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Despicable Desire


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The snow came down heavier than it had in a long time, coating the ground in a soft blanket of fluffy white. That is how most people would describe snow, however Fai was always a bit different, a bit, off. To him, staring out at the snow always made him think of paper. The white, soft expansion of nothingness that could lay before a person, taunting them with so many ideas. One could use that paper to write a book, or draw a bird, or paint something important, something historical. Paper was a fresh start, a new beggining that could turn out to be anything that the person holding the pen, pencil or paint brush wanted. So to him, snow was like gods paper, was he sitting up there in heaven right now, with paintbrush in hand, preparing to bring that paintbrush down and begin painting a new event in Fai's life? The young, green eyed boy allowed his mind to continue to wonder in that direction, before branching off into a completely seperate thought about religion, and weither or not he actually believed in god. All these thoughts swam through his mind as he continued staring at the snow, while looking out the glassy window.


The class he was currently sitting in was The Thoery Of Art 201, this class room was nothing unusual, nothing spectacular, it held in it, 14 rows of single lines desks, each row a steo higher than the last so that all seats could look down upon whatever teacher may fill that spot. It was a class that Fai had grown used to, he had this class twice a week, and the week after next would be there final exam, from there he would continue his journy to become an art professor himself. However much he needed this class, he found it dreadfully boring, he was an artist because of his vast amount of imagination that he constantly needed to release. He all but jumped up when the teachers folder slammed shut and he pushed his specticals up onto his nose, the tall tell sign that he was ending class. With a brief closing, the professor dismissed them. Fair stretched out, letting out a low yawn as he ran a hand through his very light blonde hair. His mother had been a model that fell for a wanna be rock star, who of course did not make it big, went out of buisness and took his mother with him. So at the very least, his parents had given him very soft, unusual features.


His hair was a very light blonde with a few spots of darker blond, almost brown in it, his eyes were a light green as well. Very often he wished he that his eyes were blue, however he had his mothers eyes which were green with what looked like very light hints of brown in them as well. He was not tall either, standing at an average of 5 foot 6. In the right lighting his skin seemed very vibrant, he was a very pale white, no freckes or any kind of beauty marks graced his skin, it was all smooth. Currently he was wearing black jeans and a black long sleeve turtle neck shirt on.


Taking him book he set it into his bed, and picked up his portable mug of coffee that he always brought. Coffee was his drunk, especially as a busy college student, he needed it to even get out of bed. Slinging the heavily weighed down bag over his shoulder he pushed himself up from his seat and headed for the door. However he halted to a stop when he heard his name called, looking up he saw Noah, one of his rather dimmer friends, hailing him over, of course, asking for his help with there latest assignment to which Fai had sketched a large, hulking moutain scene. By the time he finished helping the other, it was already eleven and dark outside, due to the snow coming down so heavily the busses were no longer working, meaning he was forced to begin walking, the long, cold treck him. His hands burried deep in his pockets and his scarf up around his neck, he trudged home, staring at only his feet to make sure he did not trip on any stray patches of ice. Completely ignoring his surroundings, he walked on, deciding what he would have for dinner when he got home, having no clue that he would, in fact, not be going home.



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Taking a drag from his cigarette, Tyen shivered in the cold. He pulled his black jacket tighter around himself and huddled up against the wall he was leaning against. The building's exterior looked nice but it did nothing to block the wind blowing passed him. At that thought, he cursed inwardly. How would he stand any more of the cold when his nose was frozen and he couldn't feel his face? He scowled as another breeze went by. He was at least lucky his lighter had managed to light - though not without a lot of frustration - and his cigarette wasn't being blown out. That would've thrown him into a fit of anger amongst all his other irritations. He was waiting for someone but that "someone" had not coming out of the useless building yet. It was way past the time he usually came out but he wasn't anywhere in sight.


With his freezing hands, he took out his phone and glanced at the picture on his screen. A smiling blondie looked to the side as he ate his lunch and laughed at a friend's comments. Tyen almost drooled onto the phone as he recounted how cute the dirty mixed hair and pale skin looked working around the green eyes. The picture made him happier and had him becoming more impatient, waiting for the blonde. He hated not knowing where the man was. He had a stalking problem; he couldn't help but need to constantly know what his target was doing. Some people called him nosy, some called him a freak, but he didn't care about that. The only thing he cared about was knowing everything - everything - about that one person.


