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Warped Wonderland;; A Roleplay between lil senya and Ciel


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Akemi was a rather quiet male, sitting near the window of his room. Dark, almost obsidian looking eyes seemed content as they traced over a picture that he had just completed.. Black bangs hung from the top of his head as it slightly tilted the other way, repositioning so that he could get comfortable. Crimson, almost scarlet, was the color that his hair was dyed, though, his bangs, and the tips of his hair were all black. Tapping alabaster finger on the finished design, not a single splotch smeared, given the copic markers had dried out. Lip twitching, the two loops that he had pierced on the left side of his lip glistened a bit when the rays of the sun hit off it. With a slight huff, the almost unsatisfied male flopped onto his bed, staring at the ceiling as if it were a dreary, blank canvas. His room was colored a very dark burgundy color, and it had cream colored accents. There were a few pictures that hung on his wall. He had no dresser in his room, just a single television on his wall, a closet, a nightstand, and two shelves, which held some of his books, his anime, and his mini collection of various items on it. There was a laptop and a 3DS on his nightstand, which he rarely touched.

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  • {。^◕‿◕^。}Ciel


  • lin senya


"A monster" is what the older twin was; though they grew up together, the Hiruchi twins were as different as the sun and the moon are. though they shared the same egg when fetuses, the same toys when kids, the same class now that they are teenagers; they still were polar opposites... The oldest, Fuyuki, was particularly strange, he kept his hair black and never dyed it, but he was still the spitting image of his brother, even the illusion seen on mirrors, known as "reflection", couldn't be as similar to its owner as those twins were.

Fuyuki never showed -unlike his other half, Akemi- any interest in arts, he wasn't skilled in any kind of domain, and he caused constant troubles to his parents, he was what a normal human would call a "living failure", he was no more than a bug in his family's tree, a very annoying one ever since he came to life, and so, the "love" he was given due to that behaviour of his was no more than the gesture employed in brushing a caterpillar...

that very mischievous kid grew up to become a wicked teen, the one who invented the word "wickedness", couldn't give a better example if he cited Fuyuki... a cruel child who enjoyed torturing all living creatures.

Unexpectedly, the twins who were polar opposites, got along perfectly, just like the day and the night completed each other, the twins were one single person in soul, even if destiny made their bodies separate beings.

Fuyuki walked slowly towards his brother's room on that rainy evening, because he knew his beloved moving photograph of himself -Akemi- felt lonely in such weather... *knocking the door gently*

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Dark blue orbs glanced over at the mahogany door that kept him and the rest of his family separated. Negotiating who it was, and who was knocking based on the sound that the person's hand emitted, it sounded just as his own when he knocked on others' doors.

"Nyeh, come in, Fyuki-senpai." The younger of the two twins stated rather flatly, before slowly folding his arms behind his head. The young male had found comfort in his loose, red plaid and black tank top, and his tight, black ripped skinny jeans, his feet being sockless, and the toes curling every so often out of boredom.

The pitter-patter of the rain brought an almost calm, and rather bored feeling to the younger of the two siblings, feeling rather alone in the almost barren house, which only contained him and his brother, given their parents had gone away on a trip for the weekend. Black hair swept over one eye, the other eye had a dark essence over it, sinfully dark eyelashes making the eyes look like some would describe as black silver. Awaiting his other half's entrance, the skinny male stared at the boring, insipid ceiling.

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"Senpai? since when did you start calling me that?... or is it sarcasm?" muttered Fuyuki as he stood in the room's entrance, even if he meant it as a remark to himself, his voice was loud enough to be audible by his brother.

He stood there, motionlessly, as if seeing an unfamiliar decor, it was the very same room though... the same ashen grey curtains that he, himself, chose, the same overloaded yet tidy and neat desk, that formed such a startling contrast with the messy stack of trash that was -supposedly- the elder’s workplace. He knew those walls, full of drawings, and his feet physically remembered the feeling of the soft carpet that concealed the steps' sounds

He saw all that on a single glance, but his attention was only attracted by the curious being that was lying on the bed; Akemi, HIS Akemi...

