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Hey im here at last :D


As far as i understand it, Aoi somehow loves the doctor because he put this in his brain, that he need to love him, and the kid is acting like he really love the sick doctor, he even believes this, eben if that's not true. And all that shit that is happening the doctor does not overblown his appetite so easily.

And this expresion you used: '' innocent lamb'' this gave me chills. Is so sad.

20gb3br.jpg this is madness, is going from bad to worse. And just how horny this doctor can be? Poor Aoi he endure a lot, and there's no one who could save him from that hell.

Indeed is hard to get a pedophile because they know how to hide their traces well.


Anyway, great job, but i can't be so happy because when im thinking about poor Aoi, make me feel so sad. So.. im waiting for the next part. I hope he'll get that kniffe and tamp it in that doc. head , even throught that's not possible because you said something in the prev chapters. Anyway good luck for the next one.

Here Aoi-sama fansclub member

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Hello imouto-chan..

Aoi loves the doctor

He really do. Well can you imagine a life in a big house were you cant even go outside, and the persons who should be protecting and loving you is hurting you? So Aoi doesnt understand that what the doctor is doing is something that shouldnt be done. And yes, HELL is the right word.. he is in hell, no matter where Aoi looks, he is in hell. :'(


Anyways, good thing this is Aoi's past, cause he grew up so f**king awesome...

Thank you imouto-chan. Inhope to hear from you again....


Aoi-sama fansclub member


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Salamat! *^*

And i will try to update soon..see you then!

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CHAPTER 12 part 3



Aoi's day started by his tuitor teaching him German, English and Math. For his young age, Aoi was smart. Not because he is naturally one. But because society expects him to be one, he was force into extensive studying starting from the age when he can understand a little.

"How do you read this Aoi." A middle age woman who wears her hair at a bun and has big frame glasses points at book.

"Der kleine Vogel singt ein fröhliches Lied." Aoi struggled reading but he did it well.


"Aoi-sama, your daddy has come home!" A young maid came running inside the study and happily carried Aoi , putting her arms at Aoi's armpits and dash off in the main hall. Aoi's feet sways hitting his nanny as she carries him to Zelig. Aoi giggles excited to see his dad for a long time. "Mira, is daddy waiting for me?" Young Aoi ask his nanny "Ofcourse, Aoi-sama is excited as well right?" Both of them grins and Mira enter the big living room. Mira sets Aoi down and he run with all his might pouncing on his dad's feet.


"Not now Aoi." Zelig removed Aoi's hand that is hugging his feet and resumed talking loudly on the phone. Zelig look at Mira and annoyedly waved his hands , asking the both of them to leave the room. Mira nodded and picked up Aoi, tightly hugging him and they dash out of there. "I'm sorry Aoi-sama." -"Uhm." Aoi buries his face onto Mira's shoulders as he hug her back.



Aoi is having an afternoon nap when he heard a loud crashing and shouting just behind the walls next to his. He rubbed his eyes and slowly scoots out of the big bed. Struggling to get down, dragging his stuff animal with him. When he reached his door, he struggled to open it himself, turning the knob with all his power, forcing him to leave the teddy at the floor. The door swang open sending him to stumble, "Aw" he slowly stood up and brush his knees. Even hurting so bad, young Aoi just bit his lips and walk out.


He took a peek inside the room where he heard the screamings and clatters. He gasps as he immediately understood what that was -seeing his mom and dad arguing again.

"What are going to do about that child inside you? Let me raise it as mine?! You fucking cunt!" Zelig press a palm at his forehead and throw Aiko a disgust look. Aiko threw a book at him and shriek, "You were never home, never called and never cared for us. You never need me, and you always tell people to take Aoi away from me. I'm keeping my baby.." -"And? I was busy giving people jobs to feed their family, saving my company from being taken over. Do you think i didn't had a hard time? And who is the father of that child?!"Zelig shook her shoulders and she started thrashing violently.


