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Say whatever you want XIX


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That's a good question, seems to me the mad people used white clothes to be easily identified in case they managed to leave, like in prisoners use.

Though probably it had the double effect, I'm sure people there don't/didn't always get better and go/went to live happy colorful lives in outside world.....also seems worse than prison to me at least in context of ever leaving (though depends each the case).

Oh well which remembers me there was a reality show that existed a test challenging people to stay in a white room and who stayed more time was the winner.....it was quite....different/amusing/disturbing...each of the participants reactions inside the room and outside after the test/experiment was over.

After a while it was cancelled though. Human Rights groups had a great part in it I suspect (no proof though).


If you ask me in case Human Rights stretched arms out to stop the show I doubt it was completely because some human rights were broken or abused. If anything it was completely by own will (besides I can list more cartoon shows with auditory completely under 10-year-old kids which are harmful for their mind and behavior), so if it were stopped (actually whoever said 'Enough') might be for the reason that naturally clever people might get some 'hints' that wouldn't be really healthy to know. Oh well, it's just interesting why asylum interior is (and even doctors wear) white. I mean, who even thought that up...why on earth. Why not pink or yellow? XD. Actually, I am glad it's not pink else I had to wear pink lab coat during my studies XD.

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If you ask me in case Human Rights stretched arms out to stop the show I doubt it was completely because some human rights were broken or abused. If anything it was completely by own will (besides I can list more cartoon shows with auditory completely under 10-year-old kids which are harmful for their mind and behavior), so if it were stopped (actually whoever said 'Enough') might be for the reason that naturally clever people might get some 'hints' that wouldn't be really healthy to know. Oh well, it's just interesting why asylum interior is (and even doctors wear) white. I mean, who even thought that up...why on earth. Why not pink or yellow? XD. Actually, I am glad it's not pink else I had to wear pink lab coat during my studies XD.


Oh I totally forgot to mention the Doctor's clothes, my hunch is that they use white(and in some countries blue or green) to easily spot dangerous chemical residuos, blood or other sort of juices...and get cleaned up. Cleanness are the doctor and cooks motto I believe? XD

Lucky, lucky you! I personally feel for anyone obligated to use pink at work....It just.....-shudders-

I have absolutely no clue about the white interiors though XD

One last thing, I wonder if the Doctors ever got mistaken by the patients and vice and versa in asylums, especially in the ancient times.....

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Oh I totally forgot to mention the Doctor's clothes, my hunch is that they use white(and in some countries blue or green) to easily spot dangerous chemical residuos, blood or other sort of juices...and get cleaned up. Cleanness are the doctor and cooks motto I believe? XD

Lucky, lucky you! I personally feel for anyone obligated to use pink at work....It just.....-shudders-

I have absolutely no clue about the white interiors though XD

One last thing, I wonder if the Doctors ever got mistaken by the patients and vice and versa in asylums, especially in the ancient times.....


PF! XD!! You made me recall a lame joke. LMAO. Some reporter goes to the asylum to do some research for his upcoming article. And of course he talked to someone from the staff, around the end of the so said interview the reported asked, "And how do you know if a person is crazy or let's say, 'cured'?" Then the staff member asked the reporter, "Let me ask you, then. If you have a bathtub filled with water, one tea spoon and one ladle - which one would you pick to empty the water from the bathtub?" The reporter said proudly the obvious for him answer, "The ladle, of course!" Then the staff member's face showed a rather worrisome expression,"You see, sir. No sane person would waste their time to empty the bathtub with any kind of spoon."


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Wish mom would stop dragging me around into her work related. I followed her to Dubai for a vacation, not to become some stranger's translator (not my mom, she can speak fluently). Srsly wth do their company thinking sending someone who can't speak Arabic when they want to discuss an international 'project'?

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i'm sick and dead tired hearing my parents...saying the same thing over and over the same about the "business" that i really want to pursue. they all say [/]"you're business is so expensive", "you won't be successful on that business", "we have a convenience store that is running for more than 70 years already and we want you to succeed it..."[/i] and etc.


right now, i really want to cry but i don't wanna cry in front of them...coz i'm tired of doing that....that's why i'm typing this with soooo much force coz i'm so dang angry with them!! WHY THE HECK CAN'T THEY UNDERSTAND!!!! THAT IS WHY I BADLY WANT TO GO OUT OF THIS PLACE COZ I REALLY DON'T WANT TO HEAR THERE NONSENSE "ADVICE" WHICH IS NOT VERY HELPFUL TO ME!!!!


i'm so sorry that i'm a bit ranting here, i just want to let out what i'm feeling right now or else i'll really cry in front of them!!!!



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I'm catching a cold..



Three words... Linden flower tea! Try it. I can assure you, this will make you feel better.




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you can send that stupid Spring, who is obviously ignoring our town, over here when you have enough of it. XD

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Darn, people should at least remember when did they leave their clothes in the laundry... It's not funny to take off man's boxers from there, just to put inside your own clothes. TmT

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When you're trying to convince yourself on not letting them down.

But you're still in bed browsing a yaoi site when you're supposed to be already travelling to work...


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to my previous post...there were a lot of typos. xD anyways, right now i'm also a bit in a bad mood coz i'm actually watching an anime but dang, i'm not sure if it's our net so slow, but any anime i watched is so loading, i keep on refreshing it for the nth time already but still ughh~~

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They always steal my books! WTF. I put it in the cabinet, then the next morning. It's not there! Frick those who steals my book, I need it for my clearance!!

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