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A Dark Secret (Private) Azuneko


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The Bondage Fetish rp with Aruneko



Name: Ryuu Ikayu

Age: 22

Position: Seme

Personality: Cold, withdrawn, and yet seems to get along with people easily. He's also very deceiving at times, for he enjoys making people believe things that were never true. He has a very calculating and intelligent surface, but that all hides his slightly psychotic and sadistic persona. He seems like an entirely different person.




Name: Laito Kagami

Age: 20

Position: Uke

Personality: Sweet, slight out spoken, and is highly friend with all types of people. He's very naive at times, thus causing him to end up with rather indecent people. He is very quick to trust others, as long as they'll be his friend and keep him company. He's extra shy when out in public so much so that he avoids crowded places.

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The Plot:

College can be a drag and for Laito that is basically more true. Laito has always been your average student with basic grades. Though when noticing his grades slipping he decides to take the risk and cheat on his mid-terms. His one mistake was being seen by none other than Ryuu Ikayu. The male with a wild reputation. In order to keep Ryuu silent, Laito decides to do anything the other tells him to do. Though to what extent will Laito put up with to make sure his secret is safe?









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Rp Start


Ryuu stood outside a classroom as he waited for the session to end. His back was against the wall with his arms crossed over his front. He carried no bag and his short bleach white hair hung in his face, hiding his golden brown eyes. He didn't have any classes for that day, but he had something just as important and more amusing planned. He smirked to himself as he glanced to the classroom, looking to catch the eye of a certain student.

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Laito sighs softly as he gathered his things. His gaze on the classroom door. He had only wished there was two so he could easily get out and avoid a certain someone. It was his own lack of judgement and stupidity that landed him in such a predicament. Once his books were in hand he got up and headed for the exit. Lowering his head he hoped he could slip pass without being seen. Though in the back of his mind no matter how much he hated this it was also something he decided without fail.

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Ryuu had looked down upon not catching the eye of the boy but he didn't let that bug him. With only one door into the room, the boy had no where to run. Upon hearing chattering and movement within the classroom, he looked up once more to see students packing up and some already leaving the room. He found himself smiling once more, it was a smile that didn't reach his eyes and those students who happened to noticed him, stayed clear, giving him space even if they were already 5 feet from him.


Ryuu pushed off the wall he was leaning against and walked towards the door, leaning against the wall next to the doorjam. This way, Laito could not sneak past him. Upon seeing the smaller boy reach the door, Ryuu reached out a hand and grabbed his shoulder, pulling him out of the traffic of students leaving the classroom.

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With the feeling that he would make it without being seen, Laito made his daring dash. Though his luck caught short as he was suddenly pulled. His gaze quickly averted upwards. "Ryuu!! Uh, it seems like class is over. What a coincidence...." he mutters already feeling himself go pale. In his mind he knew this was inevitable. "What will it be today? I really have to head home quickly so I don't have time to dilly-dally." he said hoping that would get the other to lighten whatever he had planned.

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Ryuu watched the other students start to leave, a few glanced back at him, to which he simply smiled to as they scurried further away. All his teachers thought he was a good and smart guy, which he wanted to keep that way. The other students, however, he cared less what they thought of him, they could think he's a murderer for all he cared. He then turned his attention to the paling boy that was now standing next to him. He simply looked at him with a bored stare as he listened to the boy trailed off an excuse. He then found him smiling lightly, "Then let's go to your house" he suggested, hoping that boy would be too scared to object to much else.

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"My place!?!" he instantly tensed up and seriously wanted to refuse. Laito lived alone as most college students did. Being alone with Ryuu was the last thing he wanted. "My place is a mess. You wouldn't want to go there. Plus it's so far away. You'll be tired by the time we arrive." he said slowly inching away. Both his excuses were pure lies. Anyone who knew Laito could tell he was well organized. Plus he was always at school early. He lived only a half block away. He was just hoping Ryuu didn't know that. It would foil his escape. 'If he falls for this I'm free for today... Besides, I'm sure he's not insane enough to try something at school.....' Laito thinks as he glanced up at the other male.

