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Stalker for hire


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Thanks,, yes Aoi is very evil indeed. rabbit14

But we all love Aoi like that.. cold and sexy. :o


Sorry about the delayed in my update.. ill try to make it later.. thanks for understanding!


Aoi-sama fansclub member yoyo1


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Warning: Very violent content. As we are approaching the final stretch of the story.. some of the cliff hangers will be revealed in this chapter.




Aoi was alone in his study when Charlie knock and open the door,"Sir, the detectives have left and they say they will contact your lawyer again tomorrow. "

"Good, then you can go home as well." Aoi waved his hand to shoo away Charlie, and he continued on what he was doing earlier.

"Good night sir."


Aoi sat in front of his desk still wearing that robe. His hair was just loosely tied at the end. His desk was filled with news paper clippings, photo's , police and medical records. Although it was alot, he meticulously arrange it by year, specifications and event. A cigarette was pressed between his fingers, as he took a sip of his mac callan 18. "Ahh" he groaned as the burn of the whiskey glide down at his throat.

As he finish sorting out the mess, Aoi stood up and took it with him in a box. He opened a vault behind a painting just beside the massive book case. Inside the vault was two gun cases, some money, watch and papers. The vault itself doesn't really look suspicious, but when Aoi pressed his code for the second time, a secret compartment at the back opened, and he shove the box inside. "So somebody took some files eh..." Aoi said in an annoyed manner.


"Hmm.. now what to do with that fucking traitor." Aoi squinted his eyes as he drank the last shot of his drink.


Tap. Tap. Tap.


"Mmmg! Mmm! " *rattling noises*

"Have you had enough?" Aoi ask as he flicked his lighter into his cigarette and smirk.

"See, i already given you alot of warnings not to mess with me, and you still didn't learn your lesson didn't you?" He took his cigarette and press it into Kaname's nipples.

"Ghmmmmp... ommmph"Kaname squirmed and cried, but he was chained to the wall and his mouth was gagged, so all he could manage is inhuman muffled noises, as Aoi grind the cigarette at his heavily tortured body.

Aoi cupped Kaname's chin and said, "I will stop all this is you are going to talk my dear cousin.. now tell me.. where is Hibiki hmm?" The cigarette flames was extinguished in Kaname's skin, giving him enough time to nod at Aoi.


"Good boy." Aoi said as he brushed hair back, later after, he removed Kaname's gag. Soon as that ball was removed, Kaname coughed and vomitted with a bit of blood in it. Aoi just stepped backwards and watched Kaname's suffering.


"Do not test my patience! Tell me where is Hibiki!" Aoi screamed at his face.


"He... Uncle Zelig took him, because...he said you cannot kill anymore Aoi..."

Kaname told the truth. After all, there's a limit to human endurance. Being beat, whipped, dipped in salt water, cut, and burned for 3 days, he is hoping for some shred of hope to hold onto.

Aoi is just contemplating what he heard from Kaname. From his childhood, Kaname serve him, he even remodelled Kaname's looks specific to his taste, and occasionally lets him beat him for Aoi's release.

"How can you do this to me Kaname... you said you only love me.." Aoi held Kaname's face, and this made Kaname burst into tears.

"I have been loving you the wrong way Aoi. You need help, i can't let you do this again...let us help you Aoi.. and i promise i will bring Hibiki back...uncle Zelig said, he will give Hibiki back if you go to a hospital."


"Guhh..arghh.." Aoi twisted a knife at Kaname's stomach, making the man slowly spewed blood. "You...Aoi...." Kaname tried to speak.


"You know what i hate the most? Is people who say they will only love me, then goes off to fucking screw you over. Like that man! He said i was his boy! Then he fucking screwed my mom." Aoi was whispering at Kaname's ear, still twisting that knife. The blood flowed at his hands, and his feet.


"Ah.. it's warm isn't it?" Aoi kissed Kaname's eyes, as it was filled with tears. "Goodbye ..." Aoi kissed Kaname's lips and withdrew the blade.




Hibiki sat at his bed that night, he couldn't sleep at all. It's been days since he was moved by Zelig into a safe location. Somewhere Aoi can't reach even if he wanted to. H: This is so crazy!

Hibiki open his bag and took out the envelope Kaname gave him, inside was filled with photos of Aoi's victims, all look almost the same. Who looks exactly like his mother's lover, and the phedopile who hurts and..rape Aoi repeatedly at the young age.


