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Post 2 very different pictures of yourself.

Guest OkataShin

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Guest OkataShin

The title tells the idea. Post 2 pictures of yourself which show how much you've changed during the past 2 years, 4 years or even more years. The first picture where you're younger and the second picture from the present time. I'll start.



This year was taken 2 years ago. I was in Moscow, kissing the miss universum ;)





This one was taken last fall.

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Guest OkataShin

Am I really all alone here? It took all my courage to come up here and post such an old picture of me and no-one joins me? O_O Great. Thanks guys. *goes to cry in the corner, not giving a f*ck about being manly*

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Here ya go XD


First one was taken 4 and a bit years ago, just after my 18th birthday



Aaaandd THis one was taken end of October last year at MCM Expo lol the only other recent ones are from my graduation in july xD but i thought pink hair would be more fun *grins*


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Guest OkataShin

@Dusutii || Whoa soo pretty! *blinks* That pink hair... So cute.

As a side note, I can't just stop looking at your smile in the latter picture. It's small but still very charming. What a beautiful woman we have here~

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Haha why thank you *grins* for some reason people seem to like me with pink hair not sure why... also thats a wig, i have had people think that was my real hair before... and got ID'd for paracetamol the other day.... i'm twenty frigging two and the woman had to look at my id to know i was over 16......

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Guest OkataShin

@Dusutii || Yeah well I figured that it was a wig haha. But still, it looks good on you.

And whaaat? Seriously? There is really something wrong with people nowadays. My sister, who is turning 22 this year, was also asked for an ID when she was in the train. They didn't believe that she was over 16. But I still think that it was because of the special offer where over 16 year olds could travel with half the cost. But yeah. It's messed up really. Some people just are bad at analyzing people and guessing their ages.. haha.

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Mine are not 2 years ago because I have no idea where those pictures are and I don't normally take pics of myself... I always look shocked XD


Me in June-ish 2013:



Me December 2013:



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Since you two are on a wig frenzy... This was my costume when I was working Christmas week at a cosmetic's store in London:



I've taken better pics of myself though...

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XD *slaps hands on legs* Lordy that was a mighty fine picture bomb!

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Oh well... why not! :p


This one is an oldie... i had really, really short hair... I loved that hair cut (used to cut it like that myself) husband started nagging... i never again wore it short... :/

So... yeah, like a 7 year old photo.






And a very different one... ok. :D





Ahahahha, love that photo! :p


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Looool at the last pic! :D

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You look pretty! I love the faces you make in your photos ^_^ You are like me haha


Though often when i take pictures of myself I try to pout... No comment. Group photos are fun! I get a chance to pull faces :p


Cake... I see cake... I want... Belita first you tell me about this Cream Doughnut thing and now this.


CRAVINGZZZZZZ good lord XD Lord give me strength to go to sleep and not stay awake thinking of the delicious cake Belita has in her hand LOL




Ps: I like you with short and long hair. You have the right face to suit both styles ^_^

LOL I got the reverse... Everyone nagged me for 2 years with my long hair and then one day I was sick and tired of detangling. Cut cut cut haha

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Loool, it was my bday that time... hence the cake! :D


And i suck in photos, i'm lucky when one get's ok, cause all the rest are me being weird. >_>

And yes, i'm being totally honest. I don't usually like my pics much, so i just make strange faces all the time. :p

Group pics are cool cause i get to hide! :D


P.S-I liked both pics, but to be truly honest... i gotta agree with your friends. I like your short hair much more! :)

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! Aaah! I love that last picture! It's sooo cute!!

And also, I think the long hair suits you better, though it's just my personal opinion. (I like men with long hair ;) ) Haha, but looking good, looking good~ ^_^



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!!! Oh my gosh what a beauty! I truly love your short hair! I'd like to have a short hair but same here, my man won't let me cut it anymore. He likes it long... Pleeeh >____

And the next pic, soo funny but really! Oh my god you're a beauty!! *admiring*


Here are two pics of myself too ;)


This is what I look like when I get food:




And this is what I look like when I don't get food:



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Why, thank you! :D

And lool, what's with man and their women's hair?! xDDDD


But seriously you are truly beautiful dear! *__*

You have one crazy beautiful eye colour! :D

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Ahahaha, I don't know, they all just seem to like long hair better. It's just odd! :D I get shouted at if I cut even 0.0001 millimeters from my hair lol xD


Awwww, thanks my dear! And well, bright blue is a pretty common eye colour here in Finland, haha. But thank you very much! :) In my opinion you're much much more beautiful than I am. I really love your hair especially !

