" Anyways, the actual festival is tomorrow...so...if maybe...you want to go, I'd like to come along..."[/Quote]

Kenji looked at the ground.

"... I'll think about it...okay? "

He knew others wouldn't see Shi But... he would be made fun of even more if people started thinking he was talking to himself..

Now that he thought about it...there were a lot of flaws with dating a reaper... maybe.. he wasn't realizing what he was getting himself into before now...

His eyes fell... as he left the kitchen and sat on the couch now in Deep thought... looking rather disappointed and sad...


( no worries. )

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Shi nods silently to when Kenji said he would think about it, and watches through silent eyes as the other leaves the room, headed towards the kitchen. Sighing softly, he finishes up the dishes, and then when they were all washed he dries them and puts them away. He had a feeling that Kenji wanted to be alone for a little bit, most likely he was thinking about the situation that he and Shi were in at that moment. He too thought it was a rough situation, Kenji being a living, human while he...he was a reaper, a soul with no body.


Walking to the front door, he looks down at the floor, where the newspaper was sitting. Kneeling down, he picks it up and opens it, turning the pages and when he found what he was looking for, he searches carefully. The page he was on was the page that held the obituaries. And sure enough...there was the name Shiru Kamaren. It read that the funeral would be held that Sunday, and that the students from his school were invited. The words in front of him become blurred, and wet smudges appear on the paper. With a shaking hand, he reaches up to his face, and could feel a cold wetness. He was crying.


He folds the paper again, and goes back to the kitchen, setting the newspaper on the table, before going to the bedroom, and sitting in the far corner, his form hidden slightly by shadows. He rests his forehead against his knees, the tears still falling. Why...why did this have to happen? Why now?

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Suddenly Kenji's phone rang. He sighed picking it up and answering it on the 3rd ring.


"Kenji. I called to tell you some things.,, it's about your job, I have some good news"

"Good news?"

"Yeah. A few days ago a customer had saw you and I guess took a liking to you. The guy owns a host club. Now don't get the wrong idea. Everyone here loves ya- but I'm only looking out for you. He offered you a job... you'd make 4 times what you make taking out trash and he assured me you wouldn't be doing anything strange... and I think you could do it too, I mean how hard could it be sitting at a table for an hour with some girl willing to give you 4 hundred dollars you know? I'll text you the man's number and adress of the place, just think about it ok Kenji? "

Kenji listened not really knowing what to say,

"Um... yeah... I'll think about it. Thank you."

"Alright- see you around kid-o"

His boss hung up and Kenji put his phone down sighing. A host? He didn't really think he could do it but...


Kenji sat up.

"S-Shi...hey Shi! Can we talk."

He looked around not seeing his dead boyfriend.

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During the short amount of time that Shi was in the bedroom, and that Kenji was talking on the phone, Shi had come up with an idea...and had acted on it. In that small amount of time, Shi had created a body, much like that of his appearance, but it had reddish eyes, and the hair was a bit longer and dark dark black in color, with red streaks in it. And this body...could be seen by others. He looks at himself in the mirror, and smiles. All of the traits of when he had that monster inside him was there, the sharp teeth, the slitted pupils. But other than that...it was amazing. Even his clothing had changed. He was wearing a long white shirt, and black pants underneath.


He takes a deep breath, and looks up when he hears Kenji call for him. He goes to the door, and pauses, hesitating slightly before opening it and going to where Kenji was, sure that Kenji would be confused as to what had happened. "What is it?" Shi asks, wondering what Kenji had to tell him.



96501-haseo_last_episode_super.jpgPretty much like this, though his hair has red streaks in it.


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Kenji looked up seeing Shi and his eyes widened slightly.

"W-What happened?"

He stared at the boy who seemed to become even hotter. Kenji leaned over the couch, on his knees getting a getter look at his boyfriend.

".. e-even your...your clothes are different..."

The other looked like some dark vampire Prince in a movie... compared to him... Shi was a out of his league sexy Prince while he was a homeless commoner living in a box.. the clothes he wore looked very cool..something He could never pull off...

Shi is so hot... why does he even bother with me.

Kenji blushed faintly at Shi's New appearance.

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"Hm? Oh this..." He looks down at his appearance, and then up at Kenji again, grinning slightly, his sharp teeth glinting in the light. "I decided to make a body that was visible to everyone. Is it too much?" He hoped it looked okay...but if it wasn't he would change back. He just thought it had been a good idea. That way he could go to the festival with Kenji, and that way it wouldn't seem that Kenji was talking to himself.