Tyen's black eyes liked to observe but occasionally he let his hands do the "seeing". When he got tired of only knowing by seeing and wanted to know everything else by every other sense, his body acted without his mind. A lot of the time, he was aware of what he was doing but Tyen couldn't help but want to touch the body where he shouldn't, lick the body where he shouldn't, sniff the body where he should, and torture the body so he could hear all the beautiful sounds his prey could make. He couldn't help that he wanted to know every little detail about his beloved target that some times he went a little overboard. He would wonder how they looked, sounded, reacted to every little thing he did. He wondered so much that he acted it out, to try and test it. With the more he knew, the worse the suggestions his mind made became. And often times, the bodies couldn't handle it.


The dark haired man quickly became bored of those bodies, uninterested in something that couldn't stimulate his senses. Tossing them out, he would find a new interest and his new one was an art student named Fai. He'd followed the blonde for a few months now, taking pictures here and there for his database. He'd gone as far as picking up the man's thrown garbage and following the boy around when he had time. Yes, it was a boy this time. The more abnormal it was to have them in his collection, the more interesting they seemed to him. Smirking at as he closed the picture, Tyen looked around for the familiar shape of Fai's walking posture. Not seeing it around, he frowned and made a growl.


Tyen furrowed his brow as he thought perhaps Fai wouldn't be coming out at all. No, I'm certain he hasn't left yet. I would know if he did. There's no way I could miss him. He knew everything about Fai's schedule and there was nothing that should have kept him from leaving the school today. Dismissing the problem, he continued to wait.


After an hour more of waiting, he got fed up. His body was stiff from the cold and he felt the need to pass out. Though he liked to wait for the young man in the corner where he couldn't be seen, he had to get back in his car. Stepping on the pile of cigarettes he'd gone through, he pulled out his car keys and opened the lock. It was definitely a lot warmer inside the car but it wasn't heaven yet. He just hoped he was right about Fai still being at the school. If he'd left some time before Tyen had got off work, then the psychopath would have wasted his time. He didn't like that idea and soon became infuriated by his little lamb. He wanted to know exactly where the student was and if he wasn't in school this entire time, Tyen didn't know where he had been. That was not alright.


Sitting for what seemed to be hours, Tyen finally saw something come out of the building. Looking over at the wall light illuminated figure, he recognized the shadow he knew inside out. Finally! Where have you been, my precious? He opened the door to his car to step out and move closer for a better look but there was more snow on the ground than he had thought. With the slight additional stress, his mind exploded and he closed his eyes in vexation. That's it! No more nice guy! You're coming home with daddy. He kicked the door open and grabbed his snow brush. Stepping out, he almost fell over into the snow. Feeling even worse, he stomped over to the figure as quietly as he could force himself to be.


It definitely looked like Fai. There was no way he would mistaken someone he knew everything about. But then again, he didn't know everything about him... not yet he didn't. That's why I can't let you out of my sight again. Tyen walked right up to the boy's back and raised his arm to strike him unconscious. He let the stick come down, aiming for the head as excitement rose through him like a rush. He wanted to know if Fai could react fast enough, if he could sense the man coming, if he would scream out in pain, if he would fall over into an unconscious state. He wanted to know what would happen if he took this boy back home with him.