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Ryuu raised his brow at Laito and crossed his arms, walkng toward the other boy. Little to the boy's knowledge, he knew all there was to know about him. He had made sure to look him up, so as he wasn't involving himself in something he didn't want to get into. As he walked closer, he was working at cornering Laito with the deadend hallway. With an almost childish tilt of his head, he gave the younger male a smirking grin that did not match the childness. "I could have sworn you live just around the block, and with your lifestyle, your place being a mess is a high impossiblity," he said in an almost monotonous voice as he continued to advance towards Laito.

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Laito noticed Ryuu inching closer and without fail he began moving backwards. It wasn't long before he had backed up into a wall. Glancing back he could see outside. 'School is over and there's no one around... Even so there is after school clubs... I really have to get out of here...' he thinks trying to come up with another excuse. Though his thinking cut short by the other's words. "You know about me? How is that possible? I don't have many friends for someone to know such things about me. So the notorious Ryuu is also a stalker." he said trying to poke fun at the other. Laito was slightly nervous about what he had just said. If Ryuu had been watching him then just how much did he know about him. Laito had a secret he himself didn't want to admit.

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Ryuu smirked at the younger male, advancing further, "So what if I am, what are you going to do about it?" he shot back. Soon, he was standing right in front of Laito, putting both hands quickly to wall, trapping the younger boy. "Now, either we do it my way and head out" he tilted his head, his expression going blank, "Or, we could go to your place. I'll be a gentleman for once and let you decide, door number one or door number two." He inched closer to that their noses were a mere hair's breath apart, "Clocks ticking"

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"I don't want to do either! Its very weird you are picking on me like this. I just thought I'd have to pay for your silence or something." he said blushing as the other was so close. Laito had to give in or this could grow into a bigger issue. "I suppose we can go to my place. Its as close as you say and it would be easier." he said turning to look away. Ryuu was like his worse nightmare come true but also slightly his type. He just hopes he really wasn't a stalker. It would ruin his entire college life to have Ryuu haunting him forever.

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(I apologize, but I must say I am enjoying this. Its making me laugh, I am loving how Laito reacts to Ryuu.)


Ryuu continues to stay close to him, his black look turning to an amused smirk, "Oh, but you are buying my silence. But whoever said it was going to be a one-time deal. I've got no secrets that everyone doesn't already know, you on the other hand..." He smirks as he waits until Laito came to a decision and once he did, Ryuu backed off. He walked a bit down the hall and stopped, looking back to Laito, "Well then, lead the way" he told the younger boy, a strange glint appearing in his eyes.

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[i am glad yo are enjoying this. I am as well. Ryuu makes me want to poke his buttons]


Laito sighs as he lowers his head. He starts to walk down the hall behind Ryuu. Then slowly getting in front of the other, he leads the way to his place. Finally reaching his place, Laito pulled out the keys. "Please try not to make fun of my place. Its just for one person so it isn't spacious." he said with a sigh. Unlocking the door and stepping inside; Laito enters before Ryuu. "Close the door behind you. I am going to my room." he mutters not waiting to see what Ryuu's next move will be. Laito gets to his room down the hall and lays on his bed. Today seemed to be extra tiring and he blamed Ryuu for it.

Laito's Room:



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  • 2 weeks later...

(Sorry about the late reply, college has been time-comsuming.)


Ryuu walked into the small apartment and closed the door behind him. He smiled at seeing the other male walk into a room to the side and looked around the small room before him. It may not be big, but it was spacious for one person, very comfortable. He liked it a lot more than his big, empty home. As he walked through the room, the was keeping an eye out for a certain thing. Just somethinig that would come in handy, when the time was right. He smiled upon seeing just want he needed and upon picking it up, he held it in his hands, his smile turning to a growing smirk.


He turned to the door of the room in which Laito had entered, walking into the room. He looked about the room, taking in the look of it before turning his attention to the younger male upon the bed. It was convient that he was already on the bed, made his life easier. He held the object behind his back and closed the door behind him, the smirk still present upon his face.