He walks over to Kenji, and reaches out, long slim fingers ruffling Kenji's hair, and his touch was warm, unlike when he was in his reaper form, and his skin was cold as ice. He smiles again, before sitting in the chair set across from where Kenji was. "So...what did you want to ask?" His eyes glow gently, and he had a curious expression on his face. "You said you wanted to talk to me about something...what was it?"

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" Hm? Oh this..." ...."I decided to make a body that was visible to everyone. Is it too much?"[/Quote]

Kenji gulped shaking his head..


He looked at the ground and was rather surprised that when Shi ruffled his hair .He was warm... when they had slept together the other was extremely cold... it was strange but now He was as warm as him...

He sat on the couch...his eyes falling ... lost in Shi's sexy beauty.


"So...what did you want to ask?" [/Quote]

Kenji spaced out,


"You said you wanted to talk to me about something...what was it?"[/Quote]

Kenji thought for a moment and then remembered.

"Oh... r-right well... I kind of got a job offer...and we are..a couple...r-right? So I kind of wanted to uh..r-run it by you. If that's....okay.."

He looked at the ground twirling his fingers a bad habit of being nervous.... still holding his cute blush from just how sexy Shi was...

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Shi blinked at Kenji's words. "A job? Where? And doing what?" He smiled slightly when he saw that Kenji was blushing, it was cute. He waits for the other to reply, and when he had Shi shrugs. "It's not big deal. Just don't cheat on me and we're all cool." He smiles again. "And besides, this particular place...is actually run by someone we know all too well. But don't worry, he won't try anything, I think it's just cause he wants to keep an eye on you. As well as me, because he sent me a message while I was in your room. It's more of a bar and restaurant place, where hosts are as well. And apparently he wants me to do music, like a band for like music nights and things like that, and be a host as well..."


He smirks, wondering what Kenji would say about this. "That was another reason why I came up with this body that everyone could see." The others in the band were Reapers as well, and they too had bodies that could be seen by others. He had met them already, and he knew that by the way they acted...they were either bi or gay. They too were hosts. "When do you start?"

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"It's not big deal. Just don't cheat on me and we're all cool."... "And besides, this particular place...is actually run by someone we know all too well. But don't worry, he won't try anything, I think it's just cause he wants to keep an eye on you. As well as me, because he sent me a message while I was in your room. It's more of a bar and restaurant place, where hosts are as well. And apparently he wants me to do music, like a band for like music nights and things like that, and be a host as well..."[/Quote]

Kenji was a little surprised Shi took the news so well.. but after hearing him explain then It made a lot of sense...it was because he'd have his eye on him probably all the time since they'd both be working together.

" oh.. t-that's cool"

"That was another reason why I came up with this body that everyone could see." [/Quote]

" I see.."

So it wasn't just for him... He was a little disappointed but didn't let it show.

"When do you start?"[/Quote]

"Well.. I need to go there and fill out a few things but I wanted to go over it with you first. But.. I guess I'll work there. Do you....want to go with me? I guess we can go today..."

He said glancing up at Shi...

I mean they had nothing else better to do..

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Shi smiles, and nods. "Alright then. I'm pretty much ready to go. Whenever you're ready, we can head out." He looks into Kenji's eyes, he could sense the slight disappointment that came from the other male, but Shi says nothing of it. He waits for Kenji to get ready, and once they had, the two leave the apartment, and since Shi didn't have a car anymore, they had to walk. Thankfully it wasn't raining at the moment, so it was half way decent of a walk. All the way there, Shi kept glancing at Kenji from the corner of his eye, wondering if he truly was okay with working at the place where the man from before had attacked him...


Pushing the thoughts from his head, he focuses on the getting the building, and after a few minutes they arrive in front of a rather fancy looking building. It was nice, and had a row of flowers in front, as well as canopies hanging from the front, with black iron chairs and tables set out front so if someone wanted to eat out there they could. Shi opens the door, and smiles. It was empty, he had a feeling that it would be. It would probably only be active during the evening hours.


His eyes scan the large inside, and land upon a male that was sitting alone at a table. He was wearing a black suit, with a dark blood red collared shirt beneath it, and a black tie. A fancy looking fedora sat on the table. The man himself had longish dark red hair, that was slightly wavy, but not too much so. He had a strong build, but was slim at the same time. When the man hears them come in, he turns around, so that bright golden yellow eyes could be seen, his eyes holding an intense gaze. "Haha, you're here." The man says, his voice having a slight Italian accent. He walks over to them, and holds out his hand to Kenji. "Bonjour. It's good to meet you at last." He smiles at Kenji. "I am Sébastien, and you must be Kenji?" He smiles, the same sharp teeth that Shi had showing.



