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Hiya! from ratonhnhaketon!


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As from title: hiya! Here's Sara, better known as Nabucco, usually shortened as Nebu [waves awkwardly], from sunny (not really) Italy.

(I was at first kinda unsure about introducing myself, since there's not really that much to say but, I mean, why not giving it a chance, right?)

No, seriously, what am I supposed to say here? Mumble. Let's see.

I'm eighteen going on seventy, and that's a start. I like my coffee black or extremely sugary, messy what-am-I-going-to-do-today plans and pretty much all kinds of music (except for rap and techno maybe, but I'm not picky). I'm a pro at complaining (who isn't these days), writing dumb shit, spending money unnecessarily and fighting on behalf of fictional characters. You can find me moping in dark corners, grumbling angrily at badly-made zombie movies' creators, or saving moths in adamitic costume just for the sake of it.

I'm actually a fan of yaoi and nipponic productions since I was twelve (just thinking about that period makes me cringe [covers face with hands]). I discovered it in the bad way: everyone always laughs their asses off when I tell them, but my first anime ever (if we're not counting Hello Spank! replicas on tv and maybe Kodomo no Omocha, which at the times I didn't know were anime) was Boku no Pico. All the three OVAs. Yeah. And then the list of scarily sexual anime I watched went on and on (yaois have gone soft since then, let me tell you), and after a sabbatic year or two of reclusion from the anime/manga world (in which I discovered the wonders of tv shows, comics and most importantly zombies) here I am, buying arguably useful stark-naked action figures in my pajamas. It's not that much of a surprise, but still.

Err- Okay, that's it, that's the story.

So, nice to meet you! Bring the sparkly nipples and all the nudes you've got, I have cookies! [throws glitter in the air and vanishes in them]

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Thank you very much and nice to meet you too! I'm really looking forward to the stay in the forum, I'm sure I will find it really amazing ~

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Thank you so much, guys!

And a particular smooch for

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. You're awesome too! :cuteonion49:

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Hi There

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Welcome to YO ,Hope 4 u to Spend lot of Great time Here and Make Lots of Friends :)



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