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(Its alright.. I know how difficult college can be)


Once in his room, Laito sat upon his bed thinking of how to eventually get out of this mess. It was more of the person he was stuck with than the actual situation. He knew he could always come clean about cheating and be forced into some punishment by the school. It might be easier than punishment with Ryuu. As the many thoughts crossed his mind it was instantly stopped as his door was locked. Laito looked up at Ryuu. "Why are you locking it?" he asked before noticing Ryuu was holding something behind him. "What are you hiding behind your back?" he asked nervously. His hairs upon his skin began to stand on edge. He really had no idea what Ryuu was thinking and that bothered him to the core.

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(Ryuu never locked the door....oh well XD)


Ryuu shrugged his shoulders at the first question, a look of innocence upon his face. The look disappeared just as quickly as it had came, returning to his ever present smirk. He walked over to the other boy, and, making sure the object hidden under his shirt, he looked about the room. "You have a nice place" he muttered, turning his attention back to the younger male. He walked over to the bed until he was standing right in front of Laito with his arms crossed over his front, the ever growing smirk still present upon his face.

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(oops! sorry)


Laito stayed still despite his ever growing idea to run. His eyes never left Ryuu as he wanted to be prepared for whatever was about to happen. It was always something new and that didn't leave him with many options. His gaze lowers as he glanced around his own room. "Its nothing special. I'm sure you've seen better. You shouldn't force a compliment." he mutters turning away from the male now before him. Things seemed to always slow down and dawn on him. 'Does he seriously find it amusing to mess with me so?' Laito thinks

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(College, stop sucking my life DX)


Ryuu continued to stare at the other boy with a slight tilt to his head, waiting to see if he would look away. And when the shorter boy did, the smirk upon Ryuu's face grew even wider. At the comment of how he shouldn't force a compliment, he shrugged his shoulders, "Looks better than my place, that's for sure" he mused almost to himself. When he saw the other male turn away, he saw it has his chance to strike. He pounced the other boy, pinning him to the bed with the younger male's hands above his head, his own hand gripping the wrists together. His legs were parted over the other's waist, both legs on either side of Laito, straddling him. He leaned down so that his lips were nearly touching the other male's ear, "But enough about the decor, let's get to business" he breathed into Laito's ear, giving it a small lick. He pulled back a bit to look at the other's face, a smirk still upon his wet lips.


(yay, progress XD)

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Laito flinched as his hands were suddenly held above his head. He couldn't bring himself to look at the other who was now above him. This wasn't the first he's been held down by Ryuu but it always felt like it was. For him he just wanted it to end. He keeps telling himself this was unnatural. Despite the thought that pestered him deep within his mind. The thought that this wasn't all so bad. Laito had his own secret in which he would hide even from himself. It was one he would make sure Ryuu would never find out. As he set his mind at ease, his cheeks redden as Ryuu licked his ear. "D-don't do that!"

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Ryuu chuckled a little at seeing Laito's reddened face and his rushed order of him not to lick the boy, "Oh, but why wouldn't I?" he teased, pulling whatever it was that he had gotten from the other room for Laito to see. It was a sash to one of the curtains that was in the sitting area, after he made sure the other male saw it, he reached up and began to tie Laito's wrists together, so his hands could be free. After he made sure the sash was tied tight so ask to not slip off Laito's hands, he turned his attention once more to Laito to see his reaction. This was something new he decided to do, it had annoyed him before because he had this thing for bondage and this was the first time he used it against Laito.

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Laito looked at Ryuu. He blinked as he saw the curtain sash. "Damn it...!" he mumbles softly. He didn't expect this and for some reason it wasn't too surprising either. He knew Ryuu was full of surprises when it came to teasing and tormenting him. "It hurts.... I'm not going to run since this is my house." he said hoping it would get him to untie his hands. Laito lowers his gaze wondering what was going to come next. 'Now I'm worried.. What is going to do next or better yet tie next..' he thinks. His eyes staring intensely at Ryuu's hands.

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