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Chokehold~--Jae Hwa- & Ciel


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Warning, this role-play contains BDSM and Incest, be warned, that if you want to read this thread, you should flee now if you don't like this subject.



-Jae Hwa-'s Character;;


Name: Hak-Kun

Age: 23


Personality: Hak-Kun is a ruthless man, ruthless general, but a good crown prince. He cares for his country and his people, and everyone respects him and love him as a next in line ruler. He is very clever and cunning, a definite good option for emperor. Behind his facade as a prince though, lies a cruel man who is in love helplessly with his half-brother. He tortures the young prince despite his own feelings, in a mixture of hatred and love that drive him insane. There are many rumors of him sleeping around with women, both from noble families and prostitutes, but none of them have stayed in a relationship with him long enough to become a scandal.

Bio: Hak-kun's mother died when she found out that the emperor was cheating on her with a mistress. She suddenly committed suicide leaving an adolescence Hak-kun behind to deal with everything else by himself. That's the main reason why he hates his brother. When the emperor took in the boy's mother as the next queen, Hak-kun was enraged, and so, he dedicated himself to make the boy's life miserable, but he never counted on the feelings of love he would develop for the innocent soul.


Ciel's Character;;


Haranori Nara:: Age 18:: Uke

Haranori, in simply words, could be described as beautiful, almost feminine so to speak. Clad with a slightly more female-like face than most men, the only visible definitions in his face would be on his jaw, given there was only a slight edge to the jawline, though nothing that made him look incredibly masculine. Skin tone wise, the simplest way to put it would be to look at an alabaster stone, which would be the color of his skin, yet, almost paler. As for texture, his skin possesses one that feels like silk, and has a rather soft texture, and looks like it would be easy to mark. Having about medium length hair, the end of it lands around the middle of his neck, and has many layers, though, it is more-so straight. Bangs covering the right half of his face, only one of his eyes is almost ever seen. His hair color is an obsidian black colore. Lapis would be a good color to describe his eyes as, given the almost obsidian color that was his eyes, though, his eyes are the most lively part of his body, holding an icy swirl of azul right around the pupil, and his eyes seem to hold all of the emotions that he feels. Eyelashes that are rather thick curtain his eyes, his eyes sinfully dark. A soft peach color stains his slightly plump lips, giving his face the slightest bit of color, though not much. Almost thin as a twig so to speak, there is a bit of muscle definition on his abdomen area, faint outlines, giving a bit of sex appeal, though not overly muscular in any way, shape, or form. Though, what ruins his almost angel-like beauty is an ugly scar that runs on the back of his neck, that doesn't ever really have the time to fully heal. As well to that disfigurement, the young prince doesn't ever really smile either, unless it's fake, given he sees no true point in smiling. He doesn't even really smile for his family.

Personality wise, he is mostly seen as a calmer, more collected person, who can usually let things slide because he had learned to deal with harsh judgement and words. Generally relaxed, he usually gives off a cool exterior, and is usually very simple with the things he says, not ever really saying more than he needs to, and is rather blunt about it. It's not that he's completely serious, it's more so that he's never really okay with getting to know anyone, and doesn't really see the point in it. He's able to keep his temper down, and is usually seen more as the more introverted of the two princes in the kingdom. Being rather wise, he's usually more of the type to pick literature, healing, or tactic warfare over actual fighting, being better at coming up with strategies and playing them out. He's a simple person to please in general. He is not really one to be known to court with the women, and no one has really given it a second though at to why he never did in the first place, and never really though of him being homosexual, given it considered odd in their time.

