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Post 2 very different pictures of yourself.

Guest OkataShin

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.tinypic maybe deleted my undesirable photos. LOL Warii :9onion70:


and fatpanda, i'm not beautiful despite having the caption pervert-sama (*lol what's the connection!?)

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Aww haha thankies


Not a pout, for me a pout is puffing up the lips all sexy like ;)



I see the chipmunk now! Omgosh! I love that comparison XD I have always been given "cute" nicknames...


* Budgy

* Cupcake

* Teddy Bear

* Devilish Dev



I do the REAL pout when I see someone attractive that I like. It is a bad habit, almost like a reflex and I draw attention to my lips by pouting, pouting and parting my lips or applying lip balm LOL



I'm such a weirdo haha

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D: noooooo, they're not undesirable

I want to see them T^T

is there any chance you'll reupload them? leaf3

and I'm POSITIVE you're beautiful

I'm not sure where the connection came from but *cough* I can make something up if you really want ;D

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LOL, I never know what's a pout and what's not XDDD

TEDDY BEAR?! OMG that's cute~

haha sorry XD I love bears

the pouting isn't weird at all XD of course it's reflex to look sexy ;D

herrrmmm, the lip balm one might be though XDDD jk jk

you're weird? I agree XDDDD

because weirdos are cool :3

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Lol I said the same thing to my very young niece & nephew at my aunt's party a couple years back.


"Being a little crazy is fun and is cool! I'm a little bit crazy and people that aren't are so boring..." more or less haha


She was so sweet though, niece hugged me 3 times before I left to go home haha


I like children ^_^

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Hmm. Two different pictures? Er-. First is since years back XD! When had hair quite long. It's even tied behind. However, it's the only picture I got (yeah, strange colors; ignore my boredom back then, lol.)








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I'll try to search them . wariiii TT hehe but it really looks strange. *coughs I'm not really good-looking, that'll be our little secret.

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hi there, gorgeous . :3

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//creeps in to see all photos//

you guys are all so cool and cute. but

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, i still can't see your photos orz

someday i'll have the courage to post my photos as well but...no idk

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i was curious how you people looked so i had to go see all the photos too :p and all i can say is wow..why are you all so good looking??it kind of depresses us "average looking people" :p anyway you're really brave to post your pictures :) and

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please post yours too!!please please please~

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OMG you're beautiful~!

damn, I had no idea D:

long hair, short hair... it doesn't matter which you have you're still beautiful ^^

didn't know I was talking to such a pretty person all this time... XD should've known though

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XDD I usually don't fight with people over their opinions but I definitely won't take that from you ;P

I know you're beautiful and the pictures will only confirm that ;3

secret? XD I don't think so

I'll going to let the whole world know how beautiful you are XDDDD ;D (only if that's okay of course but I'd love to do that XD )

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haha, I'm a creeper too :p

don't think I have the courage to post pictures of myself after seeing such beauties

but when you find the courage, I'm going to stalk you too ;D hahaa

I'm sure you have nothing to be afraid of rabbit14

but take your time if you need it :3

(p.s. if you need support to get that courage moving, I'd love to be the one to give you the push ;D )


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XDDDDD oh dear... umm :/

hmm, give me some time to find something presentable XDDDD

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yaaay now i will be refreshing this thread until you picture appears :p i'm really curious..so please hurry up rabbit6

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didn't see that one coming..but i don't know if i have the courage to post my picture *blush* and i probably don't have two different ones..i look the same on all of them..and that's kind of the point to post two different ones right?? xD

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I have the same dilemma but I'm just going to post a picture of me from a few years back when I went to prom and actually bothered to dress up XDDD

errr.. if I can find one :/

and for the other, well I'll just post a normal picture of me looking like shit :8onion74:

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don't say you look like shit

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!!ok i'll post my pictures too ok?!?just don't talk like that about yourself..it might take a while but i'm posting them..

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that's adooooooraaaaableeeeee :D

(LOL, for some reason I missed the post earlier O.O )


I like children toooo ^^

I used to think they were annoying when I was younger LOL

but now I think they're just the most adorable little things ever :3


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XD hahaha... ok, just for you

I found some pictures where I don't look too bad but just know I don't look like this on a regular basis >

I don't have my glasses on in either of them... well, I do in the second but I doubled my sunglasses over them XDDDD

I'm so weird :p

and my hair is usually a lot messier XDD


This is me:




hahaha sorry >

I wish I looked like this... then I can eat whatever I want and be cuter the fatter I get XDDD

rabbit8 sea otters


but here:

This was taken two years ago for prom....