Unlike his brother who shared his outward appearance, Fuyuki never seemed as resigned, his eyes were forever glistening with a strange light, wherever he went, his presence was so incongruous that he made everyone around him uneasy, always restlessly searching with his eyes for some bad deed to commit, his inconceivable mischief as a child won him the reputation of a little demon...

Fuyuki gathered, before even graduating from grade school, a whole set of things he loathed in his pathetically small world of his, he hated roses when one of its thorns pricked him, he despised dogs when one of them scared him, he hated his parents because they lectured him... he managed to gain as many enemies as his brother had friends, and as many grudges as a human ever could. But hatred never came alone, so he accompanied his incredibly mean behavior towards others, with an unconditional love.

Fuyuki loved himself, he protected his own self, he indulged it and forgave it's sins; and so, he ended up idolizing his image, and respecting his own presence, that's how Fuyuki first developed his feelings towards his brother who looked so similar that no one was able to tell them apart until Akemi dyed his hair... The twins played the "knights' game" when kids, Fuyuki always killed the damsel in distress they were supposed to save, because he feared Akemi would leave his side for her.

And that beloved being was right in front of him, gazing at something OTHER than him; the scent of cologne submerged the room, leaving an indescribable feeling of uneasiness in Fuyuki's mind...

"So, how is this lazy brother of mine doing??" he said with his usual mighty intonation as he walked in the room, towards the desk to admire the latest works of the family's artist "still drawing?"

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Red and black hair was a bit of a mess, as a lithe bodied teen laid in bed, dark blue eyes staring at the ceiling rather vaguely. Lips gnawing on the bottom of his lip, a flushed pink color was developing in the areas bitten. Once finally focusing on the being before him, almost obsidian eyes gazed dead on at the spitting image of himself, lip slightly twitching now that his teeth were retracted, back in his mouth instead of using them to nibble at the own flesh of his lip, the dark black loops in his lip twitching dully.

"Hmm..I was drawing, and then you came in here." the ruby-haired teen said rather flatly, though a bit of sarcasm tinting his tone. Akemi wasn't one who really considered friends as actual friends, though people always thought of them as his friends, given he never told them to go away, though allowed them to stay by his side. Even despite the fact that he openly admitted to being gay a few months back, no one could really say they hated him, given that he hardly talked to anyone, and was never in a relationship, at least, with any guy in their school, giving no proof, though he dated a girl once, about two years back, it lasted quite a while, until the girl mysteriously vanished to another school district. Akemi also admitted to never liking the girl, which was another twist. Though, the lithe teen was often seen glancing at his twin brother, or walking closer than most brothers did. The blazing-maned nineteen year old was always flirting with his older brother, which a lot of girls thought as cute, though it confused several guys.

"Neh....why don't you sit close the door and sit down? I doubt you'll be leaving anytime soon~" His voice sounded somewhat suggestive, even though he was just being a tease, given that he never really came to a conclusion that he actually liked his brother in a sexual way, he never really thought much about it, even though he thought his brother was attractive, and that he was his best friend. Though younger, and a little bit for fragile than the older male, the tiny male knew how to peak his older twin's interest, and his arousal.

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Fuyuki randomly took one of the drawings shattered on the desk, went back to the door and closed it; though they were alone in the house, he still closed it at his brother's suggestion, "he is and has always been in a rebellious stage" is what his parents used to say, but he never rejected Akemi's requests, ranging from the most trivial to the most crucial ones, he never refused doing something Akemi asked for, but only if the latter did it of his own free will, because that weak point of his was used several times by others to make him do this or that specific thing...

he sat on the bed near Akemi and blandly declared: "so, you're saying I interrupted you...?" he shove the paper in the air, to look at it in the bulb's light "well, not that I care... you're improving everyday..." said the imposing figure known as the feared Hiruchi kid... when designated, Akemi was the "Hiruchi's cute kid" during his childhood and Fuyuki was the "OTHER kid", strange enough, being labeled as so never bothered him, he had always been happy just being by his twin's side, he was overjoyed when hearing people praise Aki (that was the familiar nickname he gave his twin, while the latter shortened his name to Fuyu, those surnames respectively meant "Autumn" and "Winter") but he still got upset if Aki himself praised any other person, even if he never cared about his reputation, his image in his brother's eyes was still important to him, his ultimate goal has always been none other than pleasing his second half, and his fool proof method has never been anything other than isolating Aki in the process of protecting him...