Though, this whole composure can immediately crack when it comes to one person. That one person being his half-brother. Never quite understanding why he hated him so much, the younger male would often get upset with his higher-up, not understanding why he was always treated as if he was filth compared to him, or why his older sibling was so demeaning towards him. He also never understood why he was treated like a slave to him, even though he was a prince as well, and didn't deserve to be treated the way that he did. Though, he couldn't ever bring himself to completely loathe his brother as his brother seemed to loathe him, because no matter how much he'd get his feelings hurt by the older male, he couldn't bring himself to say that he hated him, he was his brother, of course he loved him, he grew up to him, he looked up to him, and despite his better judgement, he'd usually try to do as his brother said. Though there are a few acts that he swore he wouldn't commit, it may prove hard for him to resist...

As for his past, he was born from a mistress of the king. His mother is a bit of a lowly woman, who tended to, at the time, self-pity herself, and play the whole damsel-in-distress theme, and would often sell herself off to anyone who told her she looked pretty. Having an affair with the king got her far in life, it even got her to the position of Queen, one of which she didn't deserve. Haranori, as a young child, always knew that he wasn't destined for the greatest role in life, given that he was basically a runner-up for his half-brother. Given him and his half-brother had never gotten along that well, after his brother reached a certain age, he decided to start using him as a personal servant, more so a slave, to try and downgrade him and get on his nerves, as much as the job bugged Haranori, he still did the job anyways, so that his older-half-brother that he actually respected, would maybe treat him kinder and be nicer to him, though that day has been yet to come.

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  • {。^◕‿◕^。}Ciel


  • -Jae Hwa-






The palace's huge, wooden doors opened, and a group of men dressed as warriors made their way inside on horses. They were all covered in blood and sweat, and their horses were dirty with mud and dust. The animals looked exhausted, and so did the men but they tried not to show it. They were General Hak-kun's men, the elite troop. They were the best warrior in all of the empire, a group of merely 500 soldier, a minuscule amount compared to the thousands they fought in battle. A war in the East coast had just ended, and there have been many casualties to both sides, but in the end General Hak-kun had surfaced victorious. The group of 10,000 men from the enemy empire had been throughly defeated. Much blood had been spilled however...the moral of the men was down. They had lost friends and family, and will keep losing more and more loved ones. The wars kept getting more and more violent, more bloody...


Crown Prince Hak-kun made his way to the throne room. The whole palace was Asian-styled, with many hallways and beautiful gardens. The throne room was nothing like the oriental ones. There was a curtain in the room that prevented others from seeing the emperor's face, and it was well-decorated with flowers and strong incense pots. Hak-kun stopped in front of a big picture in the main hallway, the family portrait. In the picture were his father, the new queen, his brother and himself. Hak-kun hated that picture. In its place, there used to be another picture with just the emperor, his mother and himself, no mistress nor her son! The dark haired prince kept his anger from spilling and his fist away from the picture, it was a common ocurrance. His hazel eyes were fixed on the picture, full of hatred and resentment that had been growing with the past years.



Years ago, a young Prince Hak-kun played with his mother in the garden. A beautiful woman with long, black, silky hair smiled and placed small flowers in the young child's hair. The emperor watched them from the balcony, and the woman would smile at him every now and then. Hak-kun would stare at his father and wave at him, his hazel eyes shining with the innocence they held. The king then motioned for his mother to go see him, and left the balcony. The raven watched his mother stand up and leave his side with a big smile on her face.


Hak-kun had followed the queen without her knowing and came abruptly to a stop in front of the royal chambers. He heard voices coming from inside the room and pressed his small ears against the wooden object.


"You can't! I love..."


"Enough!..How dar.."


"That bitch!"


The child could barely understand the disturbance going on inside, but he had a bad feeling about it. The door suddenly opened and he fell forward and onto the floor. His mother glanced at him with hatred, with disgust, for the first time Hak-kun was scared.


"M-mother...?.." The child uttered in shock.


"Dont call me that! You are not my child! You are nothing!" The queen shouted and left. The young Hak-kun who at that moment couldn't understand her words, sat there silently too affected to move. Tears came to his eyes, but he didn't understood why he was crying.



The door to the throne room opened, and Prince Hak-kun was brought out of his thoughts.


