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Just a forum to talk about anything that may be bugging you or on your mind. Not a place to be judged or anything of the nature. Simply a place for advice iif it is needed. Maybe some words of inspirations, a few notes on how to handle things that easily get over looked. Sometimes it is good to hear from someone outside of your main circle, it gives a pair of eyes that are not blinded by everything going on. ^^ Here to help if needed. You dont have to spill you guys, more then welcome to just say hello. Enjoy and nice to meet you~

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Some words of inspiration for the day.


“Put yourself in a state of mind where you say to yourself, ‘Here is an opportunity for me to celebrate like never before, my own power, my own ability to get myself to do whatever is necessary’.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, American Clergyman and Leader of Civil Rights Movement


Take time to reflex, take a deep breath and dive on into the deep end.


“It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words: ‘And this, too, shall pass away’.’’ ~ Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States of America


I do enjoy Abraham Lincoln. He is one of my favorite presidents


“You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States from 1933-1945


Step outside your box, your place of safety and go out and view the world, rather it bites you or takes you in, at least you can come back with something

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. Now I go to sleep, but tomorrow I write more here ;)



By all means. Rest and return.

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Arigato. it seems that yeasterday got the nest of me with work and things and i was able to post on the 7th. But anyhow, a picture for the day. or maybe a few.




No matter what everyone worries about something, your not alone in this at all.




what you dont do today you can do tomorrow. Dont worry about it and rest get some sleep reflex and try again tomorrow.




why not ^^

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thats okay. I am sick today as well. and did you look inside the couch for your mind ^^ always find the remote there.

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Good morning everyone. Today is a question; Ever been walking down the street and some random person says hello to you? and a small smile crosses over your face?. Think of this, a simply word like hello from a stranger can make anyone's day- dont be shy say hello to someone, it will make you feel good about your self and you could very well help someone get through the day. ~

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i never tried to say hi or hello to a stranger, im too shy to do it, and i think its alittle bit creepy. sorry for being a horrible person :(


- - - Updated - - -


creepy for both parties

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don't worry about it lance!! people just run away shaking in fear whenever i open my mouth, before even saying anything! *evil grin* muhahahah!... nah! just joking! since i and lin are always together i just leave the greeting for him to take care of, (well, i think you alredy noticed that i'm really bad when it comes to meeting new people!) he'll just distribute his usual free smile, with a nice "this is my friend..." heh, so if you actually think about it, your concern looks way too NOBLE for being even called a trouble!! lin said ( i srsly can't get used to those forum names...) he said, you were a really good person and i kind of get what he meant! there's no reason to get shy! in my case i just don't seem to get the words out when strangers ask something (even if it's as simple as showing them the way...) REJOICE AND BE GLAD MY FRIEND!! your case isn't as desperate!

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Even a simply smile works well. ^^ and

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your doing a great job just stopping and saying hi to the forum. - shakes hand-

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thank you for your cheer ^^ woop.

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I usually, say hi to almost everyone I meet, or i at least smile... I’d feel like being disrespectful, and improper if i didn't do so!!

i always get criticized for being over-friendly... to the point where i start wondering: "is it really the right thing to do?!"

there's only one person i was never able to properly greet... it's a really old lady that lives in the neighborhood; the last time i tried greeting her it went like "g-g-g-g-g-g-g-ooooodd m-mornnnning mrs willlllllllingson!!!!!"*runs and hides* heh! I actually shouted it to her face! i was trying so hard to get the words out, but when i did it was much more of a creepy scream than of a greeting!! I don't know why but that lady just gives me goose bumps! Well, not that there is anything unpleasing about her... i just can't look at her in the eyes ('kay, I’m a weirdo...) what would you do if you faced such a situation?...

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soooooo....it was your fault!!! she called mum last week, saying "you have to re-educate your spoiled son! he insulted me and ran away!!" mum didn't believe me when i said i didn't see that old hag for about a month... she was like*glaaare* omg!! why did i do to deserve such a son?!!!

so, you are the criminall who made my mum lecture me for a whole hour about respecting elderly people...

I understand everything now!! since we're always together that simple-minded grandma probably got us mixed up, and she mistook you for being me!! you'll definietly pay for that!!

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are you serious?!!! I swear I only said good morning!! but maybe she thought i was making fun of her when i ran away... oh, my dear god!! what am I gonna do??!!! *hangs miserable self...* oh, wait a minute!! she thought i was you so i don't have to worry!! *unties the rope from around my neck* your reputation isn't that great to begin with, so i hope you don't mind dirtying it even more!*hands you the rope*

P.S: it's really mean to call people "h*gs"...

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OH MAN!! i was just joking!! she never called!! but... you sounded ready to sacrifice me to get away!!! you just srsly hurt my -not so- delicate feelings *pretends to sob*...

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You guys are too fun ^^. As for your situation

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try and be brave, maybe try and tell her you meant no harm or write a letter since you are uncomfortable around her. Maybe its just a since about her who knows. You cant alays make everyone happy but its the fact that you tried and that you dont take to be mean to her, even if she does make you feel like crawling out of your skin.

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Hello today. seeya tomorrow and the future is never but a moment away. How does everyone deal with stress? music? friends? art? cleaning? come and share ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good afternoon (my time ^^) or morning, night etc. How is everyone doing so far this year? what are some of your goals things like that?

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