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Stalker for hire


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SUMMARY: Ueda Hibiki 20 year old beautiful androgynous man , and freeter who enjoys the life of being a hedonist. His promiscuity led him to the world of trouble, being chase by the husband of the woman he slept with. In his attempt to escape, he break-in inside a car, thinking it was empty. After a few minutes, a man emerge from the shadows and say "I'll hire you as my Stalker."

STATUS: On going

DISCLAIMER: I do not condone the act of stalking, nor intend to make light or fun with the subject. This part is necessary with the story that i wanted to convey. (Please read spoiler for further details.)


One of the character in this story is suffering from an illness called Münchausen syndrome. It's a psychiatric disorder were the patient likes to hurts himself, feign illness, or even psychiatric trauma in order to get attention. This disorder is also called 'hospital addiction syndrome'.





Shit! So it comes to this huh? That wretch said she's single!

Ha. Ha,

What do i do now? I can't come home and bring trouble, it's not even my house!!


Ueda Hibiki: a freeter, currently - a dead man walking.


3 hours earlier..


"Nggnn, shit ~what a slut! " he was having a one night stand with a woman he met on a bar that night. She was cute, kinda old for his taste, since he usualy go for the innocent type highschool vibe. But he was a hedonist; all the pleasure he can get, he grabs without second thought. He was a freeter, obviously without any money, so they made the deed in the woman's house. 'It's fine i live alone anyway.' the woman said.

"Ohhh, ahh! Please.. do me harder!" The woman moaned and groan under him.


What a slut indeed! Allowing anal sex on the first night! Thank goodness for condoms! He said himself.


"Yosh! Here i come..."


As he was pounding his way to the big 'O' moment, the bedroom door burst open.


The joined bodies suddenly stop, like they have been poured by ice water. Hibiki, looked at the man in front of the door, then the woman then the man again. Realizing the situation , he pulled out and stammer.

"Ah! Shit! You're married?!" Shouting at the woman under him. With a coy smile she answered "Well, i'm touched you believed my story, but hardly anyone says the truth when on hooking up right?"


This bitch!


"Bro, listen i'm sorry okay?! I didn't know she was... hey? Bro?who are they?!"

Behind the man whose seething with rage and clenching his jaw was 5 burly men, who look like they are ready to kill him, slowly inching forward..


"Aniki, what should we do with this fucker?" One guy wearing tacky clothes ask the man in front, who is now cracking his knuckles.


Aniki? Oh no! The yakuza?


"I'm sorry honey, you never come home and...." the woman said, but it's obvious she isn't showing any kind of remorse.


"Get that man and bring him 'there'!" The man finally spoke.


Being punched kick and drag , Hibiki thought that this is where he will die. But the heavens haven't really forsake him, -either that or he was just a devil indiguise. He seduced one of the underling who was eyeing at his bare ass and said" Bro, if you let the cuffs on my feet lose and untie my hand, i'll let you take my ass.." Seeing as the man was guarding him alone for now.


Just to add another wound to the attack, he stick out his tongue and swirl it around. He knew his strenght very well,looking really tempting; and that instant, the man untie him , well only his feet, the pervert needed some kind of restraint on him to make sure he can take his time and devour him.


"Ah, bro please be gentle it really hurts.." tears was in his eye, but being raped, he admit gives him a new kind of thrill.

After a few round, the man untie his hand and shove him on the floor, continuing with the assault.


"Fuck this is so good!" The man grunt.


In the moment the man was convulsing, almost ready to burst, Hibiki leaned in and kiss him, frenching his tongue.. "omph!" The man moaned; just before he released

Hibiki bit his tongue and the tangy taste and smell of blood rushed in his mouth and nose. Cough. Cough. He almost choke , he spit a few times before grabbing a few of his clothing.

"Arghh!" The man writhes in pain and roll on the floor.


"Sorry bro, that was fun but i don't intend to die here."


Running as fast as he could, slightly woobling, bare feet and injured all over, Hibiki pushed open the gate and escape without a definite direction. Stumbling a few times, he groaned and tried to get up, but he caught the sound of hurried footsteps chasing him.


"Get the motherfucker!"

He was instantly spotted.


Adrenaline rush takes over him, forget the fact that he was aching all over, he crawled and stand and ran like the wind.


Huff. Huff.


10 minutes of chasing and they are closely gaining distance.


Where is this place. So dark!


He was panicking. He was running a dark road for ten minutes without a sign of house or life nearby.

Another 2 minutes, he spotted a warehouse with open garage.


Thinking he could ask for help if someone see him tattered and covered with blood, he ran through the garage looking for some kind of life.

"Anyone! Help me!" He plead, already near the limit of his strenght.


Although lit, the garage was seemingly lifeless. Not one soul present.

He can already feel them closing in, and he was crying in desperation.


Trying to prop open the cars one by one, looking for a place to hide.

He has no luck, all of them was locked.


Well ofcourse it is! Gee!


He was already accepting death.


The last car he haven't tried was in the far end of the garage, the part where it was not covered by light. With trembling hands he tried to open the driver seat.




He was momentarily stunned. It opened!


"Search everywhere! That guy must be hiding somewhere..." he heard the voices approaching stopping his stupor.


He climb inside and silently close the door. Trying to bend and scoot himself under the seat. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Calm down stupid breath! He told himself.


A few second later, he realized that he has not locked the door, just when he was about to try to manually lock it, it made a clicking sound.


Huh? It locked.?


Rattle ratlle.


He froze when he heard someone rattling the knobs, "this is locked too! Shit! Check around the warehouse, maybe he is hiding in there! Go!" His pursuer said to his companion and they ran towards the warehouse.


Thank goodness! This car is heavily tinted like shit!! He said to himself.


Realizing that he is safe for now, he heave a sigh of relief, and sit and the drivers seat. Touching his chest trying to calm his heart, the car reverberates his muffled sobbing.




Shock by the sound, he looked left and right, but see no one.




A light behind him suddenly flickered, and he heard someone inhaling and exhaling smoke. Freezing in place; Hibiki took a peek at the rear view mirror, and see a figure slowly emerging from the back seat, inching forward, just enough for the figure to be seen in the dim of the light outside.


A man with long black hair wearing dark sharp suit was gazing at him through the mirror. He took another drab of the smoke and exhale, while smirking at him, the man spoke with an eerily cold voice,


"Na, cornered rat.. I'll hire you as my stalker."

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Im going to use different color of text to Hibiki's internal grumbling ^_^



"Err, aniki, please let me go. I just took refuge inside your car because they're going to kill me."


And what are you doing hidden in the dark like some crazy mofo.. geez!


Hibiki wanted to cuss at the man, now driving him to who knows where.

But all he can do is plead and squirm at the passenger seat.


"I can't let you go. Beside where are you going? You look like shit!" The long haired man took a glance at him for a fraction of a second then continue paying attention to the road ahead.


Thank you for the complient, you bastard.


"Well i can't just come with you, i just escaped dying so i'm going to have to pass."


"Hmm.. anyways just be thankful that i've opened my door for you, and now you're sitting there instead of being skinned alive." The man smirked at him when he took another glance.


"*sigh* you have a point. Thank you very much for saving me."


"Uhn.." the man answered casually.


