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are there any other girls out there that love yaoi as much as I do??


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I just recently started reading yaoi, and holy hell am I in love *_* I mostly I've stuck to fanfics and doujinshis. If anyone could give me some links to really good yaois they have read/seen please post them here or message me them!! Please and thank you ^_^

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When it comes to doujinshis my favorite site is " My reading manga"

here is the link

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  • 6 months later...

Here ~~


I'm reading Yaoi Manga whenever I have a free time and as of now, I'M A FAN OF ALL STYLES XD


Before, I can't take S&M xD

and now, I got addicted to it XD

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  • 2 months later...

Most yaoi that is made is for a girl audience, some yaoi can be found for male audiences who don't really want a uke in the relationship and want two muscular men. I am a guy however, who likes all the uke stuff (ADORABLE) I'm actually quite positive the girl to guy ratio on watching yaoi would be more lenient towards girl viewers. but what do I know right?

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Yess, once you enter the yaoi world, there's no way out hahaha

Depending on what you like there's: (here are a few I liked and remember the titles of >


Super Lovers

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Crimson Spell

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Papa I love you

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S** Friend

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But I tend to use these sites:


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  • 2 months later...

yep, same here!

for explicit one shot mangas I go - myreadingmanga.info

for the other usual yaoi mangas I go to - mangafox & mangago

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yups .. me too... I couldn't stop read manga and watch yaoi anime... and recently , i've been into with doujinshi...haaa~ Its such a great feel...rabbit8

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Me too xD I really love Yaoi


If you are a big fan of drama type romance, I suggest

Royal Fiance (manga)

Takumi kun all series (Drama) *they're awesome*

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i get u i get u i freaken love it the manga the fanficton and anime i sooooo love it all cuz they have hot guys in it to

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We are the same girl!!! I always fangirl over Yaoi it makes me faint from too much Yaoi addictnesaddictness. Too bad I need to hide it cuz myother may see me watching it. Yaoi and harem is mah happiness!!

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...i started reading it about 4 years ago...at one point i finished 75% of all the yaoi manga on the yaoi section in mangafox and there were about 30 pages of it then...

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Yaoi is probably one of the best discoveries I ever made and I've loved it ever since... ano, if you're still looking for good yaois to read, I suggest Elektel Delusion (its one of my all-time favs and I recommend it to anyone who's wanting to start on yaoi)


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  • 1 month later...

Ooooh man you are not alone, I worked my way from manga/anime from shonen to shojo then to Yaoi and haven't left that station since! I became addicted and do not regret it at all. Yaoi has become my absolute obsession and life, its my dream to actually publish my own Yaoi manga one day, I love it so much and wish I could give others the same feelings I get when I read any yaoi or shonen-ai manga xDDD especially the really good explicit ones xD woo those are good xD :Icecream:

but yes Yaoi is freaking addicting and a stage for most people when they're barely getting into the Anime/Manga world but for me its the stage I don't ever get tired of and will never leave it :Gangnam:

I love doujinshis too! Soooo much xD :Sleepy: and there are tons of sites you can read any manga on, mangago.com is one I'm frequently on :)

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Here too ^.^

For manga I usually go to mangago.com, whereas for doujinshi, I think the best place is myreadingmanga.com. For manga I suggest

Super Lovers


Seven Days, or just about anything from takarai rihito

Crimson Spell

Sekaiichi Hatsukoi

Saezuru Tori wa Habatakana

I tried listing titles that are pretty different since I don't know what style you prefer. These are some of my all time favourites

I also read fanfiction on fanfiction.net, there you can filter stories by pairing which is pretty convenient

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  • 3 months later...

I take yaoi as SOULMATE's LOVE

but I don't like overdoing. if something is absolutely not fishing on yaoi then I don't force nor I feel it o be forced. just if chemistry is felt :3


as for manga hmm.. I will recommend recently read ones that I liked and my fav ones:


- Secret Diplomacy (muscular drawing serious plot and shmexy scenes, prety much politics and uke is dominant one)

- Soshite Bokura wa Koi wo Suru (it's more like shounen ai sweet dramatic and without rape s&m things)

- Yuuutsu na Asa (historical, yummy, dramatic ohh soo >

- 50 x 50 (straight guys at first hate each other work at the same company ... BUT XD love can't be hidden :p)

- Ai wa Doko Itta? (gay x straight ! work at same company, at first rape! but later xD funny pretty despite rape thing at elast for me since I like rape x3 )

- Ashita wa Joutenki (partime job to clean and do chores for notable writer and neighbour. younger uke, comedy and fantazies of writer seme )

- Bed no Shita no Himitsu (if you want military, WWII, much shmexy scenes, older drawing horny soldiers and many pairings.. this one XD and those are series, I gave just one that I liked most pairing~)

- Akunin wo Nakaseru Houhou (uh this one I liked XD pretty unusual ~ complicated relationship and stubborn uke)

- Arashi no Ato (straight and not straight, but this time not straight attacking XD businessman love at work great feelings and drawing)

- Beast & Feast (beastly relatinoship! cop x yakuza, and strange relationship even from school days xD)

- Takaga Koi Daro & Aiso Tsukashi (yakuza, cellmates, crime rich families, emotional etc etc )

- Aisubeki Fujitsu (highschoolers, friends, one had many failed relationships but couldn't understand why, and other made love to him, bit when confession is made didn't accept feelings.. why?! )

- Puchitto Hajiketa, (wahhhh my fav also!!! ART

- Calling (beautiful, cute, romantic, seme is porn star!)