"What are you doing here Aoi?" Mamoru whispered as he saw Aoi at the door peeking at his parents. He carried him back to his room, locked the door and sat Aoi at his the desk. He searched Aoi's eyes and set the bait like an experience manipulator that he is. "Aoi, mommy is having your baby brother and that is sensei's baby. I can't be with Aoi only." Hearing this Aoi's lips immediately curl and his tears brims. "I don't have a-anyone sensei. Why would you leave Aoi?" He tug Mamoru's shirt tightly and cried. Mamoru wipe his tears and whipered in a hush soothing tone. "This night Aoi, you have to do exactly what i say. And i won't leave Aoi."



Morning comes and the Zelig manor was awaken by the screams of the maid that found out what has happened. Aoi sat at the floor, covered in his mother's blood and staring at her mangled face. As the people rush to see what was the cause of the commotion, they almost pass out, including Zelig -to see his own son still stabbing Aiko's stomach with his tiny little hands. From the looks of it, Aiko has been dead for awhile.


"A...Aoi?" Zelig slowly walk wobbly towards him,and Aoi just look at him, slate grey eyes that pierced at his skull.



A hunter was born.






H: Ah, been awhile since i stalk this handsome son of a bitch...

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Ehmegerd onionn7 How old was aoi here again? Poor him :( *cries 1 liter of tears*

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You're giving me goosebumps

Can't wait for the next part

| | Somehow this story reminds me of Sakura Gari | |

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Dont cry one litter! LOL

It's too hot there isn't it?! Baka ma-heatstroke ka ;D


Thank you for reading!!\m/

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Hey hey im here for another part from chapter 12 xD

I think that with all of this he still shouldn't kill his mother, he better targeted for that idiot doctor, but well since he thinks that he love him, i think that wouldn't happen(im still hoping to find him one day and kill him xD). His father, well like a typical businessman, i couldn't expect more or less from him. He don't deserve the title of father. So altrought they have money none of them are happy. What an irony. I'm not surprised about the fact that Aoi kill his mother, i was expecting that.

From what i see your chapters grew increasingly more :>

Now i can't wait for the next one, and good job ( not that you didn't knew that) i really enjoy this and your work (generally). I think Aoi have all the reasons to be so cold and evil when he's an adult. Sooo...see you on the next chapter xD (i would've say something else, but i better not).

Here Aoi-sama fan club membersonion12

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Chapter 12 is originally one long chapter for Aoi's past. However, the stupid net keeps disconnecting me when i try to upload long chapter. D:


Thank you, imouto-chan.. i appreciate you taking the time reading, i really do.. always present to give critiques.


And i agree with what you said.. XDDDDD i will come up with that... ^^ thanks for revealling ! :o

(Else i would have died guessing! )


See you later!


Aoi-sama fansclub member


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Old-man....when is that stupid doc goin to die????

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I wont spoil/spill... :p


(Nice sig! Mookhyul!! XD *drools*)


- - - Updated - - -


And f**k that 'old man' talk...i look younger and you know it... baaa~ka!

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*sticks out tongue* Spoilsport....

(Yeah...totally love him~~)

You will 4ver be 'old' than me.....jisan...suck it up!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone!


I'm sorry i haven't update the story yet. :(

I have the drafts but i just have alot of things going on now... can't finish the chapter. Please be patient and i'll try to upload the new chapter as soon as possible.


Thanks for understanding..




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  • 2 weeks later...




Hibiki's past..



"You need to improve and study more Hibiki , your English test was just average." H: And why am i not surprise again?


Kana Ueda, a professor in T-university was known for being strict. But she is more uptight at home. Running everything and driving everyone according to her liking. All you can hear was 'Not good enough' and the disapproving look she always give. Because of this, Hibiki recented her more and more, and learned to behave at home and be the opposite outside. "I will try harder mother." Hibiki answered as courteous as he could, but the vein on the side of his forehead is popping. Kana just look at him from head to toe and shrug, which agitate him more. He was about to dismiss himself but she added "I don't expect much though, your father is a stupid person. Just don't disappoint me." This fucking old hag.