Now all the tention has subside,he felt the extend of his injuries. The man was right, he most definitely look and smell like shit. Bare feet, without pants, not even underwear, blood stained face, due to the fact that he bit someone's tongue off, his anus is leaking; obvious that it's semen. His body was bruised and battered.


How pathetic.. just because i wanted some pleasure, i almost died today. Tch! I hope that man i bit wasn't dead. I don't wan't to be a murderer all because of this stupid penis!


The man pressed his cellphone that was latch into the dock on top of the dashboard.


"Sir." On the other line was a man with crisp baritone voice, speaking in english.


"Book me a suite for tonight at the Xx hotel, bring the doctor and my lawyer. Have someone wait for us at the entrace, i absolutely want privacy so make sure these matter are take care off. You have 30 minutes." The man fired rapid orders through his phone, not caring whether he can understand or not.


"Understood." Beep.


Great! I'm going to killed tonight by a pervert who wants me to be his stalker! What a kinky way to die..i approved. he was sarcastic about it but he is realy nervous. Just now the man beside him pulled the car over and removed his jacket, revealing a gun tucked at the side of his belt.


Shit, i'm really going to die tonight.


Before he could plead and run for his life, the man toss the jacket to him, leaving him puzzled.

"Wear that, i don't want that thing leaking from you caught in my car seat."


Ah geez! He's right. I'd probably waste an expensive suit than to have my car detailed if i were him too. I mean how will i explain the semen and the blood hm? 'You poor and under appreaciated man who will have to clean all these shits, i fucked someone here and spilled all kinds of nasty juices, So yah clean it!'


"Thanks." He accepted it happily and manuevered himself so that the jacket will cover his ass when he wore it, preventing it to touch the seat.


The man pulled a small tissue packet from his glove compartment and gave it to him. He took it as a sign that he needs to tidy up a bit because they are going inside a hotel.


Ofcourse he understand the conversation the man had earlier. He wasn't always a freeter wasting away his life through pleasure seeking. His mother was a dignified college professor,who trained him to be the perfect role model of a son. That is, before his mother died. Now all he had was a sorry excuse for a father, who took no time in cleaning all of their properties and money through gambling and other addictions.


"We'll do the introductions later."

The man didn't mind him much after that and continue driving. Somehow he felt no ill intention coming from him. So he relaxed instantly.


He close his eyes a bit and lean his head back, after awhile he heared a whirring sound, and felt a cool breeze flowing through his face,neck and body.


He must have opened the window to let the smell off.. whatever, the breeze is nice.




The night after his horrific near death experience, Hibiki woke up to a lavish hotel suite with needles and tubes sticking out of his arms.


What the fuck is this?!"


"Oh so you're awake now.. sure took your time hmm.."


A handsome man was sitting a few feet away from him, laptop and a coffee cup resting in front of the table. He wasn't really looking at Hibiki so he couldn't define if the man was in deed handsome or not. All he see was long black hair ; long enough for him to tie it into a pony tail, fairly medium build; probably ranging to 6'1-6'3 ft. in height. Obvious that he was not asian, because his skin was hinting of caucasian lineage. The man just got out of the shower, with hairs still wet. He was decent enough though, wearing inner shirt and pants.


"What time is it?"he prop his elbow and support himself to sit.


"It's the third day, brat. You were unconscious for three days." The man close his laptop and lean back against his chair. With an air of arrogance, he crossed his legs and put his hands; crossed on top of it.


What the fuck! He is handome that it ticks me off! Tch!


A pair of cold slate grey eyes stared a Hibiki, making his face feel warm. The intense stare was like a pather, lurking into the shadows waiting for his prey to fell for his trap. His dark lashes was long, hinting his feral like beauty. His lips was thin, somewhat showing gentleness but not really, as he is wearing a perpetual smirk. He looks like he is in his late 20's, probably some pretty boy playboy from a rich family. Hibiki mused.


"You look like a girl Ueda Hibiki. I'm hiring you as my stalker."


Say what?!


"How.. how do you know about me, who are you.. and what is this stalker non sense?" He stuttered like a retard- he thought.


"I had my men research about you. You do not need to worry about the details, my lawyer will handle it. I just need you to agree to be my stalker. In 6 months i will be the object of your obssession, love and hate. You will research about me gradually, every breath i take, every inch of me, you want to know, and will know. I wan't you to emerge into the role completely, like wildfire consuming you." The man said in almost bedroom like voice.


Gross!what a pervert! Noo fucking way. I don't wanna do complicated stuff!


"I'll pay you ten million yen after the contract. Your housing and basically everything you will need will be taken care for you during this period." The man laid in his trumph cards.


"10 million? Are you for real?" His voice raise a few octaves.


"I'll give bonus if you are good enough. What i mean is, if you can inflict damage on me well enough." The man slowly stood up and inch into his bed, he sat just a one feet apart from Hibiki's face. That slate grey eyes staring at his eyes. The man was obviously ecstatic about his new toy, that's what Hibiki though for a moment.


He was dancing above a grave, asking to be cursed. He wanted to go but he can't, it's like this man in front of him was slowly pulling him into his world of perverseness and mocking his easy to read face.


He was already hook, and it's not because of the money.


"Are you going to accept Hibiki? Are you going to make a mess out of me?"

The man leans in closer, allowing him to smell all of his greatness, allowing him to feel the heat of his breath onto his skin. Allowing him to be drawn by his dark, mysterious personality.


At that moment, he really want to know everything bout this man.



Ah shit. I never should have fuck that bitch...

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Ohh great! The different color for hibiki's internal grumbling failed..




I'll try again next chapter. I'm sorry. I accidentaly hit the submit instead of the preview.. such a newb..

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It's been one week since Ueda Hibiki move into his new apartment that his employer/object of obssession lend him to use however he wish.The man was very generous to lend a 3 bedroom apartment, fully furnished with luxurious designer items, even the lamp must have cost a few hundred dollars.


Well, 's not like it's gonna be mine forever.


The house has a modern feel into it. Minimal and sleek,with monochromatic color schemes. The bedroom has a walk in closet, already half filled, from casual shoes to formal ones, even clothes from gym wear to formal tuxedos. Although the bed has a white and brown color sheets-plain looking in short,but it's obvious that it's canopy was not cheap, it was filled with intricate carvings that depicts some sort of a greece mythology gods and goddesses images. He snort at the lavishness of the things inside the house.


Hibiki sat on the black leather sofa and review the profile Mr. Takaba send him, (lawyer of his employer). The documents reads as follow.


Name: Walter , Aoi Himmel (name translation Blue sky)

Birthdate: August 20 19×× , age 27


Mother's name is Matsunaga Aiko; born at a traditional Japanese household. Died at the age of 29.

Father's name is Walter Zelig; German businessman.

• Ceo of Walter Entreprise- exporters of car parts, aircraft parts,

• currently residing at Frankfurt, Germany


Walter Aoi Himmel:

-Moved to Japan at the age of 22 and studied International Graduate Program in Mechanical, Electrical and Materials Engineering at T- University

-studied 2 years at University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine prior to that

-no living relatives aside from his father

-currently the company President of Walter enterprise

-also the owner and Ceo of Eagle Eye Co. -provides maintainance to non commercial aircrafts

-no intimate relationship/s

-lives at xxx

-goes to work at 9am , comes home every 7pm.