29802103f2e10e74c0a902d5e87f03791332646729_full.jpgThis is Sébastien


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Alright then. I'm pretty much ready to go. Whenever you're ready, we can head out."[/Quote]

Kenji nodded As he got up to change. He went threw his closet finding the clothes Shi gave him.a few days ago and ended up wearing something of his, since he wanted to look nice.

It put on a tight fitting long sleeved black shirt and black skinny jeans, with a lose chain belt around his waist. He put on some old black sneakers he had and his old dark green zip up.hoodie that he wore almost all the time, it was rather lose on him and made him look a little small.

He ruffled up his hair. He didn't really brush it because he was much cuter with bed head and messy hair...


When he was ready to go He headed out with Shi,.walking- he didn't look at Shi too much, his eyes kind of wondered around. His hands in his jacket.

It kind of would be nice to hold Shi's hand but.. he didn't try as they got to the host club.


Kenji paused before following Shi inside. This place was clearly classy. And was very nice....Was he really going to be working here?

Inside it was pretty empty but Kenji flinched hearing a voice and noticing the man at the table by himself.

"Haha, you're here." ...."Bonjour. It's good to meet you at last."....."I am Sébastien, and you must be Kenji?"[/Quote]

Kenji was amazed. The guy was super hot...

Kenji kindly shacked the others hand.

"Uh..t-thank you, it's nice to meet you.. Sebastien"

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A kind smile still on his face, Sébastien's eyes move over to Shi, who was standing slightly back, a knowing glint in his eye. "Ah, it's been a long time! Mi fa piacere rivederti!" Sébastien lets go of Kenji's hand, and holds it out to Shi, who takes it only for a moment. "Yeah, it's good to see you as well Sébastien. How have you been?" It was obvious that the two knew each other quite well, and it was true. The first few days that Shi had become a reaper, Sébastien had taken care of him.


"I've been magnifico! And you?" Sébastien replies, the smile upon his face growing. "Eh, it's been alright..." Shi says, and looks to Kenji. "I'll be right back, I have to go do something. Why don't you and Sébastien get to know each other?" With that, he waves to Kenji and walks to the back of the room, and exits through a doorway, going up a set of stairs. He needed to talk to Dākuseibā.


Downstairs, staring after Shi, Sébastien waits a moment before turning to look at Kenji. "So...you are going to work here, no? I work here as well." He smiles brightly, before offering a seat. "Would you like a drink?" If Kenji did, he would go behind the counter, and get a non-alcoholic drink, pours it into a glass, and with a smirk, places a small amount of alcohol in it, and then walks over to Kenji, handing it to him, winking.

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Kenji stared, so Sébastien and Shi knew each other. The two looked like they belonged in a host club. Tho Kenji felt out of place, since no one has really ever paid attention to him except when bullying him. And then there was Shi Who noticed him and for some strange reason and liked him.

Kenji glanced around as the two had there conversation. But returned his attention to his boyfriend Who spoke.

"I'll be right back, I have to go do something. Why don't you and Sébastien get to know each other?"[/Quote]

Kenji's eyes widened slightly.

"Uh b-but.. "

He didn't feel completely up for it. He wasn't good at making friends and he didn't know the guy. He felt much safer by Shi But he was quickly gone leaving him with Sébastien. He sighed.

"So...you are going to work here, no? I work here as well."[/Quote]

" yeah...."

He sat down as Sébastien offered him a seat.

"Would you like a drink?"[/Quote]

"Oh.. s-sure."

He smiled faintly as the drink was given to him. As Sébastien winked at him. He blushed faintly. Staring down into his drink.

" w-What do you exactly do when your a host... I mean.. do people just pay you to date them? Do you ever get guys in here?... Do you...slept.. with your clients? "

He said a little embarrassed but he wanted to know. he had heard all kinds of rumors about host clubs and how shady they were..

He glanced up at Sébastien... the inter time he had been looking down at his drink.

Aww he was so cute... but he usually isn't so shy and timid...

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After pouring himself a glass of red wine, Sébastien joins Kenji at the table, and takes a sip as he listened to what Kenji had to ask. For a moment he says nothing, staring into the dark red liquid that was in his cup. He could feel Kenji's eyes gazing upon him, and a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. Eventually he looks up at Kenji, a kind look on his face. After taking another drink, he then answers Kenji's questions, one by one.


