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its hard to start over when the past still haunts you ((18+)) ~ Nyuchanxx and azuneko


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Akise gripped the sheets as he felt Ryoko hit such a place. He couldn't think much after that. His body overwhelmed with so much different emotions. His eyes watering a bit as Ryoko said those words to him. He really wasn't himself today and that was beyond apparent. Akise glanced down a bit before moaning slightly aloud. He was holding his voice in as he didn't want their house guest to hear. "Ryoko, I'm gonna cum." he says.

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Ryoko felt himself getting close. He moaned at the tight heat around him and Akise's cute and erotic sounds. "Come for me my love." He groaned out trying not to lose it himself.

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Akise couldn't help but cum to Ryoko's request. The other made it impossible not to. He pants heavily under him. Akise felt so happy that he could rest well for the night. "Will you have to leave again tomorrow? I missed my chance this morning to kiss you good bye." he said pouting a bit

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Ryoko came just as Akise did, he rode out the orgasm before pulling out and collapsing on the bed beside his boyfriend. Regaining his breath again he replied "No, I am working from home tomorrow so I wont leave you." He smiled kissing the top of the males head and pulling him in close so they were pressed against each other.

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Akise smiled happily as he laid there. He closed his eyes to rest with his precious Ryoko. He was ignoring the feeling of his lower half of body. It hurt but he didn't care. He was able to forget his troubles for the night and just focus on the other. He soon drifted to sleep in Ryoko's arms.

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Ryoko smiled as he felt the other drift to sleep in his arms. He lay there for a while trying to fight sleep so he could watch his lover's peaceful face but it didn't last long and very quickly he was also fast asleep, his arms wrapped around the male.

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The next morning Akise awoke early. He glanced over at Ryoko who was still asleep beside him. "He really is adorable when he sleeps." he whispers playing with the ends of Ryoko's hair. He slowly sat up and frowns a bit. His body was hurting a bit. He knew why but it didn't upset him one bit. He thinks a bit to himself on what he was going to do today.

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Ryoko was still fast asleep when Akise woke up. He was vaguely aware of his hair being played with but was far to warm and comfortable to bother to move just yet. As Akise sat up he felt the warmth leave him and in his sleep he snuggled in closer to his lover pulling the duvet tighter around him in an effort to maintain his heat.

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Akise glanced back at Ryoko. "Are you cold sweetie? I can turn on some heat you know." he said softly leaning close to kiss his cheek. He watched his beloved cuddle up for warmth. It was really nice to be the one looking at him. Normally he was being looked at by Ryoko. Akise lays back down so Ryoko could cuddle him.

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Ryoko mumbled something incoherent as Akise spoke. He snuggled in close to the other as he settled back down again. He was still pretty much asleep. After a little while of just dozing he wrapped his arm around the males waist. Now mostly conscience he kissed the soft skin beside his face mumbling "Morning cutie."

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Akise stayed still as he watched his lover. Once the other began talking he smiled. "Your so cute when you sleep. It's really something wonderful." he said blushing. He was glad the other was now awake. It meant he could talk with him. "Want to shower first?" he asked him curiously.

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Ryoko nodded sleepily "ok but I need something to wake me up first." He smiled to himself hoping Akise would take the hint and kiss him. He was getting a little addicted to the morning wake up kisses, the other hadn't even done it that often but still he loved it so much. He moved slightly soi Akise would have easy access too his lips if he did take the hint.

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"Something to wake you up..?" he said before smiling. Akise slowly leans close and kisses Ryoko's lips. "Good morning my darling. It's time to wake up." he said wondering if that's what his beloved had wanted. He smiled happily as he then sat up. He stayed beside the other waiting to see him get up as well.

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Ryoko smiled into the kiss groaning as the other pulled away. "Well I guess I have to get up now." He pouted as he shuffled into a sitting position. Rubbing his eyes he yawned before suddenly jumping at Akise tackling him to the floor, he groaned as he hit the floor first before Akise landed on him but hre ignored the slight discomfort and rolled them over kissing the others lips. "Now I am awake." He smiled laughing.