-drives a black porsche xxx



What the fuck, sounds like a normal guy. Why would he want me to stalk him? . Don't tell me it's his kink? Rich men have weird hobbies.




•You are to be paid ten million yen by the end of the 6 months contract. If you wish to terminate the agreement before set period, you will be paid according to the lenght of days/months of service you provide.


•You cannot divulge any information about Mr. Walter Aoi Himmel , or anything that will directly or indirectly involve his name. Should you violate this term, you will dealth accordingly by the law.


•You are free to use the apartment and car that is provided to you; for as long as the contract still stand, however you cannot divulge to anyone where you currently reside, should you violate this term, you will be dismiss immediately without payment.


•Mr. Walter can dismiss you anytime whether the term is in effect or not, ofcourse you will still be paid if in case that happens.


•You are allowed and encourage to take pictures of him, but not allowed to post it share or sell it to others.


•You are playing the role of a stalker, for that matter, you are to research about their behaviors.


•You can hurt Mr. Walter Aoi Himmel however you wish, so long as it's done when you are playing the role.


-threats are allowed

-psychological torment is allowed

-physical abusive is not allowed unless requested by Mr. Walter

-separate the Ueda Hibiki from your stalker character, in case Mr. Walter request for an audience with you.

-your private life within 6 months should be used wisely, for it may hinder you for being immerse in your role.


Oh, so i'm not allowed to have fun while im on contract, that's just great.


He looked at the package that the lawyer gave him, inside was DSLR camera complete with different lens kit. A voucher for photography class, a rented car key registered to Mr. Takaba's name, cash probably two hundred thousand yen, a credit card, a night vision goggle, and a swiss knife.


Whoa, scared the crap out of me.. Am i really doing this? Hmm.. what's this envelope for?


He opened the last item inside the box. It was a picture of Aoi Himmel in all his glory, wearing a dark black suit with navy blue shirt. It was fitted to perfection, even if he is sitting in the picture , you can see his long legs pretty well. His hair was disarray in a sexy way, like a model from a GQ magazine. His 5'o clock shadow suit his features well. And that slate grey eyes was like drills- piercing holes in Hibiki's skin.


It send shivers down his spine.


Ah the twisted bastard has a direct line in my groins.. i really want to taste him.. ehh? Ehhhhh???!!! No!! I'm already acting like a perverted stalker!! Tch! Aoi.. are you really allowing me to make a mess out of you? Damn.. i think i might like it.. i

t scares me..


Later that night, Hibiki came many times thinking all the pervese thing he was about to do to this beautiful creature.


The thrill of the chase starts now....



Note: sorry this chapter is short. It's sort of a character introduction for aoi himmel.. ill post the next chapter later.. thanks!!

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"Sir you don't look too good. Do you need to rest for a bit?"

"Do i have a meeting this afternoon?"

"No sir, we are done for today. Just a few documents for approval. It can wait for tomorrow sir."

"Fine, then let me rest for a bit. Bring me tea, Charlie."



Aoi reclined on his chair and pinched his brows, seemingly having a bad headache. He pat his chest and rummage through the suit pockets, looking for the zippo lighter he bought last month.




Inhale, exhale. The smoke isn't really helping him relaxed, but like all smokers, lighting it up was an instinct.




His email revealed a message from an anonymous sender.

Frowning, he click the mouse button to open to see what the content was.

It was a picture of him dinning at a restaurant with a client last night. Under the picture was a note that reads,


'The suit you have on looks good.'


Knock. Knock.


"Come in."


Charlie Petterson is Aoi's secretary. He doesn't stick to one, all of his secretary had one year contract and that was it,and Charlie only had one month left, but seeing as he keeps his distance and doesn't pry much more than was necessary, he thought he might as well extend his contract.


"Here's your tea sir. Would you like me to give you medicine? You look paler than before.." Charlie took notice of the lit cigarette that was resting on top of the ridiculously expensive ashtray. He sigh, but didn't continued on. He knew his boss wouldn't be happy with him nagging. In his 30 years of existence, his boss was the most sickly yet active man he ever met.


"Charlie, have a talk with the people from HR to draw you a new contract for 6 months. Let them know your demands, i'll hear them out before finalizing."

Aoi looked at Charlie indifferently and took a sip at his tea, reclining once again at his chair.


Charlie gave a deep bow and said " Thank you very much for the opportunity."


"Blegh.. blegh.. cough cough.."


Aoi was vomiting profusely at the floor, his face was really pale this time. And beads of sweat dribbled in his forehead.


"Get me an ambulance here! We are taking Mr. Walter at the hospital!"

Charlie roared at the receptionist who is gawking at what was happening with Aoi by the door.


A few minutes later, two guys was strolling Aoi to the ambulance.


Before Charlie leave the office room, he threw a packet of an unknown powder at the trash can.


There was a reason , afterall why Charlie is the best secretary so far.




Aoi was sitting in his hospital bed and browsing at his laptop when heard someone was slowly opening his room. He took a glance at the wall clock and frown when he saw it was already two in the morning.


Flick. Click.


Somebody locked the door and turned the lights off.


"Who? Who the fuck are you?!" Aoi was startled and shout,

The room was very dark, because the hospital curtains are closed. Squinting his eyes, he saw a dark figure standing at the edge of his bed.


"What the..umph!" Aoi back away and tried to press the button for help. But he was stop because the dark figure mounts on him and press a syringe on his arms. He was slowly getting dizzy and limp.

"Ha.. ha.."


The man mounting on top of him positioned him to lie on his back, even gave him a pillow under his head.

His body was really heavy, so much that he can't even lift a finger.

When Aoi's eyes finally adjust, he saw the man mounting him was wearing a black hoodie, his upper face has a cover leaving only the mouth open.

That man was hurriedly lifting his hospital gown and with a swift lean he

licked Aoi's left nipple.

"Hmm, wha.. you..doi" words cant even form in his mouth. He cant seem to fight him off.


Then the man unbuckled his belt and tear up a condom.


Aoi was panicking really bad, is this guy going to rape him? He asked himself.

The guy grab Aoi's placid member and started sucking on it.


Shit, so he does intend to rape me! Motherfucker..


He was feeling horrible but the man sucking was really good, sucking him and jerking off at the same time.




His heartrate was suddenly rising, the skilled mouth of the pervert was giving him pleasure even though he hates to admit it. It was a new experience; a thrill only the sick in the head would appreciate.


The pleasure and experience is too much, the hot tongue swirled against his tip, the mouth was sucking him nearly up to hilt. The pleasure was exquisite. He had never experience something so humiliating and shameless like this, and yet he was cumming, and cumming so much.


The man didn't let go until he gobbled all of his juice. Then the man wipe his penis with something wet, probably cleaning it from any trace of his saliva. Then tucked his own back into his pants, not even removing the condom.


What a skilled pervert. He knew he shouldn't leave any trace.


After the deed is done, he slowly move towards the door, but before he finally leave he whispered with a very creepy voice(probably using a voice alterating device).



"You can't escape me, i'm always watching you."-


Aoi's spine shivered.

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Thank u!! ~*bows*

I had a problem with my net connection earlier dats y i havent upload as promise.. ill try to work on it now..