I don't know how I survived without my glasses XDDD


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derr... and this is me now-ish (I think it was a year to half a year ago)

but I look the same anyways onionn3 I never look any better


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Dear me, I'm going to regret this in a bit but they're here...

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onion13 why're you so fast?

I disagree with that statement but I'll accept the compliment :p thanks~

if only I looked like that SOMETIMES XD

can't show anyone here what I look like when I'm NOT posing for a picture XDDDDD

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omg you look so much better than any otter!!you're really pretty so why did you said earlier you look like shit??i kind of resent that *sob* it's not nice to lie to people you know..and you really are cute in the first picture in that dress, it suits you ^^ and now i really don't want to post my picture..remind me again why did i agree to that?? rabbit7

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T^T you're definitely an angel

thanks darling, my self-esteem just might go up XDDD


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... O.O ... I'm not cute ...

D: I'M SORRY~~~~~~ I didn't lie, I really don't think I look that great T^T

please post a picture of yourself ^^" I'm positive you're more beautiful than I am

LOL that's not hard =______________________= maybe I should say you look better than a flower ;D

I'm sure of that

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ok here goes.

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this is for you~

and i'm really sorry but this two pictures aren't really different so please don't be angry!!



this one is older, that's me with short hair..and yep i'm looking away because i couldn't find a normal picture of me looking in the camera..





and here's one when i'm making strange faces..that's how i usually look..weird i know :pattachment.php?attachmentid=28168&d=1392589640


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I just saw your message response! Gomen we both responded a little bit late ne :p


I think you look lovely in your prom picture. Your makeup and hair look really good and suit you well!


Current pic... The peace sign was awesome! I do it all the time :3

You have style sense woman! Those shorts look cuteeeee.



That being said I can relate to what you said:

... O.O ... I'm not cute ...

D: I'M SORRY~~~~~~ I didn't lie, I really don't think I look that great T^T


I don't think I look like anything special or fantastic. I have reasons which I will not explore publicly but I can understand what you mean when you say it and how you must feel. Just letting you know there is someone else like you here x






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You look cool too! I like the short hair on you!



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I think I want to call this the "Belita Effect" when people look really good with short hair and/or suit longer hair too!


The first picture is really nice and looks artistic. Shows off your profile which looks pretty good if I must say so ^_^

Nice choice of jeans by the way ;) Bright blue is a hard colour to pull off because it is so bright and you wear it very well!


Just wanted to say that... You and Panda look lovely to me but revealing yourself to such a big community (online one also!) can be a bit scary. As humans we are naturally prejudice and are drawn to what our eyes like, reject what we don't etc. It is a big step and I think it was a brave one but you need not worry because you look great!


Everyone has something about them that is especially great. Plus in my mental "book of cuteness" there are several different types of "cute/sexy". Just saying ;)



I think I went off on a tangent *sips cocoa and sits down*

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OMFG you're more of a liar than I am...

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darling, I knew you'd go beyond my expectations and I had HIGH expectations O:

you're so absolutely beautiful~

"normal looking"? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! D:

dayum, you make me want to bury myself in a hole >_______________________________

you're absolutely gorgeous :leaf15: be proud, you look stunning even when you make the so-called "weird face"

it's adorable by the way

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ok lol now we are just weird

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:p i would switch places with you immediately..i think you look more beautiful than me! xD but anyway thank you~ and seriously??that's not adorable.. xD

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XD I have my sister to thank for all of the above: hair, makeup, dress, even the picture were all done by her :3

hahahhahahaha, even those shorts are from her XD

she stopped wearing them so I took them >

so sense? XD my sister's the one with that...


and I'm always doing the peace sign :cuteonion26: couldn't find many pictures where I wasn't XD

haha, wish I could change that habit but it's so automatic XD

we're so similar~

x3 thanks for letting me know there's someone else like me

we really do have to stick together :)

(I don't agree with you not looking fantastic but I'll let the comment slide ;X )


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, NOOOOOOO~ I like you the way you are D:

you're perfect the way you are ^^

and no problem :D you're beautiful and I'm only stating the facts :p

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