"The emperor is waiting..." The servant announced and opened the door for the crown prince. Hak-kun made his way inside and knelt in front of him.


"My lord..." He greeted the emperor and the two engaged in a discussion about the war, the casualties, and new strategies. The discussion itself took about 2 hours, and when they were finally done, Hak-kun felt extremely exhausted.



Hak-kun was about to leave when the emperor stopped him.


"Before I forget. Your brother needs a new tutor. He needs to start preparing to help you with this country when I am done, and none of the royal tutors would help him with the necessary experience. I want you to take him with you everywhere from now on. Why dont you drop by his room and talk about it with him?" The emperor proposed, a smirk playing on his lips. The emperor was a cunning man, he knew how much the brothers hated one another, and yet he insisted on keeping them together.


"I'll do so my lord..." Hak-kun replied and stormed out of the room outraged.



The crown prince opened the door to his brother sleeping chambers rudely. The doors were always open because normally no one would dare to come into one of the royal chambers. He slammed the door shut behind him and locked it, then glanced around the room looking for his target, all of his anger directed at his brother.


"Haranori...." he called out in a deep, low, dangerous voice.

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The young prince was sitting rather peacefully at his desk in his room, which was rather dull, yet dainty. Dark, cerulean shades cloaked the young prince's windows, granted that no one could see into his room, nor see out of his room. A canopy-like bed stood solemnly in the center of the room, black drapes hanging from over-top of it, leaving a dark veil that surrounded him as he slept. There was nothing special really about the young male's room, except for the fact that besides the fact that there was a small glass with white roses in it. White roses symbolized innocence in the land. His room held much mystery as did the one who inhabited it.

Now, the prince wasn't in his room because he was forced to be there; he wanted to be there. Given he was more so an introverted intellectual, the black-haired teen had never really bothered to exit his room unless he had to. He wasn't really one who was caught up in the War-Time era, not really caring much for the macabre topic. Though in war, he was the strategist, the one who created the tactics, ran them through his head, and ran them through the king, got them approved, and had his brother, Hak-Kun play it out on the field.

Haranori wasn't the most respected man in the land, given that he was the offspring of a scandal and the son of a prostitute who just so happened to sleep her way into Queen-ship. He wasn't respected by his own father, he was basically a god-forsaken child who received no love, but it wasn't like he knew what he was missing out on, given that he was never given it. He could love another, but he had never loved himself. He loved his brother, he respected him, he was jealous of him...even though he hated him at the same time. He didn't understand why his brother hated him, neither did he understand why his brother didn't love him, and it almost hurt, there was almost an aching that he couldn't describe, because he didn't know what was missing.

When he heard the door slam to his room, and the tones rattled in his chambers. He expected to be struck, or to be smacked, it wasn't much of a surprise to him if he were to be hit by his older brother, given that his brother wasn't beyond hurting him when he was angry. After writing down another note on his next tactic, he put the quill back into the ink before saying, his tone incredibly slick and blunt, "Hn, what is it Hak-kun-sama?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

The brunette body stiffen when his brother's voice reached him. He hated that voice that haunting him day and night, so calm despite his mistreatment to the boy. His blood was boiling, a mixture of excitement and madness washing over him like a big wave of conflicted emotions. It had become a routine for the crown prince, to barge into the youngster room every time he would come back from a long trip. He hated the place really, just like he hated the owner, but he found a twisted sense of comfort in his company, in those walls that conserved his brother's sweet scent. His emotions were insane, and he was aware of his ill desires, and ashamed of himself for feeling them, for wanting to make a lover out of his enemy, his own flesh and blood.




Hak-kun clenched his teeth at the sensations and let his anger show on his face as usual. He held no words of love, no glances of affection towards the other male when they spoke. He had missed him, he truly had, but not in the pure brotherly way he should have. He stared sternly at the other figure in the room, and finally broke the silence as he approached him like a predator seizing his prey. When the two were finally face to face, the brunette smirked as he bit out every word he said.