He crossed his legs, taking a comfortable position, obviously not planning to leave before talking his heart out... "is it another guy you saw from an anime, or did you just invent him?" Fuyu was Aki's very first admirator, he was there when Aki's hand traced the very first drawings, and he appreciated the primitive graffiti that later transformed into such beautiful art... "Answer me!" he said as he drew closer to Aki.

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Shorter compared to the older male, the redhead was about an inch or two beneath his elder's height. Cerulean eyes rather blunt, the lithe, crimson-maned male rolled over a bit, and was now facing his older half, running one free hand through his own hand, his soft, peachy pink petal colored lips slightly parted, the tips of his canines visible through the slight slit of his mouth.

"Hmmm...he's an original character that I made up a while back, just with a few adjustments to the blending of his hair and the contour of his skin against his hair." he stated this as if it would actually make sense to the other male that sat on his bed. the ocean-eyed male never really seemed to care much to actually talk about his artwork, though, given that his elder sibling liked to question his art, he replied, because he simply enjoyed his company, hating the loneliness he felt, especially during the rainy days, where the thunder gave him shivers and the lightning caused fear upon him. The phobia of the loud booming of the thunder, and the crackling of the lightning had been a childhood fear that had always held tightly onto his mind, and never seemed to linger away.

Breathing out a small huff of air, the more youthful male crawled a bit closer to the completely black-haired man, the skinny, almost twig-like reflection rested his ruby-coated head on his knee, snuggling up against his brother, humming contently now, a small grin painting his face.

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"You sound happy!" said the oldest with a rather joyful intonation. Happiness is an illness, a very contageous one at that, and it spread particularly fast between the two brothers, a single smile from Aki was enough to enlighten Fuyu's day, he looked at the red head near him and he couldn't resist the need to caress that head, He gently shuffled that colored hair, while looking at its strands, "I liked you black hair...red is fine too but black was much better, did you really need to dye it?"

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Akemi, being a rather flirtatious one when it came to his older brother, crawled a bit closer, before slipping into his brother's lap, sitting upright, hugging his brother loosely, his blue eyes having a little bit of mischief in them. It was rare to see the red-head have that sort of gleam in his eyes, though, it was visible whenever he was being rather..."sexual", so to speak, with his own sibling.

"Well, as much as I adored looking like you..." the ruby-haired maned male's voice was a hushed rumble, almost a purr, though he continued, "You are walking perfection...it wouldn't be fair if both of us were perfect, no? So I felt the need to dye my hair...so at least there was a bit of a difference, fair, yes?" Gently, the younger male slipped his head into the crook of his elder sibling's neck. The red-head definitely wasn't dominant, he was just a tease, pushing his brother's limits, wondering what would happen if he snapped. Akemi had a love for his brother, and he let out the tension through what he thought his brother might consider as "meaningless flirtation", even though he wished it escalated farther than just that.

The cerulean-eyed male was sinfully close to straddling his brother, temptation almost swaying his mind to do so, though he knew that he couldn't win dominance over his own brother, he himself was far too nonchalant, too free-willing, to actually possess someone else's body, he preferred the idea of being taken over.

"Hmm..Fuyu-senpai, your body fits mine so perfectly, isn't that odd?" commented the young crimson-haired male huskily, a bit of a chuckle in the undertone of his voice.


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“What kind of question is that? It’s not odd at all!! We were “made” to fit! Ever looked at yourself in a mirror? The strange thing would’ve been if we didn’t actually complete each other, silly!” said the ebony-like black haired young man, “though you’re the one completing me…”is what he wanted to add, but he perceived in such a declaration, a confession of his lowliness to his brother. Though both of them were aware of the elder’s flaws, they never bothered to point them out; Fuyu, because he viewed it as destroying his so-called perfect image in his beloved brother’s mind, and the latter because he never dared upsetting that single-track minded reflection of his, he couldn’t afford to irritate him. They never mentioned those more than obvious imperfections, and eventually, the efforts spent for the sake of correcting them were even fewer than the words exchanged on their subject.

