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The Master's Favorite Pet xXRyo-KunXRikkaXx


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Vince smiled at him and watched his master eat, his tail flicked slowly "Master may I go get him?" He turned facing Velvet and smiled happily waiting on a reply. The man stood up and walked out, once by the car he grabbed Shadow and yanked him out. He dragged him inside the neko masters home. Shadow hissed and thrashed, he clawed the floor as he was dragged. After he was thrown over to Velvet he yelped quietly and glared at his old master.

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"Why don't you fetch something to eat and drink for our new friend?" Velvet pat Vince on the head gently before smiling as the other man entered with the neko. He held back the urge to strike the man for his indecent treatment of the poor neko. The raven stood up and bowed his head. "Then we shall arrange payment. I can get you on the phone with my assistant to transfer the funds to your account, if you'd like."

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Vincen scrambled to his feet and ran off to the kitchen and got two bowls,one with water in it and the other with tuna fish that he opened and put into the bowl. He was busy fixing it all and then wondered back and placed them down by Shadow and quickly moved back. Shadow hissed and watched Vince,then stood up and struck out at him,he was scared and was not used to other nekos. The man smiled and nodded "Just see it as a gift for your other neko,I have a meeting to get to" Without a word more he turned and left.

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  • 1 month later...

Velvet sighed as he watched the man leave. "Well, at least that bastard is gone. Vince, why don't you come sit in my lap. Let your new friend get used to his surroundings." The raven smiled gentlly at the two nekos as he regarded them. He had had plans for the day, but now he had a second neko to include. "Shadow... You have free reign inside this place. If you need anything, then just ask. I'm sure Vince would love to help."

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Vince blushed and walked to his master and climbed on his lap leaning into him. He perked his ears watching the other neko before looking at his master. "I missed you master. When can we play? I wanna play" He purred. Shadow flattened his ears and walked over towards Velvet and sniffed him, before licking his pants slowly. He looked up to the two that were being so lovie, he tilted his head and mewed.

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  • 2 months later...

Velvet smiled at Shadow and pet his head before regarding the other neko. "Of course we can play. I am glad to hear I was missed. Why don't we go up to the room and think of fun games to play?" He looked down at Shadow and ruffled his hair. "Of course you can join us. Perhaps you will enjoy your first night here."

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Vince bit his lower lip and smiled before quickly running off and heading upstairs where he pounced onto the bed and rolled onto his back and relaxed waiting. While he was waiting he simply thought of some games they could all play together where it would be fair. Shadow nudged his hand before chasing off after Vince then crawled onto the bed and tilted his head at the other being so relaxed,had he been here longer? He flattened his ears a bit and whined wanting to be loved as well.

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Velvet chuckled as he took his time to follow after the two nekos. It din't take him long breach the room. He stood in the door way and watched the two nekos for a bit before he closed his eyes and smiled. This was sure to be an interesting vacation. He relaxed hisbshouldera and opened his eyes before stepping invite room and approachingbthe bed. "Have we thought ofbgames we'd like yo play?"

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Vince pawed at the other neko and mewed softly then pounced on him chewing on his ear,now he had someone to play with while his master was off at meetings and such. He then looked up at his master and crawled over to him before nudging him and purring softly. "Well so it's fair,master we could all pleasure each other or..we could play hide and seek and whoever isn't found gets tortured by the other two" He giggled. Shadow closed his eyes as his ear was being chewed on,he enjoyed it very much but then he stopped and growled. He sat up and flattened his ears again watching the two,then looked away and laid down curling his tail around his body.

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