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Just because a person doesn't remain in your life means the friendship/relationship wasn't real. Distance is hard to overcome. Even more so pride, which usually stops one from contacting another. Oh well, we all grow.


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This Sen is sleeping ahead again.

What about me?! You've forgot already your master after I gave you your dinner?

:Red_fox6::Red_fox4::Red_fox12::_red_fox 5

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Just because a person doesn't remain in your life means the friendship/relationship wasn't real. Distance is hard to overcome. Even more so pride, which usually stops one from contacting another. Oh well, we all grow.



Wrong. Even the most real thing can happen once in a life time.

And if you take it for granted, you may lose it. And something once truly lost, shall never return.

Just because it remains doesn't mean it will be as real as it could have been.

When you break a vase and you stick it together back whole, it is not the same.

Nothing ever broken is the same. So are humans, and their relationships.


Some forgive and stay. Others not.

Some don't forgive and stay just for the revenge. Others not.

Some don't forgive, neither stay. Others not.

When you put people under the same category, you lose uniqueness for the sake of equality.

But people were never equal.

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Wrong. Even the most real thing can happen once in a life time.

And if you take it for granted, you may lose it. And something once truly lost, shall never return.

Just because it remains doesn't mean it will be as real as it could have been.

When you break a vase and you stick it together back whole, it is not the same.

Nothing ever broken is the same. So are humans, and their relationships.


Some forgive and stay. Others not.

Some don't forgive and stay just for the revenge. Others not.

Some don't forgive, neither stay. Others not.

When you put people under the same category, you lose uniqueness for the sake of equality.

But people were never equal.


That's my point. I'm saying that some real things can be lost, albeit I don't think it is always because it was took for granted. There are external interferences that just can't be helped. With the broken vase analogy... I can agree that a person can not be the same after certain shit, but I won't say so about a relationship. Forgiveness is something that has to be learned. It isn't just stating "I forgive you", yet holding it against that person. Dwelling over whatever it was that was disliked. -shrugs- On second thought, it would, by default, make it somewhat senseless if I say so about a human. So, I change that. I too think that we only change because of what we let effect us. If one really did learn to forgive, maybe, they too could be the same as before broken. Not sure.


People aren't equal. Never will be. Yet another reason that some real things might die. It all depends on the person. Just stating that if a relationship/friendship fails...it doesn't mean that it was not real, because it very well might have been.

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That's my point. I'm saying that some real things can be lost, albeit I don't think it is always because it was took for granted. There are external interferences that just can't be helped. With the broken vase analogy... I can agree that a person can not be the same after certain shit, but I won't say so about a relationship. Forgiveness is something that has to be learned. It isn't just stating "I forgive you", yet holding it against that person. Dwelling over whatever it was that was disliked. -shrugs- On second thought, it would, by default, make it somewhat senseless if I say so about a human. So, I change that. I too think that we only change because of what we let effect us. If one really did learn to forgive, maybe, they too could be the same as before broken. Not sure.


People aren't equal. Never will be. Yet another reason that some real things might die. It all depends on the person. Just stating that if a relationship/friendship fails...it doesn't mean that it was not real, because it very well might have been.


If it were real, then why else you lose it? I am very interested to hear the other reason one loses something real if not taken for granted.


Today you think this way, but tomorrow. Tomorrow will always bring you a new idea.

So I won't really confront your ideas so far.

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If it were real, then why else you lose it? I am very interested to hear the other reason one loses something real if not taken for granted.


Today you think this way, but tomorrow. Tomorrow will always bring you a new idea.

So I won't really confront your ideas so far.



Wait. Pause on my views. How exactly can something be real if not both feel the same? Therefore, it shouldn't be took for granted. In this case, it was only real for one person, not the other.


Then the same goes for you, yes? It couldn't only by my views that change by the day.

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Wait. Pause on my views. How exactly can something be real if not both feel the same? Therefore, it shouldn't be took for granted. In this case, it was only real for one person, not the other.


Then the same goes for you, yes? It couldn't only by my views that change by the day.


People are selfish, Teesie. A lot more than you already know.

And there are no perfect people, we all do mistakes and sadly mostly with real things/people.

My statement was a polite way to tell you, you have more to grow. (:



Now, that manga is interesting.

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People are selfish, Teesie. A lot more than you already know.

And there are no perfect people, we all do mistakes and sadly mostly with real things/people.

My statement was a polite way to tell you, you have more to grow. (:



Now, that manga is interesting.



Oh, I see. Mm...well what about distance, financial problems, health, etc. Those are all external problems, yes? All can be overcame, albeit not for everyone.


Only me? XD


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Oh. Can you truly involve money (as a main reason) with something and still call it real? I find money for something disgusting. But I am far from the ideal thoughts and statements, 'I don't need money'. We all need money to make it to tomorrow, a very sad reality.


Distance is something hard.

I am not sure I can tell you whether something real can be born through and from distance.

Moreover, even if it was born, can you truly keep it for long?


You said people are different, so did I.

That means not everyone can withstand 'distance' and 'borders'.


Health is another topic though. If we are going to turn it into 'excuse'.

But you know, I gave it a lot of thoughts on a statement you once said,

'What else could a human offer if not a reason/excuse?'



From one side, a reason to leave can be justified as a reason to stay.

But I think humans evolve. Evolve into something rather twisted.

They can turn everything into a reason and an excuse. That's probably why I am so put off with that.

But indeed, heh. What else can we give if not reasons.

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Sometimes i think i'm invisible.. it's just awkward when you sit in a coffee shop alone while looking through some files and sipping your coffee and suddenly someone sits at your table without saying a word and starts eating her sandwich XD she was trying so hard to avoid eye contact with me ahh that was fun to watch…

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I agree. Money is disgusting, yet is needed. That aside, yes I do believe it to be a factor. It can tie in with distance, which I believe a real relationship/friendship can be born from. I mean, why not? What is there that is lacking besides physical contact? In all, bonds play off personality...even in a strictly sexual one, right? I could be wrong there, but I can't imagine fuc-.. sexing someone I'm not attracted to in the least.


Take for example, with in mind that every situation and person is different, that in order to maintain a relationship that contains distance, one needs money in order to pay for an internet connection, electricity, etc. So finance can actually be an external force that could forcefully sever bonds.


Yes. I too think not all can withstand distance. It depends on the person.


Mm...reason and excuses hold a line of difference. To me at least. Um...one could state their health problems as an excuse, yes, but ... if it isn't true, then I'd say that real relationship had been took for granted. However, some could actually be a reason. There is no way we can know what could happen to us. So I'm using the sky as the limit. There's comas; diseases that eat at the brain; trauma; etc.


What I'm getting at is...what if there is no choice to leave? That it just happens. If one was finding reasons to leave, sure reasons to stay can be found as well; albeit if it wasn't a choice... what then?


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I really do believe in being polite to people whenever you can but..when a parent comes into a pharmacy, saying their child spilled boiling water over themselves and they put butter on it, but now they don't know what to do..yeah, no..just no..

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@MayaUkato09 when did that happen? which brother? don't tell me the elder one.

-pats your back in sympathy then says you can do better than he can- :)

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I got good exercise (going to work), I had the...poops today, and got five dollars after giving a co-worker some pepto and helping him out a bit. SO GOOD THINGS! ; u ;



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My colleagues worry about the exam tomorrow, and work their .sses off with studying. And here I sit, reading BDSM yaoi and enjoying it.. I don't know whether I should laugh or cry. ┐(´∀`)┌

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