The pictures was gruesome. All of it was taken by Aoi. The sexy, beautiful , sick man that Hibiki love.

H: How genius Aoi, hire some deliquents and lowlife as stalker, kill them and they are gone without a trace. You can blame your pretend Münchauser for the injuries you sustain in case they fought back. Ha.. you even pretend to be sick a few times to make your story believable.. how fucking genius. And you planned this through... even.. even i will be killed by you..


Hibiki's tears fell to the pictures of Aoi's victims.


"And the funny thing is... i love you enough..to help you..if you want to be cured..i'll be there.."

Hibiki clutch the photo's in his hands.


"If you want to kill...i'll bury them for you..."

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what the ---- seriously :cuteonion43: i cud never have guessed that Aoi is a killer shooot!! :cuteonion9:Ms-J-ANTM-Stare.gif


wow i ll faint ... what a twist tumblr_meupurWDTQ1reb8hoo1_500.gif@raimeowmeow

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Thanks! :) though i dont know if the shock you recieve is a good or a bad one. But, stay tune for more shocks.. :p


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Hello again xD so fast with the second part *thumb up*


So lets see, when i thought can't be perfect than he already is, i find out that he's a ordered person. Really now, what can be more perfect than this? You sexy Aoi, with your sexy hair and sexy...:> He can be so evil *kyaaaa* but still i wanna tame him xDD *don't mind me, im in my crazy moments now*

I think he should act more kind with Kaname, after all he really love him, i feel sorry for him. And then while i was feeling sorry for him it comes this moment 2ztkltl.gif,

but what can i say? is not like im feeling sorry for him now that he's dead.

Aha so that was? Somehow this doesn't seem weird. After all his satisfaction is to kill the one who hurt him so bad in his childhood, and he do this over and over again. He can and he's doing it. yay

Go Aoi! still i hope he won't kill Kibiki, i kind of like him too :D

And you Hibiki, what a pleasant surprise. :>


Im really curious to see what's going to happen next. Great job Rai and hope you'll have so much inspiration as you had untill now.

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Here Aoi-sama fansclub member

*i can't believe i forgot this*

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Hey you,


Yes, Aoi is like i said a sick sexy bastard.. so he doesn't feel remorse in what he is doing. He knows he can and he will.

I love the crazy moments.. i have those everyday.. XDD

I want to know what was the moment when Dean made that helpless smile.

The ending for Aoi and Hibiki is already set in my mind to be honest..:p and it's my favorite part..*evil snicker*


Thanks very much Mia-chan! Stay tune for more..


Aoi-sama fansclub members yoyo1


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CHAPTER 12 part 1



This chapter contains violence to women and little children. May contain rape scenes, shota, killings. Please understand that it is never in my intention to condone violence, these are just figments of my imagination. This part is the dark past of our protagonist..those who dare read , then please enjoy. :p



Aoi's past..


The sky was clear that day when Aiko came into Aoi's room. "My boy,how are you feeling?" She touched Aoi's forehead but the young boy just flicked her hands. He stared at her and shout "Go away!!" Aiko flinched at his son's reaction and cried. "Ne, why is my Aoi refusing mommy's love. All i want is Aoi and nobody else." Aiko grab Aoi's little thigh and pressed it very hard.

"Ahhh.. Mom... stop...Argghhhh!!" Aoi shrill in a high pitched sound that echoed in the entire mansion, he thrashed and kick his mother but, a little boy cannot fight back at a grown derange woman.

"Aiko-san! That is enough! Seize her!" A japanese man who looks like a doctor entered Aoi's room together with a few maids and helpers. "No!! Aoi is mine, dont take him!" Aiko was thrashing like mad as she was helplessly drag away from her son.

"Waahhh.. wahh." The pain of being pressed at his legs was too much for a little kid. The deed left Aoi some serious swelling and the doctor gingerly held him and tried to calm him down. "Shhh, Aoi.. i'll call daddy now okay.. i'll let him talk to you." Aoi did his best to bit his lips and calm his crying when he heard the word 'daddy'.

"I can't come home today. I have a very busy schedule. Just give sedatives to Aiko and give something for Aoi, i'll buy him toys when i go home." Beep. Beep.


