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Dragon Age


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Yay people who like Dragon age. I love this game though my fiancé never let's me get the xbox long enough to play much anymore. I have only played as a city elf and Nobel elf and I haven't finished either one. I always get in a romance with Alistair I haven't tried any of the others. Though my favorite character is Morrigan she is one I can relate to the most and I love her sarcastic humor. I still haven't tried DO2 I wasn't sure if I wanted to since you can't customize you character but after reading about the romances I might give it a try :)

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Wow a thread dedicated to Dragon ][ Age... LOVE IT!


I am a huge fan of Dragon Age II. I understand that there are two totally different groups of fans on this series. Basically DAO fans hated DAII, and vice versa. Personally, I liked both in their own ways.


But I liked DAII better for guilty reasons. But the reason is probably due to playing it first before DAO. I might've liked DAO better if I played it first, who knows. But it wasn't available when I made a purchase at GameStop store.


Anyway, -squeals- So I'm not the only one who absolutely loves M!Hawke x Fenris.


Anders... I can't stand him- I don't know why. He just seemed so whiny and needy.


And from my experience of playing mmorph and rpg, I absolutely hate mages. .. so when Fenris showed up with all his hating of mages, I just thought BOOM My body's ready. LOL I mean Hawke's.


The reason why I hate mages is because they are always overpowered! All they do is STAND, SPAM X, and instantly freeze, burn, whatever to cause a continuous damage, and then they can HEAL themselves and the battle takes forever. There's no fun in that.... so I play other tanks, like warrior and faster ones like archor, elves, or rogues. Rogues are definitely my favorite because of sweet fast-paced action and stealth.



So first time I played M!Hawke rogue and trolled Anders XD!!


I didn't mind the Original make of Hawke! I mean, I tried to make my own, but they end up kinda looking... weird.. I thought the Original Hawke looked more natural and was quite handsome anyway. So I kept that. DAO's creation was horrendous, even the elves were ugly. But I still enjoyed it- compared to DA2, it's very dark, a bit realistic, and of course reminds me of older rpg games. It is also a bit more challenging.



How about some drawings?? ♪♪


I made some drawings on DA2, M!Hawke and Fenris.. If you don't mind me sharing!




Copied this pose from a manga and changed it to Fenris. I called this 'Escape' as if Fenris is running away from a terrible experiment. ]: Poor Fenris.


A quick drawing... I didnt think it'd come out good


My chibis haha





I am so glad to find you guys here!! Awesome!

What do you think of upcoming series the Dragon Age: Inquisition???

Personally, I saw some gameplay. It looked so good but I also read it's quite different... It's nowhere like the development of storyline in DAII, more similar to DAO yet the gameplay is similar to DAII. I hope they keep the romancing part... What would I do without any shipping?? AAAAAAAAAAAAhHH



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You should definitely play it. I think it's easier, the battle system is less complicated, and so easy on the eye. You'll fall in love with the story... it's a separate story but has links to DAO's pasts. DAO, on the other hand has richer history.

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@ Sloan I will try it just got to find it at gamestop when I have the time. I am so having my daughter play as soon as she gets old enough to use the controller. As for the new game I can't wait for it to come out. It's the ad for it that made me go try the series. And you are right without the romances it wouldn't be the same

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ya'll like DA :D So cool!


I like rogues but I got annoyed with all the prejudice my character was getting because he was an elf. Also my elf always had an MJ nose with collagen filler lips so I had to set him aside and go for a human.


I like the idea of being able to perform magic spells but I agree that mages don't have too much fun when it comes to battling. It is much easier to kill with the swing of a blade and more entertaining that way in my opinion.


UPDATE on gameplay:


Loghain dead at my hand, daughter in a tower like Rapunzel minus the luscious locks, Alistair and me got it going ooon and currently in the final battle war.



Going to see if I haven't gotten rid of my DA2 and play that one after I have completed DAO.



Unrelated comment, I realised my character is a total opposite of what I am in RL. Platinum blonde hair, very light skin almost porcelain in colour, ice blue eyes and a toned bod. O_*

*puts on a platinum blonde wig and sucks belly in* Hi there *wink*

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Gasps. You mean you were going to get rid of DAII?


Lol. What is the prejudice? I don't remember what kind of remarks were made in DAO against elves.