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Fai paused when he felt a vibration from his back pocket. Reaching back he slipped it from his pocket and quickly removed the gloves from his right hand, after first trying to slide his screen open three times and failing. Looking down at his phone, he read a message from his neighbor that read "Going out, please come feed my dog." Sighing to himself he rubbed the back of his head before slipping the phone back in his pocket, pulled on his glove and continued on his way. Something seemed wrong, he felt like someone was watching him, which was to his benifit because he caused him to be more aware of his surrounds. He listened quietly with his chin tucked under the scarf around his neck, hearing the soft, familar crunch of the snow under his feet managed to put him at ease, it was just another day, he would go home, feed his cat and his neighbos dog and everything would be fine. Smiling at his own fears he watched carefully, as the snow continued to fall and layer itself upon the earth, for half a second he considered that maybe it was not painting a new picture, but maybe, just maybe, the snow was here to cover a sin. He was ripped from his thoughts he he noticed a dark shadow alluminated on the snow beside him, jumping in surprise he turned just quick enough to avoid a deafening blow to the head, however the still managed to catch him on the side of the head, causing him to stumble a bit and fall back to the ground, into the snow. Eyes wide he gazed up at the man hovering there, with the object that had hit him in his hand, this could not be happening, it was just a normal day, and now his life was in danger. He was scared, he had never been so scared, it took him a moment for his fight or flight reflex to come into play, but when it set in he jumped up as quick as he could manage in the slick snow that had fallen and took off in the opposite direction. However he stumbled a bit, his head was pounding and his vision was blurry, he had to find help, someone, anyone. But looking around it was dark and late, so no one could be seen. He cried out for someone but to no avail. His phone flashed in his mind, and quickly dragging it out, he tried to dag the screen open, however in the heat of the moment it didn't register to take off his gloves. So he was focus to much on his phone, trying to work the damn thing, that he did not notice when in his haste he ran out into the middle of the street, and into the path of an oncoming car. Everything was a blur, the phone flew from his hands as he was air born, rolling up and over the back of the car to smack down onto the pavement with a deafening crack. A dull thump was in his ears, so much so that he could not hear the car quickly zoom off into the distance. He tried to get up, afraid that the other man was still in pursuit but found he couldn't really move, he was just so tired. For a moment he laid on his side sprawled out, watching the snow continue to fall to the pavement beside him. I do not want to die yet.. His mind thought softly, just before everything went black.

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Tyen cursed aloud as he missed the chanced to knock out Fai. He hadn't been careful enough to get the boy but he was pleased to note that the other had a quick sense of danger. The scared expression was new too; he hadn't seen that one yet. Amused, he forgot to lunge at the shocked man before it was too late. He tried to grab at the running boy, grazing the jacket lightly and cursing again. Running after the stumbling body, he mused at the actions of his target instead of focussing on catching him. Has the instinct to call for help. While he watched in excitement, he spotted a car off to the side. Before he could figure out which words to call out in warning, they collided and he found himself dumbfounded at the results. Panic filled him, thinking that his prey was seriously injured and would need medical attention. He ran over to the body and squat down. "Hey!" He tapped the face. With no response, he checked for a pulse. Fai was alive. It seemed that the car damaged his exterior more than anything else. He looked like shit but his bones didn't feel broken. Tyen pulled Fai off the streets before continuing to probe around. With each touch to the body, he felt the need to touch even more.


Letting his body make the decisions, Tyen picked Fai's up in a Princess hold and carried him to his car. I've got my hands on him. He couldn't think straight, loving the coincidence of his blackout despite Tyen's miss. He grinned wildly as he opened the back seat of his car. Looking at the boy, he decided he may need to tie him up. With the spare ropes that even he wondered why he had in his car, he bound the arms behind the back and strung the legs together. He felt how natural is was for him to want to strip the clothes off the body but thought better of it in the cold. He was freezing too; it would be better to get home soon. He rounded the car to the other side and got in the driver's seat. Engine roaring to get through the snow nicely, he ploughed his way home. He was extremely excited to already have the chance to examine the boy closely. This usually only happened when he was losing interest only observing in the target but he was far from losing interest in Fai just yet. He was only at the base of his interest, peak still spiking. The coincidental events of today made him extremely pleased.


Arriving at his house, he plucked Fai up and brought him inside. Bandaging the poor boy's superficial wounds, he left him naked and chained to the bed in his basement. He'd emptied an extra room there and turned it into his hostage's room filling it with a bed and a dresser. The dresser had a few extra bed sheets and all of his equipment for his explorations. He really didn't want to leave the boy yet but he needed to check that the camera was working, watching and recording everything he did. And that he hadn't left any signs of the kidnapping. Reluctantly, he locked the door to the little room and set his work. He made a triple check of everything before settling with making food. He really wanted to examine Fai already but he had to keep the boy and himself fed too. Finishing cooking and then his meal, he picked up the tray of food and brought it down to Fai. The locked clicked open and he swung the door open.

