SqueezeBabe Posted January 19, 2014 Share Posted January 19, 2014 The bed was warm and soft under his back. He was sure his shirt was on the floor somewhere but he couldn't remember in his haste to take it off. His fingers were tangled in the dark brown hair, and his own green eyes looked deeply into equally brown ones. The lips around his cock were generating exquisite sensations causing him to bite his lip to suppress a moan, "Al, you are so good!" Dulcet tones wrapped in a slight french accent dripped from his lips, "But can you go lower?" He thrust his hips upwards as if to make his point. "I really want you to stick in me" he whimpered. He lived in hope that today would be the day that his long term lover Al, would finally fuck him properly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravenwyck Posted January 19, 2014 Share Posted January 19, 2014 A dark figure moved through the moonless night, a shadow barely seen as it scaled towards the sky. Brown eyes gleamed in the darkness as he pulled himself up the tall apartment building with quick and agile motions. Panting lightly with the effort, he made a final leap to the balcony he'd been aiming for. This apartment was not his goal, but it'd did give a straight shot to his target while avoiding any surveillance equipment. Pulling the specialized gun from his back he aimed and fired. His grin widened as he tested the rope now attached to the penthouse across the way. His heart raced as he scrambled across the open space, landing lightly on the balls of his feet on the other side. The thief adjusted himself as he made his way to the door. He hadn't even made it inside yet and he was already hard. This high up, the lock on the balcony door was a token security measure and easily overcome. The alarm system inside was better but still no match for his crypto-sequencer. After a few taps on his 'tablet,' it was also disarmed. He didn't really need to bother, after all he had already made the call just before beginning the climb. But, it was important to do things properly. He was glad he had the chance to case this place during a party a few months ago and so he wouldn't have to waste time searching. The safe was behind a painting in the study. His eyebrow and cock both twitched as the corners of his lips turned up in a smirk. The old combination safe had been replaced with a new biometric model that required a fingerprint to open. Rather than be disheartened, he licked his lips. This was better than he could of hoped. Digging tools from his backpack, the thief flushed with excitement as he got to work. Pressing a long, black-clad index finger to the thumb pad he hummed to himself as a small burst of electricity jolted through the circuitry of the fingerprint scanner. With the scanner out of order, it was quick work to remove the safe's name plate and access the key entry underneath. The click of the releasing bolts reverberated deep in his body as he finished picking the lock and one hand slipped inside the waist of his black pants as the other turned the handle on the safe. It was almost too easy, he thought as located the small cache of diamonds he'd been sure he would find here. He slipped the diamonds and what looked like at least twenty thousand in cash into his backpack without much thought. It was always more about the crime than the reward anyway. His fingers were already wrapped tightly around his firm shaft. He'd been aching for release since the climb. Distant sirens played counterpoint to the soft sounds of heavy breathing as he stroked himself in a quick hard rhythm, until, at last, he came with a deep groan. He gave one last look at his handy work, Cum dripped along the walls of the empty safe, before quickly making his way to the balcony. He watched as the first police car rounded the corner before jumping off the side of the building and disappearing into the night. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady.Taser Posted January 19, 2014 Share Posted January 19, 2014 A smirk played upon his lips as his tongue danced circle around the top of Jean's cock, the beautiful french accent the man possessed compelling him to take the stiff member deeper into his throat. Their bed was more than large enough for the two of them so when Jean thrust his hips upwards Al took the opportunity to turn them onto their sides, his hands tracing his lovers back slowly, the nails leaving faint marks on the skin. With a final slick of his tongue over the sensitive tip he pulled away, letting the dripping, throbbing cock slip out of his mouth before claiming it in his hands as he moved up the bed to lie level with Jean. He was just as naked as the red head lying next to him, not even sure if they had waited till they were in the bedroom to strip and a grin still played around his features as he tutted at his lovers desire. "And you know I want You to stick it in me." With a quick lick to the shell of Jean's ear Al stroked his cock he continued. "I don't want to do you, i want..." His sentence was so rudely interrupted by a sound he would never forgive, but could never change. His phone had disturbed them too many times to count, yet they couldn't turn it off. It was a work phone, and they were always on call so with an irritated groan he pushed himself up off the bed and answered it, irritation badly hidden as he snapped down the line. With the call finished and a summons to get their arse's to work he tossed the phone onto the bed, running his fingers through his now tousled hair. "C'mon Jean, We got ourselves the number one case that nobody else wants. Apparently this time he stole a bunch of diamonds before leaving a load on the safe walls." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SqueezeBabe Posted January 19, 2014 Author Share Posted January 19, 2014 Jean groaned in disappointment, the only good thing about that phone call was that it had interrupted the argument that they both knew was about to happen. Al may have been the love of his life, but the unfortunate thing was that they were both bottoms, neither of them quite able to bring themselves to being the "top" and every time things got hotter and heavier than usual, they would argue on who was going to stick what and where. So far, neither of them had "won" and were seemingly doomed to and endless cycle of arguments until one of them caved in. He reached over and gave a friendly slap on Al's arse, enjoying watching the firm flesh wobble slightly. "Duty calls eh?" He managed to follow his trail of clothes down the hallway, shaking them out and putting them back on. He had a quick glance in the hallway mirror and finger-combed his unruly hair into some semblance of order. He patted all his pockets to make sure he had his wallet, police ID, keys... and leaned against the wall waiting for Al to make an appearance. This new case was certainly a mystery to all those who'd looked at it. The thief would contact the police station and tell them that he was going to rob somewhere, and of course, when the police responded, they'd find the items missing, and a thick wad of cum in it's place. So it was obvious that whoever this person was, that stealing things got them friskier than usual. He idly wondered if perhaps "excitement" was what he and Al were missing... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravenwyck Posted January 20, 2014 Share Posted January 20, 2014 Eric placed the backpack on the table before moving to the computer. He, impatiently, spent some time typing out his thoughts and updating files. Now that it was over he wanted nothing more than a shower, but he knew he'd want nothing more than his bed after that. First, everything needed to be put away. It was quick work. He counted the money last. Twenty-three thousand. He already had plans for the diamonds, but he knew a few places that could use an anonymous cash donation like that. It was something to consider tomorrow. Right now, it was time for a shower. Running a hand through his dark hair, Eric grinned as he opened his safe. This was the tenth one. The other 9 had been too easy to break into. The real 'safe' was this hidden bunker itself, built by his family when people had been afraid that war would come to their own doorstep soon. But, it was always important not to be careless. Careless people got caught. Besides, he needed something to practice on. Once the money and diamonds were inside and the safe was closed, he activated the hidden switch that seamlessly concealed the safe once more. After one last look around, he climbed into the elevator that would take him up to "Weston Manor," the sprawling mansion he called home. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady.Taser Posted January 20, 2014 Share Posted January 20, 2014 Al laughed as he watched Jean follow his clothes, arse high in the air as he bent over and picked them up. One day, One day he was going to get that man to top him and he was going to enjoy that day, he turned to the wardrobe with a sigh knowing his dream would probably stay just that. After all the two of them had been together for a couple of years now, even the station knew to get both they only needed to call one of them. He quickly grabbed a clean, ironed suit out of the wardrobe, quickly pulling it on and then walked out of the room to find Jean. On the way he picked up his abandoned clothes from earlier to dump them in one single pile for cleaning. With a grin he kissed Jean lovingly on his full lips and then whispered. "I have a glorious suggestion, How about a little... bet." He moved away grabbing car keys and wallet off the stand in the hallway, wicked grin still covering his face. "How about, the one that unravels the truth behind the case of the burglar who jacks off at the scene of the crime" That we can't even trace using the cum since it doesn't match ANY known record of any person Ever he thought with a slight shake of his head. "The one who does gets to be the bottom." He finished off his sentence as he pulled open the door, stepping outside. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SqueezeBabe Posted January 20, 2014 Author Share Posted January 20, 2014 Jean leaned into the kiss and laughed at the suggestion of the "bet". It was just like Al; he was always making up these little bets about whoever won got to be the bottom... the only problem is that no matter how hard they tried, neither of them managed to win. That wasn't to say that they didn't have a fulfilling sex-life as it were.. that's what toys were for, but nothing beat the feeling and sensation of a thick warm cock... He followed Al outside to where he had parked his car, climbing into the passenger side. "So, what do we already know about the case?" he asked, reaching over to the glove compartment where the tablet computer was kept. It hooked directly into the car and then straight into the police database. He tapped the screen and put his password in, and immediately it began download information. A few moments later the case notes became visible on the screen and he started reading them out. Soon after he started he gave a frustrated sigh, "This is all stuff we already know!" He said angrily, "How about they tell us something we don't know already!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravenwyck Posted January 20, 2014 Share Posted January 20, 2014 Eric yawned as he stepped out of the elevator and into his surveillance room. He stopped at a complicated looking console in front of a bank of monitors and had a seat. He peeled off the boots he'd put on after the heist as he pressed a button on the console. "James, record the news for me. I'm taking a shower, then going to bed. Any news that can't wait?" "Welcome home, Sir," A soft feminine voice practically tinkled in response, Eric shuddered at the sound. "I have been scanning all the local channels for any news coverage since shortly after you left. There were five calls. They can all wait until morning. The water is running. There are fresh towels beside the shower. Will there be anything else, Sir?" "No, thank you. But, James..." "Yes, Sir?" the soft female voice purred, innocently. "Never mind," Eric sighed. James' 'voice' was not worth arguing about tonight. He was in too good a mood. Letting himself out of the sealed room, Eric didn't wait to peel the layers clothes off as he made his way across the bedroom to the already steaming entrance that marked the master bath. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady.Taser Posted January 20, 2014 Share Posted January 20, 2014 With a bark of laughter Al looked over at Jean and grinned as he reversed the car out of the parking space, he wasn't worried about hitting anyone, it was late, very late like part way into the morning type of late, that and his amazing senses... mostly the late part. "Darlin' they don't know any more than we do. All we know is the same stuff they told us the last seven times and surprisingly none of them have managed... bothered to do any real work on it." He quickly turned back to the road as he drove of, barely keeping below the speed limit. It didn't take long to get to the station so he didn't bother sorting out one of his cd's for music and instead relied on the radio, which was insistent on playing cheesy love songs for some reason. He released his breath as he pulled up in the station carpark not knowing he'd been holding it... cheesy love songs were apprently bad for his health. Stepping out of the car and stretching he walked around and opened the door for Jean. "c'mon. Lets go show these guys how you investigate a job like this." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SqueezeBabe Posted January 20, 2014 Author Share Posted January 20, 2014 Jean stood in front of the electronic whiteboard analysing the data that had been collated. He had one arm folded over his chest supporting the elbow of his other arm as he cupped his chin in thought. As far as he could make out, there was no glaring pieces of evidence; nothing that gave away the identity of the thief. All the amazing technology at their disposal and it seemed none of it was capable of providing the identity of the culprit. He paced slowly up and down in front of the board, hoping that inspiration would eventually strike the way it usually did. He reached absently for his cup of coffee and made a face once he tasted it; stone motherless cold and fucking awful. "I'm assuming they've run the evidence through the thingy that measures what hormones are present? I mean, I we can't trace anything from DNA but can we at least get a hormone profile? Y'know, like, definitely a man, angry, happy, sad, horny, y'know that type of thing?" He frowned at the board in front of him, had anyone thought of doing such a thing? If they had, where was the report? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravenwyck Posted January 21, 2014 Share Posted January 21, 2014 That shower had been the last thing he'd needed to unwind from the night's activities, Eric thought as he leaned over the sink. He blinked a few times at the lightly fogged mirror after removing his contacts. He hated wearing the things, but he didn't want to risk losing his glasses at a critical moment. Tonight really had been easy. It had been a great climb, but at the end, there hadn't been quite enough challenge. He could find more challenging targets. That didn't quite feel like the problem, though. Maybe, next time, he would call the police sooner. He wondered what it would feel like to come as he heard the sirens pull up to the building and was almost instantly hard again. The sun was up when he returned to the bedroom. There wasn't much time left for sleep, he thought as he pulled on a pair of boxer briefs. Eric didn't bother with an alarm as he slipped beneath soft brown sheets of his over-sized and ornate four poster bed. James would wake him at the usual time regardless of when Eric dragged himself to sleep. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady.Taser Posted January 21, 2014 Share Posted January 21, 2014 The apartment was huge, but then a top floor pent house was just what you'd expect from Rogers. The guy was a millionaire, almost a billionaire if you talked to the right people. The robbery had been reported before Rogers even knew there was anyone in his penthouse and the thief gone before any police arrived. The alarms had been disabled remotely and no one, literally no one knew there had been a burglary. Considering they also had no luck finding the caller Al's only conclusion was that the caller and the thief were the same person, but why. A challenge? For fun? With a sigh he pushed himself off the luxurious chair in the study and started investigating. The safe was pretty new, Rogers had it installed about 3 weeks ago according to records and the scanner was short circuited. So the guy had some kind of portable EMP device on him? No nothing else was affected, so he must have a way of giving localized shocks to electronic circuits to disrupt them. There wasn't much as to find at the safe, a sample had already been taken of the cum for further analysis, no that it was going to give them any new evidence. He headed out of the study and out to the balcony, freezing and instantly turning to yell of the police who had been on the scene earlier. "C'Mon guys are you all Blind!!! Why did no one report there was a fucking tightrope attached to the wall!!" Exasperated at their lack of attention he turned and went over everything they police claimed they had already checked. A few hours later he walked back into the small room they had for the investigation and dropped into the uncomfortable plastic chair that the force provided. Al leaned back, pushing his hands back over his face and through his dark hair. "So there was a fucking rope attached to the side of the building. The perp must have got to the balcony of the apartment across from Rogers and used the rope to get over. Before you ask the apartment is empty, no one lives there yet." sighing he looked over at the whiteboard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SqueezeBabe Posted January 21, 2014 Author Share Posted January 21, 2014 Jean looked over his shoulder at his partner and said dryly, "Can you really expect uniform to get anything right? After all, if they could, then they wouldn't need us." He tapped the whiteboard, bringing up the new case notes. "So what we have here, is someone who has access to some rather nifty toys, someone who isn't afraid of risk taking and heights, and who is also apparently horny. I'm still waiting on the hormone marker report so that we can say for sure just exactly what it is that he's feeling when he does his heists." He put both hands behind his head and stretched upwards, hearing the satisfying 'crack' his back made. "Unless you have any bright ideas, or leaps of intuition, I can't see how we can do anything further in here until we get those additional reports..." he looked over his shoulder with a boyish grin. "Coffee?