"Father told me to start bringing you along with me everywhere I go..." His voice sounded bitter, his tone low and cold, and their eyes never left the other man's fair face. He gripped his brother's chin tightly and brought his face closer, his eyes narrowing. "What did you said to him? Didn't I said not to interfere with my life anymore! Stay in this room like you always do, this is your place, not out there in a world that doesn't belong to you." Hak-kun shouted in anger and released him roughly. "I'll take you with me because I have no other choice, but I wont be responsible for whatever happens to you." The brunette said in annoyance and paced around the room back and forth.


Suddenly, he stopped to peek over at the paper his brother had been previously writing on. The ink was still wet, and the handwriting was elegant and understandable, nothing like his. He turned around annoyed, refusing to praise his brother's qualities. A mischievous smirk appeared on his lips and his hands came to rest on his brother shoulders, gripping them tightly and keeping him in place. His hands then slid lower caressing the much thinner arms, and finally rested on the boy's chest. The cloth were suddenly ripped open revealing the soft skin hiding beneath it.


"You know what we do with men so feminine as yourself in our troops?" Hak-kun whispered in his brother ear, his hands caressing the untouched, porcelain skin in a sinful way. "We make them our women" His smirk widen and he roughly pulled his brother head back to lick at his neck. "It's a shame you are a prince...I wouldn't have minded having you entertain me, brother" The crown prince mused and shoved the boy away.


"Prepare my bath" He ordered over his shoulder as he slowly stripped off his own clothing. He knew his brother wouldn't dare defy him, so he made no effort to spare him another glance, showing him his back instead, therefore diminishing him even more.

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Icy, cold. Those were the perfect words that described eyes that showed no fear, and yet, they also didn't show any pride. There were blunter that a used sword. Light, petal pink lips twitched the slightest bit as he wasn't even addressed by his name, just listening to the almost empty words that his brother spoke, to him, they just sounded like a broken record playing over. His brother would always come in here after a long journey or long time off to war, and would act in the same manner, and it didn't surprise him in the least.

"I didn't tell him, anything in fact, I, for once, am not to blame for you getting stuck with my "filthy hide" once more. It's simply because I'm apparently smarter than the mentors he sends for me, it's not my fault that I have the intelligence that you lack. You and I are merely opposites, like a reflection. I'm more of a peaceful male, who's rather skinny, pale, dark-haired, and bright-eyed. I'm not brawn or buff. I'm intellect and intelligence. You're a noble prince, I'm just the scraps of something meant no more than something lower than the dogs mutts can bite. You pitch your anger at me, for a crime I didn't commit, because you have no control. It's not my fault that my mother was a whore, now was it? It wasn't my fault that my birth made your life a living hell, it's not my fault that your mother decided to take her life. You see, I never asked to be in this barren world which you strive so boldly on this plain, and pridefully slaying others who don't have that brawn that you have. I wouldn't dare desire your role, and wouldn't dare desire to be anything more than I already am. I'm apologetic to the fact that I'm torturing your soul like the "pesky rat" that I am. If I knew that I would have entered this world being bossed around by my brother, I would wish to be dead." Haranori was a man always known to say exactly what was on his mind, without holding back, because he had a sense of apathy that almost made it impossible to tell exactly what he was feeling.

He was...in the most straight-forward way, was sad. Not quite understanding what he felt though, he didn't know how to act upon it. Knowing that pain pulsed in his heart, it made his throat clench up, and his face feel as if it were being bitten all over. Is this how it feels...to cry? Always wondering how the warm liquid would feel sliding down his face, he could only remember a time when he was much younger, and his brother would beat him relentlessly, taking his anger out on his young, tiny body, hitting him, slapping him, kicking him, anything, anything that would hurt his frail body. Being desensitized to the pain, he no longer understood it, he never really cried anymore, his emotions faulty, unreliable, and he never understood exactly what emotions he was feeling.