Thanks for taking the time reading!



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H: for hibiki's thoughts

A: for aoi

Search strawberry blonde hair for appreciation of Hibiki's hair color.




"Oh is that you Hibiki? You look different!"


Hibiki, who is a natural black hair guy was now wearing a strawberry blonde hair,with lenght just a fraction below his eyes. He usually wear clear contacts because his vision was bad, but now he wore hazel colored lens, giving him that foreign look. With fair skin, long slender body and a very minute appearance of the adam's apple, he was always mistaken for a girl. Which gives him the freedom to pick guys who likes the innocent lamb look, or girls who likes the androgenous beautiful men.


"Had to change my looks, i got myself into some weird shits. Anyways didn't come here to buy something . Ryuu, i need heat, can i?" Hibiki kiss his friend at his cheeks. He wanted sex, but can't go out to hunt, and Ryuu was always willing to put out.

"Sure. I have a few minute left here, wait for me outside alright?" Ryuu whispered as he pretend to restock the cereals in the grocery shelf.


After two weeks from his contract, Hibiki recieve a phone call from Mr. Takaba saying he was given the permission to 'inflict physical damage' to Aoi, so long as it won't be a grave injury. He was baffled at the thought. At first he thought Aoi is just some crazy masochist who likes to spice things up. But after two weeks of following him, taking pictures, sending scary messages and even calling his house to say nothing but 'breath noises' , he realize that something was off.


Aoi is a healthy looking guy, and he doesn't appear to be going or inviting a lover to his house. And those masochist he knew, usually prefers a partner they can trust to play the sadist role. H:Ofcourse, you want killer sex not actually die from it.


During those two weeks of tailing, Aoi was being carted to the hospital for 3 times. The first one was when he fainted during a golf session, the other one was when he felt dizzy during an office dinner party, and the one where he was rushed out from his office.


The night when Aoi was rushed to the hospital, Hibiki wanted to confirm his condition, if he was actually suffering from a grave illness then chances are, he might 'accidentally' kill him. And no matter how powerful Aoi is, if he died; even in contract Hibiki will still be put to jail. He choose to pick the time when nurses was really slacking and with stealth, he stole Aoi's chart. What he saw shocked him.


"Hey, Hibiki what are you zoning out for? Are you hungry? We can eat first!" Ryuu emerge from the employees exit wearing a shirt with cat printed on it. He was the definition of the word 'trying hard to be cute' which makes Hibiki laugh inwardly.



"Ahh..ahhnnn.. Hibiki! You're too rough!" Ryuu was crying under Hibiki, face plush red.

"Shut your mouth!" Hibiki plowed through Ryuu's ass, bending his hips like it was paper easily folded. It was intense, and almost painful.

"Shit Hibiki!"

"Nggg..." the both of them trembled and climax.

Collapsing in the bed, Hibiki massage his chest for a second and rustled Ryuu's hair, whose face was now burried in the pillows.H: i guess i was too rough.

"Ryuu, stay here for tonight. I've already paid for the room until 1pm ,use it however you wish. I'm just going to shower then head out." He leaned in and kiss Ryuu's hair.

"Wow, mighty generous are we? Next time buy me shoes 'kay?" Ryuu prop his head using his elbow and looked at him.

He chuckled as a reply.




He was standing outside Aoi's house wearing a hoody and black pants. The night was really humid, and given the fact that he was nervous, he was sweating heavily, making him feel sticky and disgusting.


He didn't want to come in, but his curiosity to confirm what he read at Aoi's chart was really bothering him. H: What kind of moron are you huh? You already read it in the chart. Ofcourse its true! They wouldn't hide that thing to such extent if its not crazy confidential. You almost had to jump out a window just to escape the guards roaming the nurses station! Hibiki reprimands himself.


H: Ah shit! Congratulations Hibiki! You are now a certified pervert. Your ancestors must be so proud of you! Mom, aren't you proud! Your son is now a disgusting criminal! That is some crazy accomplishment! Well sarcasm was his favorite language.


Hibiki already knew the codes to Aoi's security system. Tailing him and doing nothing but take pictures, it's obvious that you are bound to learn useful stalking information.

Today Aoi was in an inauguration party and he was bound to get home late, so coming to his house tonight was the perfect time.


Hibiki threw a stone at the nearby lamp and climb Aoi's gate. H: Geez, for a rich guy, he sure lack security. Or maybe he fired them, so he can be chased by stalkers. I wonder how many are we at the moment. Hmm, will i be able to meet a few of the 'paid stalkers'? And what will i do if i met them? Compared notes? Hmm or maybe compete who has the most picture? Hehe


He was just trying to calm himself, but he was very nervous. His stomach was churning like crazy. When he punched the codes to the door his handa trembled badly and sweaty all over.H:Thank Goodness for the invention of gloves!


When he was finally inside, he took out his flashlight and scan around. The house was not that grand, simple in fact for someone who owns three expensive foreign cars. Beside the door was a coat and umbrella hanger. A door was beside it, he opened it and saw brooms and cleaning materials.H:Moving on.


He walked through one of the division; the living room. It was elegant , with white carpets, black sofa set with black center table. The flat screen tv was ofcourse big.

And the decorations was minimal. It was a typical bachelors taste.


He walk through the kitchen and it was clean, almost in pristine condition. Complete with modern cooking stoves and such, even the marble counter exudes class. He opened the refrigerator and saw alot of wines, beers, yogurts.

H: What no food?


He went upstairs and saw three room, he opened the first one to the left and saw that it was the office or library. It has an old english setting feel to it. Wood desk, old lamp, filled with old books. Even the table has a pen ink and quill. H: pfft! Who are you? Sherlock or Edgar allan maybe? Hehe


The door to the right was a guess bedroom. Drawers empty and all. He wasn't interested in that so he moved on to the last door in the middle of the hall. When he opened it, he immediately knew it was Aoi's bedroom.


The inside was marvelous, almost as big as his own apartment. He went inside, to start searching what he wanted when a sudden flicker of light flood through and shone inside the grand room.


"Who are you!" Aoi was stunned to see an unknown man in his bedroom. He ran towards him to apprehend the intruder.


Hibiki panic and turned around that instant, he saw Aoi wearing a dangerous expression, like he was about to shoot him. Out of reflex, and many, oh so many fights he have been,Hibiki dashed forward and hit the heavy metal flash light at Aoi' s head.


"Guh!" Aoi groan and bend over holding his side and inching to get his gun. But the intruder was swift; he kicked Aoi's side making him collapse to one knee. And for the last hit, the intruder kneed his stomach. "Ugh!" Aoi made a grunt of pain and slowly collapse on the floor. Before he was knock out of conciousness, he saw a beautiful blonde man kneeling beside him, his face was troubled and filled with worry..

A: What is he saying? Is he saying ~i'm sorry?...


H: Ah fucking bloody hell! What do i do now???!!!

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"Shit! What do i do? What do i do?" Hibiki pressed on his temple and pace back and forth while gazing down at the pale and limp Aoi. H: I didn't mean to hurt him like this. Is he breathing? Oh no! Oh hell no!


Hibiki kneeled down and lean on Aoi's chest to hear his heartbeat, he relaxed ,just a little bit when he felt the rising and falling of his stomach. Nervously dialling on his cellphone, he called the only person who can help him.

