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Falling in-love(18+) Roleplay {Ryo-kun&Sosuke0549}


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Kaname stepped into his room, closing the door. He was surprise to hear strange sounds coming from the couch. He walked over and smirked a little seeing Sirius masturbating.

"Did you miss me that much?"

He walked around the couch and slowly climbed in top of his love.

"You have such dirty thoughts. And here I thought you were studying. "

He leaned down kissing his lips.

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Sirius whimpered and moaned as he comtinued rubbing himself but omce Kaname came by the couch he stopped. He blushed and looked up at his boyfriend and winked. "You turned me on Kaname, and didn't fix it. I couldn't study" He kissed his lips back roughly. "I don't care if I don't get all A's. You fuck me pretty well and i'm satisfied."

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The boy blushed.

"You turned me on Kaname, and didn't fix it. I couldn't study" [/Quote]

"I see.."

The boy kissed I'm back roughly.

"I don't care if I don't get all A's. You fuck me pretty well and i'm satisfied."[/Quote]

He sighed.

"Even so.. I expect good grades. And no sex until exams are over and I see your results. Its a distraction. "

He kissed him again. His tongue sliding across Sirius's soft lips.

"I suggest you get your mind out if the gutter love and pick up a book~"

He knew it was his fault for making Sirius like this but he couldn't help it. The boy was just too cute.

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Sirius whined and looked away from Kaname and biting his lip hard before gently pushing him off and started to rub his cock roughly agaim. He panted and moaned really loudly, he arched his back into the air and thrashed about "Then ill finish it...ahh! Kaname! Kaname!! Haaa ahhh! Kaname!!" He whimpered looking away from him again.

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Kaname bit his lip, blushing faintly, watching the other masturbate and yell out for him. He couldn't bare it..

"Damn it..!"

His lips fell onto Sirius's as his free hand took control. Stroking Sirius's cock. The other hand slipping behind and into the boy. Fingering him.

"Why do you have to be so freaking adorable. "

He grunted, kissing the boy's chin and down his neck.

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Sirius moaned and whimpered, arching his back into the air and grunted. He wiggled and blushed hard looking at his boyfriend with a smirk on his face. "You like it Kaname so don't pretend you hate when I'm like this" He lifted his ass up and groaned a bit, his ass tightening around Kanames' fingers.

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Sirius moaned and whimpered, arching his back into the air and grunting. Kaname was all over him.. kissing him...licking him...fingering him...stroking him. When ever Sirius called out for him like that he couldn't control him. He found it so sexy!

The boy wiggled underneath him, blushing more and smirking at him.

"You like it Kaname so don't pretend you hate when I'm like this" [/Quote]

"Be quiet~ "

He whispered- biting his ear. Panting against his neck. He bit his nipple just as the other lifted his ass up and groaned a bit. Kaname grunted a little feeling his lover's ass tighten around his finger. He added a second finger and started scissoring him, rubbing his dick harder and faster!

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Sirius whimpered louder and thrashed a little as Kaname continued teasing him by fingering him, bitting his neck and nipple, but when he felt another finger being added he yelped and quickly came squirting a little on his boyfriends chest. He panted heavily and looked away from him keeping his ass arched up into the air, he wanted to fuck his boyfriend but knew Kaname would just get upset, and he never did his tests yet.

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When Sirius came He smiled at his love and kissed his cheek as he slowly pulled off of him, standing. He took of his shirt off and turned to the closet to get another.

"I think this is the first time you came just by my fingers."

He smiled faintly, putting on a clean shirt.

"I have some paper work to do... study hard my love~"

He grinned as he went back to Sirius to kiss His forehead and then leave.

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Sirius whined and grunted when he pulled his fingers out and then stood. He watched Kaname get another shirt and then walk back towards him smiling, he grabbed his wrist and growled "Kaname I want to fuck you now..Kaname I know I haven't studied but please just once!" He whimpered and nudged Kanames hand gently. "Ill be easy and easy I promise.." He made a cute puppy dog face while whimpering.

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Sirius suddenly grabbed his wrist and growled at him. He looked down at his lover.

"Kaname I want to fuck you now..Kaname I know I haven't studied but please just once!" [/Quote]

The boy begged and whimpered, nudging his hand gently. He sighed.

"Ill be easy and easy I promise.." [/Quote]

He made a cute puppy dog face while whimpering. Kaname thought about it. He knelt down to Sirius, cupping his cheek.

"Sirius. We have a deal... if you get A's on all your exams... I would let you do whatever you wanted to me.. what kind of man would I be if I let you back out...if I gave in... if you really want this Sirius...you'll have to study ...I'm sorry Sirius. "

He kissed him softly.

"I love you...okay.. I got to go... study. "

He pulled away from Sirius kissing his forehead one more time before leaving.