Feeling brash, rough hand rip open his shirt, he could feel the cold air of his room clash against the alabaster skin. Rough, calloused hands rubbed his chest in such a sinful way, he could swear that he could feel shivers escalate up his back like serenading ivy.

"We make them our women."

Hearing this, the alabaster-skinned man wanted to flee, though he couldn't, because knowing his half-brother, his shoulders would be crushed from the heavy impact of Hak-kun pushing downwards on his pale, thin-boned shoulders. Once feeling the older male retreat from his body, and heard the next demand, he slipped out of his chair, walking past the tanned male, his voice rather dull when he said this, "Yes, my lord."

Retreating towards the closet area, a soft tenor voice slipped from his lips as he said clearly, "I'd hate for you to see such an unruly sight, I'll redress and then run your bath, it would be sinful for me to walk around like this in front of higher nobility." Slinking into the closet fluidly, torn clothes slipped off of his lanky body at free will, plummeting to the floor, as he slipped on a new pair of pants, a new shirt, new socks, and new boots. The material of his socks was rough, and course, like that of sandpaper, though the rest of his clothes were silky, and had a smooth, graceful touch to them. The boots, however, rose to his knees, not allowing his lower leg to be shown.

Sliding out of the closet rather swiftly, he apologized beneath his breath, "I'm sorry, my lord, I'll go run your bathe now."

And with that, he glided elegantly into the bathroom, which was right next door, running the water, on and off again, trying to get the perfect temperature. Taking a few tries, fiddling with the knobs over and over again, he finally achieved the perfect temperature, usually the way that his older brother liked it. With a rather bored sigh, he poured so herbs into the bath, so that it would smell good. With a rather dry voice, he called, "My lord, your bath is awaiting you."

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Hak-kun followed his brother's every step with his intense gaze. A sigh of disappointment left his lips when his brother's body disappeared from view range, every inch of his body itching to hold the other man. He stepped out of his robe, his strong body and muscles completely exposed to the light in the room. He made sure the curtains of the room were closed and followed the voice of the younger prince. Hak-kun's eyes wondered to his brother's bored expression and then to the water as he slowly slipped inside the huge tub. A sweet smelling scent filled his nostrils as soon as he submerged inside, the warm water relaxing all of his tense muscles. He could feel his mood lightening by magic, and closed his eyes as he rested his naked back against the border of the huge pool-sized tub.


After a few minutes of silence, the dark-haired prince opened his eyes to the sight of his obsession. One strong hand wrapped around the boy's wrist and pulled him closer so that their faces were only a small distance apart. Every bit of Hak-kun body cried out to claim the younger male, his eyes staring at the handsome face in a predatory manner. The raven licked his lips unconsciously and reached out to caress his brother's with his thumb. Their eyes met in an intense staring contest, and their lips came closer. One rough hand wrapped in the soft locks of hair in front of him and pulled the man into an intense kiss. The kiss didn't lasted, in a fleeing moment Hak-kun had pulled away, a soft frown appearing between his prideful eyes. That same hand trailed down the slender neck and tighten, leaving the mark of his long fingers on the soft flesh.


"It would be so easy to kill you...kill you and end this..kill you and free myself from this agony..." Hak-kun mused out loud, his eyes full of hatred with a tint of unnoticeable pain. His own heart tighten at these same words and he released his grip. His eyes wandered dangerously down the other man's body and his hand pulled roughly on the newly buttoned shirt. "Strip and come inside" He ordered and caressed the soft strands of hair falling down the sides of his brother's feminine face.



A young man rushed through the huge doors of the palace in his horse, and was stopped by the guards. He rolled his eyes and jumped off, then approached the two man opposing him. He handed to them a letter with the royal symbol on the envelope and they let him inside in understanding. The young man nodded and left his horse outside as he made his way to the royal chambers but was stopped by a beautiful woman and her royal servants. The woman looked very much like the youngest prince, and was dressed in silks and gold, extremely elegant. Her long robe dragged along the floor as she walked with a fine air of superiority, her head held high and her face composed. She gave the messenger one of her naturally seductive smiles and the boy blushed. He stopped in front of her and knelt down respectfully.