"Oh good Takaba! Listen!.."




A few days ago..


During these past two weeks; like clockwork, Hibiki parks his rented black toyota crown just outside Aoi's office building every 4pm, and waits for him to go home. Camera ready, he will shoot a few shots at his prey and send him pictureswith note attached saying : 'i like the tie you're wearing, i'd like to wrangle it to your neck' or 'i'm going to kill the girl right next to you' or something along the borderlines of being possessive and delusional.


Ofcourse he wasn't really obssess about Aoi at first, in fact this job bored him the first few days.


But his opinion gradually change when he witness twice how Aoi was rushed to the hospital. This pique his interest very much, to the point where it consumes his night. He once caught himself, getting high on thinking how would Aoi look like under him gasping for air. It's almost as if he develop a fetish to hunt the beautiful limpy gazelle.




The sound of the siren stop his perverted fantasies, making him jolt. The ambulance stop in front of the Walter entreprise building and two paramedics rushed inside carrying a stretcher. H: Wait, don't tell me?!


A few moments later, the paramedics carted away a very pale man vomitting heavily onto a bag. His suit, his shoes, and even that black sleek hair all belongs to Aoi.


Hibiki slam both his hands at the steering wheels, fidgeting the keys into ignition.H: Damn,what the hell happen?



"Fuck!" Hibiki jumps at the vibrate of his phone, making him drop his keys. He fished the cellphoned out and answer" Yes?"

"Follow the ambulance." Bip.bip.bip. The other line hanged up.


"Damn!" He finally gain control of his strenght and keyed the ignition to start. The engine roared and he pushed the pedal really hard, making a screeching sound of the tires as he drived forward.


Hibiki realized that his behavior was starting to bother him, slowly developing schemes and new ways to get under Aoi's skin. It's like Aoi is his special brand of drugs. A sickly; otherwordly beautiful man, whose secret is deep rooted it makes him wants to possess him.


He realize that it was not possible for him to waltz in and ask for Aoi's room,so he needed some kind of divertion.


And like a veteran criminal, he made one.



"Ah! Fire! Fire! Everybody out."


Mom in heaven, are you seeing this? Hibiki , your son has finally gone to the deep end.


As the people from the ER traige floor rushed out, a hooded man entered the nurse station and rummage through the the files of folders. Like a seasoned thief, he quickly shifts around, looking for the price. He took the green folder that has a note "Walter, Aoi Himmel" in it and tucked it inside his sweat shirt. A few seconds later he was opening it inside the hospital restroom.



H: What kind of fucking mess is this?



RAI'S NOTE: Hello everyone!*bows* sorry my tablet pc is acting like a b*tch today so i have to cut CHAPTER 6 into two parts. I'll continue later..ja..

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Man, one hell of a writer ( i've already told you this but i feel the need to tell you again).

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Ch I:

There were a few thing that was blowing my mind.

like this:


"Ohhh, ahh! Please.. do me harder!"



'' [...] i'll let you take my ass..''



OMG and just when i though it could not be better is apearing this:


''A man with long black hair '' *dead by hotness* and this ''the man spoke with an eerily cold voice,'' he is just too deathly



Ch II:

There were for sure a few things that amazed me, but i won't mention them. This man with long hair, im so in love with him, cold and beautiful, and now the first guy (who seemed bad, is like a kid compared to that hot/long hair/ cold/beautiful guy).


Just this one:


In 6 months i will be the object of your obssession, love and hate. *.*




Oo Hikibi seems to enter into character, good for him.

I so love this, the straight guy who now is a bi, even if he doesn't want to admit it.



Oh my my xD the stalking has already began. Beautiful way you have to describe all kind of stuff.


Ch V:

You made me curiouse with that strawberry blonde. Waw what an amazing colour.


''he wore hazel colored lens'' realy? from all the colours hazel?



''Ah fucking bloody hell!'' this sounded so english



Ch VI:


''he wasn't really obssess about Aoi at first'' so he is now?


Oh Aoi you are beautiful anywhere i look. But why are you so surprised about your stalker? or you are just pretending to be.


You are very good, i like a lot the way you write, you have a very well done description. I love the dialog too, and the little swearing and the things Hikibi think in his mind, mabey i forgot something, hope note, if i did i'll edit this xD.

I enjoyed this very much, im waiting for the continuation, hope it'll be soon Rai.

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Thank you for taking the time into reading it. Im soo touched...


The hazel eye color..



I was actually looking for a look that would suit Hibiki without outshinning Aoi's character too much, and this is what i came up with. 'A hunter with strawberry blonde hair and hazel eyes. And stalks his prey like a limpy gazzelle or deer.' Yes,exactly like a (lion). Lol



The f* bloody hell



A bet i made when i was drunk!! Rofl.



The obssession question.



I think when a person fantasize about pervy stuff inside his car, and burns a building (lol) he's pretty much obssess already. *nods nods*



The surprised from the stalker.



Aoi is a complex character, you know just a fraction of him so i wont spoil you much.




Thank you mia! Ill up my game and give you a good Aoi-sama ( i like him too, he is here with me every night. Lol)

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H: Psychiatric patient? What does that mean?

The chart had nothing but triage information. And a note at the bottom that said 'Psychiatric patient'.


H: I can't use this shit! Hibiki threw the chart at the trash bin- partly to dispose any evidence that he stole it, partly because he was irritated. H:So when the cold bastard said he'll hire me as his stalker, it's not because he is in dire need of sexy kinky stuff. He is just sick in the head!! And what's with the you 'look like a girl' crap?!



Hibiki pound his fist at the lavatory and stared at the hooded being in front of him. It's funny, he thought. For 20 years, this being was always in front of him when he looks at the mirror. The man whose beauty makes everyone grovel at his feet.

Now the beauty is not staring back. As if the old Hibiki was long gone. He wasn't himself from the day he woke up and Aoi was in front of him.


The man who stares at him now have eyes filled with demented thoughts.




"Just get the new record at the archives. We're really busy! Some punk burn the ambulance and the CCTV cameras were smashed! Geez this kids these days!!" A man in blue scrubs grumbled on and picking thing inside the nurse station.


Hibiki was just passing through, getting ready to go home when he heard this conversation.


Only one record could be missing.


He followed the 'sacrificial lamb' called the errand nurse to get the new records. The hallway was still busy with foot traffic so hitting her and stealing the charts would be impossible, he thought. H: Oi! Hitting a woman? And anyone! oi oi oi Hibiki! He reprimands himself.


But crazy things filled his head. So much that his temples are throbbing. Hibiki didn't really know why it pissed him off to know Aoi really didn't like him because of his looks. Or this game isn't just a facade for something perverted. Or the fact that Aoi was challenging him to know his secrets, knowing that the door of these secrets will lead him to an endless pit.


H: The object of my obssession, love and hate.. heh..


"...am i going to make a mess out of you? Yeah, you fucking dog, you bet i will!"





"Takaba listen, i broke into Aoi's home,and accidentally knock him unconcious."


Hibiki fliched at Takaba's shouting.

"Yeah! He's fine,listen at exactly 1 hr from now, drop by his house and bring a doctor."

"Why not now? You are not to inflict serious injuries on him remember?"