"Primo. For your uno domanda, we do all kinds of things. Mostly we have meals, and talk to the person. We make that person feel special, loved. So sì, to your secondo domanda, people do pay us for a date. It makes big money, that's for sure. Terrzo, sì, we often get males here. We have several female hosts, but sometimes we get gay or bi men, who want a male host. I and a few others take those. And infine, no, we don't usually sleep with our clients, though sometimes that has happened. It's very rare however for a host and a client to meet outside of here. So you shouldn't worry about that."


Sébastien smiles at Kenji, before taking another drink, and pausing in his speech, so that Kenji could say something. He wanted to tell Kenji of the other hosts, but would wait for Kenji to speak, maybe ask a few questions. Sébastien was a kind person, kind of like the older brother figure, and it was very easy to feel safe around him. People couldn't help but feel relaxed and protected, that's just the vibe he gave off.


Upstairs, behind closed doors, Shi was talking to Dākuseibā, who was sitting in a large armchair, his feet up on his desk, and a smirk on his lips. "What is it that you have against Kenji?" Shi asks, trying to keep himself calm as he stood there, staring at Dākuseibā. "I have nothing against him really...I just want you for myself. Before too long one of the other reapers will catch his eye...I know it. He'd be so much better off with one of them. And then you will be mine." Shi frowns, his eyes flashing. "I just want to keep an eye on him, so how better to do that then to have the boy work for me? It's totally understandable. I don't want him to end up getting hurt...because even though you don't want to believe it, you are dangerous Shi, even for a reaper." Dākuseibā closes his eyes, and sighs softly. "I want to keep you safe...and him, even if you don't want to believe me."

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Kenji listeners careful taking gulps of his drink. When Sébastien finished He looked at the ground.

".. I see. What are the other hosts like?"

He questioned the small amount of alcohol calmed his nerves. Being a little more relaxed.

He leaned back in his seat.


It would be nice to be in a place were he doesn't have to worry about being looked down on. To finally have a friend...that's what he really needed.

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"I'm glad you asked." Sébastien replies, smiling at Kenji. "There are quite a few hosts, but I'm only really close to three of them. I'll tell you about them. First there is Jasper Ravensdale, he's the youngest of us hosts, only diciassette, seventeen. He's British, I think he's from London or somewhere around that area. He's really shy, and timid. I often call him Il gattino, or kitten. He might not open up quickly, but he's a nice one, si. Then there is Felix Dämon, he's Diciotto, eighteen. He's German as well. He's a bit girly, and the only TRUE gay here. You'll understand what I mean when you see him. He's friendly, and very playful. And lastly is Vincent Delacroix, our French play boy. He's Diciannove, nineteen. He's a player, so stay away from him as much and as often as you can."


Sébastien smiles at Kenji. He hoped the kid would get along here, already he thought Kenji was interesting. Dākuseibā didn't usually hire living souls to work at this place, so...he was interested in how things would turn out. Finishing his drink, he sits back in his chair, his long, slender finger running around the rim of the glass, his eyes partly closed in a casual way. He had a very handsome smile on his face, and a gentle look in his eye. "So...do you start this la sera? This evening? Then you could meet a few of them, I know that Felix is going to be coming in early, in about cinque to dieci minutes...You could meet him then! But unfortunately I have to leave soon...so I will only be able to introduce you, then you two can talk. I have a feeling that Shi and the boss are going to take a while talking..."

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Kenji listened again.. they all seemed like very interesting people and now Kenji was looking forward to meeting them..

He watched Sébastien, He too was interesting. Kenji liked the guy as a person.

" So...do you start this la sera? This evening? Then you could meet a few of them, I know that Felix is going to be coming in early, in about cinque to dieci minutes...You could meet him then! But unfortunately I have to leave soon...so I will only be able to introduce you, then you two can talk. I have a feeling that Shi and the boss are going to take a while talking..."[/Quote]

" Oh..well.. I can. I really just came to see what it was all about. You know? But I guess I should stay and meet a few of the others. And I can't leave With out Shi so..."

He shrugged his cute blush Was gone and nervous studdering voice gone as well. Acting like his normal self. Amazing what a little alcohol could do.

" when does this place usually open?"