- Blind Love (wahhhhhh my fav fav ! cause those are mutual feelings but still angst, because both are too stubborn! ohhh > sequel is Love or Pride and prequel is Bitter Sweet Café

- Erotic M (s&m play one masochist claimed perfect sadist who doesn't realise it nor acknowledge it but uke's sexiness is starting process..)

- Furueru Yoru no Himitsugoto (highschoolers, sweet. both have problems, and are like + and -, one is affraid of dark and other of bright light due to trauma from childhood..)

- Hand Which (friendship and love between men)

- Gosan no Heart (I remember it was sweet and bit dramatic *O*)

- Hard Core Heart (hardcore series xD you have threesome here!)

- Datte Asobi desho?

- Shiawase no Category (famous photographer and reporter on rainy night saved a boy from gang... but that boy is...and his investigation case)

- Recipe no Ouji-sama (colinary students! restaurant, roomates sweeet and romantic

- Cherry na Teacher

- Giocatore, Hokaku Keikaku.

- CUT (psyhological, dramatic, school, really really complicated and explicit)

- Ano Kado Wo Magatta Tokoro (both lost something, but started crawling for each other.. good stor and I so loved chara ^^)

- Himegoto Asobi (Doctor and divorced man working in Konbini store.. strange but strong attaching relationship)

- Jappa no Amane (yokai yaoi love story)

- Sagatte Omachi Kudasai (attendant at local train station who is affraid of touch.. and businessman who is trying oposite)

- Hokenshitsu no Target (cool sexy highschool making a bet with friends to make pass at rummored gay school nurse..)

- Itoshii, to Iu Koto (company love story)

- Hot Limit (highschool, government, double life of uke who is used as selling sex puppet... *O*)

- Kanashii Doubutsu

- Houkago no Love Call (father of student x teacher XD 'brutal' drawing and story ~ and funny ~)

- Lovers♥Doll (it's rummored, if you buy the doll it'slike a curse, but Seme bought that beautiful thing just soon to came know the truth...)

- Porno Superstar (virgin employee and ... his dreamed porno superstar Hikaru?! maybe xD I liked so much this one)

- Kuchizuke wa Uso no Aji (a CONMAN x company worker! dominant and playful uke XD it was yummyliy great!)

- Hitomi no Dokusenyoku (models models story xD)

- Shinjuku Lucky Hole (uhh complicated... at first jgv actor. BUT.. yakuza, debt, etc psyhological one!)

- Konbini-kun (cute and sweeet story of partime workers ~ traumated uke and interesting seme)

- Love Lesson (young model x actor! forbidden love in showbiz!)

- Kuroneko Kareshi no Asobikata (HUMAN CATS LOVE !!!!!!! taht was sooo romantic so dramatic in case of accepting feelings so shmexy scenes and drawing wwww)

- Shiranai Kao (ping pong players, high school love, complicated feelings)

- Katsuai Monster (high school, 'energy eating' seme unusual shmexy story)

- Ouji to Kotori (dessert arabian story! the art is strange by newcomers but nicely done manga! poor student one day suddenly wakes up on auction and prince of one country got interested in him. he is trying to escape from the harem but..)

- NON Tea Room (story of love of musicians, of groing feelings, maturing, etc.. :3)

- Caste Heaven (cruel ranking system in school decided by cards! teachers don't know about it.. but students.. it has rape, s&m etc etc *O* pretty complex and psyhologic highschool yaoi story)

- Parallel Lines (uhhh art students!!! 2 fell in love with same guy, but... xD)

- Powerful Gossip (two teachers with same surnames.. hot and older one x3)

- Sasayaku no wa Sono Yubi (dramatic, cute at first glance and romantic.. but dark secrets are falling out. student's love between gay and most popular student..)

- Repeat After Me? (when japanese man learns english! XD comedyyyy and lovely~)

- Restart (model and his kohai, who are suppposed to be strangers. but... )

- Saiaku na Rinjin ('again this man is here to bully me! and he became my neighbour' - thoughts of passive uke when seeing his school (un)friend moving next to him.. but what's more HE...)

- Second Life (Seme got invited by one woman at bar... suddenly his boss coming through door.. what is that?)