"I know, but he seems fine. Anyways, didn't you call me last week and said i need to quicken the phase so here i am!"

"Ueda Hibiki. You...."

"One hour!"

Beep beep beep


Hibiki kneeled down beside Aoi and holds the side of his face. It's cold and filled with sweat. H: You won't die from this right?


"You know, your stupid lawyer told me that you're going to an inauguration today so i can come here, probably to steal some of your personal stuff.."


He leans in and smell the back of Aoi's right ear.


"And he said, i should try to be more convincing.."


He loosen Aoi's tie and untucked the shirt off of Aoi's buckle. Then very slowly, he unbuttoned it starting from the bottom, revealing only his belly.


"What that stupid lawyer of yours didn't know, is that i'm really looking forward a for chance to touch you again, and he gave me a perfect excuse.."


He licked Aoi's belly button lightly.


"Well Aoi sama, for making me into this hungry animal, you have to take responsibility.." he was whispering at the immobile Aoi.




"Ho ho.. so you're waking up your highness?! I plan on hiding at your closet today so that i can see exactly what it is that you do during at night, but this is okay too you know. Heh.. Let's see.. Aoi Himmel Walter(Hibiki started narrating as he mounts on top of Aoi) at the age of five (he unbuttoned and fly open Aoi's shirt)

stab and killed his own mother to death (he took out a syringe and use his teeth to remove the syringe cap) was hospitlize (he plunge the syringe into Aoi's arm) 79 times ( he stared down at Aoi's face, filled with desire)


...over the past years (he slowly unbuckles Aoi's belt) either from burns, to faking heart attacks, ( he grab Aoi's penis with one hand and slightly pinch the tip) to breaking his own foot. (his other hands inch towards Aoi's crevice) "


He tug the pants off of Aoi and looked for a few minutes.


"Mother was suffering from Münchausen syndrome by Proxy, repeatedly stabbing his only son Aoi, so that she can shower him with love and care.." he stroke the scars around Aoi's thighs and knees.

"At twenty two, Aoi Himmel tried to commit suicide at the backseat of his car.. "


H: Were you going to commit suicide the night i met you? he grazed his chin against Aoi's shoulder.


H: Aoi, i'll give you what you want.. i'll make it so, that you will never hurt yourself again for seeking attention and undivided care.


He kissed Aoi forcing his tongue inside his mouth.


A few seconds after, Hibiki was wiping blood stains off the side of Aoi's now wounded lips.


H: I'll give it to you all! The love the care, even the fucking pain..


"You can never ever escape me.."


With force, he bites into Aoi's collar bone breaking it's flesh.

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Oh hey i'm sorry i didn't put the definition of

Münchausen Syndrome by Proxy.


It's basically the same as Münchausen Syndrome like Aoi has(yay i finally revealed what Aoi has) this is what google sensei said about


Münchausen syndrome by proxy = is a controversial term that is used to describe a behavior pattern in which a caregiver deliberately exaggerates, fabricates, and/or induces physical, psychological, behavioral, and/or mental health problems in those who are in their care. ..-.so yeah, basically you hurt the ones you loved.

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I just read it, sorry it took me so much time, but you are still very good, i liked, and the good parts are still in there, there are still hot things happening. And Hibiki as much as i see he's changeing but in a good way xD


i finally revealed what Aoi has

I already knew it, you said something at the start of the story and i figured out that you were talking about Aoi.

Very well done my friend, i always enjoy what you write.

Waiting for next. GL

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Yes but thats only the tip of the iceberg



Seriously,as always, my thanks to u dear.

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"So the rape kit test came back negative, but the bites-are you sure you don't want stitches? The one on your clavicle might scar." The doctor was examining Aoi with obvious disbelief in his face. He have been Aoi's doctor for the pass years or so, and since Aoi's case is sensitive, he was use to him trying all kinds of self inflicted wound; accompanied by grand, complicated story.


But this is the first time he had seen Aoi with actual wounds made by another person.


"It's unneccesary. Just attached the findings to the police report. " Aoi answered looking at him indifferently.


"Alright, if you can't sleep. Drink one of these." The doctor gave him sleeping pills then exit the room discreetly, leaving with Takaba and the police.


Aoi was found unconcious at his bathtub by Takaba 30 minutes ago. He was bathe and towel dried and just lying inside his tub naked. Earlier,he was assaulted by Hibiki whose looks change alot the last time he saw him.


"Charlie, get me a male prostitue for tomorrow night." Aoi order Charlie with voice of non challance.


"Excuse me sir?" Charlie was used to being summon at Aoi's house from time to time so being called at the middle of the night when something happen again to Aoi wasn't really a big deal for Charlie.He knew his boss has Münchausen and he knew how to adjust from his boss peculiarity of request.


He was pouring Aoi chamomile tea when he thougt he heard someting outrageous from his boss.


"I want a male prostitue for tomorrow to accompany me the whole night. His looks must be....




A striking man was sitting at the longue of Xx hotel, drinking scotch and seemingly waiting for someone. He was wearing a magnificent Carlo Pignatelli's winter suit in black and shoes from Prada. His long-sleek black hair was lazily tucked behind his ears and from time to time he brushed it off with his long slender fingers.


Every people in the entire floor was either looking at him with envy, or with attraction.


The magnificent man was emmiting an aura of dark, feral quality. He was almost seen as something that only exist in magazines or basically-their dreams.


"May i join you?" A woman in gorgeous Royal blue cocktail dress sat beside the man and look at him invitingly. She was beautiful,and obviously very confident that she was a definite catch. The man took a glance at her and gave a snort.


"I'm not interested in ugly people." The man said while smirking.


"Excuse me?!!" The woman was taken aback. She was already red and ashamed because alot of the people was paying attention to their conversation.


Ofcourse they were. It's not everyday when you get to see such a wonderful spectacle. Just who could the man be waiting that he rejected such a fine looking woman.


"Were you waiting long, Walter-san?"


"Not at all. Would you like a drink?" Aoi looked at the man appraising im from head to toe and smiling gently in approval. The man silently sat beside him and took a glance at the stunned woman next to Aoi. Her mouth was really open wide in shock.

"I told you, you're ugly." Aoi looked at the girl and chuckled, he was enjoying her embarrased face. She was speechless at how marvelous Aoi's date for tonight look like and without saying a word, she quickly walks towards the lobby exit leaving a group of giggling people who amuse themselves at gawking.


"I'd like a bourbon, neat please." The man order the barkeep.

"So what shall i call you?" Aoi face towards the man and nurse his scotch in one hand ,gently swirling it.

"My name is Daiki. Just call me that." Daiki took his bourbon and tip it mid air before taking a sip. It's a gesture for 'let's drink or cheers.'


Aoi just smirk as a reply. He was really enjoying what was happening. Daiki was carefully picked by his talented secretary and it suit his taste perfectly. Even to the details of what Daiki should wear.


A:This is gonna be an interesting night.




Hibiki was stunned to see Aoi had brought someone home with him. And it wasn't just someone, this particular person has a creepy resemblance of him. H: Is he my costplayer or something? What the fuck!


He was hiding at Aoi's lawn , it was dim that night. Almost like it was not lit on purpose. He was crouching just behind the bush, his back was facing the wall.