And so, The taller male interrupted his mumbled phrase, and like an actor on the scene, who realized –after the representation had begun- that he forgot the script, he just kept silent with his lips slightly parted, as if leading an interior struggle to find the right fashion in which he should finish the awkwardly cut scenario, but even if the mentioned actor twitched and panicked in front of the disapproving audience, Fuyu didn’t show any of his emotions, and unlike any other initiative-lacking amateur, he didn’t fear improvisation…

He looked straight in front of him, at the beautiful sapphire eyed being in his lap, took the blood haired head in both his hands, and applied a kiss on the soft pink lips that faced him; he didn’t meet any resistance as he made sure to quickly part his own tongue from the other’s… teasing without satisfying has –for a long time- been his strategy…

When young, the twins took care of a kitten, it was a snow-like white one at birth, their mother only fed it with milk during its first months of existence, one day, in the process of contributing to the development of the sense of responsibility in her children’s personality, she assigned to them the duty of preparing the charming creature’s meal… Fuyu, being the oldest took the task on himself during the first week, he said he’d give to Aki his turn when they got used to the cat… like all kids his age, the Hiruchi monster had some fixed ideas, some unshakable concepts that may seem idiotic after growing up, but that looked perfectly logical in a child’s eyes; “cats only eat meat” was one of them, seeing Whitie (the stereotypical name that the kitten was baptized with, in a desperately creativity-lacking family…) drink milk seemed strange and utterly unscientific in the twins’ minds, so the little mephistophelic child selfishly decided to put nature back to its normal form, by rationally –well, at least that’s what he thought- feeding the cat with meat…

As most cats owners might have observed, after leading those felines to their carnivorous nature, they would never go back to being the same docile fur balls they used to be, and Fuyuki, unexpectedly sharp when it came to mischief, remarked the cat’s restless state… he also understood that –starting that day- he could fully control, or rather, freely torture the miserable cat; he only gave it milk though the poor thing obviously craved for flesh, and when he saw it reached its limits from hunger (due to its absolute rejection of any other food) he would give it the desired meal, but only enough to keep it alive, and to have it starving again after few days… The cat died few months later, and as it was buried in the garden by the honorable –said so…- father of the twins, amidst the rising confusion and tears poured by an upset Aki, Fuyu was absorbed in observing its cadaver… the fur was black. The cat had been tainted…

And as a murderer uses the same methods to kill his victims, the young lad used the same strategy to control his brother, but the “meat” in his case was the desired affection Aki wanted, the attention he teased his brother for, the love he clung to him for, and the forbidden feeling that made him, at that very instant, in THAT position with Fuyu…

“That’s what you wanted, right? You nasty little perv~!” he threw at the other’s face with a sincere tone of affection, but that –given the fact he left his sibling waiting for more- sounded like a mere supplementary provocation… Akemi blushed, because–just like Whitie- he had been tainted by the sinful, insatiable temptation…

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Tiny, fragile body, that was less muscular than than the older twin, the red-head blinked a few times, before reaching his hand up from his side, and softly touching his own lips, as if he didn't believe what his elder had just preformed. Blinking a few times before he leaned in a bit again, not really even bothering to respond to what the black-haired male even said. Almost as if he were hesitant, he gently pressed his soft, chaste lips on his brother's lips again, before he drew his lips away from his brother's, looking down softly between them, before he murmured,

"Hmm...yes...actually...that's exactly what I wanted." Though, his dark blue eyes seemed a bit...lost, as if they were almost sad. The younger male rolled off of the lap of the black-haired male, laying on his bed before saying, "Do as you please...take advantage of my if you want...I don't mind...think of it...as revenge, as you may think...for the way that I tease you...somewhat as a payback for the sinful acts I've committed against you." Not quite making eye contact, his dark cerulean eyes that almost challenged an obsidian hue, hardly had a trace of emotion in them, though a bit of...grief? Yes, most likely grief, was staining his eyes.

