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Say whatever you want XIX


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well hopefully XD XD XD XD today tis nice and warm tho :3 If ya dont like extrem weather u can come to belgium tho -_-

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usually its not an extreme weather here but dont know what happened this summer T_________T

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true, this summer is weird 0____0 proabbly global warming T^T

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Around here it's the usual hot weather that can get until 47 Celsius in shades only

Hope you all make sure to drink 2 liters of water ---> preaching õ_õ

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They will try to change you, it’s up to you.


So there is that course I go to. Most insane and fucked up course I’ve ever attended, but sometimes you’ve really got no option. Things like, ‘just quit, if you dislike it’ are for people that might have some back-up, you know. At least once in your life, you will face a situation where you’ve got no back-up, and you gotta suck it up. One small example; they gave us some papers to fill with personal opinion. Yeah, cool. Just that we all had to choose between only two options out of five. “Excellent course”/”Very good course”. The options “Good”/”Not good” and “Bad course” were simply told to be ignored. Literally, “Do not touch the last three.”


And so, this Friday I was literally to f*ck it without having a back-up.

My partner and I in the course since we had a team task had to present the given assignment.

Me: -says what has to be said just that without emotions-

The course teacher: -corrects my correct sentence just that adds expressions like 'Amazingly,...' and 'It is fantastic to...'- You gotta make it more merry. When you talk to the other side even in real life, you have to express excitement! Not like you -imitates me in some really lame way-

Me: … I do what I do in real life. I don’t think sincere things or when you state facts need ‘over-excitement’ or pretense.

The teacher: When you go to the exam, you have to smile. People think when you smile or laugh you know more!

Me: …Right.

The teacher: But without emotion you wouldn’t impress anyone.

Me: …Right. So, correct me if wrong…you ask me to be a clown? You think knowledge has to do with someone’s pretty smile or laughter?

The teacher: It doesn’t matter! You have to show to the jury that you are a very happy person and you know all!

Me: …-gives up on arguing with idiots- …I see.


Honestly? I do plan on my exam to leave one hell of an impression without being a clown and without faking my laughing. I am very sure, they will remember me.


Do not let people tell you what and how things are.

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They will appreciate and judge based on your knowledge. If one is serious and with knowledge and another one laughs all the time but they make mistakes I am sure they will appreciate more the first one. :leaf4: Then go to the teacher with your mark and do this cheetah12

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I know what you mean. I was told the same. My teacher told me to smile, speak slow,the pauses when talking, he even told me what was better to wear, to use make up and leave my hair loose and you know what? I didn't smile, I spoke fast (as I normally do), didn't pause and wore what made me feel comfortable. What they really want to know is what you're able to do and what you know not how white your teeth are >_

And when I got my score (despite I couldn't believe it XD) I knew I'd done the right thing. So nope, don't let that stupid teacher to tell you what to do. You know what to do.

Very best of all lucks for the exam, I know you'll do more than great though ;)

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Tired......So tired. -Sighs-



They will try to change you, it’s up to you.


So there is that course I go to. Most insane and fucked up course I’ve ever attended, but sometimes you’ve really got no option. Things like, ‘just quit, if you dislike it’ are for people that might have some back-up, you know. At least once in your life, you will face a situation where you’ve got no back-up, and you gotta suck it up. One small example; they gave us some papers to fill with personal opinion. Yeah, cool. Just that we all had to choose between only two options out of five. “Excellent course”/”Very good course”. The options “Good”/”Not good” and “Bad course” were simply told to be ignored. Literally, “Do not touch the last three.”


And so, this Friday I was literally to f*ck it without having a back-up.

My partner and I in the course since we had a team task had to present the given assignment.

Me: -says what has to be said just that without emotions-

The course teacher: -corrects my correct sentence just that adds expressions like 'Amazingly,...' and 'It is fantastic to...'- You gotta make it more merry. When you talk to the other side even in real life, you have to express excitement! Not like you -imitates me in some really lame way-

Me: … I do what I do in real life. I don’t think sincere things or when you state facts need ‘over-excitement’ or pretense.

The teacher: When you go to the exam, you have to smile. People think when you smile or laugh you know more!

Me: …Right.

The teacher: But without emotion you wouldn’t impress anyone.

Me: …Right. So, correct me if wrong…you ask me to be a clown? You think knowledge has to do with someone’s pretty smile or laughter?

The teacher: It doesn’t matter! You have to show to the jury that you are a very happy person and you know all!

Me: …-gives up on arguing with idiots- …I see.


Honestly? I do plan on my exam to leave one hell of an impression without being a clown and without faking my laughing. I am very sure, they will remember me.


Do not let people tell you what and how things are.

''You have to show to the jury that you are a very happy person and you know all!"


A plain pretense will be the worst kind of behavior someone can display in court I reckon. A happy person doesn't show the jury you know it all. A happy person doesn't make a jury understand and sympathize with what you are trying to express, to reach a whole range of different people with the most diverse kinds of background....A lot more than a smile or a happy person will make do.


If a person needs a good impression, the best way is to create your own. What works for some doesn't serve for others.




Well....Don't mind me, just.....Meh.

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Ah, I feel you -_-

I get that from instructors too. "Smile" they say while giving me such a terrifying smile. If they ask us for our opinion and we give it to them , hell gates open. So we just give them what they want to survive -_-


The only thing I see it's better to do in your situation is just to give a fake smile and do what is to do because unfortunately that's how the world functions -_-


P.S. it's hard to act like a clown , I was asked to do the same as you and couldn't

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For some reason, I couldn't get the title: "I have no mouth, and I Must Scream." out of my head ever since the first time I read about the game (and the short story which it was based on) years ago in a game magazine. Partly because the chilling story left such a big impression in my mind.


But also, perhaps, because how it described not only the fictional world of the story, but the real human condition in which we all live in: trapped in a melting, rotting meat sack with no real way to let out all the pain and agony. Helpless, and ultimately, despite our friends and families, alone in our mortality. What else to do? What else can we really do? But to scream?


I have no mouth, and I Must Scream。

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