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravenwyck Posted January 23, 2014 Share Posted January 23, 2014 Eric woke to the sound of girlish laughter. "Time to wake up, Master." He cracked an eye open to glare across the mattress at the hulking and decidedly masculine looking robot standing beside the bed. ((My descriptions are poor, so here is a relatively accurate picture of James)) Reveal hidden contents "Absolutely not. This is where I draw the line." Eric shot James an annoyed look as he dragged himself to a sitting position and rubbed sleep from his eyes. "But, Mr. Carson insists that this voice coupled with the term 'Master' will sell well on the mass market." James shrugged, even 'his' mannerisms beginning to look feminine. "I told him you wouldn't like it." "Carson may be a genius, but he's also a pervert. I should have never introduced you two. And, I am NOT the mass market." Eric grumbled as a pressed a button on his tablet that revealed a large flat screen TV at the end of the bed. A few more taps had him watching news clips of his heist. "His first suggestion was that I call you 'Daddy," the seductively sweet voice, that now belonged to James, purred with complete innocence. "I told him that it was inappropriate for me to call you father, even though you are my creator. A butler must maintain proper and respectful behavior at all times." Carson was definitely a pervert and crazy to boot, Eric thought as he sipped the coffee James had brought with his wake up call. He was also the most brilliant mind in AI research and development the world had to offer and the only person, besides himself, that he had ever trusted James with. Eric worried about the effect Carson was having on James' fledgling personality. But James, so far, seemed immune to his perverted thoughts and if a 'girly' voice made James 'happy,' he'd get used to it, eventually. If it was weird to want to make a robot happy, he'd stopped caring long ago. James, short for Janitorial & Agricultural Maintenance (now with) Executive Services, had been Eric's first major project as a boy. Scrawled on a strawberry covered napkin when Eric was 12, JAM had been a computerized system designed to consolidate and automate certain house maintenance functions. The first rendition had involved huge bundles of exposed wires and cables running across the grounds and took care of little more than the sprinklers, gates, and lights. Weston Senior had not been pleased when he'd caught Eric drilling holes in the wall of their "Ancestral Home." It had been his father who'd taught him the importance of maintaining the historical integrity of a thing while not compromising its potential future. JAM grew to include several simple task performing robots that were designed to directly handle many cleaning and gardening chores around the mansion. Eric continued to improve on JAM's functions and integration with the house, until finally, in the summer of his 16th year, 'JAMES' was officially born. The first model had wheels and no sculpted robo-abs (okay, so maybe those were as unnecessary as Carson's girly voice), but it had been the real start in making James more than just a fancy household tool. James' programming and hardware continued to improve in the ten years that followed. But, he'd been unable to fix the issues with the prototype AI until he'd found Carson. Now that James' AI was running smoothly, Carson would now be working on the synth-skin that would cover James' new 'body.' James and Carson were being secretive about the visual details. It didn't bode well for how Eric would feel about the results. Eric wondered if the frustration he felt was similar to a father's helplessness when their teenagers started establishing their own sense of 'self.' He shrugged off the feeling and shuddered. He still wasn't letting James call him 'daddy.' Carson was just creepy. An image on the TV screen pulled Eric from his reverie. Speaking of 'bodies,' he thought to himself. "Pause," He told the screen, "Rewind, 30 seconds." James turned to take in the screen as well. Picking up the tablet, Eric paused the playback again, then zoomed in behind the reporter to focus on a pair of attractive men about to enter the building. Pulling the image down to his tablet, he tapped at it, considering the brunette and red head pictured there, thoughtfully. They weren't residents or they would have been in his files already. That meant they were most likely there in an 'official' capacity. No uniforms, but they had the look of detectives. Bringing in fresh detectives after seven heists was a good indication that they didn't have much to go on. He'd thought of hacking into the police system and tracking his case directly. They'd probably never even notice. After all, Weston Industries created the software they used for their systems and the security protocols that protected them. Somehow, that felt like cheating. You really did have to draw the line somewhere. But knowing who was working on his case, that was just smart planning. Something about this pair of detectives stood out and it wasn't just that they were easy on the eyes. "James, find out who these two are. Full background. I want to know what they eat for breakfast." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady.Taser Posted January 23, 2014 Share Posted January 23, 2014 With a grin Al pulled Jean towards him, between his legs as he was sat down, resting his head on the man's stomach. "While coffee sounds good, even better if its real coffee not the brown muck the station provides, one of us should get some sleep. After all we had been up for a while when that call came through" Al checked the watch on his wrist, "about 7 hours ago." He sighed, Jean was right their only options right now were for the profiles to come back and for the bloody burglar to hit again. He moved one hand from around Jean's waist to massage his temple before standing and placing a chaste kiss on his lovers lips. Pacing the room he started to talk out loud to both himself and his partner. "So we need a list of suspects, anyone who has access to advanced technology, has been known to be with in.. say 50 miles of any scene. We need to make ourselves an area based on where they have happened, how far apart they are, give ourselves an idea of how far he can travel. Do you know if there any patterns in the time between the heists? how long are we likely to have to wait for him to strike again?" Al stopped pacing and found the room swap drastically to the right as he put his arm out, resting against the wall next to him. Taking off his jacket he carefully moved two of the chairs in the room together, sitting on one and resting his feet on the other. "Darlin' I need to sleep. Wake me up when the profiles are here cos i need to chase up some of these thoughts... don't need to be falling over though." Blowing Jean a kiss he rolled his jacket up to use it as a pillow while he caught some sleep, his body demanding the rest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SqueezeBabe Posted January 23, 2014 Author Share Posted January 23, 2014 Jean smiled softly at the now sleeping Al. He seemed able to get by on less sleep, but it didn't mean he was any less tired. There would be no way he could close his eyes and fall asleep at this stage, the case was too fresh in his mind. He stifled a yawn and knuckled his eyes, turning his focus back to the whiteboard. He'd get everything together whilst Al got some sleep, and hopefully when he woke up, they'd be ready to go again. He checked his watch; it was just past 10am, breakfast should have happened hours ago... He sighed to himself, he'd go out to that cafe down the road and pick up something for the both of them; something cold that he could put in the fridge for later for Al, and he'd get his coffee and a toasted sandwich for now. He walked down the front stairs of the precinct office, blinking against the light of the day, his eyes watering as he finally let out a jaw cracking yawn. He might as well be a vampire for all the sunlight he was exposed to most of the time. Why does this shit always happen at night? he thought to himself, Why can't someone steal something in broad daylight AFTER a good nights sleep.... and sex, and night of GOOD sex... god I've nearly forgotten what it's like to have a cock in my arse... These were just random thoughts as he walked down the street to the cafe. There was nothing wrong with his love life with Al, they were very much in love... but they really had to do something about their little "problem". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravenwyck Posted January 23, 2014 Share Posted January 23, 2014 Eric adjusted his glasses again as he pushed himself away from the desk with a sigh. They were no more crooked than they had been the last ten times. He just needed something to do with his hands. He paced the office while he waited for his tea. James had informed Eric that he would be taking himself offline for the day on the drive to the office. "Don't worry," James had cooed at him in that too sweet voice, "Your secretary has already been informed and will be waiting to take my place for the day. I'll shall be back online when you return home." James, 'cooing.' Eric glared at the empty dock that normally housed James' remote office-based unit. James thought he was being clever but Carson had ratted him out. The 'skin' was already finished and James' new body would be ready today. James had argued that it was 'his' body and therefore he should decide what he looked like. When Eric had given in, he hadn't expected to be excluded completely. Carson, in a peculiar bit of conscience that only made Eric more nervous, had called to give him a heads up and make sure it really was okay to proceed without his cosmetic input. Carson had offered to send him a mock up, at least, for final approval. Eric had refused. He trusted James. But, this would be the first time James' had ever interfaced with a new unit without Eric himself there to run the first tests. Father, huh? Carson was still a pervert. He tugged at his collar without actually loosening his tie, before adjusting his glasses another time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady.Taser Posted January 24, 2014 Share Posted January 24, 2014 Al had been sleeping for about 4 hours when he began to stir, his body have rested enough that he could now function and so the uncomfortable plastic of the seat was starting to disturb his sleep. With a groan he reached up rubbing his face with his palms trying to clear the remaining sleep out of his eyes, looking round the room groggily he was vaguely aware that Jean was in the room. Rubbing his neck he stood up mentally complaining about aches and pains he didn't have when he went to sleep. Stupid plastic chairs, why can't they provide sofa's or something. In fact he'd suggested it once during one of their previous cases where they barely slept but for some reason the uniforms complained it wasn't fair. Slowly he made his way to the bathroom massaging his neck and stopping by a locker just outside the room and grabbing a small bag. He looked at himself in the mirror, he looked like a mess and somehow his hair was still sticking out in all directions. He pulled a comb out of the bag trying to smooth down the brown mess, he looked at the tooth brush also in the bag and left it deciding to eat first. With a quick wash of his face he headed back to the room and sank bat into one of the seats, significantly more awake. "Have the hormone profiles been brought back to us yet?" He looked over at the whiteboard and started looking at the dates, there didn't seem to be any obvious pattern to the dates, as little as two night between a heist and as much as ten nights. Groaning he stood up, his brain still too muddled by sleep to properly know what was happening and he looked over at Jean. "You should grab some sleep darlin'." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SqueezeBabe Posted January 24, 2014 Author Share Posted January 24, 2014 Whilst Al was sleeping, the hormone profiling had arrived... by paper. He raised an eyebrow. In this day and age, people still sent things in by hardcopy? Wouldn't it have been easier to scan and email it? He sighed to himself and slowly went through the report. The guy wasn't on drugs of any sort, no stimulants, no uppers, no downers, no mind altering substances... what there did seem to be, was overwhelming desire. The thief was actually getting off on his conquests. He wasn't leaving behind evidence as a calling card or thumbing his nose at the authorities, the evidence was there because, well, it had to be, otherwise this guy would probably explode somewhere else. Jean chewed the end of his pen in thought, in all honesty he rather the thief be jacking off at the scene of the crime, rather than taking it out on some poor unsuspecting girl.. or boy... either way it was a crime of... passion? Probably making up for something he thought to himself. He sat down at the desk with the report in his hands, resting his head on his arms. He really was nearing his limit on functioning without sleep... he closed his eyes for a moment, just resting my eyelids, when he heard Al's voice. He waved the report at him with one hand, mumbled something about a scanned copy and was soon snoring softly into his arm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravenwyck Posted January 25, 2014 Share Posted January 25, 2014 Eric sighed as the door to his office opened without warning. The bubbly, but vacant eyed, blonde that was apparently his secretary peeked in with a nervous smile and a tray in her hand. Her steps faltered as she saw the cup of tea sitting on his desk. He'd asked her five times in the last several hours for the tea he usually drank when he first got to the office, before he'd finally given in and made a some for himself. The young woman stood in the middle of the room, shoulders slumped, staring at the tray in her hands. She looked as if she was going to cry. "I-I'm sorry, Sir..." She stammered quietly. Eric struggled to hide his frustration. Why did he have to feel like a 'bad guy' just for making himself some tea. It had been like this all morning. His secretary, Sophie, had been waiting on him just as James had said, with a fresh cup of coffee and a perky smile. He'd introduced himself and thanked her, but when he tried to tell her he preferred to drink tea while at the office, she'd become nearly hysterical with apologies and convinced she would be fired on the spot. After a good bit of coaxing he'd learned that she had actually been his secretary for over a year. Until this point, her job had consisted of running small errands around the office for James. She had been so nervous about working with "Mr. Weston Himself" personally that she had barely been able to remember the overwhelming 30 page 'guide book' James had prepared to help her with the day. Eric grunted at the thought. Was he really so difficult that it took 30 pages just to cover one day of working with him? Knowing James, it probably read like a textbook and covered everything from the size of his shoes to his favorite brand of toothpaste. Eric peered at the contents of the large tray. His tea was finally there with a very promising looking sandwich along with a large folder. He turned a friendly smile on the girl. "Oh, perfect timing," He informed her, "I was just getting hungry." It was true, actually. He usually ate at about this time but he'd been delaying to avoid another 'tea' incident. He understood that she didn't know his schedule or preferences. He just wished she wouldn't take it so personally. Any time he tried to do something for himself, she took it as failure on her part. It had been a long and frustrating day and it was only half over. Her perky smile was back in an instant as he motioned Sophie towards the desk. He nudged his self-made tea aside and motioned for what she had prepared. She beamed at him as she placed the cup on the desk. "Your daughter called. She seemed to think you might be having a bad day," she hesitated, perhaps wondering if she was part of the cause. "Anyway, she sent over some lunch and also this file, She was sure they should cheer you up." Eric nodded absently as he opened the folder. He was having a hard enough time today without having to explain to Sophie that 'his daughter' had actually been James. His grin brightened as he took a bite of the sandwich and examined the contents of the file. It was the background data he'd asked for on those detectives this morning. James was as thorough as ever. Eric found himself smiling honestly for the first time as he finished reading. Jean and Al, huh? He'd asked for everything down to what they ate for breakfast and James didn't disappoint. The answer it seemed, was 'each other.' At least some people were happily getting laid these days, he thought. He lifted his glasses and rubbed at his eyes. It wasn't lack of offers. There seemed to be no end to the women, and men, who were willing to have sex with him. But even as they enjoyed themselves, he knew they were all interested in what they could get out of him. And though pride wouldn't allow it, he'd rather pay a whore than deal with the gold digging nonsense of his most recent partners. It had been far too long since he'd felt the sweet sensation of sliding himself into another person, but jacking off over a theft was far more exciting and honest than playing with a partner these days. He dragged himself from his own morose musings and started reading the file again from the beginning. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady.Taser Posted January 25, 2014 Share Posted January 25, 2014 Al chuckled at Jean, now slumped over his own arm and softly snoring away. Well that was quick, he thought as he covered Jean with a thin blanket pulled down from one of the shelves. They had most things in the little room that they basically lived in when on a case, subconsciously wondering why they even bothered paying rent on their own place when they were always here he plucked the reports from Jeans hand, softly brushing the man's bangs out of his face with a smile. "Darlin' I told you to wake me up when they got here." He dropped the reports onto the table and went to investigate the contents of the fridge knowing Jean had got some stuff from the cafe earlier by the receipt in the bin, and it was the only decent place within a ten minute walk for food. With a grin he pulled out the pasta salad his partner had left in there for him dumping it on the table next to the report and then turned to the kettle and turning it on. When he had a strong cup of tea he sat down at the table and began to eat, flipping through the hormone profile at the same time. It wasn't long before he added substance free and sexually frustrated to the list of suspect characteristics he was compiling. Tossing the empty salad box into the bin he started formulating the list, getting the computer to bring up a list of all people who were clever enough to build advanced technology, or had the money to buy it. It was a long list and included all of the victims as well. For now he left them on there, it wouldn't be the first time someone had targeted themselves just to avoid suspicion. Next he compared the list to medical records and removed anyone who was known to have had any substances, including prescription drugs was removed from the list about halving the remaining suspects. Looking at the list which was now about 30 people long all were rich. Money in the family tended to be the trend. None of them had any kind of history with the police, but the thief was abnormal, there were no records of his DNA on file, but surely there should be some records about some of these men, therefore striking them off the list. With a quick phone call to the lap he informed them he was sending over a list and wanted to know if the DNA of any of the suspects had been found anywhere near any of the scenes, after all a few hairs had been recovered from a couple, but they seemed to be the victims, or their guests hair rather than the thief. He stretched and looked at the time, silently laughing to himself as he realized about 5 hours had passes, well the computer wasn't so high tech that searches on the data base were instant. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SqueezeBabe Posted January 26, 2014 Author Share Posted January 26, 2014 Jean mumbled something as he woke up with a start. How long had he been asleep for? Had he been dreaming about something? He gave a jaw cracking yawn and rubbed his eyes, looking instinctively for Al. "Al?" he mumbled, brushing away the drops of water that leaked from his eyes as he yawned again. As he sat up, the blanket slid from his shoulders and onto the floor. He worked his tongue around his mouth, trying to get the saliva to wash away the dryness... his mouth felt like the great god Cuthulu had used it as a latrine. He really needed to stop drinking bad coffee. He stood up yawning and walked over to the whiteboard, seeing that Al had made progress whilst he'd been getting some much needed sleep. He'd narrowed down the list of suspects to a handful, if twenty-odd could be considered a handful... but having done that, they were still miles in front of those who had the case previous to them. He stared at the list of suspects, his mind wandering... something was beginning to stand out, something... something. .. He tapped a finger against a profile... "this one..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ravenwyck Posted January 26, 2014 Share Posted January 26, 2014 Eric rubbed his temples as he finally climbed into his Bentley. The aspirin he had taken refused to even phase the headache he'd been nursing. He should have been out of here hours ago. Unfortunately, lunch had been the only high point to his day. If you could call it that. He'd been happy enough to think about the hot new detectives on his case boinking each other between case work. Discovering just how good those detectives were at said case work was another matter entirely. One mistake and he might find himself well and truly caught. He'd been careful, but no one was infallible. He'd proved that to himself during his first heist. It's not like he'd thought, "Hey, I'll go steal something and jack off. Wont that be fun?" Eric had been taken by surprise by his own arousal, that first time. His hand sliding across his hard cock before he'd even realized what he was doing. He was home and in his bunker before he'd really come to grips with what he'd done. He'd had enough frame of mind by then to worry about the evidence he'd left behind. A quick bit of 'cheating' had verified what he'd already thought was true. The Weston's weren't exactly paranoid. But they were very private and rich enough to ensure their privacy was secured. Without DNA to worry about, he'd made peace with that aspect of his "alter ego," after a fashion, since then. It wasn't as good as burying himself inside a hot tight piece of ass, but it was a very near thing. Looking out his window, Eric saw Sophie exit the elevator and enter the parking garage. With a sigh, he quickly turned on the car and made his way to the road. Somewhere between the fumbling attempts to do her job and the constant apologies, she had managed to work up the courage to confess to him. It had been an uncomfortable end to an incredibly uncomfortable day. He thought he'd managed to let her down gently, but he wasn't willing to risk another conversation with her