The man sat at the porch just 12-feet away from Hibiki, it was lit enough so that you can see perfectly what they were doing. The porch has a small wooden table,probably use for coffee or reading a book. There was also one outdoor bench, big enough for two people. Aoi's guest sat there, his back facing Hibiki.


Aoi emerge from inside the house, his hair was wet and he was wearing a robe. He half kneeled at the bench and place both his hand at it's headrest.

Then Aoi's guest wrap his hands at Aoi's nape and started licking his neck all over, slowly untying his robe, revealing a perfectly chiselled chest and abs.


He knew that body well. He took great efforts into making sure that-that body was embedded in his mind.

H: Does he intend to have sex here? What an exhibitionist!


His heart was racing watching the two. The man under Aoi was skilled. Licking him, simultenously stroking Aoi's member, and Aoi just let him. His face was filled with lust, as he was slightly parting his lips and giving breathy noises.


Hibiki felt a pang of jealousy. He wanted to see Aoi like this too. But he wanted to be the one causing it.


Just then, Aoi stood up and grab the man's hair with both his hand and bend him, forcing him to give him fellatio.


Blood pump directly at Hibiki's groins. This is the first time he saw Aoi's erect penis in light, and this is the first time he saw his beautiful face grunting in ecstacy.


Seeing it was heaven.


Just then, Aoi gaze at the bush and gave that cold mocking smirk. He was directly looking at Hibiki, who thought for sure that he was well hidden.


H: Oi, oi, oi! Don't tell me , he knew i was here?!


Aoi grab the man's head and whispered something in his ears. The man nodded and removed his pants, then turned around and bend over, also now facing Hibiki.


H:What.. he looks like me, he fucking looks like me!!


Although the man was facing at Hibiki's direction, he was not looking at him and basically was not paying attention to his surroundings because Aoi was shoving his fingers at the man's hole.


"Ahh..ahhh.." the man moaned, his face was beet red, he was breathing heavily, holding on to the porch wooden railings.


Aoi was still wearing the robe but it was not fasten, showing all of his nakedness he was half kneeling again as he stretch the man's ass for the deed.


Then just as Aoi was about to position himself in entering the man, he gave another look at Hibiki's direction and licked his upper lips.


This send shivers into Aoi's spine. He couldn't take the heat anymore; whipping out his swollen member, Hibiki began to jerk off.


"Ahhh.. ahhh.. ooohhh.." the wild thrusting began. It was hot and powerful, Aoi was like an animal plowing through and slamming hard at the man. He was holding the man's hips and pulling him forward every thrust. One of his eye was shut. He was getting flush too."Ngghh, so tight!" Aoi exclaimed.


All this time, Aoi's gaze was with Hibiki. H: Is the fucker saying he thinks he is pounding me right now? Tch..


As Aoi's thrusting began to quicken, Hibiki's jerking off quicken in pace too. He was matching Aoi's stride like he was really the one whos being screwed.

H: That face! Ha, that fucking hauntingly beautiful face! You wanted me to see your sex face.. Shit! I might seriously rape you next time!!


As Aoi was about to climax, he grab the man's face-who is hanging his head down all this time; and covered his eyes with his hand. Then Aoi bit the neck of the man and gaze at Hibiki.


His eyes was taunting him. That slate gray eyes was looking at him as if saying that he was just Aoi's play thing. That Aoi was in control and not him.

H:Piss me off how fucking sexy he is.. That beautiful hair! I want to pull it!"


"Cum for me!" Aoi said in a low voice, still biting down at the man's neck. Ofcourse his request was for Hibiki. As he was not really paying attention to the man under him. He was just a hole who looks like his prey. But that was it. He really wanted to get under Hibiki's skin, so much that it tingles his scalp.


"Ohh,,nggg!" The man under him tighten it's clenched as Aoi thrust his last thrust and shoot his load inside him.

When he stand and pulled out, the semen dripped at the bench and Daiki collapsed onto it seemingly out of breath.


But Aoi was not finish, he grab both of Daiki's thigh and flip him over, making him face him. In a standing position, Aoi once again put it in, almost folding Daiki into two. He looked at the bush once more and bit Daiki's legs.


H:Ah shit! This is torture..


A: Let's see how long can you keep up cornered rat. Remember this well, your world revolves around me..it's you who can never escape me..




Seriously people, search how magnificent that Carlo Pignatelli's winter suit is,.. its hot! yoyo3


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Right? That suit is really magnificent. I really wish i could just sketch out Aoi Himmel and post his character here.. my head is filled with him :)

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Well hello again xD

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''Carlo Pignatelli's winter suit in black ''


I searched this, is realy very nice O.o



''His long-sleek black hair was lazily tucked behind his ears and from time to time he brushed it off with his long slender fingers. ''


OMFG what a beautiful image you gave me, i feel chills on my back, such a hot guy is this Aoi. Everyone was looking at him, of course they were looking, if i was seeing him i think i'd stay still and stare with my mouth open untill i'd no longer see him.


"I'm not interested in ugly people."
Poor woman, she was so confident...is not so often to see a man who refuses a beautiful women. *but me like it*


Now i see they don't have inhibitions, is like: so what if he can see us? or anyone else as well. And after this is just...*beep beep beep* ooo Hibiki you realy changed a lot onion0 . You naughty boys :banhbao21:


There were a few times when my eyes got bigger xD but it was such a good chapter, i loved it *tehe* .

A very great job. Waiting for next.


Ps: Ever since i started to read your fic, i always imagined Aoi like this:

(Sorry i don't want to ruin no ones image about Aoi, so is better if you don't look. Is just that this guy was always my fav. since i found this a several years ago, and the portret you made to Aoi seems a lot like this guy.)




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Yah yah yah! yoyo3


Kinda like that but more bone structure i guess..

And oh! I really love how you critique me, seriously *hugs you with patting your back!*


Im actually a fan of tailored made suits. *nods nods* so i like the idea of making a character wear one of my favorite line.(since i cant afford it, might as well let my fic wear them)


Yes Aoi is not interested in ugly people. He is a snooty bastard.. XD


thanks alot mia chan your words of encouragement helps me;)

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H: Huh, who's mailing me, it's..whoa 3am..

Hibiki woke up from the vibration of his phone and found 3 mails-all coming from Mr. Takaba.


H: Is he serious?!! Son of a bitch..




Hibiki wore a cream colored casual tailored suit, with fitted white tee inside. He wore a regular cut denim and walking boots, taking extra care in grooming that day. Took a bath with alot of scented bath oils, went to a mall that morning to purchase new accesories like earings, ring, and even perfume. Before he leave the house, he even floss his teeth to perfection, and brush his hair vigorously.


Like a maiden on a first date.


Earlier, Hibiki was shocked to recieve a message from Takaba saying that Aoi wants to spend a day with him. Not as a stalker but as Hibiki. And that he should be careful not to mess things up.


When Hibiki arrived at the sports complex that noon, he waited outside like instructed. A few moments later, a shiny black porsche with convertible top stop in front of him. The man riding it wore a gray V neckline Gucci sweatshirt and black soft denim pants with black walking shoes. When he step out outside his car, with luck; -like a playful devil is in his side- a slight gust of wind blew his hair giving that 'i know im hot' vibe all over him.