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Sébastien nods at what Kenji says. "Si, I understand." He smiles again, before standing up from his chair, and walking over to the bar, placing his empty glass within the sink. When Kenji asked when the place actually opened, he smiles again. "On weekdays, Il lunedì, Monday, to Il veneredì, Friday, it opens at seven, and closes at around eleven. However on Il sabatos, Saturdays, it opens earlier, at around six, and closes later, about midnight. On La domenica, Sunday, it is closed." Sébastien checks his watch. "It's four now...and Felix should be coming soon. He's coming this early because he has a few things he needs to do."


He walks over to the table, and picks up the hat that was sitting on it, placing it on his head at a stylish angle. He smiles at Kenji again, and then looks towards the door, where a figure could be seen coming inside. "Buonasera Felix!" Sébastien calls happily, as the person comes into view. And sure enough, by his looks, Kenji would understand by what Sébastien had meant from his description of Felix earlier. He had that image that literally screamed 'I'm gay!' but on him it was perfect. "Hallo Sébastien." He replies. Even his voice was feminine.


Sébastien smiles at Kenji, and motions for him to stand up. "Kenji, this is Felix Dämon. Felix, this is the young man who will be joining us here at work!" Felix looks him over, a smirk forming on his lips. "Ja? He's sehr attraktiv..." Felix smiles at Kenji, and then looks to Sébastien. "Shouldn't you be going? You have someplace to be, right?" "Ah, si! Mi spiace, ma, I have to leave now! It was nice meeting you Kenji! Arrivederci!" With a wave, he leaves, so that it was now Felix and Kenji. Felix crosses his arms over his chest, and looks at Kenji with interest. "So...you're to work here...very good."



HottAnimeEmoGuy4.jpgThis is Felix


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Kenji watched the other get up. Listening to the Times the place opened and closed.

" Buonasera Felix!" [/Quote]

Kenji paused looked over at the door and widely staring at the other. He was rather unprepared.

Whoa...now I know what he ment

He thought standing to greet the other.

Kenji didn't really know what to do as the others had there conversation. He only knew one language and that was English. He felt slightly insecure since he didn't know what they were saying and didn't know if they were talking about him... but he knew Sébastien wasn't like that..

He gave a small smile As Sébastien hurried out. Giving a small wave before looking at Felix . They were now alone..

" So...you're to work here...very good."[/Quote]

[Why is it very good?

He thought But would never say.

" Y-Yeah.. um. Its nice to meet you. I hope we can be friends"

He outstretched his hand. Nervous.

What if the guy didn't do have shakes?

What if he flat out rejected it!

What if he thinks I'm flirting with him and he makes a move on me! What if... what if.. what if.

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"Ja? Friends?" He looks at Kenji's outstretched hand, and after a moment of considering shaking his hand, he reaches out as well, Felix's hand was soft and slim, his nails were perfect, and were even painted. All but the fourth finger on his hands were painted black, the fourth finger was silver and had a small design of tiny diamonds lined near the edge. However at the last moment he knocks Kenji's hand away, and laughs. "Das kommt darauf an..." He smirks, knowing all too well that Kenji didn't understand him at all. 'I'm going to have so much fun with this boy...' Felix thinks to himself.


After letting go of Kenji's hand, Felix lets his arms drop to his sides, his eyes glittering with anticipation. "Anyways, I have things I need to do. Maybe you should help me? That way I can see if you're worth my time. Or anyone else here..." He playfully sticks his tongue out at Kenji, wondering if the boy would indeed be willing to help him with his work. The glitter that lined his eyes shimmered in the light, and as he stood there he adjusts the tiny tiara that was at an angle on his head.

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Kenji smiled a little as the other shook his hand He was a little shocked that he suddenly knocked it away.

" Das kommt darauf an..." [/Quote]

Kenji flinched hearing the boy suddenly laugh. Maybe he had made a joke? He gave a small fake laugh.. willing to play along.

" ha ha? Y..yeah...?"

He looked at the ground revealing that bad habit he always had.

"Anyways, I have things I need to do. Maybe you should help me? That way I can see if you're worth my time. Or anyone else here..."[/Quote]


That didn't feel to good, but when he looked up at Felix again and saw how he was sticking out his tongue he realized the other was teasing him. I guess he was the jokeful type.

"Sure.. I don't mind helping out."

He had another better to do anyway... and it seemed Shi wasn't coming back anytime soon. He slid his hands in his pockets. Waiting to be told what to do...

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"Good, because I was going to make you help anyways. Don't want you to be useless and just stand around like a Blödmann." He motioned for Kenji to follow him, and leads him to a door that was set near the back of the building. "I'm the decorator here, so on special occasions I like to make this place strahlend schön! It's so fun." He unlocks the door, but does it in an unusual manner. Most would use a key to lock or unlock a door, but he runs his finger along a small spot on the door, and a click could be hear as it opens. He grins over at Kenji, most likely the other was confused at what had happened. "It only opens for me. Anyone else wouldn't be able to open it."