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Fai groaned softly, shifting a bit where he lay. What time was it? Thinking about it now in his groggy mind, he wondered how he had even gotten home. He moved to sit up but found with a hard yank he was back on the mattress, and not just any mattress, an unfamilar one. His eyes went wide as he became aware of a cold weight on his ankels and wrists. He tried to look around but it was very dark, and could only make out a faint outline of his surroundings, he couldn't see himself, but by the cold air he felt against his skin and private area he could also tell he was naked. Even though he knew it was probably futile, he couldn't keep himself from thrashing about in the bed, struggling against the restraints. He cried out in frustration when he felt the restrains giving no where, and fell back onto the bed, a full 3 minutes of constantly struggling had tired out his limbs which were already soar, his head in particular was splitting. What happened? Why was he here? Then it all came back, he was walking home, it was snowing, they guy that had tried to split his head open with something, he remembered running, and then what? Thinking hard, it took him a few moments to remember, but then he saw that car come into view, the one that had run him over. "Oh god." He spoke, realizing what exactly had happened. He had been kidnapped, and was laying pure naked on a bed only god knows where. It was a struggle for him to keep the tears from his eyes as once again he began to tug and yank at the restraints, he quivered in fear where he lay, what did the person want with him? The young boy had no more time to think or even fully take in the situation that he was in, because all to soon he heard foot steps coming closer and closer, his eyes were wide as he lay still, frozen in fear. Wincing as he heard the lock click, he watched the door swing open and closed his eyes tightly as the bright light filtered into the dark room, and then he laid there, looking face to face at his kidnapper. The man was standing there holding a large tray of food and looking very pleased with himself. Despite the situation, when the light filtered in it further exposed his naked form, causing a faint pink tint to spread over his cheeks as he watched the man, cursing himself for blushing in a situation such as this. He had taken psychology once before, and knew that the best thing he could do was remain calm, but he found it understandingly difficult. His scared eyes were replaced with feirce ones, as they glared at the male in the doorway, before getting the courage to speak, "What do you want with me?" Was his simple inquiry, as he shifted against the shackles, unwilling to take his gaze off the man for even a moment.

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Tyen stared into the dark room, vaguely aware that his prey had awoken. He hadn't expected Fai to already be conscious but he felt a dagger-filled gaze on him. He was pleased that the boy was moving, intrigued by the unforeseen events. He adored how inexplicable some things were and Fai was meeting no less of his expectations. He flicked the lights on and stared at the naked body. It was a beautiful one, just what he liked to explore. There was no concrete reason he knew of that could explain why he was so attracted to Fai but he probably knew it subconsciously that he wanted to beat the boy and find his limits.


The words struck him as disappointingly common though. He frowned, "what I want with you? Is it not obvious to you that I want to keep you? If I did not, I would throw you out and not bother with feeding you. Surely you've set your eyes upon the food that is to be yours. I'm greatly unamused by how plain your thought process is compared to what I had imagined. Still, I suppose that's what makes you interesting. Never are you a bore since you cease to meet assumptions a long time ago." His frown faded into a fine line created by his lips. There was slight amusement to the ordinary shock he received. Tyen took in the notice as he stepped inside the room.


Moving toward the bed, he warned the boy, "Don't move or you'll spill your meal. And I guarantee you, though I want to keep you alive, I will not feed you a second time if you feel you do not need to be fed." He placed the tray onto the bed, laying it beside Fai's hip. He certainly did not want to clean up the mess and make another meal. He meant it when he said he would not make a second one. Even if it were an accident, he didn't see why he should go out of his way to do things twice when it bored him. Jingling the keys that were attached to his key holder on his pants, he picked out a small one.


Tyen gripped Fai's wrists tightly in a strong hold that could hurt a thin boy. He would be very displeased if the other fought him as he undid some of the bindings. He unlocked the cuffs from the headboard and pulled at the wrists, "Sit up and eat." He let go of the body, sure that it wouldn't be going anywhere. It was still chained to the bed post by the ankles and both arms were still bound to one another loosely by a chain; it could not be much of a threat to running away. Though the struggle would give him reason to test the boy's pain limits. That was always an exciting part of examining people.

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