The line was dropped on the other side without even asking the details on how Aoi is. He took a deep breath and fake a smile, facing Aoi he said."Daddy is coming home soon for Aoi." He rustles Aoi's hair. "R-really Mamoru sensei?" Aoi's eyes shone in delight.


Mamoru was a doctor commisioned by the Walter family to take care of Aiko and Aoi. During Aiko's pregnancy with Aoi, her relationship with her husband turned rocky, sending her in hell of depression. At the time, Zelig was at the top of his career, which results to him having to bare alot of responsibilities, resulting to neglect his very own family. Over the years, Aiko felt the need to be needed, so much that she develop Münchausen syndrome by proxy. And her target was her poor son Aoi.


Aoi had no one.


He didnt attend school, just home tuitored, because it will result into massive scandal. The wife of the CEO of WALTER ENTERPRISE, was a looney. It will be brutal, since the struggle for power at Zeligs office was overwhelming. So Aoi , being a frail kid.. took refuge in the arms of his doctor.




"Aoi just fell asleep Mamoru-sensei.. but what shall we do about Aiko-sama? She is hurting herself and.." "Enough!!" Mamoru slammed his table and stood up. He went to see Aoi and check if the swelling died down. He looked at Aoi and see that he is not sleeping peacefully, as he is tossing and turning at his sleep. Mamoru walked back at the bedroom door and locked it, then he shake Aoi abit, just to wake him. "Hmm?" Aoi sleepily rub his eyes and sit up straight when he saw his sensei was the one who is waking him. "Sensei, is it eating time?" Aoi said happily. He kneeled at his bed and reached out at Mamoru, arms streched forward.

"Yes, Aoi.. since you have been brave today.. sensei will eat Aoi."


Mamoru removed his pants as well as Aoi's pajama bottoms and positioned Aoi on top of him., reverse style. Aoi-like it was very natural for him, started licking Mamoru's swollen penis. "Yosh, good boy Aoi." Mamoru started to spread Aoi's buttocks and licked it. "Uhmmm.. sensei."Aoi jolt at Mamoru's tongue wriggled inside. Mamoru stop and ask "Aoi, what do i always say?"

"Nobody loves me more than Mamoru-sensei.."Aoi answered, peeking at Mamoru's face.


"That's right Aoi.. nobody loves you more than me. My world revolves around you."




GOMENASAI!! i did type the whole chapter! But whenever i upload it, my net keeps getting disconnected.. and i have to type again! :leaf9: i'll upload the next part later.. rabbit5 thanks for understanding!!!


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WHAT THE FUCK! O_O ... HELL WITH THAT DOC. .... huh and he was protecting AOI from his mother *TCH!!***


Rai-kun Bow-Worship.gif .


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Hey :> again late with the comment.


At first i thought his mom was the worst, but when i read the last part i realised that in fact it would be better with his mother than with that doctor who didn't understood the real meaning of taking care of someone. I feel sorry for the little Aoi, i could kill that bastard for him.

I can't read the last part again, that damn doc pisses me off, i'll remove his pants just to cut his d*** . I mean this makes me think that there are real cases like this one, and no one is there to help them. >.

This was sad, poor Aoi :leaf9: Im glad that you updated Aoi's story, im waiting for the next one, and you were great again my dear friend, im still thinking about this chapter (I could kill everybody for Aoi).

Here Aoi-sama fansclub members


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Again, thank you for reading this story,. Ahaha sorry for the shocks i continue giving you,,, stay tune for more..




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I understand how you feel, i hate the doctor too. But showing Aoi's past is necessary for the story... but still cant help but be sad.. (it's weird since i'm the one who made him )

Anyways, im going to upload the next part tomorrow. :) so i hope to hear from you then...


Aoi-sama fansclub member


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Since when i have been mean to you? *grins widely*


Massage my shoulders and i might change my mind... :o

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I had a few chapters to read since I was online last time. It made me so happy! I LOVE this story and I also vote for an Aoi fanclub!