"My Queen!" He greeted her, his head low. She smiled coyly and motioned for him to stand up.


"What is it that you bring there boy?" She inquired, her eyes resting on the letter he was holding.


"This is a letter for the king, your highness" The boy replied nervously. She held her hand out and smirked.


"I'll take it to him." She ordered, and the boy hesitated. Her gaze hardened and the messenger finally gave into her request.


"O-of course your highness" He replied and handed her the piece of paper, then retreated. The Queen smiled to herself in deep thought and turned back the same way she had came. The maidens behind her followed suit.



The Queen entered her chambers in a rush, independent from the emperor's room. She quickly sat on the big queen size bed in the middle of the room, and opened the envelope. Her eyes widen in surprise at the content and her evil smile widen.


"So he is coming...the king's brother. I wonder what businesses that man has here!" She asked herself and her laughter filled the room. She quickly stood up and made her way to the emperor's chambers to give him the "good news".

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Cold depths that formed up his eyes, that conjured his boredom and his patience. A neutral expression was seemingly plastered ti his face for eternity, sinfully dark eyelashes fluttering. Sighing softly, the young prince had turned around within the time of which his brother slipped into the tub, allowing him his privacy, waiting to be told to turn around, not wanting to do anything against his older brother's orders, already knowing the beating that he'd receive if he were to deny him in any way, shape, or form, and he knew this punishment very well.

Feeling a firm hand that landed on his waist and turned him around, he breathed heavily, not allowing himself to show any sign of fear, lips twitching the slightest bit as his brother's fingers would brisk over them. The man with the long silky, raven hair nearly flinched when he felt brute lips smash into his own. This was horrible! Yet...so pleasurable... Why...do I find this so pleasurable..this is supposed to be disgusting...yet...I am the son of a filthy whore...it makes sense.

Once lips were drawn away from his own, icy, empty eyes stared at the older male, not a word coming from his lips when he felt a strong hand seized around his throat. All of this felt...sinfully delicious. The control that his brother had over him was indisputable. The porcelain doll had always been the lost, stray puppy who blindly followed what his brother said to him, at least, as a kid. And now, he was beginning to drift away, thinking more freely from himself...and yet his brother still didn't care for him, he still hated him. No matter what he did, he was wrong.

"If you can get rid of me and pleasure yourself by doing so, why not? I shouldn't have the right to live if all I give to you is hell." With a voice flatter than the thinest sheet of paper, he bluntly said this, before he felt the grip slip away.

"Strip and come inside."

Haranori heard this command, though for a few seconds, didn't quite seem to comprehend this term, as if it were foreign. Though, after those few moments subsided, he finally said quietly, "Yes, my lord."

Stripping quickly yet elegantly, so he wouldn't displease his older lord. Shed layers of clothes revealed fine, milky skin, that put the whitest of pearls to shame. The slightest bit of muscle formed on his abdomen, and on his arms and calves, though hardly as much as his brother. Woman-like feet were revealed once shoes were shed, and thighs, even paler than most of his skin, completed the look of a porcelain doll. Despite the kiss, it didn't quite seem to satisfy the young prince to really get him aroused.

Leisurely sighing, the feminine male slipped into the warm water that he had prepared for Hak-kun, curling up in a bit of a feedle position, so that the crowned-prince could have more room in the tub. It wasn't even as if there wasn't enough room for the two of them, Haranori just saw it as the right thing to do, and revealing his whole body so crudely seemed unfitting of royalty.

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Hak-kun watched the layers of clothing fall bit by bit onto the hard, cold floor of the bathroom, his eyes devouring the sight in front of him hungrily, like a wolf watching its innocent prey. He took a moment to observe the creature in front of him, the soft skin calling out to his touch, that slim yet toned body that was so masculine compared to his enchanting face, and that plumped mouth that moved ever so invitingly as the man uttered words of defiance to his face. Finally, that body he so intensely desired slipped inside the water, but his brother kept his distance for the raven's disappointment.