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Guest OkataShin

@Dev , gotta agree with Cel. You really do look great in long hair! And the last picture... ahaha, soo funny :)

@Belita OMG what a pretty woman we have here. Seriously. You're amazingly beautiful! Pretty (even though a bit funny) grin you have there~ :D

@Celestia Hmmh. The first picture is ugly as fuck, but amazingly cute... If you were a lama. And the last one.. meh~ Dunno what to say. I guess you look ok.... (I'd seriously fuck you if you'd always look me the way you look in the first and picture. And you're really beautiful. Sorry sorry.)

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Oh you're seriously going to be dead soon. Pray hard that Nanny loves you enough to spare your life. I went to your place today btw. We came to an agreement with Nanny that you're a brainless idiot who does nothing but teases people. Hmh!

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I'm baaaaaaaaack! Long day at uni, eyes glazing over in lectures but I AM HOME NOW! Wahaay



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I love having short hair because it's a get up and go kinda thing now! Before it was, wake up, wash to revive the volume, curl OR blow dry... BOOM done finito

Now its... Yawwwn oh okay time to go? BOOM out the door! woot woot \0/

If i want long hair again I'll just put a wig on and be like... "Hey ya'll my hairs grew back whilst I was sleeping... Jealous?" LOL


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LOLL at your first pic it made me laugh. You have lovely facial features, you and BELITA look really sweet :)

Your hair style in second pic is


So cool you're from Finland! I wouldn't have been able to tell :o

I used to have a friend at Highschool who was teaching herself Finnish :3 It was funny how she would randomly start talking to me and my friends in Finnish and I would be totally confused and give her this look:





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Oi is that all? The ladies get, "cute smile", "beautiful hair"... Where's my awesome response hmm? XD jk

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Guest OkataShin

@Dev Oh, sorry sorry. You look amazingly cute in that last picture~ I could almost imagine you with a maid-apron and you'd perfectly fit a cosplay-cafe ;) Lool sorry sorry. But yeah, you look handsome in short hair, but I still preferred you dense long hair better. I just can't help but drool over men who have long hair, haha.

(I though men would kill me if I told them anything like this so I thought that I'd play it safe)

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I was just teasing... I'm sorry if you felt pressured to say anything.


Thanks I guess :3


You don't look so shabby yourself either... heh ^_^;

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Guest OkataShin


Ahahaha, nooo I was the one teasing you lol. Sorry 'bout the maid-thing but just had to say it because of your message haha. Don't apologize. You're handsome !

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pic taken from old age---i miss cosplaying >__>



and yeah---lazying around.





LOL I look like a kid. warii. BWAHAHAHAHA and yeah i'm shy posting some pics.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:5yoyo21: seriously?

I thought people on this forum were supposed to be Otakus XDDD

with big round glasses and a bowl cut for hair :p

You people are beautiful rabbit8


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THAT'S how you look?

OMG I knew you were a cutie~

just look at you in that first picture *______________________________* that's the most adorable thing I've seen all day

you little liar, you said you weren't cute but you're absolutely adorable

I want to give you a massive hug and a pinch on your cheeks >


and that's what you look like now?!


seriously, you're drop dead gorgeous D: how did you keep this from me??

dear, you're killing me here >////////////////////////////

I'd totally top you any day and make you my.. oh whoops, I'm not a guy XDDDDD

^I'd do that if I were a dude but too bad I'm not T^To


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Darling, you are sooooooo cute

I'd give you a big hug too :D you look so huggable~

and that pink looks good on you O:

you should make it permanent... it really suits you ^^

well, people might stare but people'll stare even if your hair wasn't pink because you're just so cute ;D


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OMG I love it when you do the pout (

it makes you look like a chipmunk~

I hope that doesn't offend you because I meant it as you're cute ;P


XDDDD that last picture is awesome!

you'd make a preeeeeetty fine girl :3


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ummmmmmm... how do I say this?

I don't think pretty is the right word...

nor is cute >

because if I use one it doesn't include the other D:

YOU'RE BOTH SO CUTE AND PRETTY AT THE SAME TIME~~~~~~~~~ how is that even possible?!

AND you're funny x3

beautiful second picture ;)


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You're absolutely gorgeous too

makes me wonder if all Finnish people are so beautiful D:

But I can only see the picture of you when you get food orz

or is that the point XDDD

you turn into nothing when there's no food? XD


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Errr, I can't see your pictures either

but I'm sure you're beautiful too ;D

anyone who's a "Pervert-sama" HAS to be XDDDD


I feel inferior now :8onion74:


(p.s. sorry for the mega body of text XDDD I was just so overwhelmed by how wonderful every looks in comparison to what I actually thought ^^ hahahha... still ranting here, so sorry >

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