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"What's wrong with you? acting all sorry all of a sudden... it's not as if you did anything wrong to begin with!!" mumbled Fuyu after a short silence, he had hit the target... he was aware of his own success, in fact he did everything he could in the process of reaching that shameful goal of his, but now that he got to admire the supposedly admirable results of his seemingly glorious achievement, he started wondering if he didn't push his experiment a little bit too far... he wanted to see Aki's reaction, but THIS kind of development never crossed his mind... trying to cover up his obvious confusion, aware that he is missing the crux of what he previously aimed for, he forcibly added: "we-we're brothers after all, so you don't have to apologize..."

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"I have much to apologize for." stated the red-head rather blankly, his dark blue orbs still diverting from the older male's, his bottom lip quivering the slightest bit, as if he were holding back tears. Tears were never seen released down the younger twin's alabaster face, the only trace of tears ever seen was the puffiness around his eyes in the after-glow of the salty liquid that would drip from his eyes.

"I'm a sinner, I meaninglessly flirt with my brother to try and achieve a sinful act from him, because I have a perverted mind, and a perverted soul." His voice was as monochrome as steel, well, if it were to have a color. The only thing that his voice was rich in was emptiness, a nonchalant tone barren of any emotion, though his quivering lip like the shaking quills of a violin's bow proved other-wise.

"I'm an annoying, pesky rat." the youth insulted himself rather flatly. Now the tears had begun to spill, cascading leisurely down his porcelain face. Quietly and swiftly, he rolled over, hiding his face from the older of the two, not wanting his brother to see him in such a pathetic, useless state.

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"Akemi!!..." seemed to scream fuyu's whole soul, his brother was crying, he was sobbing because of him, because HE unforgivably gave him false hopes causing his beloved other half to blame himself for what the elder's despicable thoughts lead them... nervously looking at Aki, he stood up and with his hands reaching out in his brother's direction he just experienced for the first time in his life the full meaning of the word doubt, he doubted himself and for the first time too questioned his behavior... he made Aki unhappy, even worse, he made him cry... he awkwardly leaned on his second half, touched his back and suddenly obliged him to turn his face using brute force, he wanted to see to what extent his game had caused damage... seeing the younger's tears, he felt ravaged, and couldn't help but hug the other as tight as he could, trying to calm him in one hand and to hide his own face in the other..."Aki!! stop! please stop!!" said the High-toned voice

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Akemi felt his stomach flip once contact was made, once he felt contact, and a bind around his whole body. He could feel his brother's body against his own, and now he felt sick to his stomach, his dark blue eyes turning a puffy red color from his tears Once feeling his brother's heat, he began to sob, actually crying out, god-awful cries spewing from his now scared and frightened mouth.

"Stop it! Let me go! This is just one of your fucking games! Don't tease me! Y'know, I have feeling to, you bloody frog!" He was breaking down, crumbling, letting his composure wither away, being almost completely wrecked. His feelings had been toyed with and he hated it.

"Why don't...you find someone else...who you can have fun with, or try to tease, I don't want it...I'll stop flirting with you, okay? Just don't do that to me ever again...don't toy with my feelings...I'm not a stupid stuffed animal that you can just throw around!"

The young red-head was shaking now, coughing and gagging in between his sobs. He didn't mean the words he said, though during this emotional-breakdown, he was just spewing what was on his mind. He didn't want to let his brother hear what was in there, he wished he never said it, and now he felt guiltiness embrace him, causing the younger male to bawl harder.

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Fuyu felt devastated, for the first time in him whole life, his own other half rejected him... for the first time, he didn't know what to do... in the black haired male had always known what road to take, what decision to make, even at the hardest dilemmas, as long as he could remember he had a precise idea of what kind of reaction he should have for every single situation, He prepared the lies he would use in hiding his mischief and the reasons he would give to justify his misdeeds, which weren't rare beforehand; he was ready for any kind of twist, any sort of question that he might be asked, but that single time he couldn't answer his brother's one... "A stuffed animal you say?? Playing around? ME? what the hell are you talking about??" he couldn't do anything but stare, cluelessly, at his crying brother, while still feeling in his arms the warmth of the other body.