Predatory eyes followed the shy movements of the other figure inside the tub, and a dark smirk appeared on his lips as his body moved closed to his brother's. His rough hands gripped the hips of the younger male and he pulled him closer till their wet bodies were rubbing against one another. Hak-kun leaned forward to lick the drops of water that escaped his tongue down the slim neck. Suddenly, his teeth penetrated the creamy skin of the other male, with enough pressure to give a long lasting bruise. Soft lips sucked roughly on the abused flesh till the red mark of possession was visible to the human eye, ignoring any pain he might had been causing the much more delicate male.


After a few moment, the dark haired prince finally pulled away from the wounded place to lick down the exposed chest. Soft kisses -contrasting very much with the rough bite he had just given the other man- were given to his brother's shoulders. The hands resting on the man's hips were now moving up his sides, caressing the skin greedily. Their bodies were pressed closer by Hak-kun and rough hands groped the round ass of the other male, resulting in the closing of the distance between their cock. Their length touched one another, the heads rubbing against one another in provocation as soft pants left their lips. Hak-kun sucked the man's chin and avoided giving a kiss making certain his brother understood his position. Right now, he wasn't his lover, this wasn't out of love, it was out of pure raw lust.


"How does it feel dear brother...to be ravaged this way by another man? Is it disgusting? Or do you like it? You like it dont you? Just like your mother..." Hak-kun whispered cruel words in his brother's ear, his hot breath hitting the flushed skin of the man earlobe. "I'll teach you to keep your mouth shut...break you till you can't think, walk, hear...I'll break you till all there is left is a doll, a doll that follows my orders. Doesn't the thought arouses you little brother?" The raven provoked and pulled roughly on the other man's hair to reveal his neck and once again bite on it.

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The young, porcelain male had felt the hungry eyes staring him down as he slid into the bath. The animalistic behavior of the older of the two princes scared him, though he wasn't going to show it, at least, he didn't thin he would. He never felt this uneasy before around the abusive raven, usually not caring if he were to be hit or beaten.

As if a rabbit cornered by a wolf, the small, porcelain doll attempted to back away, though to no avail. He was trapped; there was no way out for the fragile being that was this prince. A tingling feeling shot up his sides as he felt coarse, calloused hands run up his skin, almost surprised by the almost...greedy touch.

Though the wolf had struck. Crimson liquor poured from the puncture in his neck, oozing beautifully against the alabaster canvas, the plum color soon forming around it though was hideous. Gulping nervously, the limber male's fingers were shaking a little bit. This...was refreshing. but he didn't want this all at the same time, he hated this, yet he loved this.

Soft, peppered kisses allowed the man to think, icy, barren eyes staring off, straight past the man who was violating him, the edge of his lip twitching the slightest bit, as if this was completely annoying to him. Resting his head on the back of the bath, his sinfully long eyelashes veiled cold irises, of which were faced towards the ceiling, not even bothering to cast a single look towards his half-sibling.

And yet when their manhoods rubbed, it only made him the slightest bit aroused, though it was still enough to make his length get the littlest bit rigid. Still not allowing himself to make eye-contact, skinny, twig-like arms crossed his chest, as if he were protecting himself from the older of the two.

Lustful sucking on the tip of his chin allowed him to realize what was to come. This was going to be forced, there would be no passion, no respect, no love. all there would be was lust, sex-drive, greed, and brutality.

When taunted about his mother, and teased about the likings of what was happening, not wishing to be violated farther, at least, in hopes that he wouldn't, he said simply, "Yes, my lord." and repeated the same line towards what his brother had asked about his likings towards being dominated, and broken, and being bossed around.

But little did he know, no matter what he did, he would end up being Hak-kun's, one way or the other.

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