They were always portrayed as 'beautiful' 'flawless' 'pretty boys' and 'skinny' and DA kinda ruin that idea... not only that, elves tend to be some sort of sidekick rather than true hero. I did play an elf in DAO as main and it was... interesting but the story was not just there. Of course, human always have a bigger picture in the story. I heard DAI will have race selection just like DAO. I want to at least experience as an elf.


I Heard Skyrim is even worse. It absolutely abolishes our perceptions of elves. They seem to have so much better fighters than human counterpart. You should've seen the elves there. Now I have nightmares after seeing them. Lol. It doesn't look pretty but I plan to buy that game someday... just waiting for the price to go down. I heard there's even vampire elves there?? Update; haha I just saw that you play Skyrim. Do you love it?


And as for platinum, LOL.... I always do that too... people may ask me, wtf it's not my style. Usually, I like my characters in all black with black hair, of course. But if my main character seems to be oh... scrawny, then I make him totally opposite... Platinum blonde, porcelain skin, green/gray eyes... in hopes to find his black-haired lover, lol! So yeah, my elves are usually unnaturally blonde.


oh Dev, you're all so dolled up and pretty now :p -pats your head-

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That is interesting you go for the opposite I try to make my characters as close as I can to how I look with red hair light skin and green eyes. Though I guess I would have to do light brown hair since I went back to my natural hair color.

As for the elves they have in most games been disliked by humans so it didn't seem too far off to me.

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Yeah, I don't understand the hate on elves. If people love elves, so be it. It's like loving asians because of their eyes.... love them because of their pointy ears? lol Personally, I don't care much for them. I don't have problems with using them.


Hahaha, I saw a poll about elves, on why you hate elves... here are the answer options


1. The fact that they're better than everyone else

2. The fact that they ACT like they're better than everyone else

3. Their love of nature

4. Their effeminacy

5. Their attractiveness (to girls, usually)

6. The fact that they're little more than humans with pointy ears

7. All of the above


But even in games, they are generally hated by human. This, I do not know why.

I have my own theory. It's like hating people who are vegetarians... they feel like they know something they don't.

Or... they simply don't understand them.


In DA, I think elves are considered outsiders and do not socialize with human. And often, they are mages in nature and magic, which might be the reason why human are afraid/control/hate them.

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Yay for being dolled up \0/




I have always liked lighter skin and blonde hair. When I was younger I would rave about tanned skin and blonde hair for that Malibu Barbie look but then people like Snooki took it to the next level. Seriously... She looks like she could be a relative of mine!


It might be an asian thing, to want lighter/fairer skin. The topic is debatable so probably best to leave it here and continue discussing DA and similar games >,


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I have never known Elves to be exiled by Humans to any extent. However, I have never been exposed to that many fantasy games to be able to make a factual response to this.


It took me by shock to say the least.


Skyrim was much more fast paced for me and I was able to be a human with magic (Breton race) which i loved because it was a pain in DA where I was either a defenseless mage or a warrior with no magic. I like magic!




Skyrim was an interesting game because you essentially start with nothing but become a "dragon born". All of these quests and experiences. For me this game made me feel special because I was part of a big plan to save Skyrim.


DA is the same in terms of being a part of a big plan to save your "country" but I felt more immersed with Skyrim. This may be due to the friends and foes made during game play and the fun I had killing the zombies XD


"Hey you little skinny B&£$% let me see what you got! *wack* Is that all?! Try again hoe! *wack* You dead now..." XD

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Ahh, yeah.. I don't know what to tell you. I'm sure some people are that. I have a personal issue with being in the middle.. I don't like that... for several reasons but I prefer black/white or extremes/polarities. I am a gemini afterall, LOL... one time I dyed my hair half black/half white. And it was my favorite. I guess that's just me being weird.


I am the same as you. Not much exposure to elves or fantasy.


Oh then I cannot wait to play Skyrim. I think I would like it very much. Thanks for the input. I didn't know they have zombies, wtf! Haha.

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the zombies are like the ones in Redcliff in DAO but these guys come in different variations and they are so much fun to watch and kill.


I have let some kill themselves at times it is great XD

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For all my Dragon Age loving buddies BIOWARE is having a contest to be a voice on DAI

here is the link to the contest page

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how awesome would it be to be in the game.

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