The twins favorite fairytale when kids, was "Alice in wonderland" they used it as an example to explain everything, their mum came late to pick them up because the mad hatter made her stay until the end of the tea party. The children next door moved out because the queen of hearts chased them out, and so on...

After growing up, Fuyu kept that habit, and at that very moment, he was falling down a rabbit’s hole, a bottomless hole, an infinite abyss submerged by nothing other than darkness... he was loosing Akemi's trust!! He felt that his support was slipping out of his hands...

"no! Aki, calm down!! listen to me... oh please, stop crying AKI!!!! I never meant to hurt you!" He clumsily mumbled

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Dark scarlet hair covered the pale-male's face, shading the almost alabaster skin a darker tone. Crackling of thunder, and the bright light of lightning could be witnessed through the window, which instantly caused the tear-cloaked males body to tremor, feeling rather scared at this point, hating the sound that spewed from the growling thunder.

Thunder and Lightning was just one of the cards of the Red Queen, another pawn, another piece to play. Well, that's what Akemi always considered it, along with his other rather odd fears. As a young child, the younger of the two twins was consumed by paranoia of a death he thought that he would succumb to by the wrathful hands of the demonic Red Queen.

Tick, tock, tick, tock....The grandfather clock that was bestowed in the end of the hallway, which was right outside of his door, ranged with might as the clock struck 9:00 p.m, cooing rather loudly, echoing through the almost barren house. Shivers crawling his back like ivy, the young male coughed over his tears, hacking every now and then before he could hear a larger boom of thunder, which instantly sent deep fright into his core.

Suddenly clinging to the older of the two that inhabited the bed, he wrapped his arms firmly, yet gently, around the older sibling's neck, breathing heavily. "I-I f-f-forgive you...j-just don't leave...I-I'm scared..." Akemi had always been this way, ever since he was a young child, he would always get extremely frightened like this, and often, as a child, he clung to his mother's leg. But now that he was older, he had a habit of locking himself in his room, and crying, not letting anyone in his room to look at him. "Don't leave...I b-beg of you..." Voice shrill, the tiny male was desperate, not wanting the only one he truly trusted to leave him while the thunder continued to boom thoroughly through the pitch sky.

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Fuyu couldn't help but feel dejected...Aki? What exactly was wrong with him? he knew that his brother was afraid of thunder in the past, but he thought he overcame that ancient trauma of his... does that mean he was actually this scared every time a thunder shook that rainy country of theirs? He never showed it at least!! So, Aki bore with that kind of panic every time, alone...

even though the twins used to stick together everywhere they went, each of them still knew loneliness...Aki, because he never admitted his real fears to his brother, and Fuyu because some of his thoughts were simply impossible to share, afraid of gaining his brother's disgust, or managing to get him scared... he feared his younger twin might hate or avoid him for those thoughts he had...

As Aki clung to him he couldn't help but put his arms round his brother too, and hug him as hard as he could, he felt that this usually pokerfaced brother of his, finally took off the mask he was wearing, for the first time he realized that the usual reflection he lived with, was no more than a lying mirror, a fake image that he believed, for many years, to be the most truthful and trustworthy image of both of them...

He squeezed his twin so close to him, that the other almost suffocated; Fuyu was afraid that the new image would wither soon if he didn't make sure to hold it close, like a vanishing illusion, in a lies' filled wonder world...

"I'm here! I won't leave you alone!! don't worry...I'm here, I'll always be here" he said while, secretly cursing the thunder for putting his brother in such a state, and blessing it at the same time for revealing the truth of what he considered HIS Alice...

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The illusion that Fuyu saw of Akemi was merely just an oasis. It was something he wanted to see, not something that he hoped was true. Akemi, the scarlet-haired beauty, who nearly portrayed that of a fallen angel, buried within the blood and filth of the hell and demon-filled pit that burned the very wings off of his back. He was like the foggy reflection that you would see in the water when you looked down to gaze at how you looked like at that day at the beach, though it would never truly show the actual image, always muddled by pesky waves that continuously bathed over the image.