so soon. --- Eric wasn't surprised to see Carson's car still in the drive as he made his way up to the house. It had been impossible to forget about James' absence today. Stalking up the walkway, he sighed. He didn't really want to deal with this after the day he'd had, but then again, Carson and James were mostly the reason for his bad day. There was no point putting it off. The door opened just before he reached it and a petite woman with short blue hair beamed up at him from the threshold. The maid's uniform she wore was probably ordered directly from one of Carson's cosplay magazines and while the voice that greeted him was not quite as girly as he recalled this morning, it still carried the same inflections and tone that Eric had come to associate with James' new personality. "Welcome home, Sir." James greeted around a nervous smile. "I apologize for the trouble I've caused you, today." James' stared up at him patiently as she(?) waited for a response. Eric's heart melted at the sight of that first tremulous smile. Sure, he'd always imagined James' one day as tall, fit, attractive man. He had imagined people mistaking them for brothers, given their similar builds. But suddenly, that didn't really matter any more. Not even his horrible day mattered. All that mattered was James' with a face full of expression and that the next expression would depend on him. Not a brother, then, but maybe a daughter as Sophie had thought. "You look wonderful and I'm glad to be home,' Eric replied as he closed the door behind him and sank to his knees before a now broadly smiling James, pulling his butler into his arms for a tight and reassuring hug, before the warm look was replaced by concentration and he began examining James' new body. He spared a glance for Carson hovering some distance away in the foyer to include him in the conversation. "How did it go? Were there any issues?" He lead the way to James' room, practically pulling his butler along by the hand as he continued to ask his questions. He'd agreed to leave the work to Carson, but now that it was done Eric wouldn't be satisfied until he'd thoroughly checked James' systems himself. He continued to interrogate Carson as he ran diagnostics and simple tests. "Have you checked his server for interface bleed? I know we upgraded with that in mind, but it never hurts to be careful." A sudden thought made Eric pause and flush with embarrassment. "I guess I shouldn't be calling you a 'him' anymore, huh? I'm sorry." He mumbled to James. "Do you even still want to be called James? You could pick any name you want." He added after another moment of thought. James peeked back at Carson before responding. "I thought about that, Sir. I didn't want it to be confusing for you. I have always been 'male' and I like the name that you gave me." James' paused for a moment, fiddling with the maid costume. "When I asked Carson about it, he said it would be okay like this," he finished. Wrapping small pale fingers around the white laced edge of his short black skirt, he pulled it up revealing a pair of plain white briefs and the outline of a small bulge underneath. "See," he beamed, "no confusion." Eric sighed, but gave his butler a gentle smile. James' still had a lot to learn about what caused people confusion. At least the pervert in the corner had the good grace to cough and turn away when Eric turned a glare on him. He'd deal with Carson later, for now he sent him to find some food for them both while he continued to talk to James and check his 'vitals.' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady.Taser Posted January 26, 2014 Share Posted January 26, 2014 Al grinned as he watched jean rouse himself, he was still waiting.on the lab to get back to him on the DNA request and had been napping lightly in his seat. Somewhere soft for sleeping was definitley in order... maybe he should petition to be allowed a bed in the small room. Wait somepne tried that before... then no one could get him up to do his work... so maybe no bed it might be too tempting otherwise. He scooped up the blanket that feel from Jean's shoulders rolling it up and putting it on the table he was pretty sure it was going to be needed again. He was about to join Jean at the whiteboard when there was a knock at the door and one of the fledgling detectives stuck his head round the door. Nervously he handed over a report stammering something about DNA and the lab. He was only a year or so younger than Al, but then both Al and Jean had got lucky. Not long after they were partnered together they got given a big case that had been open for months with little luck. It had been a move by the bigwigs to try and make them scapegoats but with Jean's intuition and his methodical process they managed to solve it giving their careers a huge boost. Walking up behind Jean who was now pointing at one of the suspects he held out the report from the lab. "About 7 of that list don't have any DNA on record, any of them match your guess?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SqueezeBabe Posted January 26, 2014 Author Share Posted January 26, 2014 Jean kept his finger on the profile as Al handed him the report over his shoulder. A quick look over the list of names and he lifted his finger; it was a match. "Voilà !" he grinned and proffered his cheek for a kiss. "Though as to why I believe he's the suspect I have no idea, just that something tells me that he is. So we will interview him last just in case. You never know, something might happen in the mean time and he will be bumped up the list..." he checked his watch for the time, it was getting to be late in the afternoon. "There is no point knocking on anyone's door at this our, we will need to prepare questions and the like, not to mention that if the thief does happen to strike again, he will do so at night, giving us another chance to cross-reference the evidence... or give us a chance to get some proper rest before we start knocking on people's doors." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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