- Sleeping Flower (guy just prepared for marriage, but after going to florist who at first actedas decent man.. no life gets another turn on)

- Tasogare wa Karera no Jikan (he has ability to allure others by his scent and beauty .. those from the clan but.. what happens when?)

- Starlike Words (the uke is cute but at start whore, who'd sleep with anyone but never wanted relationship. and after seeing in art club in school interesting quiet boy who draws strange colors but uke could understand at first glance,... and what will be with love?)

- Sono Koi ni wa Wake ga Aru (also highschool! uke is beautiful but violent boy, seme started approach from faraway after 'observing' him for longer time xD)

- Sugar Code (uhh I like this one too! uke brings unknown strong man to apartment building he manages, to save him from attackers.. but who is acctually that man lazying all days there? *o*)

- The Hinanomori (prince of the dessert placed country comes to Japan to residence which was lead by grandson who helped prince and his father king long ago while grandfather was alive of the boy.. but what prince wants when he needs to search for a bride by his country orders?.. funny action lot of arabian guys crime fight and love ~)

- Sugao no Kimi wo Aishiteru (sweet, game players love!)

- Wakadanna ni Goyoujin (writer of news goes to Ryokan to inspect and write how it looks and provides customers.. but he found different thing than he wanted..)

- Yume no Youna Hanashi (employees! romanticccc )

- Twin's♡Labyrinth (uke lost suddenly his job, and since he's from small village and doesn't know how to survive in bug Tokyo tries to attemt suicide, but one hot guy stoped him from doing so, and says he owns a host club... and he has twin brother)

- Ubawarerukoto Marugoto Zenbu (seme loves uke and uke loves seme, BUT uke loves big tits.. sooo...)

- Tsumasaki ni Kiss (yakuza hair and young businessman hair.. acctually are lovers. but secretly since their families are in 'war'.. an adult love men story ~)

- Usagi Otoko Tora Otoko (that was sooooo sweet and dramatic and www, doctor is good man and tinny so when helping to big yakuza man in blood he found on street, he cals him 'Usagi' (rabbit).. and what will come out of this helping?)

- Sunao ja Nai kedo (this is just a part of series! read all XD highchool crushes and loves and hardships and ww

- Under (xGround) Grand Hotel (uhh.. this is bloody hardcore long good one. PRISON.GUYS. what I can say more? x))

- Vanilla Resort (adult mangaka, and basketball team senpai from school days... so story begins)

- Mazu wa Ubaiai! (2 seme! 2 Doctors!)

- Umaimon Kuwasero! (coooking boys love ~ older one but good)

- Tsuioku (oneshots collection)

- Kirai Kiraimo (two families fighting between each other, but their sons are... maybe in love?)

- Omae de Nakya Dame Mitai (highschoolers! he dates lame glasses boy and says it's temporary untul he finds girlfriend...BUT..)


nyah I am done xD I have more greater maybe ones but can't remember now after I listed this what came to my mind...

I hope you'll enjoy some *O*:cuteonion7:

- Surf Junkie (sexyyyy older one! surfers, sea, a lots of 'lemon' scenes and question of what's real love?! and what's just pleasure?)


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  • 1 month later...

Well, i would definitely say me. I've started yaoi about 5 years ago and now i can't let it go. So yeah i'm pretty sure i'm just like you:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yess I do! I love watching and reading manga, I've become too obsessed. I used to watch it only in my free time, but now I watch it everywhere I go. I've even started drawing my own yaoi manga, but I abandoned it. For me yaoi is not only just super amazing, I find it fascinating as well! Yaoi is my everyday life! I'm not sure if this is weird but I even wanted to be a guy because I loved yaoi so much!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here, here....hmm yes I am.. XD At first time I don't know what it's yaoi and what it's seme or uke.. I know all of that's from my friends.. Every time she always spoke about yaoi and yaoi, then also suggested me some Yaoi manga and anime too,,,, My first yaoi anime is Junjou romantica and sekaiichi Hatsukoi...:Red_fox: In my mind, I just thought 'Wow that's anime so awesome and so funny when onodera or misaki angry also so cuteeeee arghhh :leaf15: "

And then I fall in love with yaoi last August XD Btw, Do u all have any suggestions ? If u have please share with me XD

Sorry I'm talking too much yeah..:Red_fox11: XD

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  • 1 month later...

I will just say this. Being a fujoshi is the best. I like both Yaoi and Yuri. But I must say yaoi has better story,characters, romance and the most important part(you know what I am talking about). So, yeah I love yaoi more than yuri.And getting out of this world is super hard. Sorry! Super difficult (๑¯ω¯๑)

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  • 1 month later...

Me!!!! I love yaoi so much 😄😍😍😍... i always chk my bookmark page for d recent manga update everyday. Love incest, smut n threesome!!! Salarymen, yakuza yaoi type manga r my fav.

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*dramatic entrance* I have been summoned

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you just HAVE to love yaoi, how do you not? I have a friend that kinda likes it, but she will never understand my love towards it *q*

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