"Okay, so that means you are more stupid than the old man right? Cause you didn't even bother to use condoms or contraceptive when you decided to fuck him. Or better yet, you should have just let him fuck you in the ass. You won't get pregnant for that. Oh, then you decided you should marry him because you were pregnant with me. How retro of you professor. Ashame to be a single mother? You should loosen that uptight ass of yours and have fun.. and oh, yes i did. I just cuss my mother using English. You can suck it woman!" Hibiki made an outburst and smirk after,leaving her mouth agape mother behind him. Packing his bags and running away from his hated house. How was that, hag.


"Where are you going boy?" A voice startled Hibiki, his, dad was leaning at his bedroom door looking at his stuff sprawled on the bed. Oh shit. "Dad, im sorry i can't live here anymore." He said softly, gazing down on his things. His dad Hyouga , scratch his head and sigh. "You are just 15, where are you gonna go?" - "I know, just don't die here old man. I'll be fine." He swiftly stuff his things in his bag and walk out, brushing his dad on the shoulder. "Be careful son." Hyouga said almost in a whisper.


Hibiki's dad, is jobless and talentless and just accepted his fate being his wife's emotional punching bag. But Hibiki has a soft heart for him, because his Dad is the only person who cares on what he thinks and feels. So leaving him was a blow to him too. But he just cant breathe there anymore.




One year after..


Oh shit it's too awesome. "Hibiki, wow how are you doing this? You okay?" The guy behind him was thrusting hard while Hibiki was thursting to a girl under him. "Are you seriously asking? What? This is so awesome. Getting fuck and fucking. Wow.. shit," he bite his lips while he cupped his hands on the girls breast under him. "Ahnn. Hibiki ah..!" The girled moaned as he pound on her."See, she likes the dick." He said. Hibiki is use to casual orgies like this, but this is the first time he was in a sandwich, and an usual one at that.


After a year of being away from home, Hibiki became the wild cat that cannot be tame. Living his life however he please. Getting what he wants because he is beautiful. Using this advantage to get by. And sometime getting into trouble too. But this is the life he wanted.






"Hibiki, just answer the damn phone. Sheesh!" Hibiki emerge from the shower, after the rigorous sexing they did, it's been awhile now since his Dad is trying to call him. But he was ignoring, for reasons he can't explain. He just had the feeling he didn't wanna hear what he was about to say. Guess i have no choice then.


"Hello Dad, what's up?" He was smoking in the balcony of his friend's apartment when he took the call. He has been living here for a week, getting good sex too to top it off.


"Hibiki, your mother died today. She had a heart attack. She was calling you before she died.. please come home for her wake." Hyouga's voice was shaky and raspy....Old man must have love that hag.

"I'll try dad.Be well in the meantime." He cut the line after that.


Annoying family.

He blew a cigarette smoke and sigh.





Hello everyone..

So this is just a glimpse of Hibiki's past, just to give an idea why did Hibiki live his life like this, :3


Next chapter is about the two again. Aoi and Hibiki.

Thank you for understanding my delay in the updates. It's been a busy/hell past weeks. :)




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Kulang na kulang pa...

hindi pa tlga sapat...

tiniis ko lahat ...

panahon ko sayo...

anong gagawin...

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It's understandable..We fans just have to suck it up hahaha!Thanks for the update Rai!

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Wow i like that song :3

Sorry i'm still tired from going back here to our mother land. (Hoho ang lalim XD)

*throws you chocolate from dutyfree* XD


I'll try to make it long next time . >w>

I miss Hibiki and Aoi-sama so you'll read from them soon.


Thanks for reading!

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Once a fan.. always a fan !

*catches the chocolate* wow pak!Imported thnks hahaha!