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Im glad

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you know there's always room in Aoi-sama fansclub for anyone who wants to join in xD :hamtaro-005 (19):

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Oh you guys made me so happy!!!! :leaf9:


Thank you! And welcome

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to Aoi-sama's fansclub.. yoyo1


The next chapter will be available later..:o

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After I finish reading each chapter I always read your comments. You're saying my thoughts so well. rabbit14

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Can't wait! I will keep refreshing! rabbit4

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CHAPTER 12 part 2



"Goodmorning Mamoru-sensei, seems like Aoi has fallen asleep peacefully in your arms." The maid commented on how Aoi was snuggling at Mamoru's arms, tugging his shirt. Aoi looks peaceful hugging Mamoru with all his might. Mamoru smiled as the maid prepared Aoi's and his breakfast and looked at them like she is seeing them as father and son. She was happy: no all of the staff was happy for Aoi that he found someone that will love him unconditionally and make him feel safe. As the maid exited, Mamoru shook Aoi, enough to wake him up. "Aoi, it's morning we need to get up now." Mamoru whispered at sleeping child's ear. "Hm? Mamoru-sensei."Aoi stretch up and rubbed his eyes. Mamoru grab Aoi's hand and made Aoi hold his penis. Aoi knew what it meant and he starts to rub it with both hands up and down. Still yawning, Aoi ask sensei if he is doing the right thing, and Mamoru nodded, giving pats at Aoi's head. When Mamoru soiled the sheets, some of his semen stayed at Aoi's hand. "Lick it clean Aoi." He said. "But it's bitter." The kid protested but he lost as Mamoru stared at him. Aoi started licking his fingers despite his face showing disgust.


"Good job Aoi! You are sensei's only boy. I love Aoi and no one else." Mamoru lay in his lure and Aoi's eyes shone in delight.


To avoid suspicion, Mamoru keeps doing Aoi's laundry, saying the child only trust him and that Aoi soiled his sheets last night because of a nightmare, no one suspected what he was doing to the innocent lamb.


That afternoon, he stared at Aiko while she brushed her hair in front of him. Looking at Aiko closely, you can see that without a doubt, she is indeed beautiful. Her hair, that skin,. Aoi inherited her graceful feature. "How do you feel now?" Mamoru asked Aiko, part of her routine check up.


"I'm horny. Zelig won't come home to touch me sensei." Aiko said and she stood up and to Mamoru's surprise, she stripped all of her clothing. "A-Aiko san! Please stop." Although Mamoru said stop, his penis was already half hard. Aiko has always shown advances to him, he just didn't mind her much. But now Aiko was naked and sat at his lap. That's another story. He whip out his penis and plunge right at Aiko. "Ahh!" Aiko threw her head back as the heat penetrated her. Mamoru stood up carrying Aiko and slammed her at the table. "Horny eh,.. then let me fuck you. Fuck you everytime you want it."




"It's time eat Aoi, open up your mouth and suck me." Mamoru, that night, as always sleep inside Aoi's room. "No.." Aoi was stubbornly refusing to the usual perverted routine. Mamoru became angry and violent all of a sudden and grabbed Aoi's legs and open him wide. Without any prepartion whatsoever, he grind his penis at Aoi's hole and plunge. "Hmmmm... ahhmmmm.." Mamoru pressed on Aoi's mouth so no one can hear him scream. The tears streamed from Aoi's eyes as Mamoru brutally violated him.Aoi's whole body shook as the thrusting became faster. He even choke at his own vomit, making Mamoru pause and let Aoi burp at the sheets.


"Why are you refusing hm?" Mamoru stop his thrusting for a bit as he repositioned the limp body of the child udnerneath him. Aoi , very groggly answered the question. "Mo..mom.. i saw you and mom.. i was hiding at your room." Hearing this, Mamoru pulled out his penis, letting the blood, the feces and the semen flowed through the poor boy's thigh. Aoi almost past out at the act, but Mamoru slapped his face to wake him up. "Do you want your Mom to disappear to sensei's life hm?" Mamoru ask Aoi and the latter just nodded.



"Then do as sensei tell you and kill her."




Ugh, part 3 will be uploaded sometime this evening.. thanks understanding... and i'm sorry for the delays on updates. Thank you everyone!


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Aoi was manipulated in killing his mom...???!!!! *still in shock*


Where's that stupid doctor....*holds a knife*

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wat a sicko !!!!! gawd!! why ..... /that bloody asshole doc ..... if i cud i wud hav ripped his penis off !!!


brilliant twist !!! rai kun O_O .... :cuteonion55:


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poor Aoi :( .. i feel sad fuh him :leaf9:

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Ho... i told you to be nice to me..:D ahh.. my shoulders are stiff again... fufufu


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He is a f*(king son of a bitch... *nods nods* but.... okay stay tune.. i wont spoil further.. :p

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