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Akise blinked as Ryoko tackled him. He smiled looking at him. "I'm more worried you hurt yourself than waking up. You should be careful silly." he said poking his cheeks. "Go take a shower. I'll fix the bed and go prepare breakfast." he said softly. Akise was thinking the entire time. He was doing his best to keep Ryoko from noticing anything wrong with him. So far so good he had said in his head. Akise wasn't about to have Ryoko worried about last night.

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Ryoko chuckled "don't wory I am fine." He skilled sitting up, that probably wasn't the best thing for his wrists but he didn't mind the pain was very miniscule so it was worth it. "You not coming with me?" He asked pouting

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Akise shook his head no. "Its best if I don't. I'm sorry Ryo but I just can't right now." he said avoiding looking the other in the eyes. He was sure Ryoko was making a depressed expression. He didn't want to see it since he was the one causing it. He just hoped Ryoko wouldn't come any closer to him right now.

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Nodding Ryoko gently stroked the males hair. "Okay then..." He looked concerned at the other before saying "You will tell me if something's wrong right? You wont deal with it on your own?" He asked although he was fairly sure whatever the male said he was unlikely to share his troubles.

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Akise glanced up at Ryoko. "Cut that out! If you ask like that I'll feel forced to tell you. I hate causing you to worry alright. If its something I can handle then I won't bother you with it. If its something too much is when I'll let you know. That way I am not burdening you with my troubles." he said softly. His overly emotional self from last night was clearly gone now.

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Ryoko wrapped his arms around the male "I wish you would tell me anyway. I don't want you to handle anything alone but I trust you if you really have to." He spoke softly, his voice neither worried nor convinced, he was just saying the truth. He kissed the others cheek. "You could never burden me." He whispered still holding the male close to him, his breath soft and warm against the others neck.

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"Your too sweet to be dating someone like me." he mutters as he closed his eyes. AKise couldn't help but think that way when it came to Ryoko. "Anyway you should go shower. I'll clean up and such later." he said not planning to say anything more. He really wasn't going to share such with the other.

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Sighing Ryoko nodded releasing the male from his hold and ruffling his hair "If it's too much tell me." He said as he walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower letting the water run through as he put his tell on the radiator trying not to think about why Akise was being so secretive. He figured it wasn't too important but still. He could help but worry.

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Akise waited until Ryoko was in the bathroom to slowly get up and put something on. He figured he could shower while Ryoko ate breakfast. He pulled all the sheets off the bed and took them down to be washed. He walked pass the living room silently as to not wake Hiroyuki. He sighs a bit while setting the sheets to wash. 'I can't keep this up..' he thinks to himself. He waddles back up to the room and began setting fresh sheets upon the bed. Once that was done he went to prepare breakfast. Akise forgot to double check the entire room before going down to cook. While sitting upon the floor after being tackled by Ryoko a few unexpected drop had landed upon where he had been.

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Once he finished showering Ryoko walked back into the bedroom sitting upon the new crisp sheets, they smelt fresh and clean, it was nice. Drying off he stood and pulled on some clothes. Just as he was about to leave he saw the blood on the floor. Lifting his wrists he inspected them assuming it was his own. They were fine. The scabs were slowly starting to heal and although were still red there was no blood there. It dawned upon him what that meant. Running out the room he rushed down the stairs to where Akise was cooking and turned him so they were facing. concern etched onto his face he looked the male up and down "Are you okay? What happened? Where are you bleeding?" He asked in a rush to get all the words out.

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Akise smiled a bit as he cooked. He was making cure heart shaped omelets for Ryoko. He jumped a bit hearing the other suddenly barge into the kitchen. He covered Ryoko's mouth with his hand. "Shh! Your friend is still asleep so keep it down. Don't ask me where because it should be apparent. I told you I didn't care if it hurt. I just wanted you to embrace me. I'll be fine so don't worry. I can have my father stop by just to be safe if you are truly that worried. Its why I said I could handle it myself." he said looking at the expression on the other's face. "I hate this face you make the most. I prefer you smiling and being all happy with me." he said.

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