Pahinga *munch *munch ka muna... *gulp

Hintay lng kme *smiles wide*

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Eroji-ahem- I meant old man....Osm move on the bitch mom...*thumbs up*


U should ryt more about Aoi (in a suit...!!) and Hibiki...m frustrated trying to think of ways getting rid of that doc...and bitch slapping that semen donor of Aoi's...*sighs*

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*rolls eyes at you*


i will, i'll writeabout those two soon, cause i miss Aoi in suit too. And are you sure you wanna call me eroji, hm? Is that a good move for you? *grins and ready photoshop*

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Hi niichan

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I read the new chapter when you updated it, but i have no excuse for my late reply, im sorry.


I remember now, the first time when i meet Hibiki, i was wondering what's with his attitude, well as i can see, he's this way since he was younger although with his father he was nice, im starting to believe that he have something against womens. But still, how comes he doesn't love his mom? Or at least he should try (in front of her) to act like he cares about her.

And another thing that i remembered, is that if at the beginning of the story Hibiki seemed tough, he does not seem so tough besides Aoi.


Thank you for this chapter and im waiting for the next one.

(I still hope that somehow Aoi will see that he loves Hibiki and he can't kill him :3 )



Here Aoi-sama fan club members:leaf12:

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Hey imouto-chan, dont worry about the late reply, i understand you :3


About Hibiki being rude to his mom, well it is implied that his mother is a perfectionist, and doesn't tolerate anything other than that. And you know Hibiki is very young, the age were everyone gets to be a little rebellious and thinks the whole world is against them :3


He pity his Dad being nag and humiliated by his mom, and i think in the eyes of a child (which hibiki is at the time) was just unacceptable. No matter how much of a loser his Dad is, he feels love from him. So he hate his mother.he did try by the way, to be nice. As you can see in the first he few lines,he just snap when Kana insulted his Dad.


About Aoi, well it's simple.. Aoi controls Hibiki. :3 being beautiful does that to people. :p

(Sorry for the spoiler. Ehehe



Thank you Imouto-chan! The ending really is set in my head already so i wont spoil you further, (:



Aoi-sama Fansclub member yoyo1

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H: I'd blindly follow you digging graves for the people you kill. But before that happens, i need to survive this dilemma. Why Aoi? Why did you have to wear swimming trunks?




Hibiki was just release from the custody of the police in question of the death of a male prostitute a few weeks ago. They cannot suspect Hibiki for long, since he was out of the country during that time. So they had no choice but to release him. What's been bothering him is the name drop that Aoi gave. Hibiki is certain that Aoi is the one who killed him, as to how- he is not sure. All he knows is that Aoi has alot of money and money hungry people who works for him to get the things he needed to cover his tracks.


Still, he can't help but be seriously piss about the situation. Especially when he was dragged out of the airport because of it.


That afternoon, he called a few friends but no one is available for him to crash at their place for a few days until he get himself together, so he has no choice but swallow his pride. Well , the little shred he has left.


He went back to his apartment ; technically the apartment Aoi gave him and found the place seriously trashed. H: The fucker has gone insane. Hm, well he is already, so did he ...evolve? is what he said when he saw shards of broken glass on the floor the table flipped, the sofa cushion shredded with knives still sticking to it and the walls stained with cooking oils. That instant Hibiki called Takaba and ask where the hell is Aoi. Takaba isn't shock, because he knew Hibiki came home today and so he is expecting him.


"Okay. I'll be there, just send me the details of the resort and where should i get my ticket to get there. I dont have money here with me."




Hibiki is still wearing his raven hair and wearing white shirt with pants when he landed on the island of Okinawa. Aoi was there for a business trip and Takaba arrange all things he needed to come here as well. Hibiki strolled the hotel lobby and check in under the name Matsuo Kaname. His identification and credit card was change into Matsuo Kaname. H: Is Kaname-kun helping me that's why he wanted me to use his identity? Hibiki is confuse but this is Kaname he is thinking off, he knew Aoi more than him so maybe this is just a precaution. He shrug it off and accept.