Aoi walked towards to the now statue figure that was once called Hibiki. Very slowly he leaned near his face and remove his aviator sunglasses and ask in a mocking tone "Did you wait long?"


H: Ha, i really want to cry now. All that preparation and i still look like dog shit compared to this guy... i want to suck that fingers for him very much..


Hibiki was feeling his face was turning red because it was warm. Aoi is tall and gorgeous and just breath taking. When he was handing the guards his car keys Hibiki had this questioning look. Aoi just smirk and said "Ofcourse they would park my car for me." He wriggle his hand instructing Hibiki to follow and he did, like a wet dog waiting for his master in the rain. When they are entering the complex, all eyes was fix on Hibiki.. the question was obvious.. 'Who is this man who dares to folllow this God right here.'


H: Well, it's kind of an ego boost i think.. so whatever.


They were escorted by two guys dress in black suit and ushered them in the front seat. When they finally sat, Aoi cross his long legs and fix his hair and place it to his side. It was like watching an action movie with lots of thrill and explosion. The people that surrounds them was waiting for what will happen next.


"What are you looking at hmm? Are you enjoying the view?" Aoi ask Hibiki while snorting a little. He caught Hibiki staring with mouth open wide.


"Well Walter-san it seems you don't know the word 'subtlety' . You walk in here with people escorting you and sit there looking like royalty with an air of arrogance. What do you expect?" Hibiki snap back.


"Hmm? Don't mind other people Hibi~ki.. just keep your attention for only me.." he whispered at Hibiki's ear and he chuckled. The people at the back row gasp. And you could almost hear the fangirls yelling "kyaaaa!"


H: Oh no stupid penis, dont wake up now!!


Aoi must have felt Hibiki squirming and decided to tease a bit, he graze his thumb against Hibiki's neck and said "Are you feeling uncomfortable? The day hasn't even started Hibi-ki."


H: Man, this rich snooty bastard likes to torture other people more than himself.. yes .. that's probably it.. i mean why would he ask Ueda Hibiki to accompany him, knowing im his paid stalker.


"Walter-san please order us drinks, i'm kinda thirsty." Hibiki dodge the situation by changing the subject. He needs to-or he's probably going to be ape like and hump Aoi here.


"Heh.. ofcourse you can , what would you like to drink?" Aoi brushed a rogue hair out of Hibiki's forehead.


Hibiki shivered and sigh a long suffering sigh. "Walter -san , i'll just go to the restroom real quick." He didn't wait for Aoi's reply and stood up. Aoi waved his hand and two men in suits followed and escorted Hibiki in the restroom. The suits waited outside , allowing him perfect privacy.


H:You need to calm down Hibiki. That son of bitch is playing mental chess. You just have to tough it up. He slap his face and exhale. But this wasn't enough to relax him so he decided to splash some water to it.


When he was finished, he gaze at the mirror and was shocked. Aoi was behind him and smiling like this amuse him, his eyes squinting a little.

"Walter-san, why are you doing this? You knew very well what i do for you, so why invite me?" Hibiki turned to face him and place both his hands at the sink,.


Aoi moves in closer.


"You know, you were being delinquent in chasing me lately. It's been .well... boring." Now Aoi's face is inches away from him, his long beautiful hair was dangling in Hibiki's shoulder.


H: I can smell his breath.. his scent..now what do i do?

"You had your fun with me didn't you? Now.. i wan't to know.. what would you taste like.." Aoi whispered in his ears and breath in. The warm feeling made Hibiki weak in the knees.


"Walter-san,. Please..." Hibiki plead. He is really arouse at the situation. And he's not sure if can handle it..


"Hmm?" Aoi held Hibiki's nape and drew him closer to him, with just an inch away from kissing, Aoi whispered. "I really plan that this day would atleast end up in a hotel, but this is okay too,. Means you can't live one minute without breathing me in."


Then, the two kissed. It was hot and hungry. Tongue swirling in. Filling each other with saliva. Aoi grab Hibiki's hips and hug him tighter, so tight that Hibiki is moaning very loud.


"Mmm.. huu..uhnn."

Aoi was not wasting time and open his zipper, and held Hibiki's hand and guide him to touch it.

H: My .. that's hot!


Their kisses stops and spittle connected their mouth. Hibiki was jerking off Aoi's hot and hard member. H: Shit, i can't control.


He opened his own fly and whip out his own penis. This is the first time Aoi saw Hibiki face to face and his aroused face excites him.


Aoi yank Hibiki's hair and press him against the wall.

"Motherfucker! That hurts!"


Aoi tug Hibiki's pants with swift movement and spread his legs and started to grind against his hole.

"Oi! Are you for real? Atleast stretch me a little!"

Hibiki protested, but Aoi was yanking his hair so tight his face is twitching.


"Guh.. uhnn.." Aoi was already half inside and he is feeling good that he can't help but moan.

H:Shit that was crazy sexy.. But my ass feels like it's tearing apart, i'm getting soft.


"Hibi..Hibiki... uhn" Aoi began his thrusting, supporting both of their weight. Hibiki's face was press against the cold wall.

H: Ah that's hot.. shit.. the lewd sounds echoes here and my.. ah..


"Ah.. Walter..A.Aoi.." he was feeling him upto his hilt. His prostate was being stimulated it feels like something is tickling him. It's crazy. It's hot and it feels so good. He started to loosen up and jerk himself off.


Aoi bit his shoulder, so hard it drew his blood. "Arghh!" He squirmed but Aoi just pounded at him harder. It was unbearable. The breathy sounds, the squishy sounds, the stinging shoulders, the fragrant long hair that dangles around his body, it's exciting him.

H: I didn't know i was such an M. Fucking shit!


"Shit.. i'm going to cum Aoi,." His breathing was rapid and he is convulsing.


"Then cum!" Aoi slammed at him hold both hands his hips making his upper body dangle low.

Hibiki cum and spilled his load into the floor.


A few slam more, Aoi pulled out and yank him to kneel and shoot his load into Hibiki's face.

H:This fucking bastard!



Hibiki immediately stood up and wash his face while Aoi tried to regain his breathing.


After they have clean themselves. Aoi lit up a cigarette and sit on the sink counter.


A: I wonder how is this rat will act in the end.. Heh *chuckle*.. give me a good show rat.. i don't need boring people..


"What are you smirking at?" Hibiki saw Aoi and immediately assumed he was amused by what has happen.


Aoi brushed his hair and exhale , spewing large amount of smoke and smiled at Hibiki.

"Nothing. I just wonder, how will it end for you.."


Hibiki felt scared. That eyes was not the usualy eyes he usualy see. He felt-threatened by it.




Buzz. Buzz.


"Who.. who the fuck is ringing my doorbell in the middle of the night!!"

Hibiki stood up and his hips ache all over. The vigorous activity he did earlier did a number on him and his walking was really slow and painful.


He opened his door and saw a beautiful man , probably 175cm in height white skin , black hair and black eyes, he wears a soft smile in his face. Almost very friendly for someone he doesn't know.


He resembles Hibiki very much.


"Ueda Hibiki-san was it? Nice to meet you, i'm Matsuo Kaname.... The previous stalker."

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thanks for reading kitty! Glad you like it! :hamtaro-005 (22):

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