Akemi was a distressed young male, the older he got, the more and more distant he became from everyone, even his own twin brother. There were theories and rumors passing around in school about Akemi, one being that he was depressed, another one being that maybe he was secretly dating someone and they broke up, or simply that Akemi was just growing hateful of everyone. The other rumor, being that him and Fuyu were possibly in a relationship, and maybe Akemi was withdrawing from said "relationship". Yes, Akemi was separating himself from his brother, but not from a sexual relationship. There wasn't anything sexual between him and his brother, well, except for his own meaningless flirting.

Thunder booming again and again, mercilessly bombarding the ears of the young teen, causing him to cling to his brother tighter, pulling him closer. Almost nervously, as if he were scared of what his brother's reaction was, he gently nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck, fresh tears still streaming, though there were no cries of dread, nothing dreadful and horrific, like there was a few moments before.

"G-good...d-don't...l-leave ever...I...m-mi-miss you..."

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"I definitely won't go! I’m not going anywhere! so calm down, I'm here Aki, it'll be over soon, the thunder will soon be over... I-I miss you too" declared Fuyu.

"calm down..." that was the phrase their mother used to reassure them when they were kids; Fuyu remembered it so well, because he himself used that very same sentence to put an end to his own brother’s complains in later years… Now that he thought about it, he was probably trying to convince himself that he could eventually fall even lower, and meet even greater misery than what he was already in; some kind of a vain try to regain his forces by telling Aki "it was nothing! just calm down, it's not scary I'm here", though, it felt more as if he was reminding himself over and over that he should believe what he saw, and accept it with a content heart; his brother whom he thought to be the most honest human ever born -at least towards him- just revealed an unknown face he had been hiding, and to make sure he would have enough courage to affront the looming premonitions that clouded his head whenever he tried to imagine the nature of his future relationship with his bother after what he did.. He still kept hoping this would end well, and if not those faint rays of hope – that he had imagined, and sewn into some kind of a cloth that wrapped reality and attenuated it’s mercilessness- he would probably have drowned in depression facing the implacable harshness of truth...

Both he, and his younger twin had been taking part in a mad tea party... a party where they hid their true beings and their real souls until the end...

Unknown mixed feelings were rising in Fuyu's mind, like a giant whirlwind of untwined emotions, swirling in his head, as he held that warm body close to himself... he was finally getting a grasp on the situation, "that's what I wanted" is what Aki answered, right? he finally found a decisive explanation to his brother's overly-familiar attitude, to his provocations that he took as a mere game at the beginning... he finally understood all those stolen glances, those surprised smiles...

THIS realization hit the older male like a thunderbolt, but the impact was much greater in his soul, than the damage a regular thunder could ever cause.

"I'm here..." he repeated, not even hearing himself, now, gently stroking the fluffy blood colored hair... "I'll always be here..."

**********this will be my last post on this thread, sorry ciel~!***********

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Soft red hair was caressing his face, dark, obsidian blue eyes swirled, as the young male slowly allowed his eyes to peek up, blinking a few times, eyelashes sinfully dark, and long. Akemi always held some sort of feminine look in his face, mostly around his chin, given he had a more feminine, rounded jaw with a slightly pointed chin.

The only things that Akemi was ever honest about, was his intentions, his hair color, his age, his nationality, and his quirks. Everything else was in a category that the teen never truly talked about. The only reason why he seemed so honest is because they only things people usually asked him about were things that he didn't mind answering completely true.

Parting his lips, though only in the slightest, as if he were going to say something, he slowly closed his mouth once more, as if he were unsure of what he was thinking about saying or not. With a soft sigh, the young male gently allowed his hand to trace little circles over his brother's face, a bit of a gentle look on his face, though, he eyes were a bit red from crying, his lip quivering the tiniest bit, and his face felt a bit stiff from the tears that just ceased.

Nervously, he leaned forward a bit, looking up at the older male for a few mere moments, his eyes now looking back and forth, not knowing what to do now. His cheeks were flushed a deep scarlet color, which put his own burgundy colored hair to pure shame. Feeling like everything was getting too hot, everything was getting too shaky around him, he decided it was now or never. Ever so gently, he gave his brother a peck on the lips before instantly looking downwards, as if he were afraid to get hit by him.

"I-I...L-...Love you...."

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