When he has rested enough, Hibiki decided to walk the beach, wearing shorts and sunglass. Hibiki is a very good looking guy, so it's not a surprise if there are a few who turn their heads towards him, but he is giving a "fuck off" vibe so all they can do is watch and gawk as he walk towards the sand ,water bottle in hand. But not long after, Hibiki saw a cluster of people gossiping and murmuring to themselves and his heart skip a bit. He is possitive that the cause of this fiasco is Aoi Himmel himself.


And he is right.


Sitting on his chair with nothing but his deliciously fit Emporio Armani black swimming trunks. His hair was tied into a lazy bun and wearing shades that accentuate his facial feature. Obvious looking body guard behind him.


H: Right, i forgot this guy loves to be the center of attention, so ofcourse he will flaunt those sexy hips. Ugh, i need to get out of here.

Hibiki started turning his back and walk faster, further away from that sitting temptation when his phone ring.

"Yeah?" He answer after 3 rings, and it was an unregistered number.


"Welcome back."


The same cold and mocking voice that is so familiar to Hibiki greeted him at the other line. He froze and look behind and saw Aoi holding a phone to his other hand, pressed on his ears while the other is holding his drink up. Just when Hibiki is about to say something, Aoi tip his glass like offering a cheers but he isn't looking at Hibiki but the sea.


"Did you have fun digging up my past? Hi~bi~ki..."


The voice of Aoi at his phone almost like him whispering to his ears in person. Like Aoi's breath actually blew on him and this send shivers down his spine. Aoi sip his drink letting Hibiki hear this sound. "I'm looking forward in burrying myself in you. Please do not bore me."


Aoi smirked and cut the line.



H: I'm so screwed.

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Hibiki run as fast as he could away from Aoi. On the plane to Japan from Germany, all he could think of is he likes to be with Aoi and support him in what he wanted to do. But mainly, it's because he cannot escape anymore. He can't live the way he use to. Like eating a delicious meal for sometime and then ask to eat an ordinary meal again, it's not possible to appreciate it.


Hibiki headed to his showers and strip , throwing everything on the floor and get under the cold rush of water. "Haa..ha." he pat his loudly beating chest as he can still hear Aoi's voice resonating in his head. "Shit!" He slammed his hands at the walls , frustrated because with just that, Aoi send him into abyss of madness.


Hibiki held his already hard penis and stroke it. "Ugh.." he groan and spread his legs apart as well, pushing one finger inside his own asshole. "Ah.."Aoi.aoi!" he moaned pleasuring himself with Aoi in his head.


"Shall i help you, hm?"


A voice from behind startled Hibiki, he stop what he is doing and looked back. There it is; that slate gray eyes that pierce right through him, that long jet black hair, and this time Aoi is wearing nothing but his skin.

"Why? Why are you here, this is my room!" Hibiki knew this is a stupid question, ofcourse Aoi know where he is, it's them who arrange this.


Aoi slowly walk towards Hibiki and leans in, face only an inch away from Hibiki's , one hand on the wall and his waist. "Who told you to ran away Hibiki?" Aoi looked at the flushed face of Hibiki and smirked, he didn't wait for Hibiki's answer and started kissing him deeply.


H: Wait! Is this really happening?


Aoi cupped the side of Hibiki's neck and kiss him further, his own penis getting hard, poking Hibiki at his belly. "Hmm" Hibiki's knees became weak and he wobbled, almost collapsing but Aoi held his back and help him. Well that's what Hibiki thought but Aoi force him down to kneel by pressing his shoulders.


"Suck me." Aoi said to Hibiki, looking really sexy under the gushing water with his long black hair dangling on his chest..him staring down at Hibiki and his wanton state. H: This is hot..