He turns on the light, to reveal lots of different things for decorations, such as flowers, statues, ornaments, lots and lots of things were in there. "Hm..." He taps his finger against the side of his face, his eyes scanning the objects. For a moment he stood there, tapping his foot lightly, before his eyes light up, and a huge smile forms on his face. "Perfekt!" He cries, and goes to a shelf, pulling out a box of slightly gothic romance styled decorations, with wrought iron candles, black and red lace tablecloth that looked like spiderwebs, black and red china plates and cups, with silverware as well. Black shimmering roses in vases, silk chair covers, the list went on and on.


He shoves it into Kenji's arms, and leaves the closet, closing the door behind him, an empty box in his own hand. "Ganz gut! Help me put away the things that are out, put them all in this box. When that is done, we'll put the things I handed you out." With that he begins to put things away, making sure to be careful not to break anything. It was obvious how into this that Felix was, by the bright smile on his face, the cheerful air he gave off, he began to hum as he moved around, and whenever he and Kenji's eyes met, he would smile.

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" Good, because I was going to make you help anyways. Don't want you to be useless and just stand around like a Blödmann."[/Quote]

Kenji shrugged following the other. He was rather surprised by how Felix opened the door.

"It only opens for me. Anyone else wouldn't be able to open it.[/Quote]

Kenji nodded.

I guess that's pretty cool

He thought As he popped his head inside and Was amazed by all the decorations. He had to admit that this place was nice, and the fact that they had so many different themes well... it would be hard to get bored..

" Perfekt!"[/Quote]

He hears the boy cry. And he suddenly found himself holding a heavy ass box. Kenji took a step back getting a good grip on it. Not wanting to drop it...

" Ganz gut! Help me put away the things that are out, put them all in this box. When that is done, we'll put the things I handed you out." [/Quote]

" uh..o-ok"

He gently put the box down and did as he was told taking down the old decorations. As he became lost in thought. He wondered what was taking Shi so long? And he wondered what the other guys were like... he sighed a little..

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The final old decoration was put away, and they were in the middle of putting the new decorations up when Shi finally appears down the steps, he was obviously arguing with someone, his voice loud and angry, with quite a few curse words and threatening sounding statements, and sure enough Dākuseibā could be seen following behind, the second man was wearing a dark black shirt, with a red silk vest, and over that a black jacket. With it was black pants, and black shoes. A black tie was around his neck, and the sleeves to his jacket and shirt were folded past his elbows, so that two strange looking tattoos could be seen curling around his wrist.


They immediately stop talking once they realize that Kenji and Felix were there, and Felix had just got done placing the final decoration up. It looked amazing in the place, unrecognizable from minutes before. "Ah, Felix, you're here. Wonderful. And good work on the decorations, you've done an amazing job as usual." Dākuseibā says, his eyes shifting to Kenji. "Danke schön..." Felix replies, his eyes upon Shi. Shi was oblivious to Felix's gaze, instead he was watching Dākuseibā.


"You found this place easy enough? Or did Shi help you? Not that it matters." Dākuseibā smiles, his attitude totally different from the other day. "Anyways, I'm glad that you decided to accept my offer! I promise you that you will be glad you took this job." Felix had stopped watching Shi, and was now watching Dākuseibā. "Entschuldigung Sie bitte, but may I go now?" He says, picking up the empty boxes. "Yes, you may go. I'll see you on Monday." Felix nods, before taking the empty box as well the box filled with decorations, picking it up as if it weighed next to nothing. Once he had put the boxes away, he waves to everyone. "Auf Wiedersehen!" He waves, and then leaves the building.


Silence fell over them, as Shi walks over to Kenji's side. "So...this is your final choice?" Shi asks, staring at Dākuseibā. "Yes, it is." The other replies. Shi sighs. "Fine, just don't try anything, or I won't think twice about ripping your head off." Dākuseibā just laughs and waves a hand in the air. "Whatever you say. Anyways, I'll be in my office. You can leave for a while, but be back in time for opening okay?" With that, Dākuseibā leaves, heading back up the stairs. Shi sighs, and looks to Kenji. "So...how was it?"



stock-illustration-5884602-tribal-tattoo-designs.jpgThe very top one is on right wrist, the middle one is on his left wrist


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