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Sirius watched Kaname and slowly noddes his head before he looked away from his lover listening to him. He really badly wanted to fuck Kaname is his tight ass, and grunted thinking about the fact that his cock would maybe possibly be penetrating his lovers ass soon. He stood up and walked over towards the table and couch sitting down pulling his book onto his lap, and opened it to where he last was. He began to study again, soon forgetting Kaname and now focusing on his studying.

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{ 1 week later }

Kaname Sat in the library quietly reading. Sipping on a glass of bloody water. Today the students got there test results back. He wasn't really sure what to expect with Sirius. There was a knock at the door.

"Come in.."

Cross came in with an envelope. And smiled giving it to Kaname.

"Sirius's results. Lord Kaname

"Thank you..."

Cross bowed and turned to leave. Once he was gone he sighed..looking down at the envelope. He slowly opened and read Sirius's test scores.

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Sirius whined as he laid in the garden with roses around him smelling them. He relaxed and stared up at the sky watching the clouds, he was kinda exhausted from all the studying and then the tests were more tiring. He yawned and shifted to his wolf form and trotted toward the vampire dorm until he noticed a rabbit, he licked his muzzle and got into his hunting stance. He was about to run after it but froze in place remembering he wasn't allowed to hunt without Cross or Violet, his ears dropped and he watched the rabbit hop off into the woods.

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Kaname sighed and smiled faintly as he put Sirius's scores down. His lover did an Amazing job... scorching 99%...97%...95%...90%...and then a 89%. He bit his lip. As he headed to his room.

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Sirius sat down and growled wanting to catch the rabbit in a hurry but he didn't want to upset Kaname by wondering off. He turned and trotted back to the garden and laid beside the flowers, and sniffed the air trying to pick up a scent to follow but nothing. He whined a little bit.

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As he went to his room He ran into Violet.

"Violet. Will you bring Sirius back to our room. I need to talk to him about his scores. "

The vampire girl nodded and left. Kaname Sat in his room, in a chair. Looking down at the boys grades.

He really did his best...

Kaname thought, sighing.

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Sirius rolled around on the grass and growled playfully,he sensed someone coming towards him and rolled up onto his feet and sniffed the air quietly. He flattened his ears and growled,as he moved into his hunting stance not really sure who was coming towards him but it didn't sound like a vampire. Once he dropped his guard a gunshot sounded and he yelped,bolting towards the vampire dorm and skidded to a stop seeing Violet walking towards him his ears flattened and he looked down. "Is Kaname upset with me?" He asked nervously.

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Kaname tensed as he heard a gun shoot. He appeared by the window swiftly. Looking at his surroundings. He didn't feel any pain...so did that mean Sirius was okay? And where did it come from.. Kaname bit his lip...hesitant, perhaps he needed to keep Sirius even closer then before. He had a bad feeling.


Violet smiled at him.

"Why do you assume he's upset. Your tests scores came in, So he wishes to speak with you"

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Sirius nodded his head and shifted back before standing up and walking towards the front door. He opened the door gently and stepped inside before appearing by the bedroom door and knocked. "Kaname? It's Sirius. Can I come inside?" He blushed hard.

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Kaname turned and sighed. Sitting on the window sill.

"Come in..."

He smiled faintly as the other came in.

"Hey... your scores came in. You did so well..would you like to see. "

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Sirius walked inside and right over to Kaname and knelt down by the window. He blushed and noddes slowly "Sure Kaname." He smiled and grabbed his lovers hand.

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"...You did very well... all A's but... you did score a 89% on you vampire history..."

He squeezed the others hand, pulling him in between his legs.

"But.. I know you struggled very hard on your vampire history...and you tried your very best... and I've very proud of you... tomorrow we are going on a trip...to celibate your good grades... a villa by the beach...and I will keep my promise to you Sirius. I swear. "

He leaned down and kissed him passionately.

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Sirius blushed hard and gulped looking at him with a little worried look until he heard that he had done good. He stood and straddled his boyfriends lap after he was kissed, and leaned close to him smiling happily. "I'm glad you are proud of me Kaname. I tried so very hard, some were hard to guess. I can't wait my darling. And ill be as gentle as possible." He rubbed his hands down his lovers abs and grinned a little. "Oh Kaname? Can I go hunting? But this time you go with me."

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Sirius blushed hard and gulped looking at him, the boy suddenly stood and straddled His lap after the kiss.

"I'm glad you are proud of me Kaname. I tried so very hard, some were hard to guess. I can't wait my darling. And ill be as gentle as possible."[/Quote]

Kaname's eyes fell away. He hoped so.. he'd be lying if he told Sirius He wasn't nervous.

Sirius rubbed his hands down his abs and grinned at him. God he was so handsome.

"Oh Kaname? Can I go hunting? But this time you go with me."[/Quote]

He smiled faintly cupping his cheek.

"Sure...anything for you..you deserve it,."

He kissed him one more time.

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