Hibiki gulp his saliva and hold both his hands on Aoi's harden cock and started taking him in in his mouth. Without any warning, Aoi held his head and thrust deep in his throat. "Guuh!" Hibiki struggled but Aoi's force was stronger than him so the helpless Hibiki had no choice but to choke on Aoi's dick.


H: ah.. i can't breathe! Hibiki is feeling Aoi's thrust at the back of his throat, gagging him so much he can actually smell the intense pre cum coming from Aoi. H: Oh.. shit i'm so turned on. Even if this might kill me.


"Guh.. argh.. ha.." Hibiki is making choking sounds as Aoi thrust and pound on his mouth. What surprise him is that he is actually so hard right now, forcing him to believe that he develope a taste for masochism.


"This you should understand Hibiki... i dislike people who leaves me. And when i say you will consume your day thinking about me.. you will!" Aoi said and cummed at Hibiki's throat. He didn't remove his cock, forcing the man under him to swallow his semen if he didn't want to choke and die. When he saw Hibiki seems to swallowed most of it, he pulled out leaving the man collapsing and coughing on the cold bathroom floor.


"Aoi you bastard! Are you planning on killing me!?" Hibiki shout at him knees and hands on the floor while he gaze at the standing man's face.


What Hibiki saw on Aoi's face scared him.


Aoi just stood there unmoving, looking at him with eyes that he hasn't seen before. Something sinister and dark, yet the feral like aura is still there. Like the sexy beast he can't help but fall helplessly for. The gaze Aoi is giving to him was new, as if Aoi is wordlessly saying-



'Yes, i do.. i plan on killing you.'

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Aoi was planting kisses at Hibiki on top of him, starting at the neck down to his chest. Reaching Hibiki's nipple and started nibbling on it, while he pinch and tweak the other one. The both of them soaking wet and they didn't care. The fire that consumes them was driving them blind to the surroundings. If there is something more than lust, then this is what it is.


Because not long ago, Hibiki wanted to run away and now he is squirming under this man. But what is more scary than Aoi staring at him was Aoi being this gentle. H: Aoi, are you being gentle because you really are gonna kill me after this?


Hibiki felt his chest tightens and he can't help but cry. How can he say to this man that he is willing to throw his humanity aside and become something else just for him. "I..Aoi.." Hibiki called out Aoi's name as he cry. This stop Aoi with what he is doing and look at Hibiki's face.


"What is it Hibiki?" Aoi whispered at his ears while Aoi is raising Hibiki's legs to his waist and spreading Hibiki's hole with his lubricated fingers.

"Aoi.. i don't wanna die. I'd do anything for you." Hibiki cupped Aoi's face still sobbing . Aoi chuckled and withdraw his fingers out and smeared some on his penis.


He didn't answer Hibiki and just grind his cock at Hibiki's hole and thrust in. Slow but deep, taking his sweet time. "From the moment i knew what you are capable of Hibiki, there is only one ending for you.." he said in between thrust. Every slides in make Hibiki arch his hips and threw his head fasten to the pillows. "Argh!" Hibiki shout as Aoi hit his prostate gland and stayed there, grinding in.


"Wh-what is it Aoi?!..ahh! Ahhh!" Hibiki ask as Aoi very sweetly tortured him raising his legs to Aoi's shoulders and pounds on him.


"Death.. the death of Ueda Hibiki."


Aoi lick his lips and thrust faster, keeping his smirk on his lips.






So yah see this one is short, sorry ehehe *stick tongue out and scratch head* well i did upload three chapters..well 2 and a half.

I will be gone for awhile, but i will update this. I'll try within one week. No promises, because i have a date with Johnny Depp in the Bahamas. :p



Seriously, thank you for reading and please bare with me.. Health issues and etc. :)


As some of you know, i draw as well, and now im trying to make Aoi-sama's banner for the ending chapter. But it's harder than i thought. This is what i get from doodling too much -_-


Please stay tune for more. See what's the ending for these two. :D

I plan on making it upto chapter 20 :3





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