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"Something Forbidden" - Expressions of Interest


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I'm on a roll today it seems.


For those of you who like to RP about things slightly more adult and/or taboo, I propose a plot that goes a little something like this:


Priest x Priest or Priest x Something Else


We can make it historical, i.e the middle ages, again, anything really goes if you have an idea - even the particular religion is open.


Usual Rules of Engagement apply: If you don't meet the rules but still think you should be eligible, please apply.


To "apply" - please write a short excerpt of what your character would do.

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ohh this sounds awesome so here we go....ermmm well i have never rp with you before but still ill give you my character


name:Colton Fukui

age: 23

occupation: Priest

personality: Kind, caring, doesn't talk about himself often, keeps himself a secret from others, quite person, will avoid personal questions, enjoys the simple company of others, loves to read


umm i dont know if you wanted a bio or anything but if you do then just say i can do it.

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ok... Write a bit of story - doesn't matter what ideas you have, but write something as you would if we were actually doing the RP. ^.^


Also, have you read my rules yet?

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no i hadnt sorry i just checked them a moment ago @~@

ok so

Age 29 then

umm is the pic ok or you want me to find a different one..anyway


Colton looked down at the land below from his spot on the cliff, it was peaceful here, he liked it for that. Here he could just relax and be alone, or as alone as you could be with the heavens watching you. Sighing contentedly he lay back on the moss covered ground with his hands behind his head staring up at the sky above him. After a while he takes out a book from inside his robe intending to be taken to some place else, some place simpler or just some place. He didn't mind as long as it wasn't here and it didn't abide by the same rules as this land did.

He stared on at the words, reading them yet not taking any of it in, sighing again he shut the book. This was a real predicament. Groaning he rolled onto his stomach and looked out over the cliff edge down onto the land below, his head resting in his hands. "It's ok for you." He mumbled to no one in particular. His gaze focused on the town church many meters below him, he watched the stained glass windows shimmer in the light admiring how the beams bounced of the reflective surface and once again he was reminded why he was religious.

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To be honest, I don't really like character sheets - I don't do them if I can help it, and I'm even less likely to provide pictures - I prefer words to do the work for me. ^.^


But your writing style seems reasonable (that's the important bit) - that's why I ask for paragraphs, not character sheets *winks*

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haha ok then that's cool, I tend to give sheets since most people want them, but yes I agree words are a lot better, that way I don't have to spend hours looking for a character I like...

anyway moving on!! So we doing this??

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Errr.. if you want to I guess?


What sort of plot were you after? bearing in mind that I tend to avoid all the cliche stuff. If it's a cliche, but you can make it work in a non-cliche way, then I'm up for it.

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ummm let me think about it...sorry my brain is a bit befuddled at the moment..don't feel very well, so I'll get back to you on that one tomorrow some time, or you can think of a plot I don;t mind but I think I am going to go to sleep now, try and regain life!! Sorry

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All good...


Will give me time to think about my own character - all my RP's are coming home to roost at the same time and now I have to cudgel my brain into action! -_-

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ok so...my idea is....

well i assume your character was going to be a priest as well so how about MC is the current priest at the town church and then YC arrives for some unknown reason ((well i don't know the reason anyway)), so then YC and MC are in competition for who can be the priest in said town.

just a vague idea so tell me what you think.

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*rubs chin*


How about... having to go back to Priest school (the refectory) because he failed at something - and then the other priest can even be a teacher! double win in my book :p

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ohh cool that sounds great!!!

((Just for the record I really don't know much about being a priest so this might work pretty well XD))

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Is ok - I don't mind if you take your time with your responses - I like things where I can go out and research them, I encourage all my RP partners to research the stuff they don't know. You never know, you might learn something fun! ^.^


Oh, and the other thing - you don't have to be a catholic priest, you can be any sort of priest you want.


*rubs chin* damn, now I want this thing to be a group RP.. -_-

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Haha ok then well I am not bothered..this is your rp after all!!! Well I might well choose something other than catholic so that's cool.

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You were the only one who responded, so if no one else wants to join in, then it will just be you and me. However, if you want to write up more than one character you can, I sometimes work with two.

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arhh no no that sounds too technical!! I get confused enough between rp's as it is haha..ohh btw I was going to do a budist priest so is that ok with you?

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Hey, nothing wrong with whatever religion you pick. I'm not particularly religious myself (I grew up as a catholic) but I kinda like their pretty robes and all that stuff *winks*


I read some good manga where the characters were Bhuddists or Shinto priests, and the whole concept behind religion of any sort is rather fascinating to me. The only reason why I mentioned that it may be a bit "taboo" is because a lot of people DO take religion seriously... I'm just not one of them :p

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Yep I totally agree..it is the main reason why I would choose Buddhism because it doesn't really have a true god or any of that stuff and its all about enlightenment, I just think that is a better way to live life, it seems to have sensible rules unlike many religions (again if anyone religious is reading this I really mean no offence!!)

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Cool, now that we got all that sorted and out of the way - we can either talk more plot ideas, or we can... start it I guess?


I still want to have a bit of a think to see if i can come up with anything else, and if you have any more ideas, please share!


And when we're all happy, we can start! ^.^

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*laughs* I don't think I can think of too much else... so if you really want to, we can go with the "priest school" idea....


Now I guess we just have to hammer out some plot details and whatnot...

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*laughs* well, if you're going back to school - what is it that you've done that means you need reeducation? Have you been a naughty boy? HAVE you been feeling up your little alter boys? (Now THAT is a taboo subject).


Are you going to a -different- religious school because you want to be polytheist (more than one religion)?

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